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Benjamin Cole

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Posts posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. 2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Here's another decent west coast review/interview.  Though I disagree with Mr. Stones ending remarks.

    We can argue all day about freedom of speech.  Documented facts should never be censored.  Using the msm or social media to promote lies that advocate insurrection should be exposed and stopped imho.  The companies owning these entities have a social responsibility to prevent the destruction of the system under which they have freedom of speech to let us express our opinions.  Off the soap box.

    Oliver Stone revisits JFK assassination in new documentary (sfgate.com)

    Ron B.---

    Agreed. But also interesting is what Oliver Stone said at the very end of the interview you posted:

    “America is censoring itself. It’s censoring Facebook, it’s censoring the ex-president. We’re scared. We’re scared of hearing the truth,” Stone continued. “Sometimes you have to hear the Alex Joneses of the world. You have to have different points of view.”

    I am no fan of Alex Jones or Trump.

    But as I say, all across the political spectrum are smart and fair people. No group I have ever met has a monopoly on insight, fairness, good manners, and decency.

    One of the most prominent pillars of the JFKA community is Jacob Hornberger, a devout libertarian and obviously a deeply thoughtful fellow. I assume Hornberger would disagree with some of JFK's domestic policies, maybe all. That's fine, we need different opinions in this world. Hornberger would be a "right-winger" in the parlance of many.

    But to Hornberger what is more important than politics is the truth. What really happened to JFK?

    A person could despise JFK's politics (not the man) but still be outraged that a coup was effected.

    Censorship, like patriotism, is often the first and last resort of goons. 




  2. 1 hour ago, Bill Fite said:


    Here's one from France with the key sentence translated.

    from 74e Festival de Cannes - Oliver Stone revisite son «JFK» revisité: «Si Kennedy n’avait pas été assassiné, le monde vivrait plus en paix»


    Oliver Stone unravels the WC report from the beginning of the epoch and demonstrates all its incoherencies, contradictions and omissions.  And concludes more convinced than ever that it was a CIA plot.

    Bill Fite: Thanks for the translation. The French, especially those who backed de Gaulle, had some perspective on the JFKA, as de Gaulle had been the target of many unsuccessful assassination attempts. 

    That does not make the JFKA a conspiracy or not (I think it was), but it means the overt bias against such a JFKA explanation was lacking....

  3. 6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


          It's true that the Democratic establishment has been somewhat aligned with globalists and the national security establishment, but the notion that liberals have "gravitated toward authoritarianism" is simply absurd.   Au contraire, authoritarian beliefs in the U.S. seem to be strongly correlated with right-wing politics.

         Here's a recent psychological study on that subject.

    A Disturbing Number of Americans Have Right-Wing Authoritarian Views
    A new poll shows a higher percentage of people in the U.S. qualify as "highly right-wing authoritarian" compared to other Western countries





    Historically, that has been true. Right-wingers in the past were always attracted to uniforms, epaulets and jackboots, literally and figuratively. 

    Not sure, anymore.

    Note that I said "institutional Democratic Party."

    As stated, there are many fair and fine minds in all political camps, from Trumpers   to Donkettes. 

    But the ACLU? They used to say "free speech trumps all," and even backed the right of (loathsome) Nazis to march in Skokie, Ill. That was the liberals of old. 

    Today? Not so much. People who are defined as "white supremacists" by others...well, maybe they do not have free speech rights. 

    This is a slippery slope, no? 

    And jeez, when was the last time a "liberal" President or nominee advocated a smaller US military budget or global posture? George McGovern?  

    The Clintons were all about NAFTA and the WTO, opening up US retail to China goods, and working with globalist think tanks, and a globalized military, a pattern reprised in the Obama administration. 

    I am glad you are keeping an independent mind, and look forward to your comments, even if we disagree on some specifics, or even if we disagree on some fundamentals. 













  4. 1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

    I'd meditate and center myself but I'm not sure where that would be now..?


    Larry H--

    Every four years, people lament about their Presidential choices, and that the two major parties have ossified and become corrupt. 

    Perhaps there were shades a gradation in the old days, and certainly JFK was a horse of a different color. 


    Today the institutional Democratic Party is more aligned with the Deep State and media censorship than the GOP. 

    Note I said "institutional Democratic Party." 

    There are many fine individuals in both parties, and across the political spectrum. I have met fair, smart and witty Trump backers, and intelligent people who voted for Biden. 

    But I am hardly the first to note that institutions can first become rotten and then ossify. To become coprolite. 




  5. In recent years, we have seen what used to be thought of a "liberal" or "left-wing" elements in US society gravitate towards authoritarianism, censorship and alliance with globalists and the national security state. Hey, I am an old left-winger, believe me. 

    From "The Wrap" review of JFK Revisited:

    "Stone’s film is not a companion piece, making-of or follow-up to his all-star 1991 drama 'JFK' (a director’s cut of which played in the Cinema de la Plage section on the beach the night before) but a procession of white, male authors and experts in boring shirts hectoring you with their theories and old books."


    So identity politics is now just another useful bludgeon in the hands of Deep State. 

    If you are hip, you don't believe these old white guys. 




  6. Robert B.--

    Sorry I do not have the cite, but after 1963 the CIA set out to define JFKA research as the work of "conspiracy nuts" with an actual emphasis on the word "conspiracy." 

    It is hard to fathom, but US media is more in tune with the national security state than ever. They are howling at CNN that the US should stay in Afghanistan, after all the US has been in S Korea for 75 years. 

    The multinationals want a global guard service, and every public agency wants a deeper mission and bigger budget. And they own the media. 


  7. On 7/10/2021 at 5:00 PM, James DiEugenio said:
    JFK Revisited :Through the Looking Glass, Oliver Stone's new 2 hour documentary, is already selling.
    Even though the film has not debuted at Cannes yet.
    It has sold in Australia and New Zealand, Spain, Italy, Poland, and Scandinavia. The distributor, Altitude, expects to announce a deal in the United Kingdom soon.
    Wait until the exhibitors see the whole movie on Monday. With Oliver there.


    Hey, a fair shake from Deadline.

  8. 1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

    Thanks Ben. I appreciate it.

    Hey, we appreciate your research. The paper trail on LHO is often key.

    Someone once said the paper trail is the story. 

    BTW, stayed tuned. Over in DiEugenio's K&K sometime soon, look for a story on the hole in John Connally's shirt. 

  9. Great article.

    What was the ID in the Byron Phillip wallet? AS in driver's license, or Social Security or what? 

    And LHO's mom kept the wallet and money for a couple of years after either receiving it, or stealing it? With the ID still in the wallet? And despite being financially struggling, never spent the money? 

    Would you steal a wallet (for the money in it) but then keep the identifying wallet and accompanying ID? 

    I guess one possibility is Marguerite Oswald had an affair with Byron Phillip....explaining subsequent behavior and the gift of the wallet...

  10. This uncertain paper trail fits in with my narrative of the JFKA, that it was done by lower-level CIA assets. 

    I think a better job could have been done on the details, if the JFKA had been planned out in advance by higher-ups. 

    There was a lot of impromptu covering-up to do, after the fact. Egads, the autopsy alone...

    There was definitely a CIA long-term biography build being done on LHO, including the fake assassination attempt on General Walker. 

    John Newman says that LHO biography build was to create a WWIII virus that would stunt any true investigation of the JFKA. "This will lead to nuclear war, so we have to say LHO acted alone." 

    As the FBI-Warren Commission was a cover-up, not an investigation, perhaps a mythology has evolved, that of a well-planned and financed, sophisticated JFKA.  

    My take is the CIA planned a fake false-flag JFKA, and planned to blame Castro. That plan was piggybacked on by Cubans alright---anti-Castro Cubans. 

    My view in no way absolves the CIA. It was their plan that resulted in the JFKA, and they covered it up and wrecked lives and careers along the way.  Arranged for the murder of LHO, and who knows what happened to Jack Ruby. 






  11. 3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    The Chilling Message of Trump’s Embrace of Ashli Babbitt Martyrdom

    January 6 is now a heroic uprising for the movement.

    By Jonathan Chait



    “All the political momentum is on Trump’s side. He has slowly turned January 6 from a black mark that threatened to expunge him from Republican politics, to a regrettable episode that his allies preferred to leave behind, to a glorious uprising behind which he could rally his adherents.

    Martyrs are the most potent symbols for a radical movement. The John Birch Society commemorated an American missionary killed by Chinese communists in 1945 (the first death of the Cold War, the society’s followers believed). Horst Wessel, a German storm trooper killed by communists in 1930, inspired an eponymous song that became a poopoo anthem.

    The anti-anti-Trump right has dismissed the insurrection as overblown, a protest march gone bad, perhaps ill-considered but never posing any serious threat to the republic. The far right’s highlighting of Babbitt’s death sends a different message: The insurrection was good. Babbitt’s effort to penetrate the defensive barrier was brave, and the stopping of her charge a crime.

    By throwing himself behind this message, Trump is endorsing the most radical interpretation of his presidency. January 6 was not a minor misstep after a successful era, as fans like Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham now say. It was the heroic culmination of a righteous uprising.“

    Chilling indeed.

    Steve Thomas

    Steven T---

    Jonathan Chait?

    The twerp that wrote this:


    That Chait? 

    Chait strikes me as a punked mouthpiece. 




  12. 43 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    That was Daryl Gates. He played

    a role in the RFK assassination on

    the way up the ladder to LA police chief.

    He deliberately absented himself at a cocktail party

    during the crucial early hours of the clearly

    anticipated uprising over the acquittal of

    the police officers who beat Rodney King. I was

    recording a radio interview about my Frank Capra biography in an LA station when the verdict

    came down, and someone burst into the studio saying,

    "We're shifting into riot mode." Gates wasn't.

    Joseph M-

    Verily, I lived in L.A during those riots as well, on Molina St. near downtown L.A. Huge columns of black smoke like pillars to the sky, observable from the roof. 

    "After the riots broke out, Gates told reporters that the situation would soon be under control, and left Parker Center to attend a previously scheduled political fundraising dinner."

    The LA Sheriffs were stupified, and calling LAPD every 15 minutes, asking if the LAPD needed help. (Many cities in South LA County contract with Sheriffs).

    Gates told them no. 

    You can't make this stuff up. 


  13. 26 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Recall, JFK wanted Congo to be a free and independent and unified country.

    Today there is a whole American Africa Military contingent that covers the continent.

    What is off is this: they even opposed HRC's bombing campaign against Libya.

    The Gaitan plot, if it was such, is almost uncanny in how it resembles the RFK case.


    Carter Page worked for five years as an intelligence officer for the Marines in the Western Sahara, a nation (sort of) recently absorbed by Morocco, with US approval. 

    The joke is every nation on the planet is "strategically critical" except for those places that are "critically strategic." 

    BTW, a book worth reading, oddly enough, is "Duty" by Darryl Gates, the Secy Defense guy.

    In it, without blushing, he relates how many smaller nations, all over the world (dozens), have effectively turned over "palace guards" to the CIA. This is, in part, because they fear coups, otherwise. 

    Of course, this means the CIA is embedded all over the world, eyes and ears everywhere and entanglements always a possibility. There are many other ramifications as well. 

    The Libya bombing...ooof. Libya has been destabilized ever since.  



  14. As I say, one reason to study the JFKA, in context, is to understand US foreign-military-trade policy. 

    From Smedley Butler, through the JFKA, to the Biden Administration, there is the chronic theme of a national security state in alliance with multinationals. 

    Both the globalist national security state and the multinationals have grown increasingly powerful since the JFKA, not less. 

    The Gaitan-Colombia story is yet another page in a very fat book. Avoiding foreign entanglements used to be the byword of US foreign policy. 

    Today the dark onus is on citizens who think the US should not have a global military empire. 


  15. You are correct I am disappointed in the Trump Presidency, although my bar was rather low to start with, due to Trump's worrisome personality traits. 

    Anyways, like a said, Trump is fading in the rear view mirror, and the national security state is getting stronger. 

    I enjoy reading your point of view, even if I differ. 

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