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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. If I recall correctly, Sibel Edmonds, the former FBI translator and whistleblower, claimed in Classified Woman that Osama Bin Laden was working with U.S. Intel before and after 9/11. Edmonds also reported high-level FBI suppression of pre-9/11 field reports about the alleged Al Qaeda "hijackers." (When Louis Freeh was still FBI Director.) We also know that the much-publicized tapes in the U.S. mainstream media linking Osama Bin Laden to 9/11 were forgeries. And, speaking of dubious evidence, what is the actual evidence linking Osama Bin Laden to 9/11? Where is it?
  2. If I may comment on this, let me preface my remarks by mentioning that I have been a Board Certified psychiatrist in the U.S. for over 30 years. I have been directly involved over the years in the assessment and treatment of a number of people who committed murders, and/or threatened to commit them. I also know some of the faculty at UCHSC who knew James Holmes, (including the professor who kicked him out of the neuroscience graduate program.) The motives behind mass murders are complex, and not monolithic. The VAST majority are committed by males. A high percentage are committed by misogynists, and 85% in a recent study have a history of documented domestic violence. Obviously, some of these guys have been floridly psychotic and/or manic (e.g., Eric Harris, Cho, Loughner, Holmes, John Lewis Dear.) The Dayton murderer, Betts, was a rabidly misogynistic personality who had a "kill list" of women in high school, and was in some sort of misogynistic heavy metal band. I believe he was probably psychotic, from a mental illness, and/or substance abuse. Trump's incendiary rhetoric has been cited as a direct stimulus of some attackers-- including the El Paso killer and Sayoc, the "MAGA Bomber."
  3. Geez, Paul... You, obviously, haven't studied James DiEugenio's systematic, step-by-step demolition of Vincent Bugliosi's fraudulent defense of the Warren Commission. How much more detail do you need? What is this, Intellectual Dishonesty Day at the Education Forum?
  4. Is it just me, or does Lance Payette appear to be quite a serious buglioser? As for the worrisome correlation between the increased incidence of white hate crimes in the U.S. and Donald Trump's xenophobic rhetoric during the past three years, only someone who doesn't understand basic math would deny it.
  5. Thanks, Larry, I obviously need to read your book. But, in the meantime, can I ask you the $6,400,000,000,000 question? What is your opinion about the "rumors" that Osama Bin Laden (aka "Tim Osman") and the 9/11 "Al Qaeda hijackers" were CIA/Saudi trainees at some point prior to 9/11? Put differently, were these guys the "Lee Harvey Oswalds" of a 9/11 black op?
  6. Isn't it true that "Al Qaeda" --the "data base" -- has always been affiliated on some level with the CIA, beginning with the backing of Osama Bin Laden and the mujaheddin resistance fighters in the Soviet-Afghan War? Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cooke made that claim shortly before he died, mysteriously, while hiking in the Scottish Highlands back in 2003. And John Schindler claimed in his book, Unholy Alliance, that Osama and his "Al Qaeda" associates were working with the CIA and the Izetbegovic regime in Bosnia in the 1990s.
  7. Oy... Daily Stormer?! Speaking of conspiracy theorists who need to be banned... 🤥 But, Andrew, surely, there must be a rational U.S. foreign policy middle ground somewhere between the military agenda of Likud Party hard-liners, (including Neocon war mongers like Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, et.al.) and the Anti-Semitic fascism of Neo-Nazis wack jobs who publish crap in the Daily Stormer. As an example, I read a story somewhere about Zbigniew Brezhinski once advising President Obama not to allow Israeli hard-liners to simply, "lead him around by the nose like a stupid mule." The last time I checked, Brezhinski was not a Neo-Nazi.
  8. Fellas, IMO, it's somewhat unfair to judge anyone on the basis of putative "endorsements" by dubious sources. Guys like Goebbels and Hitler probably thought that Bach and Beethoven were great composers. Even the nuttiest nuts aren't wrong 100% percent of the time.
  9. Kudos to Caitlin Johnstone for demolishing Josh Rogin's recent WaPo hit piece on Tulsi Gabbard. WaPo Publishes Gabbard Smear Piece Filled With Blatant Lies https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/wapo-publishes-gabbard-smear-piece-filled-with-blatant-lies-cdb55451c4fd
  10. I would be interested to hear from Rob Couteau and others about NATO's role (including MI6) in the CIA's Operation Timber Sycamore to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria-- training and funding proxy Sunni militias like Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and "ISIS." The truly "scandalous" information in Hillary's hacked State Department Emails, IMO, was ignored by the mainstream media-- i.e., the fact that the CIA was running guns to Al Qaeda in Syria from Libya.
  11. The PNAC "vulcans" who invented and propagated the Al Qaeda/box cutter/9/11 conspiracy theory will probably never be prosecuted, but they are, definitely, a threat to our national security--and to the planet. I noticed recently, even with all of the media attention on Robert Mueller, that there were no references anywhere to his truly shocking 9/11 testimony to Congress, (as FBI Director) indicating that, "the FBI never found a single scrap of paper" linking Osama Bin Laden to 9/11.
  12. Hopefully, Spielberg will eventually make a historically accurate film about the Israeli snipers who have been shooting all of those Palestinian protesters in Gaza lately. Also, why has Hollywood never produced a single movie about the 20 million Russians and Ukrainians murdered by Bolsheviks like Beria and Kaganovich in the worst holocaust in human history?
  13. The timing of the film Lincoln was also brilliant. When the film came out, I was struggling with feelings of shock and dismay about the previously "latent" racism surfacing in response to Obama becoming POTUS. (Congressman Joe Wilson's "You lie!" comment comes to mind.) I thought America had made more progress on racism since the Civil Rights era. Watching Lincoln inspired me to go on a reading binge about Civil War and Reconstruction era history, (including a study Eric Foner's Reconstruction, and James McPherson's excellent social history, Battle Cry of Freedom.) 12 Years A Slave is another timely historical film. Unfortunately, the Americans who really SHOULD have watched that film probably didn't. (My brother-in-law built the slave ship hold/set used in 12 Years A Slave.)
  14. Tarantino produces garish historical fantasy fiction. It's entertaining, but not a genre that teaches people anything useful about history --just the opposite. I watched Django Unchained three or four times when it came out. Loved the revenge fantasy and the spaghetti western music and graphics, but it was really a simple melodrama based on garish stereotypes-- e.g., the horrifying phrenology and mandingo sports obsessions of Leonard DiCaprio's character. Of course Spielberg, himself, has never shied away from garish ethnic stereotyping. It has been so prevalent in most Hollywood filmmaking since WWII that Americans only recognize the sterotypy on the off chance that they see a historically realistic WWII film like Joseph Vilsmaier's Stalingrad (1993.)
  15. I'm still waiting for Donald Trump to tell us "who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11," now that he is the POTUS. Remember that March 2016 Trump campaign comment during his primary debate with Jeb Bush?
  16. I still play but, lately, I need some lessons from a guy like Jeffrey Reilly. My problem on the (public) courses here in Denver isn't ethnic bias-- it's whacking too many balls into the weeds.
  17. I agree with Bulman. Von Pein seems like a buglioser. buglioser (booly-OS-er) (n) : A person who buglioses. A loquacious bamboozler who misrepresents history. Example: Gerald Posner is a well-known buglioser.
  18. Gabbard is getting slammed in the mainstream media today for declining to play along with the false narrative about the CIA's Operation Timber Sycamore to overthrow the Assad regime.
  19. Not to mention co-starring in a movie with a monkey.
  20. I'm interested in what O'Neil has to say about UCLA psychiatrist Jolyon "Jolly" West and MK-ULTRA. Will your review of CHAOS be published at K & K, or another site?
  21. Wikipedia's bio on Vincent Bugliosi needs some serious editing.* At the very least, they should have a Wiki reference for DiEugenio's work demolishing Reclaiming History. * " He (Bugliosi) later wrote Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (2007), in which he debunked numerous conspiracy theories and explored the events surrounding the assassination. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Bugliosi
  22. I haven't read CHAOS yet, but I read a review of the book by Kevin Barrett at the Unz Review today. Should be interesting. As for big budget bugliosing, the NIST report on the 9/11 WTC demolitions comes to mind. They spent years, and a lot of taxpayer money producing that ridiculous computer "simulation."
  23. Yes, this is the same guy who vetoed Congressional sanctions against South Africa's apartheid state in 1986, while Nelson Mandela was still locked up on Devil's Island. Reagan and his Hoover Institute brain trust viewed Mandela and the ANC struggle against European colonialism through the Cold War prism -- opting to support white supremacists like Botha and right wing dictators like Savimba and Montt.
  24. After reading James DiEugenio's latest book, along with reviews of the new CHAOS book about Charles Manson, I'm wondering if the English language neds a new verb, in honor of Vincent Bugliosi-- to "bugliose." Here's my suggestion. bugliose (booly-OSE) verb. : to bamboozle about historical events with lengthy discourses that completely misrepresent the facts. Example: "The public was bugliosed about 9/11 by Phillip Zelikow."
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