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John Kozlowski

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Posts posted by John Kozlowski

  1. 11 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Similar incongruous circumstances obvious.

    Not sure how one would hang themself under suicide watch after already attempting it once. Shouldn’t there be cameras in his cell and he be checked on hourly? Hoping this doesn’t get swept under the rug now. The docs that have been released so far are damning to some powerful people. 


  2. 7 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

    Here's some paranoia for us:


    Epstein dead.  While on suicide watch.

    Wait -- move to Conspiracy Theory Threat thread?

    ‘If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255), text "help" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

    Surprised it took so long for him to commit “suicide”. Wonder if the rest of the files will be released now.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    One of the Oswalds worked closely with Ruby.  Hoover managed to bury the direct proof, but a trainload of hearsay evidence comes roaring through for anyone willing to look for it.

    If you’re interested, go to the following link, scroll down the page, and read around the picture below:




    Will do thank you!

      I don’t think that pic is of Oswald at all. While the pic is small the guy is a lot different in the face and while you see him sitting at a table it seems like he’s a big guy.

  4. 1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

    I do stand corrected.  Thanks.  However, my point regarding the security threat is still valid.  

    That is, allowing the President to drive in an open vehicle under a bridge is still an incredible security risk that never should have happened.  Even if there were two officers on the bridge.  That risk alone should have been realized by security in pre-planning and that route should have been avoided.

    David, would you agree with that or is that simply just an another convenient oversight?

    Should have added that they testified to the WC that a train was running at the time of the assassination and they didn’t see or hear a thing

  5. 1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

    Ok, please explain.  I do not recall seeing anything about officers stationed on the triple overpass-if we are talking about the same thing.  So lets be clear, after Kennedy is shot, the limo goes under a bridge which is a underpass if going underneath it.  So on the overpass, who was stationed on it?

    Officers J.W. Foster and J.C. White were on the underpass during the parade.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:


    There’s considerable evidence that Ruby ran guns to Cuba during several different time periods.  This was surely known by the CIA, which, although it helped prosecute many others for doing the same thing, apparently protected Ruby from prosecution.

    At the same time, Ruby was closely associated with KLIF radio’s Gordon McLendon, childhood friend of the Agency's David Atlee Phillips. McLendon was co-founder with Phillips of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) .  Ruby notoriously spend time at KLIF the night of the assassination and continued to correspond with McLendon from prison. 

    I think Ruby was the direct contact between JFK’s assassin plotters (Phillips et al.) and the cover-up team.



    Thanks Jim. I knew about the guns and jeeps with Cuba but was wondering if there was anything Intelligence wise that could connect him directly with the shooting of Oswald or Oswald in general. I’d imagine they were just using cutouts in the mob like McWillie(I believe it was McWillie but could be wrong) or the radio DJ Gordon to give him orders. 

  7. 52 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Nearly half a century ago, Penn Jones pointed out that Brewer was probably a shill for Ruby’s friend Tommy Rowe, who also worked at Hardy’s Shoe Store.  Rowe said that it was he, not Brewer, who claimed “Oswald” entered the theater.  Rowe was so close to Ruby that he moved into his apartment after Ruby was put in jail.  Yet another indication that Ruby was far more intimately connected with the events of 11/22/63 than we were led to believe.

    See the brief Penn Jones article here:


    Do you think Ruby had direct contact with intelligence or was he getting his orders from somewhere else?

  8. 4 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

    John, yes, I have all of those, but they're incredible unwieldy to either share or even browse and investigate. There are many thousands of documents and with the most recent batch to look at them I have to send them to a Microsoft email address that can read the file format, then download the attachment from there and read. It takes ages. They're also only labelled numerically, although there's an Excel sheet floating about where someone entered the title of each. 

    Sorry for drifting away from the thread topic. One bizarre tidbit. In one of the files, a lawyer for Silverstein noted that a security expert had told them that aircraft cockpit doors could easily be opened (at the time) with the key from a hotel minibar. But I've read less than 1% of the total of the files, despite spending a couple of afternoons browsing through them.

    No problem. I was hoping a website would do the dirty work and post the files but I still haven’t really found one. Thanks 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    As I mentioned in a prior post I wasn't aware of a 100 round drum magazine modification for the AR15.  I'd bet 90-95% of private citizens in the U S were not either.  And are still not.  I don't recall it being mentioned, much less featured in the mass media reports.  No pictures of them in today's wide wide world of video.  This is suppressed news we should all know.  Just about anybody can buy one.  It's legal.


    Fast as you can pull the trigger.  Finger getting tired?  Add a bump stock.  It's a 100 round machine gun.  AFTER the Las Vegas Mass Murder killing Fifty Nine people, as a concession to the outrage, Publicity, and his image, despite NRA protest, da Chump outlawed them.  So if you have a stout finger you can still get off a hundred shot's in around a minute and a half.  Insane.

    Insane for any radical or mentally challenged person to possess.  Needless for the rest of us.  Who are you going to fight with it?  The "invasion", gangs?  You and a "well regulated " militia to protect us from our own gov't per the second amendment?  You're done screwed before you started.  Sorry to rant again here but it's time somebody in the USA got pissed.  Besides me.

    Since John K accidentally provoked me further... John Kay.  I didn't know he was blind until the 80's.  Even if you don't like classic rock read the lyrics, they're relevant today.  Almost poetic, imho.



    Heres an article that mentions the 100rd mag.


  10. 4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


        I admire your fact-checking habit, and appreciate it.  I read somewhere that Al Franken made that comment about being forewarned on 9/11, and certainly regret misquoting him, if that is the case.  (And I've been a fan of Al Franken since the days of "Franken and Davis" on SNL in the 70s.)

         As for the "Dancing Israelis" arrested near the Holland Tunnel on 9/11, I have read that at least two of them were known Mossad agents.  Some FBI data about them (including photos) was recently obtained (and published) through an FOIA request. They claimed that they were filming the WTC attacks on 9/11 in order to "document the event."  They were celebrating.  Their Urban Moving Systems employer, Dominick Suter, fled to Israel after their arrest, before the FBI could question him.

        The entire 9/11 Urban Moving Systems case has always been shrouded in secrecy in the U.S. media.

    The lawyer for Kurzburg said that he worked for Mossad in the past but in another country not the US. 

     A few of the pictures the FBI had released were taken the day before 9/11 while the men were working. They clearly show 9/10 on the bottom of the photo. These are the only pics that have the actual day of the month shown. The ones from 9/11 only show the month and year. One picture dated 9/10 shows Kurzburg holding up a lighter with the city skyline in the background. While that doesn’t prove anything it’s mighty suspicious. The FBI also claimed at one point that all of the pictures were destroyed.

  11. On 8/7/2019 at 8:31 PM, Anthony Thorne said:

    Dave, in the hacked document releases from earlier this year - news story linked here if any people missed it - 


    they had a huge amount of legal depositions taken from the Silverstein insurance filings. These were leaked and are available (though not easily) if folks hunt around. The deposit contained interviews with people involved with WTC and airline security and so on. I don't have the name handy but there was a long interview on one document with the guy from Kroll who had been overseen O'Neill's hiring and who had recommended to Silverstein that they bring him in during that period. I Googled the name of that guy. On the day of 9/11, he made (later) headlines by leaving a business meeting at the Risk Waters financial seminar - situated at the Windows of the World restaurant in WTC 1, with speakers due to begin talking at 9AM - and walking to the lift, entering, taking it down and leaving the ground floor just as the first plane hit the North Tower. So he had a luckier day that day than John O'Neill did.

    The funny thing about 9/11 conspiracy research - and I'm not using the term in a derogatory sense - is that if you take the idea of compartmentalising to its further extent, the mistake/blowblack/cover-your-ass series of books on the topic, and the more conspiratorial volumes that allege that events were allowed or facilitated via a Northwoods-style plan, could both be accurate and both be correct if the latter plan was undertaken by a private group of people who had kept broader elements of the government and intelligence agencies in the dark. 

    The 2011 book by Kevin Fenton, DISCONNECTING THE DOTS, is probably relevant. Fenton studied the activities of a group within the CIA's Bin Laden unit - Alec Station - and wrote a near 500 page volume just looking at what they got up to in the years and months before the attacks. After documenting the number of times they withheld evidence, failed to pass on important info that would have led to OBL's capture, and avoided following normal procedures that would have alerted other intel agencies to the Middle Eastern plot, Fenton concluded that the repeated 'errors' and 'mistakes' they made appeared to be intentional. Peter Dale Scott reviewed the book a couple of years later, and his review of that book is below. It's a long review, but working through it is a shorter experience than reading the same book, and you'll grasp the same points.

    For what it's worth, the guy who signed the document that allowed 'Blind Sheik' Omar Abdel Rahman into the USA prior to the 1993 WTC bombing was Frank George Wisner II. He is the son of OSS figure Frank Gardiner Wisner - later the CIA's Deputy Director of Plans - and Wisner senior is named in Ganser's book as one of the founders of GLADIO. Frank Jr went off to work for Enron in October 1997, about a week before an Enron-financed Study Group started at Harvard  - at the Kennedy School of Government - commenced several months of work. That group was called the Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group, it was run by Philip Zelikow, who later served as the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, and General Jack Sheehan - named in Scott's article below as workshopping military exercises through 1997 as a precursor to a possible incursion into the Middle East - was part of the group.

    An article on Frank Jr and the Blind Sheik is here.


    Re Gabbard, as mentioned by Jim, it's amazing to see how she's one of the few major figures trying to push away from war, rather than towards it.



    Do you have the files that were released by dark overlord? I tried to get them when they 1st released them but the download wouldn’t unzip for some reason. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Interesting.  Lisa doesn't delve into Houghton like she does Wolfer, Pena and Hernandez.  But this is mentioned . "Houghton suggested to Capitan Brown "that he have Goliath work on Sirhan background... "Goliath was a codeword used by law enforcement agencies to refer to the CIA."  Pg. 103. 

    I believe it was William Turner that said in his book Houghton assigned Pena to control the direction of the investigation and his say was final. There’s your Goliath.


    16 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Lisa has established legitimate evidence that the CIA, through the Los Angeles Police Department conspired to corrupt the Truth in the case of Sirhan and the murder of RFK.  Were the same forces, personnel still in effect there at the time of the Manson/Tate/Libanca murders month's later and afterwards.  Might they have influenced Bugliosi?

    Robert Houghton was the lead investigator on both cases. He was the officer who wrote the book Special Unit Senator.

    Off topic but is anyone else having problems with the Kindle app? It’s saying my account is expired but it’s not. 

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