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Jason Ward

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Everything posted by Jason Ward

  1. I've never seen any evidence that anyone in a position of established power, wealth, or success (be it criminal success or corporate success or government rank) would have even the slightest inclination to hire Jack Ruby. I hate to use quick and broad brush strokes, but this is a low rent guy who you trust only with low rent jobs. The Rockefellers or Dulles or LBJ or even the KGB or Mafia wouldn't hire Ruby to do anything more than errand-boy type work. Pros would never hire Ruby anymore than they would hire John Hinckley or Sirhan Sirahn or Lynette Squeeky Fromme, IMO. Jason
  2. Many thanks for a seasoned and intellectual post; you bring much value with the first-hand point of view along with the well-justified opinions. I'm on holiday with my wife and kids, so JFK is of secondary importance for the moment, but I'm happy to engage in detail a few days from now. thanks Jason
  3. Hi Roger, Mary Ferrell is in some ways a role model for me because she believed first and foremost in the imperative of data, not supposition. Look around the Mary Ferrell foundation's website and I believe you'll find your 10 free searches a day elicit a plethora of evidence on most any given subject well beyond what the average CT-er discovered over decades of work. If the subject of Ruby and Oswald interest's you - there's lots of unconsidered evidence to get a more certain answer. To re-focus a point about this I made to you above, I must be blunt and say it simply doesn't matter - if Oswald and Ruby knew each other or not. It doesn't matter if Oswald took Russian language classes in the Marines. It doesn't matter if there were dozens of fake Oswald sightings. All this might lead to useful clues, but, really, we've had these same points for years on these particular topics and we're still at the same place we were with Garrison. Oswald at a Ford dealership or Oswald taking Russian classes or Oswald and Ruby as BFFs doesn't tell us who shot Kennedy. Oswald touring the birthplace of America's nuclear production capacity and signing USSR in the register is, in my view, almost a comical example of in-your-face-commie on the loose in America, an example of a constructed dangerous threat meant to scare us all. I'm a Soviet spy, so I sign USSR in the guest register at Oak Ridge....ok..... Jason https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Featured_Mary_Ferrell_Chronologies.html?search=mary's chronologies Mary's chronologies are especially fruitful and under-appreciated; she does a month by month calculation of Oswald's finances to elucidate any questionable income. Merely by reading Mary's chronologies, one quickly realizes that the possibility of Oswald working for the CIA or sophisticated omnipotent handlers is absurd. Below is a snippet from Mary's Chronology in the summer of 63, around the time of Oswald's visit to Mobile, Knoxville, the Oak Ridge nuclear facility and ?????
  4. Paul, Dallas was blinking red on Hoover's radar by November, 1963. FBI communications document extreme concern and obvious intelligence frenzy - not dissimilar from the way Osama bin Laden and an imminent attack was known by the US intelligence community in the summer of 2001 When catastrophe happened in Dallas, Hoover was scared for his job. His sexuality put him in a very rough place because Walker, Walker's boyfriends, Ferrie, Clay Shaw, et al., and various hangers-on in the form of rent boys and French Quarter street hustlers could start an anti-gay domino collapse that takes down the FBI. I know you think we should leave sexuality out of it, but in 1963 Hoover's sexuality is a component of his decision-making, even as it is for us all in one degree or another. Hoover by 1pm fears for the survival of Hoover's FBI - from my perspective of the communications stream. He had to cover up the fact that Dallas in a slow-moving convertible is about the most dangerous thing JFK could do; in fact Kennedy would find it safer in Moscow or Havana. Hoover's hands are bloody from the assassination because he was probably positioned better than anyone in America to understand both the tactical and strategic perfect storm developing in Dallas in late November. Hoover may have disliked the Kennedys; but Hoover doesn't dislike the Kennedy's enough to risk his own career and the FBI. Hoover had to cover up incompetence - that is the reason for the coverup; not guilt, in my view. One of the supporting features of what I write above is that Hoover starts rolling heads downhill in the assassination aftermath. Key FBI men are demoted, eased out of headquarters back to the field, or shuffled out of important, desirable cities into irrelevant backwaters. He can't come out and say: "We had all the information necessary to stop the assassination so you're fired for not stopping the assassination." Instead he starts cashiering FBI men in the background of the Warren Commission - a few of them raise hell over their demotions as shown by the documents I've shared with you.....remind me to post them here if you think it's interesting to see how the scapegoated FBI guys pushback at Hoover as much as they dare. ...anyway, Hosty's demotion is in perfect keeping with Hoover's overall retribution program against those that let the Assassination happen and by doing so embarrassed Hoover and the FBI. Hoover comes down hard on Dallas and a couple other key offices...again I'll post more on that if you think it's interesting. Jason Hoover doesn't hold a big purge; he patiently punishes those who risked the FBI's existence by allowing the assassination to happen, or who by negligence did not pursue the {in retrospect} obvious signals that should have clearly shown the intersection of motive and opportunity in Dallas. Here's Turner, one of a few dozen FBI men who are scapegoated for not preventing the assassination:
  5. Roger, from my read of the evidence Oswald is only one step above homelessness at all times in his life. This is not a guy who hangs out at nightclubs, he's not a guy who's naturally comfortable around single, promiscuous, American women. He's Walter Mitty who checks out 007 novels from the library and imagines he's on a road that will lead him to the James Bond nirvana he boyishly seeks. IMO. I don't see Ruby and Oswald as friends because birds of a feather flock together and birds of a different feather flock their separate ways - but anyway it doesn't matter. You may still be right about the connections between Masen, et al., but I see a lot of CTers here trying desperately to connect dots. Why does it matter? They don't need to be friendly to be involved in the killing. One of the places where me and Paul Trejo disagree slightly is on the many appearances of Oswald; at gun ranges and car dealers in particular. My reading of the evidence is that there are too many reports dated prior to the assassination for them all to be cases of mistaken the identity. Reports AFTER the assassination are irrelevant - these are just as worthless as the claims AFTER the assassination that Dinkin predicted anything at all about JFK. There are too many reports before 22 Nov 63 for any explanation other than someone else using Oswald's identity, IMO. One of the most intriguing footprints of Oswald is below....Oswald's visit to Knoxville. AFAIK no one has a good explanation for this tidbit: Jason
  6. From my point of view, Paul, this illuminates a key difference between your Radical Right CT and the standard Garrison-constructed CIA-did-it-CT. The famous newspaper ad featured a "typical New York Jew"-ish sounding name because that's the mentality of the guys who authored the assassination. Who thinks like this? Only guys with the most base, vulgar, and childish instincts for public perception think having a Jewish-sounding name might actually impugn Jewish people. Does this simplistic absurdity sound like the thinking of men who play global three dimensional chess with the Soviets, East Asians, and Castro? Or does it sound more like the thinking of those less comfortable in Cold War brinksmanship and more comfortable with the traditional southern redneck culture of guns, burning crosses, and lynchings? This isn't the East Coast Bush-wing of conservatives in action, this is the southern George Wallace/Trump Nation wing of conservatives in action. Anyway, I guess my point is that the ad and the whole Weissman sub-plot is the work of those unschooled in shaping public opinion - they failed in the less important Weissman/Jew baiting effort but failed dramtically in their hopes of pinning Kennedy's death on a communist conspiracy. Jason
  7. Paul, I had you turned off for a couple weeks. I'm happy to discuss the evidence in the JFK assassination but not me personally nor other forum members. I prefer to present the evidence prominently and offer conclusions only as secondary to the evidence. So the evidence I post is for everyone to evaluate and offer their own suggestions or conclusions. Maybe one of us will see something in these documents the rest of us miss? ... ... ... Ok, now, with regard to the three phases of Dallas FBI reporting on the Radical Right - I'm saying that in the grand scheme of FBI communications traffic read in order from the early to mid 60s, this Dallas FBI message content sticks out like a sore thumb. Yes, the FBI is like a large company and even larger government agency in that it almost every day can't keep track of what one office says versus another office, or often has the same office contradicting itself in successive memos due to disorganized efforts, or institutionally forgets what was decided a few months previously, and so forth. With all that said, like any organization of competent noncriminal professionals, the FBI's internal communications are in general orderly, of consistent thinking and consistent conclusions, and written with an awareness of both current priorities and past investigative discoveries. The Dallas office from the early 60s through mid 60s is like 3 personalities inhabiting the same person. First - the extreme right is documented in Dallas, well-armed, and needs monitoring. Second, after the assassination, the extreme right is no place to be found in Dallas, according to the Dallas FBI field office. Third, by the mid 60s, newer (younger?) staff gain control of the communications traffic out of Dallas and the extreme right suddenly re-appears in FBI Dallas traffic as it did in 61, 62, and 63. How is it possible that Walker and the Minutemen are largely imperceptible by Dallas FBI from November 22, 1963 to 1965ish, even as Walker and the Minutemen are well documented and of high investigative priority for others in the FBI at various levels - field office, agency, and Legat*? So - let me leave it at this. The Radical Right are getting ignored by the Dallas FBI during the red-hot investigative years when evidence was ripe. (also by the New Orleans office - I'll present that evidence later). Is this deliberate? Certainly. Who orders this enforced ignorance of reactionary presence? My guess is Hosty and pals, but I have no real evidence. It could be even Hoover and LBJ make it known to Dallas that the field office is under no circumstances to go digging around Walker, the Minutemen, etc. and is instead to deny they even exist. I don't know for sure who ordered the communications/investigative whitewash of the Radical Right. Whoever ordered it, clearly they wanted something about the Radical Right in Dallas held from the public and the Warren Commission... Jason *Legat = Legal Attache; the FBI officer in US diplomatic missions around the world. This is an example of FBI-speak. Yes, various overseas Legats chime in something about Walker, the Minutemen, the KKK and so forth, from time to time. Walker in particular had lots of friends in Germany who were secondary witnesses or supporters to his US domestic agenda.
  8. Paul, The communications documentation released in 2017 present factual insights into Hosty's mindset. Ironically, one of the central tenets of crime science is that those who deceive not only have something to hide, but also possess the criminal state of mind, a solid awareness that what they did was wrong, and a desperation to avoid punishment --- and Hosty is by this maxim guilty of something he wants hidden from his boss. Hosty knows this well from his training but can't help acting guilty as hell. I think it's correct to classify the FBI's reporting of the Dallas reactionaries into 3 distinct phases. 1st - before the assassination, the Dallas FBI office is towing the line from Hoover and dutifully reporting on the Radical Right, albeit reluctantly and minimally. 2nd phase - in the aftermath of the assassination, the Dallas FBI office comes close to saying there is no such thing as extreme right wingers in Dallas. 3rd phase - Hosty is now apparently out of the communications loop, and guys like Special Agent Garry Watt are again reporting enthusiastic and dangerously eccentric right winger meetings and rhetoric in the Dallas area. Jason PHASE 1 {Prior to November 22, 1963} ...OF THE FBI IN DALLAS REPORTS ON THE RADICAL RIGHT. They exist. They're definitely worth watching. They are possibly dangerous. PHASE 2 {November 23, 1963 to circa late1965} ...OF THE FBI IN DALLAS REPORTS ON THE RADICAL RIGHT. There is no such thing as right wing extremist groups in Dallas. Between September 1963 and January 1964, they have disappeared completely from the DFW metroplex. PHASE 3 {late 1965 to ?present day?} ...OF THE FBI IN DALLAS REPORTS ON THE RADICAL RIGHT. Hosty seems re-assigned. New FBI staff like Special Agent Garry Watt are in Dallas. The Minutemen and other reactionaries are suddenly reported as active again. Did they really disappear for a few years or was someone hiding (protecting?) them for a few years after Dealey Plaza? Original research into and the designated three phases of Dallas FBI reporting on the extreme right © 2017 by Jason Ward and Arizona State University © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents
  9. Paul, If you look at JD Tippit in totality according to the evidence, he is clearly in the same ideological family as Walker, Masen, Hosty, Logue, Bringuier, and their merry band of reactionaries. But Tippit is not in their league. Walker had certain immense talents and world-class career achievements, even if his academic record was marginal; Bringuier is a (non-medical) doctor who is literate and well-spoken, Logue was a scientist. Tippit was something noticeably different. Tippit was no intellect and his employment record is of the kind that would today see him routed away from a sworn law enforcement officer role and instead pointed towards clerk or civilian police department employee. Today he would be stopped from any further promotions and I see plenty in his DPD HR file indicating that he was stopped from advancement even by 1963 Dallas standards. Tippit had a psychological evaluation as part of his routine employment and promotion eligibility and IIRC, his evaluation indicated what a layman calls sociopathic tendencies. His regard for life and others in general was deemed minimal. Tippit is among the very few in the JFK cast of chracters that owns the disturbing written professional evaluation equivalent to criminal and equivalent to murderer. The absurdity of the usual CTer here is without input from Criminology or even basic psychology - merely being against Kennedy is to the weak minded an adequate mens rea to kill. In reality, the ability or true wish to murder is rare and is always associated with mental disturbance. Murderers have known, defined, quantifiable mental criteria 100% of the time. Tippit is the only one around who has documented proof of the requisite mental state necessary to kill with ease, and without need of justification/imminent threat. Jason In no particular order are my personal snippets of Tippit-related material. 1. The Tippit-Ruby connection is weak, but I don't rule it out: 2. JD Tippit has probably reached the apex of his career by the time of the assassination, although he is not yet 40. 3. This is Hoover's letter to the WC summarizing the raw testimony from Crafard I snip above in item 1 re: Ruby and Tippit. 3. Hmmm....there's the John Birch Society again. 4. Mae Cook is one of hundreds with information but of no interest in standard CT research. 5. Here's some evidence Tippit and Oswald were at least in the same room together: 6. Officer JD Tippit's widow collected $500k+ in public donations after the assassination, but somehow I sense the marriage was already not in the best shape and his loss was not altogether the catastrophe one might assume: 7. Tippit - Mather - Wise and the mechanic....connect the dots here and it's a CT all its own. 8. John Birch Society enthusiast Bernard Weissman paid the equivalent of $10000+ in 2017 dollars for a horrific ad in the Dallas Morning News attacking Kennedy on 22 November, approved by ultra right winger and newspaper publisher Ed Dealey; whose last name is not coincidentally a byword for the Kennedy assassination. ...the same ad was refused by the more Progressive Dallas Times Herald. Weissman was not only the bag man for the ads waiting for Kennedy upon arrival in Dallas, Weissman was so scared he would be implicated in the assassination plot that he went underground for a few weeks and left the scene of the crime. Weissman testified that the assassination was produced by General Edwin Walker and that he, Wiessman, was afraid the associates of Walker like himself would be blamed for the murder: 9. This is almost certainly the key piece of evidence that launched Mark Lane's landmark work; although in retrospect "WALDO" is to my understanding almost certainly a fictional character, or a composite character, or some other contrivance.
  10. Compare the below memo to the one I post above dated 3.11.64. In the wake of the assassination, the Dallas FBI office is -uniquely among 100s of field offices, agencies, and Legats- concerned with documenting just how much the extreme Right does not exist and is in no way an active political community. How is that in September 63 the Far Right in Dallas goes from an active internal security (IS) concern complete with weapons stockpiles and secret organizations to a condition in January 64 of no activity, no interest, no concern whatsoever? (at least according to Hosty...)
  11. James Hosty's September 1963 report of a secret organization in Dallas stockpiling weapons under the leadership of General Edwin Walker is kind of...worrying?
  12. Paul, By reading 10s of thousands of pages since the summer 2017 release through the newest document dump, in order, the trajectory of Hoover's interest in the reactionaries is illuminated. FBI interest in the hard Right starts small, and it starts around the time of the Little Rock High School integration in 1957. Today we see Little Rock as a waypoint in the Civil Rights movement. In the late 1950s it seems to me half or more of the men in the old confederate states saw this as Earl Warren's treasonous efforts to undermine traditional American values, outsource our government to the UN, and fall in sync with a Moscow-authored future of equanimity between economic classes. I think the absurdity of their beliefs causes us to under-recognize the prominence and popularity of their beliefs. From Charlottesville to Atlanta to Selma to Dallas and everywhere in between, it seemed men from Washington were upending the natural, Godly order of the American world where separate and unequal lives defined by skin color had worked for 200+ years. By the Ole Miss integration in 1962 and the opposition riots produced by General Edwin Walker, Hoover had started tracking the southern-based right wingers with a vigilance comparable to the communist party. This is confirmed by simply looking at the % of communications captioned 'Walker' or 'KKK' or 'Minutemen' or 'National States' Rights Party' or 'Billy Hargis' or 'White Citizens Council of xxxxx", et al. >>>See the FBI memo below<<< QUERY: Is the Dallas FBI man James Hosty, who was in Oswald's phone book along with General Walker, merely reporting that the Dallas reactionary movement has gone to ground, or is under-reporting the Dallas reactionary activities, or, is it possible he is more actively involved and actually telling the Dallas reactionaries to go to ground? Or all of the above? Curious that the Right in Dallas feels they have to shudder their politial activities merely beause a lone-nut commie shot the president, isn't it? What are they afraid of? What does the Right in Dallas have to fear from law enforcement scrutiny??? {note interesting marginalia}
  13. The evidence indicates the CIA had no clue what Oswald was doing in Mexico City. There is no evidence that the CIA employed Oswald nor influenced his movements through intermediaries. Of course if anyone has evidence, I'd love to see it - but why did I even waste typing these words? Evidence is not the currency of fantasy and speculation. Jason
  14. There are very few looking for answers from the evidence. Most are emotionally preoccupied with defending their belief system and fear more than anything not the hideous truth of JFK's murder, but the public realization that they've been wrong all these years.
  15. Paul, I hear your point about Ruby, especially in that he was not involved in the assassination. It is, however, interesting that this internal CIA memo links Ruby to Walker through Castorr, don't you think? Investigate this link one or two step further and the FBI-CIA is just about to Caufield's level of certainty as to the perpetrators...perhaps?
  16. Paul, On the one hand, any of us today has many millions of pages more evidence available than previous generations of researchers. Lane and Garrison would be in awe of what we now have at our fingertips. On the other hand, almost no one bothers to do the research. It's a shame. Yes indeed you have to start with a fixed point of time and read everything Hoover says IN ORDER, otherwise you're just cherry picking. I really don't think you can Google your way to mastering the available evidence, you just have to dive in the weeds and start going page after page, consecutively. The one compensation for this tedious approach is that reading FBI files is like acquiring a new language; it's slow and sloppy at first, but after practice you can quickly scan documents and know instantly the pertinent details; almost like the milions of FBI files were written by the same person, with one very limited vocabulary, and with one peculiar style of both candid revelation and deceptive manipulations. I'm sure Hoover knew within a second whether his agent memo writers were forthright or trying to keep something form him, because you can see it in the memos even decades later. I don't see anything in today's release (granted I've only covered a fraction), the earlier 2017 release, nor in the entirety of primary source material acceptable to professional historians which in even the slightest way hints of a government conspiracy previous to 22 November 1963. Obviously there was a conspiracy later - very well documented, in hundreds of materials. Yet nothing whatsoever in evidence shows a pre 22 November appetite, plan, or anticipation of Kennedy's murder from anyone in the government or Cuban circus. Only Milteer, Walker, etc., are backed with evidence showing their wish for Kennedy's death and their links to the major assn players BEFORE the murder. Of course, while I agree 99% with you that the Radical Right and RR alone has the intense irrational fear of Progressive politics enough to drive them on a risky gamble of the Dallas circus stunt shooting; nevertheless you do admit there is no clear evidence of interlocking connections between the likes of Walker and the gunmen in Dealey Plaza, right? Jason
  17. Lots and lots of chaff. Because of a few honest souls such as yourself who study and read before they speak - I've posted what seems interesting at first glance from the day's document release. Most of it is simply expanded versions of what we already have, but there are a few kernels of totally new information. I'd ask you to look at the Masen references above and in the book I cite below. Thoughts? goodnight Jason PS - I'll try to order that item you mentioned to me from the inter-library loan system tomorrow. """"""""""""""""""' """""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""" For Paul Trejo, maybe we need to be talking a bit more about what Harrison Livingstone has to say? Livingstone, Harrison E. The Radical Right and the Murder of JFK. Trafford Publishing; Victoria: 2004. p. 117 snippet available free to the public here: https://books.google.com/books?id=LD8TUAGSuMoC&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117&dq=minutemen+jfk+masen&source=bl&ots=35_mwCcwWp&sig=OBhjbN-lP3-fw9i9i-ygX-Q0mEo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig95Hu9Y_XAhXE5IMKHSTpCLEQ6AEIQjAH#v=onepage&q=minutemen jfk masen&f=false
  18. Dinkin Part 3: The End. The first time there is any mention whatsoever that Dinkin "had advanced knowledge" of the assassination, was, wait for it: AFTER the assassination took place. ...and it's not from Dinkin himself, it's from shyster journalist Alex des Fonatine trying to sell a story he created in hopes of making big bucks after the murder.. Dinkin never predicted anything. There is no evidence. NONE
  19. Dinkin part 2 for those distracted by such matters. Hint: evidence is easy to find and read from the National Archives, the FBI, the CIA, the Mary Ferrell site, et al. There is not one shred of evidence ANYWHERE that Dinkin ever made any assassination predictions BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION actually TOOK PLACE:
  20. Here's bone #3 tossed to the global-conspiracy-cast-of-1000s-theoriests = Dinkin. Not that I expect any but one or two to get off their butt and do some actual research (when posting evidence-free opinions is so fun and worthless to the rest of us,) but 'inanition' and other CIA reveals relevant to this Dinkin sideshow are available at the Mary Ferrell site.
  21. I believe somewhere above this post someone attempts to tell us that the FBI was in no way watching or concerned with Walker, in reality they were only defending their ego and not the facts of the case:
  22. I think I already posted at least part of this document above in this thread somewhere, but today it was released in completely un-redacted form. The portion most relevant to the thread topic is perhaps:
  23. For the 2 or 3 here who study evidence instead of trust their own women's intuition as to what happened in Dallas, I ask you to consider John T. Masen, and his friend Van Pollard, and their Minutemen associations well studied by the FBI in the early 60s along with General Walker. Masen was questioned on 22 November by the FBI as perhaps their first Dallas-area suspect generated by intelligence sources. He was arrested in Dallas around 20 November for creating/selling illegal automatic weapons. If Paul Trejo is right about the Right, it is men like Masen and Pollard who need more scrutiny. Most of their files remain pristinely unreleased as they are only occasionally directly linked to the assassination as below:
  24. Hosty inserts himself into New Orleans matters...hmmmmm....
  25. Paul T - This transmission is caption "GENERAL EDWIN WALKER" note: Hosty
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