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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. Hi Rich: If you view Oswald as a patsy, and this is how he describes himself, then leaving the TBSD and getting his gun makes sense. He told the press that he was a patsy i.e he was set up to take the blame for Kennedy's death. His statement to the press indicates that others must have been involved in JFK's murder, and that these other people want him to be blamed for it. After Kennedy was killed he must have realized that what ever reason he was given to be in the TBSD on November 22 was a lie and that and that his own life could be in danger, and that is why he went back to his rooming house to get his gun.
  2. What have you heard about free speech in Canada?
  3. Doug: Do you know of any connection between Aaron Cohn and Colonel Provosty A. Dayries? He represented New Orleans at a meeting of the International Relations Committee of the International Association of Police Chiefs in Quebec city in 1960. Bloomfield was also at this meeting. https://ia801408.us.archive.org/13/items/bloomfield_201907/Bloomfield Pictures - 3.JPG
  4. Thanks Paul for your response but Jim is correct, this is a different person. Am interested in Marguerite's (Armstrong's short and fat one) early life and her east coast connections. Armstrong found a HUAC document that mentioned a M.Oswald in 1941 connected to Nazis in New Jersey. What role she was playing is not known but this early connection and Thompson's Nazi sympathies is interesting. Oswald too had the names of some Nazis in his phone book.
  5. Does anyone know of a connection between Harold Keith Thompson and Marguerite Oswald? It was claimed that he was her literary agent and that he was a Nazi sympathizer.
  6. Does anyone have a copy of Fonzi's Loose Ends article?
  7. Paul an Michael: I copied and pasted the link into the URL bar and it worked. Have posted a link on DPF. Posters at EF and DPF have been able to access the files using the link. You can try DPF and see if it works. You can also access the files by going to internet archive and entering Louis M Bloomfield searching metadata. You will find some files uploaded by me. The top row 3rd file from the left has 339 JPEG files. This is the one to look at. The top row 2nd one from the left has 285 files JPEG files but they are the same as the one with 339JPEG files.
  8. Have uploaded Permindex and CMC documents that I copied from the Bloomfield collection at Library and Archives Canada, and from other sources. These documents includes letters written by Bloomfield to Seligman, Mantello and others regarding the operation of these 2 companies. The files were uploaded to internet archive. https://archive.org/details/bloomfield_201907
  9. Lawrence: Good idea, I would like to see what documents other researchers have, and have files to upload as well. Where would they uploaded to? John
  10. Library and Archives Canada have digitized 6 letter books from the Bloomfield collection. The link below will has the letter books. How to download: The first file on the page is letter book 25. The letter book 25 link, not the PDF icon, will take you to another page. On the next page you will see a warning that the files may not be ready, ignore it. You will see another link Online Mikan Number 4068837 (1item).That link will take you to another page where there is a PDF icon from which you can download the file. Files are large so the download will take a while. The archives are going to digitize all files in the Bloomfield collection that have files that are subject to solicitor-client privilege. Project will be complete sometime in 2020. If you return to their website at a later date you may find more of Bloomfield's files will be available for download. http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/lac-bac/results/arch.php?FormName=MIKAN+Items+Display&PageNum=1&SortSpec=score+desc&Language=eng&QueryParser=lac_mikan&Sources=mikan&Archives=&SearchIn_1=partof&SearchInText_1=192534&Operator_1=AND&SearchIn_2=&SearchInText_2=&Operator_2=AND&SearchIn_3=&SearchInText_3=&Media=&Level=&MaterialDateOperator=after&MaterialDate=&DigitalImages=&Source=&ResultCount=10&cainInd
  11. J Your profile mentions that you are from Knoxville. Albert Osborne lived there during the 1930s and 1940s. Have you ever done any research on him and his alleged connection to Bloomfield?
  12. To save space I upload documents to Internet Archive then post a link from them to this forum.
  13. Subscription is a good or an annual fundraiser to raise enough money for a whole year.
  14. Rob: It was a very difficult task. Poorly edited meant that the narrative was difficult to understand. Having no index made this job extremely difficult. Had to re-read whole sections of the book to locate information about people or events that I was looking for. His over reliance on connections also made the book difficult to follow because in his effort to overwhelm the reader with connections, he would go off on a tangent describing some people or events, that the original point being made would be lost.
  15. Gene: You raise an interesting point about Disney's connection to Helliwell and his use of front companies to buy land. Helliwell was connected to the CIA and anti-Castro operations, makes me wonder if Disney worked with Helliwell on any of his anti-Castro operations. Maybe some of Mongoose's front companies were owned by Disney. Another land scam is buying land and then selling it below market value to a politician. The sale of the land is a way of concealing a bribe. Metta's book CMC mentions this. Bribing would be an that the CIA would do and maybe Disney helped them with this.
  16. Paul: While I share your suspicions about Permindex/CMC, given the fascists and CIA operators connected to them, I believe that much more work needs to be done in regard to Bloomfield. The accusations against him are rooted in Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw, and his suspicion about Bloomfield and Permindex are sourced from an article in Le Devoir and Italian media. The Le Devoir article that mentions Bloomfield does not even get his name right, he spells his name L.H. Blumfield, not L.M. Bloomfield. The article states that he was with the OSS, but I would like to know what his source is for that information. The article, written in French, is attached. I did not translate it but it would be interesting to find out if the author provides a source for his information about Bloomfield being with the OSS. https://ia601508.us.archive.org/28/items/BloomfieldLeDevoirMar1667/Le Devoir Mar 16 67.pdf
  17. Paul: They are withholding documents but basis upon which they hold back documents is based on solicitor-client privilege. I have reviewed the list of people they held back when they gave me the documents in 2018 and none of them were connected to Permindex or CMC. I also did not see any letters to Bandsetter.
  18. Who wrote Dope Inc.? Lyndon Larouche's organization. Go to their website, they published it in 1978. https://store.larouchepub.com/product-p/eirbk-2010-1-0-0-std.htm What you believe about whether or not Bloomfield ran Permindex is of no interest to me. My point is that Larouche's organization was responsible for telling the lies about Bloomfield that persist to this day. Whether or not they started with Dope Inc. or the Executive Intelligence Review article (not a book) is not important. What is important is that Larouche was the source of the lies. Your personnel comments about me are also not welcome, and it is because of these comments that I will not be responding to any more of your posts.
  19. Paul: Did not see anything about that in the Bloomfield collection. Do you have a copy of this report?
  20. Paul: Could not find any connections to the OAS in Bloomfield files. The only name that I found of interest was a man named Jacques Mondoloni. He was connected to Credit Suisse Canada, a company that Bloomfield was president of. Credit Suisse was a subsidiary of Credit Suisse in Switzerland. There may have been a man with the last name of Mondoloni that had some alleged connection to intelligence or crime but am not sure.
  21. Robert: I can say for sure that Bloomfield was not a shareholder in either Permindex or CMC. In one of his letters he states that he is acting on someone else's behalf. Unfortunately, he does not say who he is acting for. Michele Metta has CMC company documents, one of which provides the names of shareholders in CMC. The document states that Bloomfield is acting as a proxy. Bloomfield's correspondence and Metta's CMC document corroborate that Bloomfield was acting on someone else's behalf and that he was not a shareholder. Metta's document is posted on this forum in a thread about his book. You make an interesting point about a shareholder trying to hide his connection to a company. I saw documentary a few years ago where a wealthy person, it may have been Rockefeller, was buying land that he would donate to the government so that it could be preserved as a national park. He had someone else buy it for him because he knew that if he bought it himself the price would go up.
  22. Jim: I can't speak for Maurice Philipps but I can say on my own behalf that my goal is not to neuter Permindex and Bloomfield but to determine what the truth is about them. To do this I reviewed the Bloomfield collection at the archives and found no evidence that he was a shareholder in Permindex. There is also no evidence that he founded Permindex and that he had control over decisions made by that company. The only evidence I have seen is that Ferenc Nagy, Shaw and Mantello, not Bloomfield, were CIA assets. I also researched Albert Osborne and found no connection between Bloomfield and Osborne as has been alleged by Larouche. Here is a suggestion: one of Bloomfield's letters mentions a 200,000,000 lira investment into CMC. Why don't you do some real research and find out who was supplying that money. If CMC and Permindex were involved in JFK's murder, does it make sense that a lawyer protecting the interests of some shareholders had a motive to kill him or wealthy investors who may have been threatened by Kennedy's policy of providing an opening for left wing parties to play a role in government? The problem with your beliefs is that they are founded on classic disinformation and not on fact. If you are so sure that Bloomfield ran Permindex and that he was involved in Kennedy's assassination, where is the proof? By proof I mean show me documents and do not quote Larouche and Torbitt lies.
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