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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Leslie, Excellent refutations of John Cotter and our Coalition of the Clueless. You may not know that these guys-- including Mathew Koch and Ben Cole-- adamantly refused to watch the Congressional J6 hearings last year, which is one reason why they have been so easily suckered by Tucker Carlson's false revisionist history of J6. John Cotter doesn't seem to know that the Congressional J6 investigation focused mainly on Donald Trump and his Willard Hotel cabal. The Committee did question one Capitol attacker in detail-- the young cabinet maker from Ohio who greatly regretted the fact that Fox News and Trump had lied to him about their Stop the Steal scam. Chansley is, at most, a right wing coup denier's straw man-- a logical subject for Tucker Carlson's (and Benjamin Cole's) false revisionist history of J6. I should also warn you that John Cotter's modus operandi in debates is to misquote and misrepresent what people have written, then claim that he has "refuted" them. When all else fails, he ignores the rebuttals of his poorly informed arguments. You go, girl!
  2. Nonsense, John. Did you even watch the J6 Committee hearings last year? What scapegoating of Chansley by the Committee are you referring to? I must have missed that. Most of the Congressional hearings focused on Trump staffers testifying about the actions of Don Mar-a-Lago and his associates before and during the violent attack on Congress. Once again, you are obfuscating arseways with meaningless verbiage.
  3. It looks like Leslie Sharp is countering the Firehose of Falsehoods from Mathew Koch and our Coalition of the Clueless with a Firehose of Facts about Trump's J6 coup attempt. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Mathew's cognitive dissonance to kick in, once he realizes that Tucker Carlson "hates Trump passionately." Perhaps it already has, and Mathew is responding by repeatedly posting Tucker YouTube clips. πŸ™„
  4. Well, since Mathew Koch has now resorted to posting duplicate Tucker Carlson "news" clips, I may as well announce that this year's Frozen Dead Guy Days festival has been moved to Estes Park, Colorado. The festival has been celebrated for years in the Colorado mountain town of Nederland, in honor of a dead Norwegian guy who has been cryogenically preserved in a Nederland shed for many years. The owners of the Stanley Hotel convinced the Nederland community to move the festival to Estes. Events include festive team coffin races and diving into ice water. I think this is what Ben and John Cotter are talking about in terms of Western democracies going to hell. www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/family/festival-weekend-in-estes-park-frozen-dead-guy/vi-AA18ohnn?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=7af1fd48
  5. What we are witnessing now from our Coalition of the Clueless is the "Firehose of Falsehoods" approach to "rational dialogue" -- spamming the board with too much non-stop nonsense to debunk. I did have a good laugh reading Chris Barnard's bizarre claim that I learned about the Dunning Kruger effect from him. Chris is a veritable legend in his own mind.
  6. Yeah, Matt, the Dunning-Kruger twins have, certainly, been busy-- probably too busy to listen to Al Franken's commentary on this week's Tucker Carlson/Kevin McCarthy BS. 'Complete bull': Franken demolishes McCarthy for Tucker’s January 6 propaganda
  7. Mark, This is false equivalence. There is, in fact, a fundamental difference in the veracity of claims made by those of us who are responding to the MAGA/Fox News disinformation here, and the MAGA spam itself. It's not simply a food fight in which both sides are equally guilty of flinging offal. (For the record, I get my "news" from most of the same sources you do, including Axios. I don't watch MSNBC, Fox, CNN, or any televised news.) Case in point. Anyone who has studied the facts about Trump's January 6th coup attempt knows that Tucker Carlson's recent revisionist history of J6 -- and selective use of film clips-- is bunk. Yet, we have had several pages of MAGA spam here this week extolling Tucker's BS, replete with comments from poorly informed members like Chris Barnard and John Cotter about how we Americans were duped into believing that the Trump MAGA mob had engaged in a violent attempt to obstruct the certification of Biden's election on January 6th! It's complete nonsense by our verbose Coalition of the Clueless-- Mathew Koch, Benjamin Cole, Chris Barnard, and John Cotter. In contrast, I have attempted this week to post some of the contrary evidence debunking Tucker Carlson's false revisionist history of January 6th. You are correct in pointing out that the Coalition of the Clueless is not really interested in studying the contrary evidence about J6, as we have seen in Benjamin Cole's case during the past year. For my part, I'm tired of trying to correct the fixed delusions of the MAGA/Fox crowd around here. Kirk, Matt Allison, and others have tried, without success. Confirmation bias is a bitch. "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
  8. Ron, Thanks for sharing... πŸ˜‚ I had never heard of the Englishman, Roland-the-Farter, but it seems entirely possible that Chris Barnard might be one of his British descendants.
  9. Get a clue, Mathew. You continue to misquote and misrepresent what other people have posted here-- a bad habit that you share with Ben Cole, Chris Barnard, and John Cotter. In response to your page-and-a-half of MAGA spam extolling Tucker Carlson's false revisionist history of J6, I have posted several references here during the past 30+ hours, including; 1) Congressional J6 Committee film footage of the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. 2) Detailed criticism of Tucker Carlson's false history by the Chief of the Capitol Police. 3) Criticism of Carlson's false history by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell. I have also documented, along with others, the deliberate lies of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and others at Fox, about Trump's Stop-the-Steal scam.
  10. Geez...and just like that Mathew Koch ignores the detailed debunking today of his Tucker Carlson J6 cover up to post an inaccurate non sequitur about COVID. Way to go, Mathew!! Skip the "rational dialogue" and change the subject, eh? But why is your latest deflection inaccurate? I'll tell you. I never bought, or espoused, the narrative that COVID-19 wasn't a lab leak. In fact, I suspected from the beginning of the pandemic that the virus may have leaked from the virology lab in Wuhan. The proximity was suspicious. MAGA spammer Mathew Koch strikes out again!!
  11. Chris, If you knew anything about American history, media, and politics, you would realize that this is a perfectly apt description of the delusional Trump/Fox/GOP cult in the U.S. today. Are you still unaware that Rupert Murdoch and the talking heads at Fox News admitted in their recent Dominion depositions that they had knowingly lied to the American public about Trump's Stop the Steal scam? Have you still not realized that Tucker Carlson selectively released J6 film clips to mislead the American public about Trump's violent J6 coup attempt? You're 0-for-2.
  12. Among other career highlights, Kevin McCarthy once bragged publicly about how Congressional Republicans had damaged Hillary Clinton's approval ratings by conducting endless "investigations" of the Benghazi non-scandal. Then, later, McCarthy was caught on an open mic joking with Paul Ryan and colleagues about how Trump and other Republicans had received illegal campaign funds from Russia in 2016. MAGA!!
  13. C'mon, Ben. Get a clue for once, and stop stinking the joint up. First of all, Tucker Carlson didn't make this video evidence selectively available to the public-- Kevin McCarthy did, in an effort to mislead the public about Trump's violent J6 coup attempt. Secondly, both McCarthy and Carlson were shocked and appalled by the J6 violence at the Capitol. Then McCarthy flip-flopped from condemning to covering up J6, in order to preserve the loony Trump MAGA base of the dysfunctional GOP. McCarthy is a joke, as is Tucker Carlson. And you and Koch are what a media scholar at Stanford has aptly dubbed, "ampligandists"-- people who amplify propaganda on social media.
  14. John, I see that, sadly, you're still a member of the Coalition of the Clueless here when it comes to accurately understanding Faux News and Trumplicon MAGA politics in the U.S.-- but, to your credit, Paul McCartney shares your disapproval of American Phil Spector dominance! 😡 Sir Paul hated Spector's syrupy arrangement of The Long and Winding Road.
  15. Joe, My hunch is that most Fox News watchers don't know anything about the Fox transcripts from the Dominion lawsuit-- including Tucker Carlson's shocking comment about "hating Trump passionately." I seriously doubt that Fox has covered the story on their network. Like Mathew Koch and Chris Barnard, most Fox News watchers have also, apparently, embraced Tucker Carlson's latest false J6 narrative.
  16. Matt, It looks like Chris Barnard and Mathew Koch have responded to the latest embarrassing Tucker Carlson bombshell by posting non sequiturs about "Cocaine" Mitch McConnell and the Nordstream pipeline. Last night, they couldn't stop raving about Tucker Carlson's inability to sustain an insurrection. So much for "rational dialogue." πŸ™„
  17. Yeah, sure, Ben. Cheney and McConnell are, obviously, Donks... πŸ™„ And Liberace was heterosexual. You continue to twist yourself into a pretzel to deny the facts about Trump's J6 coup attempt.
  18. Well, now I've heard everything. Ben has just dismissed Mitch McConnell as a "Donk hero." πŸ™„ That's like calling Jesse Helms a pillar of the Civil Rights movement.
  19. Ben, This is a no brainer. Perhaps even you and Chris will eventually be able understand what happened. Start by reading the statement of the Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger today on the subject. He explains, quite clearly, that the police were numerically overwhelmed, and resorted to de-escalation tactics, when they weren't engaged in direct hand-ro-hand combat with Trump's J6 MAGA mob. Capitol Police chief slams Carlson's comments about Jan. 6 video as 'offensive and misleading' in internal memo The Fox News host claimed the Capitol attackers were peaceful "sightseers." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/capitol-police-chief-slams-carlsons-comments-jan-6/story?id=97686463
  20. McConnell slams Fox and Tucker Carlson for Jan. 6 portrayal : NPR
  21. John, With all due respect, this is complete gibberish, and apparently posted without intentional irony. "Pro-establishment?" To whom are you erroneously referring here? As for "engaging in a rational dialogue," I'm still waiting for you to respond to my request for an explanation of your implied thesis that Putin's war crimes in Ukraine are somehow justified by America's war crimes in the Middle East, and our alleged "full spectrum dominance." Do let us know when you're ready to engage in a rational dialogue on the subject.
  22. Well, Matt, this would certainly explain Chris and Paul Rigby's recent dyspepsia about Ukraine! 😦
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