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Benjamin Cole

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Posts posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Nice one Benjamin.

    I have heard this one before, but your version was most effective.

    How the heck does JBC twist all the way around like that with a bullet blasted through him?

    James D-

    My contributions are but a candle next your searchlight, but if enough of us hold candles....maybe something good will happen. 

    I kept this short post short and on topic, but few if any serious surgeons who have treated bullet injuries believe that a person does not know when they have been shot, especially if the bullet strikes and shatters bone. 

    Connally's treating surgeon in Dallas had treated hundreds of wartime bullet wounds, and dismissed the idea that Connally could be unaware he had been shot with multiple fractured bones, or that a bullet had tumbled before it hit Connally. 


    The Simple Explanation of Why There Were at Least Two Guns in Dealey Plaza

    It is beyond reasonable doubt that at least two shots were fired in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22 within too short a time to have been executed by a single-shot bolt action rifle.

    How can this assertion be made?

    Due to the unwavering testimony of Governor John Connally, his wife, and of several witnesses, all confirmed by the Zapruder film. 

    Secret Service agents Clint Hill and Sam Kinney, and presidential aide David Powers, close at the scene on Nov. 22, all say there were three separate shots that struck President John F. Kennedy and Connally that day. Among other witnesses.  

    Lee Harvey Oswald’s purported rifle that day was a single-shot bolt action rifle, the infamous Mannlicher-Carcano found in the TBSD.

    Ergo, that means there was a second gun firing at JFK that day.  

    The JFKA research community is to be deeply admired for dreadnought pursuit of truth over the decades, but this simple, compelling and presentable story seems to have been buried.

    So let us review: 

    Frame 225


    In frame 225 of the Z-film, we see President Kennedy’s hands reaching for his neck or throat as the president emerges from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. 

    By witness testimony and Z-film confirmation, JFK has been shot at this point, whether from front or rear. Jackie Kennedy is looking at her husband, and concerned.  Connally is beginning to react, and turn around to see what happened. 

    The WC posited—and inexplicably, the HSCA accepted—that Governor John Connally was also stuck by frame 225. And not only that, but by the very same bullet that struck JFK, now known as the “magic bullet.” 

    Connally flatly refuted the WC version, in his testimony to the WC, and many times thereafter (and recorded on film), as did his wife, who was seated next to him that day in the limousine. 

    Eventually, two Secret Service men and the presidential aide would reveal they concurred with the Connallys—that is, the first shot struck JFK, a separate second shot hit Connally, and a third shot struck JFK. 

    Connally explicitly testified he heard the first shot, the one that struck JFK in the neck or throat. Connally was seated in the limousine, in a seat in front of JFK. 

    Frame 284


    Connally recounted he then turned around to peer over  his own right shoulder, trying to get a glimpse at JFK. And indeed the Z film at frame 284 shows the profile of the left side of Connally’s face—that is, Connally all but made a 180-degree turn in his seat to look for JFK. But after being struck in the neck, JFK had slumped towards Jackie Kennedy, to JFK’s left and out of Connally’s view. 

    The WC version is, in essence, is that Connally was unaware he had been shot through the chest, had a shattered right wrist and leg wound, and then made a 180-degree turn in his seat to look for JFK. 

    This does not hold water. 

    The Z film confirms the Connally version, and that of the Secret Service agents and other close witnesses. Indeed, as stated, the left profile of Connally’s face is seen in frame 284, and he appears to looking for JFK, just as he consistently remembered and testified. Connally’s face is uncontorted, and does not show pain in frame 284.

    Frame 300 


    As he testified, Connally then begins to unwind himself to face forward, when he was struck. On the Z-film, Connally looks to have been struck ~296, and certainly looks distressed at ~300.

    The Z film runs at about 18 frames per second, meaning Connally was struck about four seconds after JFK received his neck or throat shot. 

    Frame 313 


    And herein lies the story of why there were at least two guns that day in Dealey Plaza: Without dispute, a third shot strikes JFK in the head at Z-film frame 313.

    Of course, the result of the above sequence is there is about one second between the shot that struck Connally and the subsequent shot that struck JFK. 

    As even new JFKA researchers know, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle—to repeat, a single-shot bolt action rifle—requires a bare minimum of two seconds to manually operate between shots. 

    This sequence, of a shot, then a four-second delay until the next shot, and then a one-second delay until the third shot, lines up with what many witnesses said that day: That there was one shot, a short delay, and then two shots in close succession. 

    While witness testimony can be garbled and inconsistent, in this case the exact unwavering testimony of the Connallys is backed up by the Z-film. 

    It is likely it this sequence and timing of shots that so bedeviled the WC, and in concert with Connally's straightforward testimony became the primary reason suppressing the Z-film and the invention of the single-shot theory, that of a bullet that passed through JFK and Connally.

    If one suspects the Z-film has been altered, that is fine. The alterationists were unable to mask the timing and sequence of the shots.


    The scholarship of the JFKA community, and the hunger for a nuanced understanding of the politics and mechanics of the assassination and the subsequent cover-up is to be deeply admired. 

    Necessarily, JFKA researchers will go down some rabbit holes in search of the truth, and evolve some arcane and tortured narratives. 

    And to be sure, the real truth may not be an easy-to-digest made-for-TV movie story. 

    But for public consumption, the JFKA community has a true and easy to understand explanation of why there were two guns firing that day in Dealey Plaza, the one presented here. Two guns firing mean, at the very minimum, a conspiracy.

    I am going to try to present this truth to mainstream publications, before President Joe Biden decides on Oct. 26 whether or not to release the remaining more-than 15,000 files still suppressed, as he should under John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992.

    I hope others do also. 


    Of course, everyone who watches the Z film notices the violent lurch JFK's body made after being shot in the head, to JFK’s back and left, as if shot from the Grassy Knoll. No doubt this bit of recorded celluloid history also made the WC very nervous. 

    And in fact JFK may have been struck from a shot the Grassy Knoll. But the idea that bodies are violently propelled away from a gunshot is not always true, as hunters and soldiers can attest. Often, bodies do not move much after receiving a bullet, as seen by the first shot to JFK, and the second shot to Connally. For public consumption, this line of inquiry—the probable Grassy Knoll shot—can get muddied and twisted. 

    It is regrettable that the acoustical evidence is simply not intelligible by the public in the way the Z film is. For example, when I listen to the Dallas Police Department dictabelt, said to be from an open mike on a Dallas motor cop’s cycle during the assassination, I hear nothing decipherable. 

    However, how many people can believe that after being shot through the chest and having his right wrist shattered by a bullet, Connally would make a 180-degree turn in his chair to check on JFK, unaware that he (Connally) had been shot?  

  3. On 6/5/2021 at 10:28 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    Good article, thought provoking. Whenever we read about spy games it’s always two sides pitted against each other in a deadly game. We have written the entire history of US Soviet relations with that framework. It’s almost like we cannot imagine any other reality. But is it real? I’ve asked this question so often here and elsewhere, and it has never engendered an Intelligent discussion. We cannot think outside this box. However I find myself unwilling to accept this framework. Does anyone else question it? What started me on this path in earnest was looking closely at James Jesus Angleton. He was a man of impeccable fascist credentials, from his fascist father, to his work with Italian fascists, to his long tenure in the CIA which was almost entirely focussed on Soviet relations. Yet it was he that friended Kim Philby and was the last to recognize him as a Soviet spy. As history would have it Angleton spent the rest of his tenure looking for a mole he never found, ruining careers along the way, and behaving himself as if he was the perfect deep cover Soviet spy by wreaking havoc in the CIA. 
    When JFK and Khrushchev opened what they thought was a back communications channel they confessed to each other that they feared or could not control their own military hardliners. Then poof - they were gone, murdered and ousted, and the hard liners took control. To whose benefit? 
    I postulate that there is a hidden ‘Fourth Reich’, a Deep State that knows no international or ideological boundaries. Recent US/Russian relations do nothing to dissuade me of that point of view. 

    "I postulate that there is a hidden ‘Fourth Reich’, a Deep State that knows no international or ideological boundaries." --Paul B.

    IMHO, you are onto something. Multinational corporations and globalists across the world find national boundaries and loyalties annoying. 

    They want the global guard service (US military) and compliant governments everywhere. 

    Where this is spooky is (I contend) not Russia, which may be a true outsider to the global system, but in Beijing. Apple, Disney, the NBA, WalMart, Amazon, Comcast, BlackRock, GM, Tesla---you name it, they want nicey-nice with the Chinese Communist Party. (BTW, I think Putin is a thug). 

    Sheesh, it looks like COVID-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan doing bioweapons work, and the US media (owned by globalists) played it as "debunked conspiracy theory."  You know, Grassy Knoll stuff. 

    A "Fourth Reich" may be too harsh to describe this new world order, but certainly multinationals-globalists want access everywhere, and human rights can take a back seat, if not thrown under the bus. 

    "AT&T pressured the Commerce Department to keep a Chinese military-controlled telecom company off the United States' sanction list despite its use of forced labor and other human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims, former Commerce Department undersecretary Corey Stewart told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday." Fox News, Feb. 24

    AT&T owns CNN, btw. AT&T does business in China, like the rest of the US power elite. This is just one of a 1,000 examples.... 

    Interesting topic. 

  4. A much deeper look into history than you can get elsewhere, and an excellent presentation. 

    Did the military-security state plan and execute the JFKA on behalf of US multinationals and globalists? 

    Well, they would not leave behind paperwork. John Newman is hinting at something....

    At bottom, I suspect any plan to execute a US president would be small in pre-event participants, as could be counted on the fingers of an old woodworker's hand.  

    To be reminded that serious elements within the military establishment in the early 1960s wanted a prophylactic full-scale first-strike nuke attack on Russia is unnerving....



  5. 11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I was just sent  some New Orleans DA documents from Malcolm Blunt and Bart Kamp.

    It seems I made a mistake in my article by trusting Gorightly--who might be called Gowrongly.

    According to an interview with Thornley's landlord, the Secret Service did not descend upon Thornley within 36 hours and then the FBI a day later.

    The FBI was at Thornley's apartment the night of the assassination

    The Secret Service was there the next day.

    This puts Thornley up there with Clay Shaw as being on the Bureau's suspicious characters list.


    My guess is that Garrison knew that Shaw was an mid-stage handler of LHP, not the JFKA mastermind. Garrison was following the standard and legitimate DA technique of trying to get the mid-level guys to crack, and say who they were working for. 

    But to define Shaw as entirely innocent is a bit of a stretch. Shaw lied about his other identity, lied about his being a CIA asset, lied about knowing Oswald. Shaw, a CIA asset who handled the CIA asset Oswald a few months before the JFKA, and participated in New Orleans conversations in which the JFKA is discussed...well, I would not call that "innocent." 

    Nor is there any evidence that Shaw did what any decent citizen should have done: Gone to the FBI and said, "You know there are group of guys down in in NO, who discuss killing a sitting US president. Some have the credentials to back up their talk. Maybe just braggadocio, but maybe not." 


  6. That is an interesting story in Counterpunch, and pretty good for a general media publication. 

    Missing is mention of Dr. Ernst Titovets, who was perhaps LHO's best friend in Minsk, but also likely an asset of the old KGB. 

    Titovets and Oswald re-enacted plays and faux interviews, and tape recordings were made. Again, in some respects this stupifying. Kids today might think recording personal events is commonplace.

    The number of people who tape-recorded themselves in the late 1950s-early 60s, in non-media events, is miniscule, or better said, microscopic. 

    Titovets, an accomplished academic in Russia, says he found conversation with LHO to be stimulating and worthy. Those sentiments would be echoed a few years later by George de Mohrenschildt, the CIA asset in Dallas. 

    Whatever we think of Titovets and de Mohrenschildt's character, politics and motivations, both were highly intelligent fellows and again their observations directly conflict with the WC-media image of LHO as the high-school dropout, leftie-loser-loner. It appears LHO could hold his own in conversations with academic-intellectual sorts of people. 

    BTW, both Titovets and de Mohrenschildt say (or said) they do not believe LHO accomplished the JFKA. 


  7. 12 hours ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

    I think too much is made of whether the JFKA was CIA or mililtary ops. Dulles and LeMay were friends and I believe  they worked with each other. LHO followed orders- he was easy to manipulate. E. Howard Hunt told his son a tall tale on his death bed?  Could be. But, I feel there was some truth to his death bed confession.

    I can't say I disagree with you. But what I have been trying to tell is a plausible version of the JFKA with very few pre-JFKA witting participants. Very few, like the fingers on an old woodworker's hand. 

    Having many witting participants, across many organizations local and national, in the assassination of a sitting US President...well, stretches credulity. 



  8. 3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    It should be interesting. I know you’ve put some store in Veciana’s statements which support your theory. If Newman is right does that demolish your theory? I recall you made assumptions about the exact roles of Phillips and Oswald that were based on the idea that they were somehow acquainted. If Veciana lied about the meeting he said he witnessed, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Phillips wasn’t running Oswald. There is lots of evidence that he had some stake in the outcome of the JFK assassination, and tried to steer the investigation towards Castro, and against Oswald. I don’t think that the supposed meeting witnessed by Veciana, if it was made up, weakens any evidence against Phillips. What it does do however is weaken the case against Oswald being part of Phillips’ fictional idea that a team set up to kill Castro turned its sights on JFK. In what way is your theory dependent on Oswald playing a part in it? None of the incriminating evidence against Oswald holds up well under scrutiny, and now Newman is trying to put the nail in another such (in his view) manufactured coffin. If you leave Oswald out, make him the Patsy, how does that materially changed your assassination scenario? 


    I am certainly open to the idea that a US military-intel and ops team did the JFKA, and not Eladio Del Valle and Hermininio Garcia, or other similar characters, who simply piggybacked on a false-flag fake assassination attempt. 

    It still leaves me with a puzzle: John Newman and other serious researchers have posited the CIA had an operational interest in LHO, and had done an LHO biography-build. Newman has gone even further, and said the CIA did this with the intent of planting the WWIII virus after the JFKA. 

    Man, that is ugly. But read Newman's WWIII virus idea. That is what Newman has posited. 

    OK, if Newman was and is right, then (I guess) the CIA called in the US military-ops team, the team did the JFKA, and LHO was the patsy. How did they make sure LHO was not on the street waving at the President? Perhaps something so simple as duping him into a backroom in the warrens of the TBSD. 

    My guess is they duped LHO into the sniper's nest for a fake JFKA. He fired the shot that indirectly nicked Tague, which evidently passed over the JFK limo by 20 feet or more. LHO ran downstairs, feigned nonchalance, deduced something was seriously wrong, and left for home and his gun. 

    I surmise LHO figured out he was the patsy rather quickly. 

    Of course, what is the definition of a US military, or Army, ops team? Might it include Cuban exiles? Might it include US soldiers temporarily dis-attached the military? An organizationally informal set-up, so the Army can disavow any knowledge? 

    So, my favored scenario, and the one Newman may come up with, may nearly be twins. 

    Let us see what Newman comes up with. The JFKA strikes me as a CIA operation, and LHO as the patsy, even if the shooters were Army-related. The CIA biography-build on LHO, and the WWIII virus are certainly powerful clues.  

    Newman does seem to be deeply suspicious of Veciana, even carping that Veciana (who speaks Spanish) initially referred to "Morris Bishop" and not "Maurice Bishop,' as if this modest change in a name was another example of a changing narrative by Veciana.  

    For that matter, E. Howard Hunt could not explain where he was on Nov. 22, and then later in life probably fabricated a tall tale about the JFKA. What is not fabricated is that Hunt was CIA. 







  9. I sure wonder if John Newman, an excellent JFKA researcher, will now "show the money." 

    Earlier, Newman has posited LHO as a CIA biography-build, and part of a WWIII virus that stifled the post-JFKA investigation.

    Now Newman is hinting at military intel and ops outside the CIA did the JFKA, and that Antonio Veciana was mistaken or worse in stating (publicly, recorded, on the record) that Veciano met LHO with David Atlee Phillips in Dallas in September-ish 1963. 

    OK, show us the money. 

    Can Newman get us closer than the scholar Larry Hancock? 

  10. 13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    As I said at the start, a key point that investigators and DA's look for is corroboration and the best kind,  which is independent. That is plentiful here: for starters, you have Fruge, Weiss, Pierson, Owen, White, Wilbans.  (For more, see also Todd Elliott's pamphlet, "A Rose by Any other Name".)

    As indicated above, there is also evidence of how she knew about this plot she was talking about.

    Another point that professional investigators look for is: can you weave an interconnecting mosaic out of the information so that it fits together to show people working in concert to commit a crime?  Again, the above.

    The Cherami evidence, and all its ramifications, were strongly indicative of a plot arranged by the Cuban exiles in concert with the CIA.  This is why the politicians in Baton Rouge fabricated a tall tale to get Dischler and Fruge suspended from Garrison's inquiry.  After all, it was a Jim Crow state, and Kennedy was pushing for integration harder than any other president before him. 

    But to add one last point, the fact that Fruge and Dischler were forced to leave, this caused Garrison to abort another investigation, near Baton Rouge. In the town of Walker, again before the assassination, a guy who looked like Oswald was creating a mild disturbance and said he just came from Cuba  to Florida and was on his way to Dallas.  A similar incident happened in Lafayette. A guy who called himself Lee Harvey Oswald had become truculent at the Holiday Inn and criticized the Kennedy family.  The guy was so bad he made the waitress weep. 

     Fruge and Dischler had to be removed. And they were.

    Calvin:  Fred is much worse than that.  As I have shown, his postings are worthless and pernicious  for a myriad of reasons.

    Jim D. knows his stuff (to put it mildly), and the Rose Cheramie angle is compelling.


    That LHO knew Clay Shaw, Ferrie and many other anti-Castro elements, or CIA assets in New Orleans, seems beyond reasonable doubt. The Clinton episode is just one of many. 

    Researchers should remember that affidavits and other paper materials were often "bent" by officials to fit a narrative. Back then there were no smartphones, and tape-recordings were not routinely made (indeed, the FBI by rule did not tape-record interviews---to what purpose?). Even LHO was interviewed without a tape recorder and scant note-taking.  

    Beyond all that, earnest JFKA researchers are trying to pry the truth out of opaque and obstructionist government officials. Sometimes disinformation is planted. Other times information is destroyed. 

    Jeez, if you want to find fault in the JFKA, I think officialdom is front and center by a mile. The most important political murder in US history results in the shoddy investigation and an ersatz autopsy, and bogus evidence (CE399). 

    Just happened that way? Rather unlikely, no? 






  11. 15 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

    I am actually shocked that nobody read or replied to this. It’s a very eloquent essay and of real value here in my opinion. I have quite a bit to add later.  I’ve been touching upon much of this on another thread, I am amazed that so many look at the JFKA as if its an isolated historical event, with no bearing on anything that’s happened before or after it. Aside from the education system conditioning us, I do believe certain individuals have very analytical minds and see patterns easily, whereas most people struggle with that. 

    I’ll come back to you this week with my thoughts/analysis. 

    The movie "1984" sums it up nicely as well. There are dangerous subversives to hunt down and extinguish, and there are constant foreign threats and wars. 

    This pattern repeats; the names change. 

  12. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


          I can't recall where I read that CIA Director Allen Dulles often conducted a lot of major Company business at his informal luncheons-- even after JFK sh*t-canned him-- but I think the Dulles luncheons were described in David Talbot's The Devil's Chessboard.

          One prominent character closely connected to both the CIA, (Dulles in particular) and the military was AF General Ed Lansdale.  Lansdale was also an expert psy ops guy, who had contacts with the likes of Joe Alsop and Henry Luce, according to Prouty.  The psy ops piece was, obviously, an important aspect of the JFK hit--i.e.,  the prompt framing of Oswald by the M$M.


    Lansdale is certainly an excellent example of the kind of guy who would easily transverse organizational boundaries. 

    I may place too much faith in Antonio Veciana, who said he met David Atlee Phillips in the company of LHO. Phillips was also an expert PR guy. This leads me to suspect a small, LHO-Phillips deal on a false-flag JFKA. 



  13. 11 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

    I am beginning to think that elements of the military itself were involved. 

    So does serious researcher John Newman (think military elements were involved), but he is being a bit coy right now. So far, everything serious leads back to CIA and Cuban exiles. 

    Larry Hancock of course has done serious work in this line. 

    One thing I say: There are lines on pieces of paper, showing organizational structures and separate silos etc. Then there are human beings who talk and organize with each other informally, to get around suffocating organizational rules and oversight. Judging from your photo, I guess you would occasionally dabble in the informal category of behavior. 

    So maybe to say any particular operation "was a CIA op" is roughly right, but the CIA borrowed a couple of guys from another agency, and a retiree from somewhere, and used a couple private contractors for cover, and hired a cute call-girl as a decoy. 

    And the subsequent paperwork would not reflect the reality of what happened. 

    I still fall back on my main view: The pre-JFKA witting participants had to be few in number. Like single-hand count, of an old woodworker. 

  14. 14 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:




    After reading this article I began to wonder if, after JFK rejected Operation Northwoods, the authors of that insanity decided to assassinate JFK and use the event as the fuse that would lead to the invasion of Cuba and perhaps a nuclear war with the USSR.

    I've read that JCS at the time believed that a nuclear war was "winnable". 


    Robert B.--

    Something close to that is my take. 

    I think the CIA (David Atlee Phillips) planned a fake false-flag JFKA. Shoot at JFK, miss, and blame Castro-ites. This would trigger a regime change operation in Cuba.

    But CIA-Cuban assets learned about the plan and then piggybacked on the operation, and played for real. 

    This explains the sophisticated long-term CIA biography-build on LHO, but also why you have lesser lights like Sergio Arcacha-Smith and Rose Cheramie heading to Dallas. 

    This also explains why the CIA was at great pains to cover everything up (to put it mildly). I surmise CIA higher-ups had to give the semaphore to mob-connections to ice LHO. 

    Who would hire Ruby, you say? 

    The CIA does not have infinite resources. They needed someone who could penetrate the DPD, yet had no identifiable ties to the CIA. How many people are floating around like that? And Ruby had run guns to Cuba before. 


  15. 9 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    Northwoods may have been the impetus for the rumored false flag assassination team that only intended to near-miss or wound people in the limo.  That plan would have been co-opted by additional shooters, just as a defense exercise could be escalated into an invasion.

    Who's to say the 1962 proposal to run a CINCLANT exercise to disrupt the Cuban sugar harvest wasn't maneuverable into a provocation-response-invasion scenario?

    In 1983, the Soviets were terrified that Reagan was going to launch missile strikes under cover of the Able Archer military exercise.  Wonder where they got that idea about us?


    @22:55 in this video discussing Able Archer 1983, a retired FBI agent: “The way military works, you have an exercise and it turns into a real attack.”




    "Northwoods may have been the impetus for the rumored false flag assassination team that only intended to near-miss or wound people in the limo.  That plan would have been co-opted by additional shooters, just as a defense exercise could be escalated into an invasion."---David A.

    Yeah, that's roughly my view of the JFKA. 

  16. 9 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    I'll tell you what is "illogical." Believing that a woman with an extensive criminal record who was a prostitute and drug abuser and who had played loose with "facts" that she  related to law enforcement officials would have any type of knowledge of an assassination plot as she claimed (or as some people said she claimed). What sort of conspiracy would trust her?

    She also said that Ruby and Oswald were "bed partners." Is that believable? The whole point here is that any comments she made were almost certainly after the assassination when she and many other people were speculating about the facts surrounding JFK's death. Absent some verification (and I don't mean anonymous sources) The Rose Cherami story is not believable to most people at this point in time. Yet it seems that it must be defended here with the utmost vigor.

    W. Tracy P--There is an old saying, "Never judge a book by its cover." 

    There seems little doubt Rose Cheramie was down on her luck, in with drugs, other vice. With a few strokes of bad luck, who could say what would happen to most of us? 

    But more importantly, her background is not important as much as the timing of what was said. Multiple witness indicate she talked about the JFKA before it happened, and that the drug deal in which she was participating was for real. 

    There does seem be be more than a few connections between the drug world and Cuban exiles. Antonio Veciana went to prison on a drug deal, Eladio Del Valle apparently slaughtered in a drug deal, and Sergio Arcacha-Smith was evidently in a drug deal. That's off the top of my head. 

    I agree with you, that a high-level CIA assassination plot would have little to do with the Rose Cheramie or Smith. 

    On the other hand, the CIA was running LHO (read John Newman), and doing a biography build on him (Newman, Dan Hardway). LHO was in the TSBD when the JFKA happened. LHO quickly left the premises and armed himself. 

    Shots separately struck Connally and JFK in too-rapid succession to have been fired by one single-shot bolt-action rifle. Gunsmoke was heavy in Dealey Plaza.

    I would say LHO and the CIA, possibly another group were "involved" in the JFKA. 

    My take is rogue CIA assets, such as Smith, learned of a fake, false-flag assassination JFKA planned by the CIA (likely David Atlee Phillips). Those assets successfully piggybacked on the CIA-public relations stunt. 

    This is how Rose Cheramie came to hear talk about the JFKA before it happened. She was in the milieu of the CIA assets (who were also running drugs) but not in with the CIA itself. 






  17. 4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Indeed, an arresting officer at the Texas Theater said out loud, "Shoot the President, will you?" 

    But if the DPD wanted LHO dead, they had ample opportunity at the Texas Theater. I can tell you if any suspect attempts to brandish a weapon at an Los Angeles Police Department officer, they will be dead before their hand touches the weapon. 

    That the DPD arrested an armed man without killing him tells a lot. 

    In my view, someone told the DPD who to look for, the slightly off description from military records. A phone call from the CIA or FBI to the DPD. The DPD becomes unwittingly complicit in the JFKA, and starts to build a case against the assassin. 

    I do not wish to criticize people who are earnestly trying to get to the bottom of the JFKA, as am I.  

    McBride suggests Tippit was murdered not by Oswald, but by fellow JFKA plotters who wished to call a lot of police cars and police into the neighborhood. Tippit was sacrificed for the cause. 

    However, McBride surmises this. I disagree with his take on the matter.  




  18. 3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Buy the book and read it.  Interpret it for yourself.   Tippit was hunting one of the Oswald's.  Pay attention to Olson, Bentley and more.  If you want to go beyond Joseph's excellent book look into Sheriff Decker's corruption going back to the 30's - 40's as the top sheriff's deputy actually running the department and Benny Binion in the book Blood Aces and figure out why he told Deputy Roger Craig and the rest of them to go out and watch but not participate in JFK's protection 

    A few years back, I did read the book. I do not like to criticize members of the JFKA research community, so I am mute. 

    But if you want to put together some compelling hard facts regarding Tippit's knowing participation in the pre-JFKA plot, I am receptive. 

    Sheesh, 50-65 years ago when I grew in Los Angeles County, some of the county Sheriffs were corrupt, and mean-spirited as well. So it goes. 


  19. 7 hours ago, Dan Rice said:

    Castro may not have known exactly who was behind the assassination.  But with the 'Fair Play For Cuba' being publicized, he knew that he was being made a suspect.

    That is true.  Philip Shenon, decades later, repeated the poorly supported idea that Castro or Castroites were behind the JFKA. 

    Much more likely, the CIA handled LHO for years, did a long-term biography build, and planned a unsuccessful false-flag assassination attempt on JFK with LHO as the suspect. Then, someone piggy-backed on the false-flag plan in earnest. 

  20. 8 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Including Tippit.

    Into the Nightmare: My Search for the Killers of President John F. Kennedy and Officer J. D. Tippit: McBride, Joseph: 9781939795250: Amazon.com: Books

    My copy is thoroughly ear marked and highlighted.  I know nothing about publishing.  

    Ron B.: 

    Thanks for reading. 

    OK, build the "Tippit was in on the JFKA" case citing from the book. 


    To me, the most curious thing is the appearance of LHO's wallet at the Tippit crime scene. 

    It seems likely the wallet was planted, although not beyond reasonable doubt that it simply fell from LHO's body somehow. 

    I am open-minded. 

    But even if the wallet was planted, it could have been done so by a CIA asset, not the DPD.  

    Curiously, the DPD was telling people the wallet was in LHO's back pocket. 



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