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Bob Ness

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Everything posted by Bob Ness

  1. There's also Article 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. The 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Provision and the Events of Jan. 6 - Lawfare (lawfareblog.com)
  2. There isn't anything saying he can't be charged by state and federal authorities. There's a limit to the protections Government officials have from Qualified Immunity and such. Same-same Clark and C. Flynn et al.
  3. I think he bought an old Atlas silo in Kansas or something.
  4. Useless. Into congressional hearings he goes without being able to claim the fifth. States hold their cards until that is over with and into the piranha pen forthwith as he walks out the door. He's in a very tough spot whereas if he was actually given the usual pardon based on mercy or contrition he might have skated. This likely gives more ammo to Republicans to convict Trump too. The good part is if he's not convicted Trump is mumbling about forming his own party which would sideline the Republicans for the next few cycles by peeling off ten or twenty million (or possibly less)voters. They deserve it for backing this waste of carbon.
  5. The problem is the two terms "incite" versus "provoke" which are legal terms of art that make a distinction between levels of culpability. Provoke is a softer term which seems to indicate he's keeping the option open of letting the scum bag escape once again. I don't think they actually whip votes in an impeachment generally but it's not like the chickens can't find the coup. We'll see but the spineless AH's that make up the republican party these days aren't likely to muster 17 votes. They'll throw the clown into double secret probation for an attempted coup d'état. Ridiculous. We'll have to wait for the states to tune him up.
  6. I kinda liked "The Keystone Coup" myself but hey, this is good too.
  7. Yeah but they shouldn't have shot her. It's sad all because of the narcissist in chief.
  8. Pelosi and Schumer calling for a 25th or else they'll impeach. If they impeach and remove him he won't be able to run for office I believe.
  9. I'm really curious if any of the idiots in Congress will point out to Hawley that disenfranchising the people of Pennsylvania and canceling their votes for following what the PA election commission has told them to do is penalizing the victim of the so-called malfeasance. It's really simple: if the legislature, Governor or SoC has actually done anything wrong or against the constitution of the state (I doubt it very much) the remedy is NOT invalidating the vote of the citizens of the state. Why nobody has pointed that out to the dumb as$ is beyond me. I suppose he knows there are enough ignorant people out there that won't question that.
  10. Looks like a done deal. Called at 215 EST. See ya Mitch ya POS. I wonder who's helping Donald burn files in the Rose Garden?
  11. Even without direct communications from whoever the actors are the various agencies that look at these things can do detailed traffic analysis to determine what is going on. The IC groups in all these countries play games with each other all the time and to sort through what may actually be happening from the outside looking in is very difficult. The Solaris dropper is a good example. Although it's been claimed that we didn't know about it, it's just as likely we did but are playing possum IMO. It's possible and very probably likely that the attacks used against us (or anyone else) can be exploited and reveals the capabilities of the attackers. The state of AI is expanding exponentially in these type of areas and the US has no peer (aside from maybe China) and it's no longer required to babysit the mining efforts like it may have been 10 years ago. Its one of the main reasons Russia is trying to change it's internet access into more of an intranet. The problem with that is although you can limit your population's access to stuff you don't want them to see, your own outward access is narrowed and easier to follow. It all very interesting but just remember one thing. It's our toy they're playing with, more or less.
  12. Jeff it's useless to present evidence to you of anything. The Cuban Missle Crisis sources and methods for confirming the assertions were RB 47s flying over the country. Wasn't a big secret. Even when I pointed out to you the Dutch compromised the IRA and tapped their cameras in the facility and videos them you still denied it. The reason why I transfer them onto you is because you're the one demanding a full confession from Putin himself, in writing and notarized, as proof. You refuse to accept any possibility whatsoever that the IC assessments, congressional investigations, SSCI and several foreign government sources could amount to anything other than political shenanigans based on the claims of a former NSA official who has been out of the game for almost twenty years.
  13. Jeff I have my own experiences with this stuff but I'll give you some examples that I know can be shared and I have intimate knowledge of. In a CI investigation the purpose of that investigation is not to develop a criminal case to prosecute. As an example, the Purple Japanese code was a closely guarded secret whose product was not allowed to be even public knowledge until the seventies. There were many potential prosecutions that weren't pursued because the cost of revealing that information was deemed too steep. It's just common sense. I realize that makes for an unfair argument and those claims should be looked at skeptically but I suspect you don't look at these things like a National Security official would. Venona information was kept even longer, even though it was compromised by Philby, because the relevant agencies involved in the decryption effort knew that Russia had no idea what we were able to decrypt nor the extent. Keep in mind these were 40-50 year old decryptions (I think they revealed them in 1995). Binney's revelation of the NSAs copying of domestic communications wasn't anything surprising to anyone who knows about their likely interests but I can safely assume it's dwarfed by the accumulated data regarding Russia, China, Iran and so on. There are huge data centers in several places world wide churning through that information I'm sure. And they will continue to do so as intel doesn't have an expiration date. What you seemed to be asking for is proof in a legal sense that what the IC is asserting is true (they've provided plenty) that satisfies your strict requirements but have no interest or skepticism regarding Russia and their actions and motives. Like they're lilly-white roses which is why I have questioned whether you have a relationship with RT or somebody you haven't disclosed. In your world there is nobody more deserving of defending than Russia, Putin et al.
  14. Since you're so interested in the "law" Jeff why don't the Russians under indictment come to prove their innocense? Let me get this straight. You think the IC should provide "proof" of their guilt regardless of the consequences to possible sources or methods but do not have to respond to an indictment or even accusations that have been leveled against them. Is that correct? What you claim to be "evidence free" is ridiculous and I suppose is based on the assertions of a former analyst that hasn't worked in the field since 2001.
  15. Do tell. Who "thoroughly discredited" the Steele Dossier? In fact it hasn't been "thoroughly descredited" at all. Even if it had been do you really think the NSA and other agencies would "publish their real sources"? I know that isn't exactly a fair counterpoint (they have secret sources we don't know about etc) but in fact it is likely the IC would use something like that to put forward a claim without "publishing" the fact that the encryption being used by an adversary was compromised. I've mentioned this before but I don't think most people understand what actually is occurring behind the curtain. I leave it at that. Bullrun (decryption program) - Wikipedia
  16. He's there to continue the scam. Republican Senators are now joining the rush to scam stupid supporters into sending them money. It's so funny that these idiots fall for this crap and now all the low rent Rs are rushing in such as Blackburn, Cruz, Lankford etc absolutely knowing it will make no difference but they see Trump conning these clowns and don't want to miss out. I'm sure Wheeler's kids are going to have to go to State colleges or maybe Junior colleges now hahaha. "Forget Princeton now, Bobby. It looks like we're going to have to shoot for Capella Online U!"
  17. Wow. I was 8 miles away and missed it hahaha. I guess it was virtual?
  18. I think he'll rapidly be dismissed as a crazy after Biden takes office and a semblance of normal comes back. That is why I believe, and have for some time now, that the Dems have been foolish for not aggressively painting every Trump supporting pol Orange and making it difficult for them to disassociate from him. Cruz, McConnell, Johnson, Nunes, Graham and the whole raft of scallywags who have allowed this clown to perform should be made to pay politically. Joe Lunchbucket will peel the bumper sticker off his truck like they did with Cheney/Bush but the co-conspirators who have not only allowed but encouraged and aided Trump in spite of knowing and acknowledging (privately of course) his crimes should walk the plank with him. Maybe even be keel hauled.
  19. Wheeler? Maybe he's consifdering this from THE NEW YORK POST of all pappers hahaha! "Sidney Powell is a crazy person. Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful." Not that these clowns are any better than Powell... Give it up, Mr. President — for your sake and the nation's (nypost.com)
  20. Yep. They've done it. Could be the dumbest election lawsuit in history. Republicans Filed 'Dumbest Election Lawsuit' Yet, Lawyers Say | Law & Crime (lawandcrime.com)
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