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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Amen to that. And, frankly, I'm amazed that anyone would still cite Tucker Carlson or Fox as credible sources, after Fox's recent $757.5 million dollar settlement for blatantly lying to promote Trump's Stop-the-Steal hoax. Think of the damage Tucker Carlson and Fox did to the United States by promoting those Trump lies-- knowing all the while that they were untrue.
  2. Paul, I may be wrong on this one, but my hunch is that Rupert Murdoch is using RFK, Jr. to sabotage the Democratic Party and put the Koch/GOP plutocrats back in control of the White House and Congress. Murdoch is mainly interested in profits and low Koch/GOP tax rates. He couldn't care less about America and the American people.
  3. All right, administrators, let's have a ruling on this repetitious Michael Griffith slander. This is now the fourth post during the past week in which Michael Griffith has falsely referred to the professors, engineers, and scientists who have debunked the Bush/Cheney/Zelikow 9/11 narrative with terms like, "nutjob," "nutcase," "deranged," and "nutty." In response, I have asked Michael Griffith to kindly specify which academicians, scientists, and engineers involved in the 9/11 Truth research community he is referring to as "nutjobs." Griffith has failed to respond to my request, while repeating his false, defamatory claims. Is Griffith referring to the excellent, cogent analyses of the 9/11 data by Professor David Ray Griffin? Is he referring to the scientific analyses of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth? This kind of non-specific defamation of the 9/11 research community is identical to the CIA propaganda ops that were used against Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, Fletcher Prouty, and other JFKA witnesses and researchers who debunked the Warren Commission Report. Are Griffith's non-specific, false, defamatory slurs really acceptable on the Education Forum?
  4. Paul, I get the impression that some people here seem to think that RFK, Jr. is the only 21st century Democrat who has been critical of our corporate plutocracy and our military industrial complex. As a long-time Bernie Sanders (and Elizabeth Warren) supporter, I find this perplexing. The progressive half of the Democratic Party came very close to winning the Democratic Presidential nominations in 2016 and 2020, and 2016 polls showed that Bernie would have defeated the closet plutocrat, Donald Trump. For 2024, I also wonder about the viability of a Gavin Newsom Presidential campaign. Meanwhile, I have a question for our local Fox/Tucker Carlson fans. Rupert Murdoch s a right wing corporate plutocrat and a major booster of our disastrous, multi-trillion dollar Neocon "War on Terror." Murdoch and Fox completely blacked out coverage of progressive Social Democrats Bernie Sanders (in 2016 and 2020) and Elizabeth Warren (in 2020.) So, why are Murdoch and his talking heads suddenly fluffing anti-vaxxer RFK, Jr.? Isn't that somewhat suspicious?
  5. John, You really need to educate yourself about American history and politics, instead of endlessly re-posting your erroneous tropes about the alleged "anti-democratic," pro-corporate equivalence of America's two political parties. Here are a few questions to facilitate your remedial education. 1) Which political party has been systematically trying to suppress voting in the U.S. during the past decade? 2) Which political party has stacked the U.S. Supreme Court with judges who have blocked enforcement of the 1965 Voting Rights Act? 3) Which party stacked the Supreme Court with judges who abolished a century of campaign finance reforms in the U.S.-- permitting billionaires and corporations to donate unlimited, unsourced "dark money" to political campaigns? 4) Which party has repeatedly cut taxes for billionaires (and corporations in 2017) during the past 42 years? 5) Which party has repeatedly blocked or rolled back enforcement of pollution controls on corporate industry? 6) Which party has repeatedly attempted to roll back fraud and public safety regulations on corporate industry?
  6. Jim, Biden is currently polling at 70% to RFK's 10% among Democratic voters. As for Fox News fluffing RFK, Jr.-- they'll drop him like a hot potato and start talking about his ex-wife's suicide if he ever wins the Democratic nomination. The plutocratic Iraq War monger Rupert Murdoch is only using RFK, Jr., at present, to undermine Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. The notion that Murdoch and his Fox News talking heads are interested in promoting the welfare and best interests of the American working class is laughable. Did people forget Murdoch's bragging about his success in promoting the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003? Bill O'Reilly and Fox News were the most aggressive jingoists of the disastrous Bush/Cheney "War on Terror."
  7. Paul, I think we talked about some of this data -- Tulsa, Sturgis, etc.-- on our 2020 "Journal of the Plague Year" thread. It was another one of those post hoc ergo propter hoc viral disasters. 🙄 Three Weeks After Trump's Tulsa Rally, Oklahoma Reports Record High COVID-19 Numbers https://time.com/5865890/oklahoma-covid-19-trump-tulsa-rally/ ‘We Killed Herman Cain’: New Book Paints Damning Portrait of How Trump’s Team Bungled Tulsa Rally Trump's Hail Mary rally in Oklahoma was an even bigger disaster than first reported https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/jonathan-karl-book-betrayal-herman-cain-trump-1256481/
  8. Watching Kevin McCarthy's GOP House debt ceiling bullsh*t reminds me of 2011, and the old adage, "Those who can't remember the past are destined to repeat it." Remember when the stock markets dropped 10% in the summer of 2011-- after the Tea Party House caused a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating? As expected, McCarthy and the Republicans want to Starve the Beast-ly working class, while Trump has recently proposed measures to criminalize poverty. Meanwhile, Arkansas Repubs are trying to roll back child labor laws that were enacted in the Progressive era. What's next-- helping the GOP Robber Barons bring back the seven day work week? 🙄
  9. Jim, My answer to your question-- as I posted (above) with reference links about Trump and Fox-- is that Trump and his Fox echo chamber fostered a culture of denial, hostility, and resistance to basic public health measures during the COVID pandemic. And, in the U.S., Trumpsters died of COVID at significantly higher rates than "liberals." As an example, I previously posted the true story of an old college buddy of my brother-in-law who died of COVID after attending Trump's infamous Tulsa super spreader rally during the summer of 2020.
  10. Leslie, You must have overlooked my comments about the fact that this thread isn't about Carto or the Liberty Lobby. You seem to be colluding in Griffith's tireless highjacking of this thread. Focusing on the Liberty Lobby is a CIA propaganda straw man that has been used for the past 30 years to discredit Prouty's original whistleblowing about the CIA, Vietnam, and the JFK assassination. As for the timing of Prouty's revelations about his colleague Ed Lansdale, when did he and General Krulak first ID Lansdale in the Dealey Plaza photos? As for JFK's critically important decision to get out of Vietnam in 1963, surely you're not joining Griffith in denying that history are you?
  11. Addendum #2: Levitz: ‘Fox News is literally killing its viewers’ with Covid lies (msnbc.com)
  12. Addendum: All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus An unfinished compendium of Trump’s overwhelming dishonesty during a national emergency All of Trump’s Lies About the Coronavirus - The Atlantic
  13. Jim, I agree with your point about the M$M unfairly smearing RFK, Jr. out of the gate, but this RFK, Jr. quote (above) about Trump's handling of the COVID pandemic is utterly absurd. Trump repeatedly bungled the management of the COVID pandemic, from its inception, and his egregious errors and false statements resulted in hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths in the US. He fostered a culture of denial, hostility, and resistance to basic public health measures, while promoting unscientific claims about quack cures-- bleach, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc. Compare Trump's disastrous COVID track record with the astonishingly effective public health response to the pandemic in Vietnam. There is a reason why Trump's cult members in the U.S. died at significantly higher rates than Biden voters during the COVID pandemic. Actually, two reasons-- Donald Trump and Fox "News."
  14. How ironic that Prouty critic Chip Berlet finally agrees-- after all these years-- with Col. L. Fletcher Prouty's original claims about Deep State motives for JFK's murder. So much for the oft-repeated disinformation about Prouty being a right wing fascist, anti-Semite, Holocaust denier, etc., etc. Leslie, have you and Michael Griffith studied Prouty's original commentary about NSAM 263 and NSAM 273 in his book about JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam? He was way ahead of the curve on this subject, based on his direct involvement in the writing of the McNamara/Taylor Report in 1963.
  15. I have a lot of respect for Edward Curtin, but I don't agree with some of his premises in this article-- especially regarding public health issues and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Nor are most of the Ukrainians fighting against Putin's totalitarian police state "N-a-z-i-s." Nor do I agree with Curtin's characterization of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden as "jackals," although I agree with his assessment of the pervasive power and influence of the CIA in post-JFK America. Even our best Presidents in the post-JFK era have kowtowed to the CIA. I sincerely appreciate RFK, Jr.'s openness to discussing Operation Northwoods and our suppressed CIA history. Who else in American politics has ever done that? Like RFK, Jr., Camus's novel The Plague (and his essay on The Myth of Sisyphus) has also had a major influence on my own life and work, but it's ironic that RFK, Jr. references it in the context of his anti-scientific movement against the use of vaccines to prevent plagues! Needless to say, I don't think Dr. Bernard Rieux (of Oran) would have approved of RFK, Jr.'s anti-vaccine movement. In The Plague, Rieux was eager to use any means medical science offered to save lives-- an example to us all. 🤥
  16. Thanks for sharing. Do you mind mentioning what you do for a living? I notice that you have written some history book(s) and have a website. You're also a Civil War buff, which is interesting. A lot of the people on this forum are older retired folks with free time on their hands, but you appear fairly young in your forum photo.
  17. Steve, The question I keep asking myself about Dominion's $787 million in damages is this. What about the serious damage that Rupert Murdoch and Fox have done to the United States?
  18. If it's Shakespearean, I hope it ends like MacBeth-- with the usurping Thane's orange head on a pike. 🤥
  19. Does anyone have a reference link for Michael Griffith's oft-repeated slander that Prouty was "anti-Semitic?" I'd like to study the specific details of Prouty's alleged "anti-Semitism." The Washington Post did publish a letter from Prouty in 1997 describing Prouty's observations about some oil pipelines in Palestine that were affected by the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948.* Is this Prouty comment about Middle East oil supplies and Israel supposed to be "anti-Semitic?" I think this question is related to more general debates-- at the UN and elsewhere-- about whether any real or imagined criticism of Israel constitutes "anti-Semitism." https://prouty.org/ * This was printed in The Washington Post, March 5, 1997 Letters to the Editor Hidden Causes of Mideast Strife=5> Stephen S. Rosenfeld's Feb 14 op-ed column, "A Tragedy for Israel - and Maybe a Way Out", is most informative but unacceptably lacking in historical facts. In late 1943, when I was flying the Chinese delegation to the Teheran Conference from Cairo (that the Chinese were there also is a little-known fact), I took advantage of the eight huge oil pipelines - which stretched across the desert from the Mosul and Kirkuk oil fields of Iraq to Haifa, the seaport in Palestine - as a fix for navigation across that desert. In 1948, just after the creation of the state of Israel, the port of Haifa was closed, and those pipelines went dry. Iraq was forced to find another way to the sea and essential shipping. Later the expanding oil production of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait required an outlet to the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. They built the largest oil pipeline in the world - i.e., TAP-LINE. Later, when Israel felt it necessary to invade Lebanon "to protect its northern border," it encountered TAP-LINE when it closed the port of Sidon. That enormous oil transportation system was closed to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and they have had to create an alternative to their markets in Europe. These pipelines from Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia remain closed. Needless to say, this Israeli action stirs up the Arab world and decreases the availability of oil for us all. As a result, Israel's "Lebanon policy" and its Syrian "proxy war" are not exactly the result of "terrorist" activities alone. Even Syria has closed the alternative Iraqi oil outlet that once ran across its territory until it too was closed in 1975. If anyone is looking for the cause of this never-ending turmoil in these Middle Eastern countries, he might do well to read such sources as the "ARAMCO Handbook" or other publications that contain the facts and not contrived, fanciful alternatives. Old pilots have long memories. L. FLETCHER PROUTY Alexandria
  20. Griffith, Which 9/11 academicians and scientists and research findings are you referring to here? Specify for us. Have you studied the scientific evidence that WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 were demolished by explosives on 9/11? It's not even a theory. It's a scientific fact. As for claims that the "Moon landings were phony," why do you imagine that they have anything to do with the serious research about 9/11 and the JFK assassination? Claiming that conspiracy theories are monolithic is one of the most moronic tricks in the CIA propaganda playbook. No one with an IQ above room temperature believes that conspiracy theories are monolithic. You're on the wrong forum. People here are educated.
  21. Folks, Should we report Michael Griffith to the ADL for his ongoing defamation of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty? 🙄 Meanwhile, while we're all waiting for Michael Griffith to stop deflecting and answer my questions about who pays him to sit around all day posting debunked disinformation about 9/11, Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, NSAM263, and the JFK assassination, I thought it would be worth posting Prouty's own comments almost 30 years ago about the false allegations that he was a right-wing anti-Semite, Holocaust denier, etc. These are from Len Osanic's Prouty.org website-- a useful resource for debunking Michael Griffith's bunk. https://prouty.org/ As I posted a few days ago, Michael Griffith seems to be walking in the footsteps of the CIA guys who have been posting defamatory nonsense about Prouty for the past 30 years. Interestingly, Prouty asked the same question about his defamer, David Fuhrman, that I recently asked Michael Griffith-- "Who is paying him to write this nonsense? Who is he working for?" Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Responds to Accusations of Involvement in Right Wing Extremist Groups Interview Date: April 3, 1996 "Esquire magazine published an article, in which they just made up these things, I've never written for Liberty Lobby. I've spoken as a commercial speaker, they paid me to speak and then I left. They print a paragraph or two of my speech same as they would of anybody else, but I've never joined them. I don't subscribe to their newspaper, I never go to their own meetings, but they had a national convention at which asked me to speak and they paid me very, very well. I took my money and went home and that's it". I go to the meeting, I go home, I don't join. That sole speech was years ago and was no different than the speech I gave at the Holocaust Memorial Conference. I spoke my own words and ideas. I do admit to having been a rather active public speaker for all types of audiences, on a commercial except for Rotary, They're gratuitous from my point of view. "The funny thing was two months earlier I had spoken at the Holocaust Conference for the second annual meeting of the Holocaust Group which I learned later the Liberty Lobby is completely opposed to. Dr. Littel, of the Holocaust Memorial organization invited me to attend and make a few comments,as others were requested. Col. Prouty has been asked to attend at the Holocaust Conference again later this year ! Well, they put all this in this Esquire magazine but did it all backwards, as though I was a member, writing with these people or joining them. The only club I've joined is the Rotary Club !". The attempt of character assassination is a sign you have become a small threat. Others, at the levels I know of, have played up that as though I had been converted to something. It is just their "gentlemanly" tactic of dealing with people they can't handle otherwise.. In fact it is a CIA characteristic trait...as I well know. When they can't handle you, they attack your character. This classic was found on the internet; " An essay written from a leftist perspective by Chip Berlet, deals with the ties, and Mark Lane, and the extreme right-wing paranoid Liberty Lobby. Nothing here shows Prouty to be a National Socialist or an anti-Semite, but shouldn't he show better judgment in whom he associates with?" This implies I associate with National Socialists, or why else write it! The writings of Furhmann, Perry, Berlet, Posner, etc. are slick, cleverly written, but not based in the true facts. I wonder what they do for a living? where they work? Who pays them to write? My credentials are laid out for all to see. L.Fletcher Prouty
  22. Huh, Griffith? What additional bunk are you spewing now? It's a shame that Leslie Sharp, or anyone on this forum, still takes your disinformation seriously. "Deranged claims by 9/11 Truthers?" Are you referring to the scientific data of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth? Do tell us what is "deranged" about their scientific data. Have you ever studied the academic credentials of the many scholars, scientists, and engineers involved in the 9/11 Truth movement? What is it about the free fall collapses of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 that you still don't understand? What abruptly demolished the steel sub-structures of the Twin Towers and WTC7 on 9/11, allowing the steel towers to rapidly crumble to the ground at a rate approximating the acceleration of gravity?
  23. Joe, Good point about Lansdale's relationship with Dulles. Prouty also pointed out that Ed Lansdale was bitterly disappointed about JFK nixing Lansdale's further involvement in Vietnam ops, and transferring Lansdale to Mongoose.
  24. Paul, Speaking of guilt by association, here's a photo of Allen Dulles with his favorite CIA black ops/psy ops expert, General Ed Lansdale, and Dulles's Deputy CIA Director, General Charles Cabell. Cabell's brother, Earle, the Mayor of Dallas on 11/22/63, was recently outed as a CIA asset. I think Earle was riding in the lead car in JFK's Dallas motorcade. Prouty and General Victor Krulak ID'd their long-time colleague, Ed Lansdale, in Dealey Plaza photos, and wondered what in the hell Lansdale was doing in Dallas on 11/22/63.
  25. Do you folks remember what happened in the summer of 2011, when John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and the Tea Party House turned down Obama's "Mother-of-All-No-Brainers" deal to raise the debt ceiling? This happened after the same House Republicans had voted, repeatedly, to raise the debt ceiling for the Bush/Cheney administration, en route to DOUBLING the national debt from 2001 to 2009 with their 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for billionaires. And these current House Republicans-- Kevin McCarthy, et.al.-- increased the national debt by $8 trillion dollars during Trump's four years in the White House, by passing massive tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. Now they want to, literally, "Starve the Beast," by cutting food stamps for the poor. McCarthy Takes Debt Ceiling Plan to Wall Street (politicalwire.com)
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