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John Kowalski

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    Albert Osborne, Louis Bloomfield, Permindex, CMC, Harvey and Lee

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  1. Hi Leslie: Have A Secret Order and will review the Charles F. Gilroy.
  2. Leslie: Albarelli mentions Edward Lawton Smith's military records and his daughter. Do you know who has a copy of his military records and how he was able to interview her?
  3. Thank you for the information regarding Edward Lawton Smith. Never found any information about an Angleton using CMC in a counter-intel operation.
  4. Have been reading his datebooks. Am looking for information on Albert Osborne, Camp X in Canada and Edward Lawton Smith.
  5. Hi Leslie: Where is Lafitte's datebook?
  6. Ron: The George White papers at Stanford have an affidavit regarding Jean Pierre Lafitte. it can be found on page 17 of this document. https://archive.org/details/jean-pierre-lafitte Here is a list of his documents at Stanford. https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf6k40059b/entire_text/ You can order copies of these documents by contacting specialcollections@stanford.edu. At the bottom pf the page is a list of digitized items including his address book. Lafitte's address is on page 39.
  7. Document below is from the The Black Vault's huge MK Ultra file which can be download from: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/cia-mkultra-collection/ The document mentions putting LSD in a city's water supply. https://archive.org/details/20240425_20240425_2248 Documentary on this event:
  8. Do not know. The source document is a book that only lists the names of directors and executives and companies they are associated with.
  9. Bloomfield was a director of New Continental Oil Company of Canada and Israel Continental Oil Co. and secretary of British Controlled Oilfields.
  10. Yes that would make sense, Bloomfield probably provided legal advice to the Bronfman family. Why are you interested in Bloomfield's relationship with the Bronfman family?
  11. Leslie: Did not find any Bronfman documents in my Bloomfield file, however when I was researching him I was focused on Permindex not the Bronfman family. Bloomfield was a well-connected lawyer and business man and am sure he knew them. His files are available online. If you want to review them I can show you how you can access them. Found a letter in my files that was sent to Allen Dulles regarding a resume received from Bronfman's daughter, Mindy. Found this letter in Dulles' papers that are available online. https://archive.org/details/dulles-bronfman
  12. Bloomfield was not an attorney for Permindex, his role with this company was to represent the interests of some of its shareholders. I read Metta's book and wrote a book review. His book does not prove that Permindex had any connection to to Kennedy's assassination. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/the-canadian-archives-michele-metta-and-the-latest-on-permindex
  13. Robert: What evidence do you have of his connection to Kennedy's assassination?
  14. James Day has written an interesting article about the 7.65 Mauser. https://jamesfday.medium.com/the-jfk-assassination-hunting-down-the-mauser-6c30c8f6c6e5
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