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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. Jim: Have not checked Mary Ferrell but have located a list of people who were interviewed by these committees. Record Group 233 at NARA has the HUAC documents. I have the HUAC finding aids, which includes the Dies Committee (1938-1944). The finding aids provide a general description of what is in these files. What will be needed is a visit to NARA to review these documents or they can be copied and sent to you for a fee. I doubt that there will be a direct reference to M. Oswald in these files but there could be other people in them that may be linked to her or knew of her activities. For example H. Keith Thompson. He was linked to Marguerite in connection with her book. He is a neo-nazi who also lived in Yorkville in the early 1950s.
  2. Jim: I agree. Much of what is said about Permindex and CMC is not based on fact and people have been saying things about them that are not true, and that are rooted in the Torbitt document, EIR and Dope Inc. While I am still interested in new info about Bloomfield and these companies I am sure that they covered their tracks regarding the covert things they did do.
  3. Jim: Have been working on this as well. Below is the response I received from NARA that may be helpful in your research. "This is in response to your September 2, 2019, request for information about the records of the JFK Assassination Records Collection. Specifically, you are seeking information about Judge John Tunheim's donation of his personal correspondence relating to his time as Chair of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB). We received your request on September 6, 2019. We were unable to locate any correspondence to or from Judge Tunheim outside of the ARRB records. We did find the Papers of Jack Tunheim in the Collection. This is one box containing transcripts of three Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) investigative reports broadcasts given to J. Tunheim by a CBS producer on 9/25/1998. Otherwise it appears that all other records of his time with the ARRB would in Record Group (RG) 541,Records of the Assassination Records Review Board that are part of the JFK Assassination Records Collection. You can also find a finding aid for ARRB records off of the Collection's main page. Series 1: Administrative Records is currently closed for pending privacy screening for Personally Identifiable Information (PII)."
  4. Jim: The only document I have seen about Shaw is the one that says he is on CMC's board of directors. Permindex was established in late 1958 and there is no evidence that at that time Shaw was connected to it. I read the same documents that Phillips did and yes it mentions the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. I do not doubt that they were connected to Permndex and CMC and that these companies were up to something covert but the documentation does not say what covert activities they were engaged in. Assassination no, but bribery and other covert activities probably.
  5. David: CE 2195 mentions that there was a man and wife sitting in front of Osborne, and that the man was retired from the Bermuda Police Dept. Osborne visited Bermuda many times after departing there in 1914. Have some suspicions that he may have British intelligence connections because Bermuda is a British colony. On the passenger list, there is a name, McFarland who is travelling with his wife that is next to Bowen. Do you know anything about him?
  6. Jim: CMC and Permindex had nothing to do with the assassination. Bloomfield had no connection to it as well. People connected to these 2 companies are suspicious, and as individuals may have liked to see Kennedy assassinated but I see no proof that they acted as a group to have him killed. The many leads that are found in these companies is due to the fact that they are many right-wing neo-fascists who probably have connections to right-wing activities and therefore may overlap with those who actually planned and carried out JFK's assassination. I have uploaded Bloomfield's papers that pertain to Permindex, CMC, President Bush and other things to Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/louismbloomfield_201907
  7. This is so true, finding this document may provide information about the fake Marguerite. AARB documents are now at NARA, so it may be buried somewhere in this collection.
  8. John B: Yes that is a picture of him but again you are citing a source that can't be trusted. The information above is classic dis-information that mixes fact and fiction. Yes he was a lawyer in Montreal but he did not own any Permindex stocks. Yes, he wrote about the British Honduras Guatemala dispute but no, he did not, as Torbitt states, organized Kennedy's assassination. I know that the accusations about him upset him. He wrote a letter to the RCMP complaining about them. If the accusations were true, would he tell the RCMP about them? His letter to the RCMP is below. The source for him being in the OSS may have come from an article by Louis Wiznitzer in the Montreal newspaper Le Devoir on March 16, 1967. The article is in French but it clearly refers to a Montreal man named L. H. Blumfield who was a major in the Canadian army during WWII and a member of the OSS. Wiznitzer didn't even get Bloomfield's name right. https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldRCMP/mode/1up https://archive.org/stream/BloomfieldRCMP/Bloomfield - RCMP - 2#mode/1up https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldLeDevoirMar1667/mode/2up
  9. What surprised me was that Bowen appeared to be travelling with someone. If the line below his name indicating this accurate, I would like to know who that person was.
  10. John B: There is no evidence that Bloomfield was in the OSS. I have his WWII military record, and according to it, he never left Canada during the war.
  11. David: Osborne, as far as I know, never went to China. He was posted to India when he was in the army. In my story I quoted a news story about him speaking about Indian and Chinese customs. Knowing Osborne, he probably did some reading about China and told his audience that he was there. Eckdahl is an interesting person, and his time in China definitely needs more research.
  12. John B: Yes that was me. I have done extensive research on Bloomfield. He donated his personal papers to Library and Archives Canada. I began reviewing them many years ago. In 2018 the archives refused to grant me further access to them so I took them to court. I won my case and most of the documents are now available for review. As part of the court settlement the archives are digitizing Bloomfield's papers and uploading them to their website where anyone can review them. There is a lot of misinformation about Bloomfield and the source of most of it is Dope Inc., and Executive intelligence Review. Both publications are the produced by Lyndon Larouche, former presidential candidate and notorious anti-Semite. I must stress, anything published by Larocuhe is not worth reading. He claims that Bloomfield employed Albert Osborne to manage a group of assassins. It's not true. I have researched and wrote a story about Osborne and found no connection between him and Bloomfield and no evidence that Osborne was managing a group of assassins. Clay Shaw was connected to Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC) in Rome but I found no evidence connecting him to Permindex in Switzerland. Yes, Permindex/CMC was a CIA front. There is a letter from Nagy offering to the CIA the services of his company. Bloomfield was not the founder of Permindex or CMC. He was acting as a representative of shareholders in these companies. I have not been able to determine who these shareholders were. Michele Metta has a website where he uploaded some documents pertaining to his book. In one of them it mentions Bloomfield having possession of shares and that he was acting as a proxy. In business terms a proxy is someone who acts on someone else behalf. In the Bloomfield papers he also writes a letter to CMC staff saying that he is acting on someone else's behalf. It would not make sense for him, if he was company founder, to write letters to other company staff and say that he is acting on someone else behalf and not the founder. Metta in his book attempted to link CMC to JFK's assassination. He failed to do this. But he did make a good case for some of the company staff being Neo-fascists. This company had a purpose other than providing a place to sell things. CMC is the same as the Trade-Mart in New Orleans, and this is probably one of the reasons why Shaw was picked for its board of directors. There is a strong probability, given Shaw's CIA ties, that he may have had clandestine duties connected to CMC but Metta's book does not tell the reader what they were. Below are links to what I wrote about Bloomfield and Osborne. First link is my review of Metta's book. There are 2 appendices. The first one describes my lawsuit and the prior lawsuits by Maurice Philipps who has posted on this forum. The second one describes Bloomfield's role with Permindex and CMC. The second link is to my story about Albert Osborne. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/the-canadian-archives-michele-metta-and-the-latest-on-permindex https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-dual-life-of-albert-osborne
  13. John B: The United Nations Archives has the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) fond. This collection includes displaced persons from WWII. Could be a good place to look for documents pertaining to displaced children. https://search.archives.un.org/united-nations-relief-and-rehabilitation-administration-unrra-1943-1946
  14. David: Ozzie finding communism from a pamphlet is lame, just like so many stories about Harvey that were created by the WC, CIA or FBI. Who is the Fuhrman family and did they live in a home that Marguerite and Harvey lived in?
  15. Found Gerald Patrick Hemming's military record on internet Archive. In the Ernie Lazar collection search "Gerald Patrick Hemming FOIA docs."
  16. Jim: Did John A. ever find evidence that there were more than one Marguerite and Harvey? When the Oswald project began they knew that this would a long-term project. They would have to wait years before Harvey was old enough to be used in a clandestine operation. In the intervening years they could have left the project, became incapacitated or passed away. Perhaps the CIA created a number of mother and son duos who could be used in future operations.
  17. Jim: There is a possibility that she will make these notes available to us but not now. She is settling her husband's estate and does not want to look through all of her boxes to look for them. Will contact her in a few months and see if she has time to look for them.
  18. David: On November 10, 1959, Anthony Tucci, who was associated with Bartone and Al Ferris aka Frank Morino, went to a Montreal with a check drawn on a Montreal Swiss bank for $187,000 to allegedly do an arms deal. There is a financial institution called Credit Suisse (Canada ) that existed in Montreal at this time and one of its directors was Louis M. Bloomfield. Bartone - Montreal Swiss Bank.pdf
  19. Jim: I received a telephone call from Tina and an email from her granddaughter. Had a nice chat with her and she told me something about accents. She is from Texas and the only accent she is familiar with is Mexican accents. So her comments about what type of accent the caller had were probably not accurate. She said that she did not know the woman caller. The woman called a number of times and every time she called she was in a rush, fearing being overheard. She does not know the Tippit family because they are distant relatives, if they are relatives at all. She said there are different ways to spell Tippit and because of this they may not be relatives and the only thing they have in common is that they are from the same part of Texas. She made notes on the call but does not want to access them right now because she is cleaning up her late-husband's estate and the notes are packed away in boxes. Her comments about the woman fearing being overheard are interesting. If Tina's impression is correct, that she feared being overheard, this would suggest that she was not calling from a telephone booth but from a home or office where she could be overheard. If she did not call from a telephone booth then there is the possibility that the number could be traced and having this number would lead to the identity of the caller.
  20. John B: The book I mentioned is available for free on Internet Archive. If you ordered your book from Amazon they will probably give you your moeny back. If you do not already have an Internet Archive account, create one and then borrow the book. They will let you have it for 14 days. When I am looking for books, I always go there first.
  21. John B: You may be correct about this, they could have been falsely persecuted to improve their standing within the communist party and yes we will probably never know for sure whose side they were on.
  22. Dallas Action Podcast # 92: Counterintelligence Expert And Documents Archivist Michael Best. The interview with Michael Best described the huge counter intelligence database, which includes JFK documents, that he has uploaded to Internet Archive. His goal is to publish 13 million documents. Search terms "Michael Best" resulted in over 1 million items. If you are looking for new research material, you should have a look at his collection. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-small-business/wp/2016/03/01/my-crowdfunding-campaign-a-bid-to-publish-13-million-pages-of-cia-documents/
  23. You make a good point about his communist sympathies, if he was a lifelong communist why all of the criticism of the socialist state and and I missed '"Amen." An odd word to by used by a communist. He may have started out as a communist but he may have become disillusioned with it as time went on. If he really did give up on it, then the question is when. In 1965 Hoover labeled his store a communist bookstore. This would imply that in the 60s that he is still loyal to the cause. For this reason I do not believe that he was not a good candidate for the Oswald project. The fact that the Gardos returned to Hungary in 1948 also suggests that they were still loyal to the cause. They are not good candidates for the Oswald project. The call was most likely another attempt to paint Oswald red. https://www.jsonline.com/story/life/green-sheet/2017/01/17/milwaukee-bookstore-made-fbi-chief-see-red/96611154/
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