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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. You make some good points here about Being an informant could explain why the FBI covered it up. Another possible reason is the 2 Oswald project. If Harvey was John Cardos and his parents were real communists and not informants, the FBI would have revealed this information to the public because it would support their case that Harvey was a communist. But they could not do that because Marguerite was now his mother and that would create a problem.
  2. John B: Agree with you about Tracy. His view about the assassination and H&L are set and will not be changed. My view about the assassination too are set. There is too much evidence in support of them and this is why I resist debating those individuals who claim that Oswald was the lone gunman. To have a debate with someone about any issue you must be be prepared to hear the other persons arguments. If you have made up your mind about an issue then you are wasting your time getting into a debate because your mind will not be changed. Circumstantial evidence is important when it comes to proving a case, especially when the case is homicide. Courts use it as a basis for convicting people of crimes. The use of this evidence is necessary, otherwise how would you convict anybody of anything? How many murders are committed with witnesses present? Without a witness, circumstantial evidence is required. The planners of JFK's murder surely did not keep notes with names of everyone involved, and the 2 Oswald project planners no doubt destroyed any written evidence about it.
  3. Jim: There is more to this story than eliminating John Gardos as being Harvey. Even if he is not Harvey, we are still left with a question, why did this woman make this call? Why would she say that Harvey's father and uncle were Hungarian and communist? Was she lying, was she creating false leads to distract investigators or did she really believe what she was saying? If Marguerite had been identified in the media as Harvey's mother, and this woman was aware of her, then she would, assuming that she was not a disinformation agent, be the first person to raise the possibility of 2 Oswalds.
  4. Tracey: What do you hope to gain by posting on this forum? After posting 1470 posts, do you believe that you have accomplished something?
  5. John B: John Armstrong also has the same concern as you about the tests not been falsified. I too would be concerned about the fairness of the tests and this is something that would have to be addressed prior to doing them.
  6. Paul: I agree, that test would confirm whether or not they are biologically related. Did John ever speak to Oswald's kids about this?
  7. Has anyone found any immigration documents showing them leaving the country or being resident in Hungary or any other country? Jim: can John contact Marina about DNA testing? If she could arrange for one of her kids to do a DNA test with a company like 23 and me or ancestry or both, it might provide some leads about relatives. If the test shows that they have a relative in their database, they can arrange for them to contact each other. A previously unknown relative who has donated their DNA to a database will be interested in genealogy and will have family information. These companies also provide info about your ethnicity. Given that Marina is East European and Harvey is supposed to be East European, the test should reflect this. I did my own family genealogy and for the past 200 years and confirmed that they were all in Poland and this was reflected in 2 tests; one I did with National Geographic genome which showed a high level of East European ancestry and another test done by a family member with another company that also showed a high level of East European ancestry.
  8. I read JVB's first book and thought that it was ridiculous. But just as ridiculous was the big battle at DPF over her book. Over 500 posts. Some posters stopped posting on this thread out of frustration. There is too much division among researchers over issues and perhaps Oliver Stone is trying to not involve himself in these fights and focus on unity instead. He also had good things to say about Michelle Metta's work on CMC. My book review about his work was mixed but I would not begrudge him for supporting his work because we need more research and less in-fighting.
  9. David: Did not know that Fred Korth was Secretary of the Navy. Having the secretary of the Navy involved in Harvey's life is very suspicious and more research may provide more evidence about the Oswald project.
  10. The FBI interviewed Ekdahl's son Dewey. He said that he did not know his father's address for the years 1945 - 1948. Ekdahl married Marguerite in 1945 and if sometime after his marriage the operation began, then this may account for his son not knowing his father's address. https://ia601400.us.archive.org/16/items/ekdahldeweylho/Ekdahl - Dewey - LHO.pdf
  11. Paul: More research needs to be done on John Gardos. If he was Harvey, then there should be no evidence that he was alive after Harvey's murder by Jack Ruby on November 24 1963. Louis Weinstock had a son born in 1929, which makes him 10 years older than Harvey and an unlikely candidate. But Weinstock's obituary states that he is survived by his 2 children, therefore his son can be ruled out as being Harvey.
  12. Paul: I share your suspicions about Eckdahl but do not have proof. During WWI he was with the navy reserves. He was stationed at an experimental station in Connecticut and also worked with submarines. Perhaps this work could have brought him into contact with the ONI. In 1919 he went to Shanghai to work for a private company. Shanghai at that time was known as the "International Settlement" which was controlled by various European countries and the US. John Armstrong has not found any connections between Eckdahl and the ONI but I am speculating here, maybe he was reporting back to them about things he saw while there, just like Shaw did as a domestic contact for the CIA.
  13. Louis Weinstock's wife was born in Negresti Roumania and lived in Larospratak Hungary before emigrating to the US. While there son was not Harvey, it's clear that their common Austrian Hungarian empire heritage could serve as a catalyst to bring them into contact with people of a similar background in New York city.
  14. Does anyone want to speculate about why she made the call, was it to reinforce the idea that Oswald was communist by leaking this information to the Tippits? Could this woman have known about the short fat Marguerite Oswald? If this woman was reading the papers everyday to obtain updates on JFK's assassination, Marguerite must have been mentioned in the 8 days that elapsed from November 22 to November 30, the date of the FBI report. If she had read in the papers about Marguerite and believed that Oswald's relatives were Hungarian communists did she know or suspect something about the Oswald doppelganger project?
  15. Have read the story about the telephone call. Did some research on Weinstock and his obituary is below. Obituary says he was a communist but then again many members of the communist party were working for the FBI. https://archive.org/details/louisweinstockobituary
  16. Paul: Marguerite is very well spoken and yes, Stafford may have been hinting about something that she would not write about in her book. John mentioned a trip that Marguerite, Edwin and Lee took to Boston in September 1945. Probably no shortage of places in or near Boston where Lee could have been introduced to experiments or an espionage program.
  17. Jim: Have you or John researched Harvey's mother's origin? He referred to Judge Tunheim and an AARB document that stated that an M.Oswald was somehow connected to Nazis in New Jersey in 1941. Not sure if she was spying on them but if she was this would be evidence that she was connected to intelligence services. Contacted Tunheim's office about his AARB documents and they confirmed that he has submitted everything to NARA. Jean Stafford's stated in her book A Mother in History that Marguerite Oswald's accent was from New York or New Jersey. She also stated that she thought that Marguerite may have taken elocution lessons. If she did take them to improve how she spoke, then why would she do this? Could she have emigrated from Europe and was attempting to change her accent to an American one?
  18. Abirelli's book also mentions that Lawrence Kubie and George Hunter White doing experiments at New Jersey's Bordertown Youth Reformatory but does not provide a source. Am sure that there is more documentation available on experiments on children at orphanages after WWII. In it, there may be some clues about Armstrong's theories. Do you agree with Armstrong's speculation regarding Harvey's origins?
  19. Jim you’re very welcome. Here is another quoted form the same book. It demonstrates that experiments were been conducted on children in the 1930s by G.H. Estabrooks. If Estabrooks or other researchers were still conducting experiments on children in orphanages after the war ended, and if Harvey was placed in one after WWII, then it is possible that one of these experiments could have been, as John Armstrong suggests, the Oswald project. Pg. 163: “Dr. Estabrooks did experiments on children. These were conducted at Rome State School in Rome, New York, with the approval of the Superintendent in a letter dated December 19, 1935. Estabrooks also did experiments on children at St. John’s Orphan Asylum and the House of the Good Shepherd, run by the Utica Community Chest, in Utica, New York. The Director of the Utica Community Chest, A.J. Derbyshire told Dr (sic) Estabrooks in a letter dated December 7, 1935 that he could supply fifty children age 9 to 12. This was to be facilitated by a Sister Callista.” John
  20. In the late 1950s the CIA conducted experiments on children. One of them had the aim of recruiting them as agents or assets in the future. While these experiments were too late for Oswald, who was by then in the Soviet Union, could there have been other experiments earlier on, where young teenage boys were recruited by the Agency with the aim of merging their identities at a later date and sending one of them to the USSR as a spy. The excerpt below, which describes one of these experiments, is from The C.I.A. Doctors Human Rights Violations by American Doctors by Colin A. Ross M.D.. On pages 62-63 Ross writes about MK-Ultra Subproject 103: "Subproject 103 was conducted by Robert Cormack and A.B. Kristofferson at the Children's International Summer Villages Inc., in Maine. The subjects were 16 to 21 years of age and were there for a reunion; all had attended the camp in previous years as 11 year olds. The academic purpose of the project was to study how children communicate when they do not share a common language. The CIA was interested in the project as cover for establishing relationships with children from a variety of countries. Obviously, the intent was to recruit them as agents or assets. A MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD from the Subproject 103 documents dated 10 December 1959 states that: It is felt that this project will support the [whited out] need for cover. In addition it will assist in the identification of promising young foreign nationals and U.S. nationals (many of whom are now in their late teens) who may at anytime be of direct interest to the Agency...No cleared or witting persons are concerned with the conduct of this project."
  21. Jim: This is fantastic news!! Am looking forward to seeing it and thank your all of the work you have done.
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