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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. Jim: Went to Amazon to read some reviews about "The JFK Assassination and the Uncensored Story of the Two Oswalds." Most of them are favourable and one of them said that it was easier to read than Harvey and Lee. Looks like this one could be the one that presents John's story in a format that is easier to read and understand. There was one negative comment about the author's digressions into other subjects like the New World Order etc. that according to the reviewer taints the rest of the serious JFK research community.
  2. Jim: Visited Baylor, could not find the 1953 document. What I liked about the old format is that it was easy to scan all of the file folders because there was a link, instead of a large icon, for each folder. On one page you can see all of them. Can't do this with the new format because the file folders icons are large. To see all of them the researcher has to scroll down page after page to see everything.
  3. Will be going there today. Will update you on what I find, if anything, and if I learn anything new about searching for documents.
  4. Jim: Baylor has a new layout for John's collection, preferred the old one. It's an Office of Security file so next time I go there will find out if he has a file for this office.
  5. Thanks Jim: On page 2 can see what looks like January 19, 1953. This is the date than Jon A. mentions. I would like to see his document when he gets back so that it can be compared to this one. Do you know what 1048 and 1049 refer to? On page 3 there is a reference to police records saying that L. Oswald signing something urging the charges be dropped against Sam Darcy 1/7/41. Looked up Darcy he was charged with perjury in 1941. Do you know what to make of this?
  6. From April 6: Jim: Can you clarify something for me. John A. mentioned M.Oswald 1941 Nazis but Malcolm can't verify that, are they quoting different documents? Checked Mary Ferrell for 104-10300-10086 and could not find it.
  7. Book makes a good point about whether or not Oswald asked for Abt. Using Abt to fend off local lawyers offering to help him is a perfect way to paint Oswald red by linking him to a communist and to deny him the legal help he really needed.
  8. Heard back from NARA regarding the scanning of military intelligence documents from NYC in the 1940s. They are not scanning any documents until the current pandemic is over. Research is going to be difficult for the next few months.
  9. Jim: You mentioned that John A. is in Asia. What is he doing there, research on Eckdahl in Shanghai or is he there for other reasons?
  10. John B: John Abt is an interesting person. Not only is he a communist but he is also a lawyer. No doubt he defended many people connected to CPUSA and his legal files and personal connections would be interesting to investigate because they would reveal the names of both real communists and those Abt suspected of working for the FBI.
  11. Put a note in my calendar to borrow this book when the library opens. Will update everyone if I find something interesting.
  12. Thanks Jim. Found an electronic version of the book on EBSCO but am not sure if I can access it using this service. If not I will wait for the libraries to open and then borrow it.
  13. Does anyone have a copy of Peter Dale Scott's Deep Politics and the Death of JFK? The answer to the question I have regarding Harvey's payroll anomalies may be found in chapter 6. Checked Harvey and Lee because I thought John A. had dealt with but in my notes but did not find anything. Found a reference to PDS and he does deal with some of these issues. The question I have is, did someone, A CEO or someone else not connected to the companies he worked for, sign some of his checks? The reference I recall said the check was signed by someone who was not in New Orleans where he was working.
  14. Does anyone recall reading that one or some of Harvey's payroll checks were signed by someone other than the people he worked for? Apparently the check(s) were signed by a president of another company while he was working at: Leslie Welding, Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall or Reilly's.
  15. The CIA's authority to spy internally in the US is indicated in a national security directive ordering the CIA to do so. This directive was revealed in a libel suit brought by Erik Heine, who is a Canadian of Estonian decent. He sued CIA agent Juri Haus for defamation because he accused him of being a Soviet agent. https://archive.org/details/img2406_202003
  16. Jim: Looking forward to seeing this document. Found a reference to military intelligence investigations of Nazis and Communists in NYC in the 1940s. Am looking into getting copies of these documents but it may take a while because of the pandemic. Will upload these documents if and when I get them.
  17. David: Had been wondering how the FBI managed to get statements about the McFarlands and others that were not true but they managed to do so with them and the others on the bus.
  18. Jim: You make a good point about Shaw and Permindex because you can quote a source. Can you quote a source for the assassination attempt on De Gaulle and the shady bank arrangements with Schroeders? This is the problem I have with the allegations against Permindex and CMC. It's not enough to say that they have a connection of some sort to then assume they are involved in covert activities.
  19. Jim: How did John A. find the reference to M.Oswald in 1941, was it a 1953 CIA document? If he still has the document can you upload it.
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