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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Arrested for taking a bribe, eh? That's like arresting a Russki for using a samovar. Isn't Putin's entire Russian Federation oligarchy predicated on bribe taking?
  2. Michael, You're repeating bogus CIA talking points about Prouty that have been thoroughly debunked on this forum, and by Len Osanic and other knowledgeable people. But how could you know that without studying our previous discussions here? You need to do more reading and less writing.
  3. Michael, I'm not going to waste any more time debunking your buzzwords and McAdams/CIA disinformation about Prouty and his long-time colleague Ed Lansdale. The Education Forum has already been there and done that. My advice to you is to educate yourself by studying our lengthy EF threads on the subject. The Education Forum search engine is your friend.
  4. I hope you're right, Matt. If the guy is going to publicly attack the DA, judge, and the judge's wife and daughter, he deserves a gag order. I'm not sure how that could be enforced, but it should be.
  5. Newsflash, Ben. Dean Baquet and the NYT played a major role in getting Trump elected in 2016. Study the references Cliff Varnell and I have posted for the forum on that subject (from Harvard's Berman Institute and the CJR.) Baquet explicitly blocked any pre-election NYT stories about Trump's Russian contacts. There's no excuse for your persistent, willful ignorance on the subject. Study the stats on NYT and M$M news coverage prior to the 2016 election. As an NYT reader, I noted at the time that NYT was running weekly headline stories about Hillary's Emails in the weeks prior to the election. Most were based on anonymous FBI "leaks." Rudy Giuliani was also in that loop. Fox always functioned as Trump's Ministry of Propaganda. The Deep State-- e.g., the FBI (including Russian agent Charles McGonigal) and James Comey-- also played a major role in orchestrating Trump's improbable Electoral College victory in 2016, with their bogus Anthony Weiner laptop "October Surprise." The Trump/Fox narrative claiming that Trump was an adversary and victim of the Deep State only surfaced in 2017, in response to the belated revelations about Michael Flynn and the 2016 Trump campaign's multiple contacts with Kremlin officials. Trump and Fox tried to blame the Deep State for Trump's illegal 2016 campaign collaboration with the Kremlin. Then, after January 6th, Fox tried to blame the Deep State for Trump's J6 coup attempt.
  6. This is why Trump was sent to military school at age 13, after punching a teacher in the eye. He needed limits set on his sociopathic behavior. I predict that he'll test limits on the incitement of hostility and violence toward the legal establishment, to see what he can get away with. And he'll probably use Double Speak, as he did on January 6th-- "Peacefully... March down to the Capitol and fight like hell," etc.
  7. Ben, I'm relieved to hear that you care so little about partisan sentiments! And all this time, I had the mistaken impression that you especially disliked Joe Biden and the Donks! In recent weeks, you have started multiple threads and posted numerous comments about the deplorable failure of Biden and other Donks to release the records-- a source of disappointment for us all. But, in your non-partisan study of the JFK Records Act history, has it come to your attention that the records were supposed to be fully released in October of 2017, when Donald Trump, alone, had the authority to block their release? Glenn Greenwald blamed Mike Pompeo for Trump's historic decision to block the release of the records in 2017. That particular buck, apparently, didn't stop at Trump's desk. It is, understandably, difficult to reconcile Trump's decision to withhold the JFK records with the more general Fox narratives since 2017 about Trump being an adversary and victim of the Deep State, so blaming Pompeo is one solution to the cognitive dissonance. In any case, thanks for the ongoing, non-partisan historiography and additional reminders about deferring to Larry Schnapf. We little people need to know our proper place. 🤥
  8. Ron, I my have to defer firing up a golden reefer. Trump's attorneys will probably drag this case out for years, with endless motions and appeals. As for a gag order, Trump has, reportedly, posted a photo of the judge's daughter on Truth Social this afternoon. Like most sociopaths, he's testing limits to see what bs he can get away with...
  9. Prouty described Lansdale as a "chameleon"-- a man who often disguised and dissembled about his work for Allen Dulles. He (Prouty) also panned the Currey biography of Lansdale as a work of CIA fiction. Prouty also pointed out that Lansdale was bitterly disappointed about JFK's decision to remove him from Vietnam (and reassign him to Mongoose.) As for Dallas, James DiEugenio mentioned (on a thread about the Paul Bleu conference) that Lansdale was in Dallas on 11/22/63. I think the source of that information was John Newman.
  10. The judge, reportedly, warned Trump in court today to stop inciting violence or face a gag order. This is precisely the kind of intervention that sociopaths like Trump require-- the threat of external consequences for bad behavior.
  11. Michael, You, obviously, need to re-read Prouty's book on JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam more carefully. As for your old McAdams-esque talking point about Prouty's unusual Antarctic trip being "routine," we already discussed it in exhaustive detail here. You are repeating exactly the same bogus buzzwords about Prouty that the McAdams goon squad has posted here in the past-- "crackpot," "routine Antarctic trip," etc. The strategy seems to be, "Repeat the bunk about Prouty until uninformed people believe it."
  12. And a projection of Trump's hatred for his critics. But what a great day for America! Trump was just arrested in NYC. I feel like opening a bottle of champagne and listening to Sinatra sing "New York, New York!"
  13. Yes, and I forgot to ask Michael Griffin the most important Lansdale question of all-- a subject Prouty described in considerable detail in his JFK Vietnam book. How did Lansdale become Allen Dulles's favorite CIA black ops/psy ops expert?
  14. C'mon, man. What was the nature of Prouty's long-term relationship with Ed Lansdale? Did Lansdale tell Prouty before 11/22/63 that he would be, unexpectedly, flying to Antarctica? What was Prouty's official position in 1963? Was he working with the USAF and CIA as a briefing officer in the JFK administration? Was he merely a pilot, as Lansdale later claimed? Was Prouty involved in writing DOD material relating to NSAM 263 and JFK's Vietnam policy in the fall of 1963? Where was Ed Lansdale in November of 1963, and what was he doing?
  15. No one expected the records to be released prior to October of 2017, did they? The JFK Records were supposed to be released in October of 2017, during Trump's White House tenure. Were you surprised and disappointed when Trump blocked their mandated release in October of 2017 and April of 2018?
  16. How many times do we have to debunk this idiotic CIA/John McAdams trope about Col. Fletcher Prouty being a "crackpot" on the Education Forum? Michael Griffin is merely the latest McAdams-esque pontificator repeating this bogus CIA propaganda trope here. I'm guessing that Griffin, like Rob Clark, Mark Stephens, et.al., has never read Prouty's books on JFK, the CIA and Vietnam or The Secret Team. How many times do we have to re-direct these McAdams guys to the true facts about Prouty's career as the Joint Chiefs liaison to the CIA in 1963, his co-authorship of the McNamara-Taylor Report, his long-term collaboration with Lansdale in Southeast Asia, and his evidence-based commentaries about Lansdale? There is a good reason why CIA propagandists like McAdams have repeatedly attacked a whistle blower like Prouty who worked directly with the CIA for years before sharing his observations with Oliver Stone and the general public in the early 1990s. Perhaps Griffin can tell us where Lansdale was in November of 1963, and what he was up to.
  17. My impression, from social media, is that the hardcore Trumpsters are completely freaking out right now about Great Leader's indictments. It's concerning. Quite a contrast with Nixon's resignation, when his supporters were shocked but subdued.
  18. I think it was Voltaire who said, "If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.
  19. Ben, Everyone knows that Poppy Bush was always a CIA man, and Ford's Director of the CIA. As for your notion that Trump "might...open up the JFK Records," where were you in October of 2017-- the Congressionally-mandated release date for the records? Do you, perchance, imagine that a "Donk" was the POTUS in October of 2017? 🤥 As for my post, (above) it's about Barack Obama's curious history with the Company.
  20. Ben, Obama retained/appointed a number of Bush/CIA people in his administration-- most notably Robert Gates. Douglas Caddy recently posted some references links about Obama and the CIA, but I can't find them, or remember which thread they were on. There's also an old EF thread on the subject of continuities between the Dubya Bush and Obama administrations by Stephen Gaal entitled, George W. Obama?
  21. Jim, Can you say more about the subject of the "Mitrokhin archives baloney?" I've read some of the Mitrokhin archival material, (published at Cambridge as The Sword and the Shield) but I've never read a critique of the Mitrokhin archives. Is some of the published Mitrokhin material possibly a fabrication by MI6 and/or the CIA?
  22. Chris, I read somewhere that it may have been intended as an assassination attempt on Dugin, himself. Certainly, an early example of blow back. I suspected, since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine 13 months ago, that there would also be attempts on Putin's life, by ethnic Ukrainians or Russians. There must be a significant number of people living in the RF who hate Putin.
  23. Blow back... An act of terrorism on Russian soil. I wondered when, in the course of the Ukrainian invasion, these kind of terrorist acts in the RF would commence.
  24. Yeah, Steve, and I'm still wondering which Americans (besides Stormy Daniels) Fox News fans are supposed to shoot with the guns Tucker Carlson recently advised them to "hang on to." Alvin Bragg? The police? Judges? Trans people? Blacks? Mexicans? Libs? All of the above?
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