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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. I tried to find but could not locate it. Brown County court reporter told me that the original transcript was most likely destroyed but the appellate court, which heard Sapet's appeal might have it.
  2. Paul: Louis Bloomfield himself had a theory about who was spreading these rumours about him. In a letter to I.G.Alk in December 1979, he suggested that it was Larouche's North American Labour Party. Here is the link to the document. https://archive.org/details/BloomfieldAlk
  3. Paul: You made an interesting point about the car and accomplices, and it makes sense that if he did go there in a car, he would not be alone therefore had accomplices, which they would never admit to. But those who planned the Mexico charade, would they not have wanted to create a trail of evidence that would show Oswald going by himself to Mexico? Given that he was crossing a border, which would require him to have a tourist visa that could be traced, require them to have someone on a bus using the name of Oswald, as proof that he went there?
  4. David: That is a good question and I hope that it can be answered one day. This is why Osborne is such an interesting character to research. Your points are well made about the bus ride but we know that Osborne was there for at least part of it. Problem is that the only info we have is what the FBI provides, and we all know that they are just as sketchy as Osborne is.
  5. The Torbitt document also mentions the ACCC as being one of five groups supporting Permindex. It is most likely the source for all of these stories about Osborne being connected to the ACCC, Bloomfield and assassins.
  6. Read Levenda's books, and the wandering bishops and Ferrie's connection to them is interesting. There is another Canadian involved in the fake clergyman game. His name is Earl James Anglin and an article in the Toronto Star in 1968 written by Earl McRae mentions Ferrie's connection to him. Story is available at the Internet Archive and the story link is below. https://archive.org/details/nsia-JamesEarlAnglin
  7. There is a book called Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal. The author is William Torbitt, which is a pseudonym. The book was written in 1970 and it may have been the original source for Osborne's alleged connection to these assassins and Bloomfield's alleged connection to the FBI's Division Five as well as Osborne working for Bloomfield. John Simkin has also posted on this topic before. The thread is called "William Torbitt: Nomenclatureof an Assassination Cabal." Here is a link to the Torbitt document that I found at Internet Archive. https://archive.org/stream/nsia-NomenclatureoftheAssassinationCabal-TorbittDocument/nsia-NomenclatureoftheAssassinationCabal-TorbittDocument/Nomenclature Torbitt Doc 01#page/n0/mode/2up
  8. I have never considered this possibility because his reason for being on the bus still has to be determined. My only assumption about his presence there, and this assumption is based on the belief that he was on the bus because he had a role to play in JFK's assassination, is that he was there to monitor the activities of the Oswald impersonator.
  9. Paul: Good idea, I will start a new thread and also upload some of Bloomfield letters and documents so board members can read about his involvement with Permindex and CMC.
  10. Paul: Thank you for your comments. I now understand what you mean by Osborne being socially undesirable. You make an interesting point abut the radical right, the ACCC and sexual abuse. In this milieu Osborne may have been able to find a place to play the role of fake missionary. Yes, more research needs to be done about Osborne and his connections to these groups. Have continued my research into Osborne's life but have not been able to determine why the Mexicans wanted to deport in 1964. Have also reviewed all Bloomfield papers that have been released by Library and Archives Canada and have not seen any any connection between Bloomfield and Osborne either. Did find a possible connection between arms dealing and Bloomfield. If you ever find that source about the KKK, I would be interested in knowing what it is.
  11. Paul: I have to disagree with you on a few points. He is not a native of Canada, even though the carried a Canadian passport. He was born in England and spent most of his life in the US and Mexico. He served in the Canadian army from 1917-1919 and I know he did visit Canada. The RCMP investigated him in 1958 for some unknown reason and Osborne himself mentions the YMCA in Montreal and going to Alberta. What is interesting is, how did he get his Canadian passport? He may have obtained it because he served in the Canadian army or maybe he was granted Canadian citizenship. Do not believe that he was a lonely person. His time spent in Knoxville TN is described in many newspaper reports that showed him involved with people and he was a well known person. If the Mexican government was going to expel him in 1964, they did not follow through on it because his death certificate mentions that he still had an address in Mexico. Osborne is a mystery because it is difficult to determine how he earned money after he left the Campfire Council in 1939. He traveled to Mexico, Bermuda and elsewhere and for what reason, it still has to be determined. As for the KKK rallies and right wing newsletters, what is your source for this?
  12. I tried the link, it works for me. Don't understand why it does not work for you. You should not have been redirected when you arrived at the website.
  13. He has a brother, Terence McKenna who produced "The Secret History of 9/11." It was most likely him.
  14. Michael: Try going to the CBC's website using your web browser without clicking the link. Then enter "The Fifth Estate" once you ar eon the CBC's website. John
  15. The CBC's "The Fifth Estate" did a show today about the document release and the Kennedy assassination. They interviewed Jeff Morely, David Lifton and Brian McKenna a Canadian journalist who believed that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy. The show is available online. http://www.cbc.ca/fifth/episodes/2017-2018/the-jfk-files-the-murder-of-a-president
  16. Have found some interesting documents that hint at a connection between Credit Suisse (Canada) and arms dealers. An FBI document states that Anthony Tucci was in Montreal with a letter of credit for $187,000 drawn on a Swiss bank. Could this bank be Credit Suisse (Canada), of which Bloomfield was a director? The document goes on to say that the money was to be used to implement an arms deal. Could not attach the documents to this thread due to space limitations. The same post can be found at the Deep Politics forum, with attached documents, in the "Michele Metta Permindex docs in Excellent Translation" thread. The specimen signature document is sourced from the Bloomfield files and the FBI document is sourced from Mary Ferrell. The FBI document's NARA record number is 124-10215-10340. The FBI document is part of the Domink Bartone files, and Bartone is an arms dealer.
  17. Does anyone know where the documents are that provides the names the board of directors of CMC in Rome and Permindex in Switzerland?
  18. This link is broken, does any one know where it is?
  19. What I would like to know is did the police ask the reporter to speak to Albert Osborne so that he could hear his voice and determine if he was the same person who made the call on the day of the assassination.
  20. Thanks Tom. Here is the link for the CIA document on the internet. If the link does not work enter "Assassination of president Kennedy reported anonymous telephone message" in your web browser. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjnmszI8a3XAhWCw4MKHb3kBIIQFgg6MAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.archives.gov%2Ffiles%2Fresearch%2Fjfk%2Freleases%2Fdocid-32389606.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2ZX4XZowKR38BARd0pBedE
  21. Thanks for letting me know, I will look for another way to upload it.
  22. Douglas: The Grimsby call is discussed in the "Dual Life of Albert Osborne" thread. When I researched Osborne for my story I did not find any evidence that he was in Cambridge when the call was made. Have uploaded a document from Eddowes book that mentions the call and it does not include Osborne. Will be uploading a second document about the call and it too does not mention Osborne.
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