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Leslie Sharp

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Everything posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. @Benjamin Cole similar to Alina Habba, you don’t seem to have a grasp of the US judicial system, let alone the specifics of Colorado law with regard to the 14th Amendment Section 3. Trump will have his day, but do you really think he is going to testify under oath before the Colorado Supreme Court related to meetings and plans leading to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the nation’s Capitol? Perjury is a felony as well.
  2. @Jonathan Cohen I'm afraid you're wasting your breath. I will continue to share the results of Hank's investigation on this forum. You might as well sit back and enjoy it ... preferably at the back of the room, quietly. You might learn something.
  3. @Benjamin Cole so you concede Trump is guilty of inciting insuresurrection as ruled by Colorado Judge Sarah Wallace.
  4. @Sandy Larsen @Ron Bulman I'll continue to comment through the lens of Pierre Lafitte's notations. Col. Charles Askins and Col. Jack Canon had been tapped and approved by mid- September. Both were award winning, seasoned sharpshooters. Canon [correction] had deep ties in Van Horn. Ricky White has photos of a communication set up in a remote area of that county. Askins had been with the Texas Border Patrol both before and after the war. He lived out his years in fairly opulent circumstances in San Antonio. His boss and good buddy for over a decade, Harlon B. Carter, was former head of Texas Border Patrol and SW Region Commissioner of INS in 1963. If foreign nationals wanted to waltz across the border to train in Van Horn, who better to order "stand down"?
  5. @Jean Ceulemans hugely valuable arrows in your quiver when pursuing this material. I envy you. I’ve recently wondered if the assassination investigation suffered early on because of a simple lack of access and language skills. Many of the early revelations of the international component of the plot were never published in English... ergo, lost to the predominate “American cell” of ‘the community.’ (I won’t get into the issue of myopic exceptionalism. If it doesn’t pertain to Cuba or Vietnam, it’s not relevant.) Have you come across the name Paul Gluc? He attempted to alert J. Edgar Hoover of the French connection.
  6. @Richard Booth you can anticipate Col. Jack Canon will be identified. Much of this material relies on Dick Russell’s original breakthroughs in the investigation published in 1992, The Man Who Knew Too Much. It was Richard Case Nagell who first revealed Canon’s role in Dealey. Over a decade later, Hank Albarelli secured access to private records that, among other explosive revelations, confirm Jack Canon was in Dallas as a key element in the assassination as was Col. Charles Askins — renowned sharpshooter since the 1930s.
  7. @Jean Ceulemans you speak or read French? Did you mention Betti in another comment? For some reason this story sounds familiar. I’ll google.
  8. @Greg Doudna AND YOU SIT ON IT LIKE A DOG IN THE MANGER ... I’ll leave this here for a few days, Greg, to allow you time to apologize and retract. Shame on you. @Paul Brancato I know you support civil discourse and want this forum to be respected. A bit of self policing might bring researchers back to the discussion, particularly the women ... some of whom have research skills rarely matched on this forum these days.
  9. @Jean Ceulemans I assumed, but wanted to confirm. We speak to that history. it was during those years Filiol came in contact with Otto Skorzeny. Of possible interest, and you likely saw this previously on the thread, Pugibet spent several of his formative years active in the Vichy Youth. One source claims he co-founded a cell.
  10. @Jean Ceulemans “AF”? Can you clarify? Filiol with one “L” is a significant breakthrough for our investigation. Pierre Lafitte writes the surname with only one “L”. How could he know that if he wasn’t personally acquainted with JPRF?
  11. @Jean Ceulemans apologies for the awkward format of my responses but the “quote” feature isn’t working on my iPad. I’ll respond in sequence to yours. I have one photo captioned as Alice that resembles what one associates with a “mug shot.” Hank Albarelli located another which is clearly a mug shot but it has disappeared from my photo file. I’ve searched for hours and cant find it, but there’s a possibility another of his confidants received it as well. I’ll keep you posted. If you haven’t had an opportunity, under a separate comment I’ll post the excerpt from Coup related to one particularly violent episode attributed to the couple. I am keen to get your informed perspective. (Even in death, one shouldn’t be accused of heinous behavior without credible evidence. Families suffer the stigma for generations.) Have you by chance read Kenneth McCallion’s recent book, “The Marseille Connection”?
  12. @Jean Ceulemans my error entirely. Mea culpa. She was actually older, all the more intriguing perhaps.
  13. @Benjamin Cole“It is as useless to argue with those who have renounced the use of reason as to administer medication to the dead.” — Thomas Jefferson I’m actually sorry for whatever circumstances or influences that may have interfered with your reasoning and discernment. adieu.
  14. @Benjamin Cole Mutt and Jeff shops? Did you read the list? Leo just received a $1.6 billion contribution (largest political donation in US history) toward sealing the deal for full control over our the Supreme Court and judicial system. Heritage Foundation pulls in untold sums from the military industrial complex. (Heritage drafted Project 2025 with Trump in mind.) CPAC likewise. Alliance for Defense of Freedom circulates $9 billion through a spiderweb of Christian Nationalist non-profits. The NRA lobby (ILA) which handed Trump $30 million for his 2016 campaign is the largest of its kind in the country pulling in tens and multiple millions and is currently under indictment in NYC. If you’re still listening, I was talking to a lifetime member of the NRA this evening, a retired Boston PI who said he has received the NRA magazine every month since 1975 and he has never seen an article on the Mannlicher Carcano or the assassination of President Kennedy. Let’s demand release of their files ... see what Harlon B. Carter, SW Region Commissioner in 1963 covered up on Nov 22. He soon left INS for an executive role at NRA and by the mid-‘70s he had executed a house coup to restructure the association into the arms industry lobby it is today. Fast forward to 2015: NRA executive trip to Russia, $30,000,000 to Trump, Jan. 6 orchestrated attempt to overthrow the 2020 election..... It’s all there, Ben.
  15. @Paul Brancato I’m convinced that holding the center during the most serious threat to democracy since its founding is our only option. Think of democracy on life support; is that the time to have elective surgery? We do not have the luxury Trump appeasers and apologists suggest here. An RFK Jr. candidacy is only exacerbating the crisis. A silver lining may be that traditional Democrats, including Kennedy Dems have realized our complacency and naïveté — trusting our fellow Americans on the Right loved our Constitution and norms as much as we do — helped enable the rise of Trump. We were caught off guard, assuming the rational thinkers within the GOP would manage their fringe. Turns out this proto-Facism has been smoldering beneath the surface for more than four score. Trump merely lifted the veil.
  16. @Benjamin Cole “nothing happened” Are you serious? Trump tried to topple democracy; normalized despots including Kim Jong Un, Victor Orban, Vladimir Putin; cost tens of thousands of lives during the global panic because of his toxic narcissistic hubris; degraded women, citizens with disabilities, Muslims, Mexicans, Asians, African Americans; told over 20,000 lies over the course of his presidency; separated families; humiliated our country on the global stage; was impeached twice, indicted on 91 counts including endangering national security and inciting insurrection. He tried to overthrow our election and has said on record he would suspend the Constitution ... should I continue? I didn’t say “Biden has no institutional alliances.” You said Trump has no institutional alliances. I provided you a short list to prove otherwise.
  17. @Ron Bulman. I know! First time I saw the film, shivers ran up my spine. I could swear that sequence was filmed in the Palo Duro. I'll have more to say when the White, Shaw, Edwards book, "Admitted Assassin" hits the stands.
  18. @Jean Ceulemans Several questions before I dig into.your references: Am I correct Alice Lamy is not in the photos you've shared here? Do you have her mug shot or shots? Would you conclude she was a "black sheep" of a respected family? Do you concur with reports that she and Filiol engaged in psychopathic rampages involving torture and murder or are those stories apocryphal? Did you notice she married someone 23 years her senior after Filliol? I'll research Hardiviller; the name is not familiar. Did you note that Filliol did a stint with Hatchette press? He seems to have been more sophisticated than one might expect. I'm not able to pursue French records, public or private, to the extent of confirming either of their exact whereabouts the week of November 18; I respect your argument that a general analysis indicates they were likely not in Dallas. Pierre Lafitte indicates otherwise. His notes about them are not sufficient proof, and stand-alone they could be dismissed out of hand I suppose; however, considered in context of Lafitte's known history with Skorzeny and the couple and factoring in the surrounding entries in his '63 datebook (several of which align with independent records including Pugibet checking into the Stoneleigh), we're prepared to state that Lamy and Filliol aling with Gerard Litt were in Dallas on the dates in question. I'll pick up on your observations about Leon Degrelle in another comment. Thanks again for this great report.
  19. @Bill Fite A really interesting document... I think there's a follow up that indicates Pugibet had friends in high places in Mex City and charges were mysteriously dropped.
  20. @Benjamin Cole Trump has the Heritage Foundation (founded by shadow representatives of US largest military contractors), American Conservative Union / CPAC founded by remnants of pro- fascist America First Committee, the NRA whose former president left The YAF and American Conservative Union to head up the NRA and lobby for arms manufacturers, Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society, and the shadowy Alliance for Defense of Freedom lobbying to deny US citizens their rights. I'm leaving out his personal ties to mob-types in NYC and FL --- Alexander Bauer being the most recent of his scandals. So, tell me again, Trump has no institutional allies?
  21. @Sandy Larsen great questions. I thought the original question was related to training, mock sets, sighting in weapons and coordinating teams. You meant reconnaissance. And I've never come across answers to what are to me the most obvious any experienced detective would ask. I've thought about most of yours: I think O. Campbell and his partner should have been asked; if not them, then definitely Truly. We have notes to indicate the rifle(s?)were inside the bldg. by Nov. 20. If the courier of that (or those) weapon, or the pending assassin himself made it inside the building on Wednesday unimpeded, he or they would be recognized on the 22nd and presumed to be back to continue or complete a job. Situation normal. Their exit would have been arranged during the recon on Wednesday. I have a theory about the Dal-Tex as well.
  22. @Greg Doudna Naiveté or deliberate deflection? I'm not talking about "embarassment."
  23. @John Cotter I’m pointing out the burden any administration carries. Trump, in spite of his blathering bluster promising to take down the “deep state” (a misnomer if ever there was one*) backed down. *I’m told that Prof. Peter Dale Scott says among any regrets, introducing that term into the popular lexicon in place of the Military-Industrial Complex, ranks high. Does anyone think Trump would take down the Military-Industrial Complex which employs tens of millions of voters? On the contrary, he poured trillions into it, and increased our debt in the process. He/they are after our institutions and judicial system that safeguard our democracy, full stop.
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