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Jake Hammond

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Everything posted by Jake Hammond

  1. I'm not a nutter Cliff, or insane. I am not rewriting history, the experiement simply suports the known facts. Now can you wait for the follow up experiment please so others can CONTRIBUTE. Your half sentences and aggression is clogging up the topic thread.
  2. You don't need the shirt and jacket to be 2" above the top of the back for damage to the t1 on a man leaning forward with the neck compressed and driving on a road with a negative incline. Anyway, the experiemnt doesn't attempt to show that, it simply shows the difference a fold and a lean angle makes. I won't use hand, fine . video or photo is irrelevant i will, you said I wouldn't do this experiment remember. Lean forward ? We have eyes Cliff so not sure who you are trying to convince.
  3. I'll do it on a body happily, but then you'll say the age is wrong, or the hair colour is wrong. Define to me what would make you happy and I'll do that.
  4. I'm not a lone nutter Cliff, I have weaponized a simple experiment here, nothing more.
  5. Yes, in the written section of the original post I explained that a loose shirt will follow the shape of the jacket as it is both looser and more supple, and has no force making it tight on the body ( over and above what the jacket has). I also spoke of my personal experience of pinning people in to jackets they were trying by pushing the pin through shirt as well as outer jacket, which is not intuitive. Croft , even from the less bunched left side shows 1" of fold approximately which translates to 2", the right side was more ( see images taken earlier in the route). My point about not theorising is that the shirt is a known data point, as is the hole in the back ( which matches the shirt) . The images I took explain the discrepancy which at first seems at odds with the route of a bullet into JC and out through the neck.
  6. I think the experiment shows that the discrepancy between hole in back ( upper in morgue image) and the hole in shirt is perfectly matched when a small fold ( as seen in the images) is taken in to account.
  7. it is as the shirt is sitting roughly how the shirt sits on a man, however I would say that the front of the collar is higher once worn. combine that with the bunching as I demonstrated and I think the two marry up nicely.
  8. Thank you for commenting. However, the right image shows a shirt and jacket nice and tight, the difference between the two lines is exactly the difference I have illustrated in the experiment, with conservative lean angles. Have a look at the images i posted at the start again. Just as a second point and its a general one.... The important detail that a few people are missing here is that I'm not theorizing, this simple experiment merely confirms the evidence and explains it.
  9. PLease see the images of the actual shirts he wore, the black and white one I posted and the actual shirt post mortem. These are very loose shirts. The tails of a shirt rarely got sat on even in those days, and when they did , for them to pull the back tight they would have had to have been a very certain measurement, and not comfortable. I don't agree with what you have said here.
  10. It was Connallys from memory, Ladybird took it to the cleaners the next day, I believe its in one of his interviews.
  11. I'd say its plausibly deniable but for what should be a shadow it does look a little awkward.
  12. I'd have to step back from calling it a heart myself John but its possible that the photo has some black added in that area yes.
  13. Yes Yes sorry , you need to click the link to each one and then 'edit' then use backspace delete o the image. I think. That how i did it.
  14. Go to your nam ein the top right corner ... ' my attachments' ... delete.
  15. Would you mind annotating this I'm not sure where you mean ?
  16. Given the b Given the bunching I demonstrated you'd have to say 1. I'm not a lone Nutter BTW, far from it.
  17. lol , cheers, I'll remember that next time I'm out doing a spot of murdering. I saw a woman once cut her finger and bleed on a 20k wedding dress, just spat on it and dabbed it dry ..
  18. From many years of experience of removing stains from vintage menswear I can tell you this... Anything orange or red is near impossible to remove. Blood will fade to a rust colour, not sure if this helps with anything. I.e if there is an image of a pristine shirt post laundry then it may well be fake. . As an interesting side note.... if you spit on wet blood it disappears.
  19. even I would find that mildly suspicious. Lance its slightly off topic but if we keep it to one or two posts can I ask your explanations of a few of the potentially 'suspicious' events of the JFK case ?
  20. Yes, it looks like the fabric has a small splice top and bottom. I'm agreeing with you Cliff, lets leave it there. Also please note the relatively coarse weave and thickness of the shirt.
  21. Come on, say something coherent, string a sentence together with a premise and some content, form a null hypothesis and suggest somethings. I can't make anything of these half sentence aggressions. One last chance Cliff at making a point and then I'll give up on making an effort.
  22. My experiment shows what it shows. Nothing more. I never said it did.
  23. When he does will you thank him ad offer concise and productive debate like you have here ?
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