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Leslie Sharp

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Posts posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. Begin min. 7.15 ". . .Crypto ... should we be backstopping Americans or Agents of Chaos?"
    [caveat, it's my opinion that failure to follow mainstream news coverage, in this instance CBS, leaves one ill-informed as to what millions of fellow US citizens are absorbing — much of which, like it or not — is fact based and vetted by multiples of fact-checkers.]


  2. 22 hours ago, Evan Marshall said:

    I posted because I think too much time is wasted running down false and sometimes intentionally misleading info. The works of fiction focusing on CIA assassins or super secret agents authorized by the president to murder are just tripe! I believe in a conspiracy where the shooters were Antu Castro Cubans directed by JM Wave. Don't agree? That ok, but I have proved this to my own satisfaction. Your mileage may vary!

    It's certainly your prerogative, Evan, but I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance.

    You indicate that anything or anyone you consider to be false and misleading information is a distraction, yet you're pointing to an individual and his story —unnamed and without a full vetting of his claims — that I worry is false and misleading information. 

  3. On 3/16/2023 at 1:19 PM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    Fox reached out to us after our press conference. 

    FYI, new thread on Education Forum filed under JFK Assassination Research and tagged jfkdeclassification.

    JFK Records Act lawsuit — can we collect a list of egregious failures to comply?

    As a companion piece to Paul Brancato's new thread titled Mary Ferrell Lawsuit - can we get media coverage?

    I've  launched this thread to solicit incidents of NARA's failure to comply with the JFK Records Act.

    If anyone has a significant outstanding FOIA, either pending or denied, they suspect might relate to the last batch of withheld files, we are asking you to provide enough details of your FOIA to add to this list that will be turned over for consideration of inclusion in the final brief filed by Larry Schnapf and the legal team suing the Biden administration.

    I plan to add details of the FOIAs for Jean Rene Marie Souetre and the missing Dallas INS report(s) once I've received confirmation of the history behind J. Gary Shaw's lawsuit in pursuit of same (hopefully by Mar 23).

    I hope readers/members will give this invitation some thought in the very near future, and add to the list as appropriate. It's my understanding that the final brief is due April 27.


    I. Denied FOIA — files pertaining to Jean Rene Marie Souetre.

    II. Denied FOIA — files pertaining to Dallas office of the INS report(s) for November 22-26, 1963











  4. As a companion piece to Paul Brancato's new thread titled Mary Ferrell Lawsuit - can we get media coverage?

    I've  launched this thread to solicit incidents of NARA's failure to comply with the JFK Records Act.

    If anyone has a significant outstanding FOIA, either pending or denied, they suspect might relate to the last batch of withheld files, we are asking you to provide enough details of your FOIA to add to this list that will be turned over for consideration of inclusion in the final brief filed by Larry Schnapf and the legal team suing the Biden administration.

    I plan to add details of the FOIAs for Jean Rene Marie Souetre and the missing Dallas INS report(s) once I've received confirmation of the history behind J. Gary Shaw's lawsuit in pursuit of same (hopefully by Mar 23).

    I hope readers/members will give this invitation some thought in the very near future, and add to the list as appropriate. It's my understanding that the final brief is due April 27.


    I. Denied FOIA — files pertaining to Jean Rene Marie Souetre.

    II. Denied FOIA — files pertaining to Dallas office of the INS report(s) for November 22-26, 1963











  5. 7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Biden has essentially proposed deep-sixing the JFK Records in perpetuity. 

    1. Why would he do that?

    2. What does that say about the power of the Deep State over Biden?

    3. Is Biden beholden to the Deep State in his full range of foreign trade and military policies? 

    4. What does say about American democracy? 

    2. What does that say about the power of the Deep State over Biden?

    Would that be the same power held over Trump? presuming Napolitano is telling the truth that Trump was FEARFUL to release the entirety of the records when the ACT kicked in on his watch?  What pray tell might be the power over Biden if not FEAR?

    3. Is Biden beholden to the Deep State in his full range of foreign trade and military policies? 

    You obviously didn't read the post that defines Trump's very own alternative deep state represented by QAnon favorite Kash Patel with decades of service in Intelligence, alt-right Richard Grenell embedded in the State Department and acting director of Trump's National Intel, Erik Prince - head of a private mercenary with little if any Congressional oversight, Tucker Carlson - Murdoch's front man for his own private, alternative deep state media conglomerate.   

    I suggest you don't actually understand the term deep state because it has been coopted by Trump and his following to distort and distract from the Military - Industrial Complex, the latter of which is supported by US investors that just may include Trump's major backers.  Has anyone delved into Thiel's or Musk's, or Leonard's investments in military contractors?

  6. 3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Joe - an important thread, one that begs responses. There has been a massive failure by our government and our media to press for answers. Researchers have been on the defensive for the most part, trying only to prove that the official story is wrong, that there could not have been a lone gunman. Very little research has attempted to answer the most important question - if Oswald was innocent, or part of a team, who were the perps? We know in great detail who wanted JFK out of the picture. We know most everything on could know about the life of the ‘patsy’. We don’t know who conspired to kill the President. 
    The biggest failure is being unable to get the MSM to fight for truth. 

     if Oswald was innocent, or part of a team, who were the perps?

    Well said, Paul. After 6 decades, we know almost as much about the life of Lee Harvey Oswald as that of John F. Kennedy.  This is proof positive that the schemers chose the "perfect patsy" - one whose short life would be so compelling, researchers and authors would be distracted from looking for those who fired the shots, those who paid the shooters and then protected them, and those who made the decision to permanently remove the democratically elected president.  

    The cottage industry that sprung up around Oswald is a significant aspect of the failure you speak of. Too many for too long were reticent to kill the golden goose.

    Respected authors within this community each have editors and publishers with access to print and broadcast media that reaches mainstream America. Have they applied pressure? 

  7. 3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Further thoughts:


    Are right-wingers as MAGA?...I don't know.

    Is there something wrong with wearing a cap that says, "Make America Great Again." 

    Is someone offensive for identifying as a "MAGA person"? 

    Is being an ardent Trump supporter better or worse than being an ardent Biden supporter (in the context of the EF-JFK)?

    Suppose someone new, with an interest in the JFKA, has reached the EF-JFK.

    The first thing they see---the headliner---is "Trump Thread Links," and pictures of prison toilets and so on therein. 

    So...is that person, with an interest n the JFK, going to hang around? 

    Franky, any thinking person would have reservations (many of Trump Thread Links posts are beneath low brow), and if they are "right wing" or MAGA, they will probably disappear.

    Great, you just lost a possible supporter. 

    At the risk of referring to an excerpt from a book I co-authored, it happens to be a fairly concise response to your questions.  

    Three decades following the assassination of John Kennedy, the America First dogma was resurrected unabashedly by Patrick Joseph Buchanan, who at the time was considered an extreme-right Republican. He would eventually run for US president three times. His 1992 presidential campaign platform centered on “Make America first again.” Included in Buchanan’s defense of what had by then become a relatively controversial ideology promoted by the original America First Committee were the signatures of widely respected Americans on early recruitment posters for the original AFC including Quaker Oats’ Bob Suart, future Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, and an asst. varsity coach at Yale and future Republican congressman, US president and Warren Commission member, Gerald Ford. 

    While he is not a household name, the most significant signature on that poster was that of the chairman of the Yale Daily News, Kingman Brewster who had strategized with Charles Lindbergh to create America First. Brewster would later be appointed president of Yale University. In a touch of tragic irony in the investigation into the assassination of John Kennedy, whose father Joe was a committed isolationist and had influenced John to sign on with the AFC, Brewster would later appoint James Angleton’s protégé, Tracy Barnes as special assistant for community relations at Yale when Barnes left the CIA. 

    In another run for US president, Buchanan began identifying as a paleo-conservative and traditionalist. In his October 2004 essay for his monthly newsletter, The American Cause,  titled “The Resurrection of America First,” Buchanan reinvigorated the movement, stating that “the achievements of the organization [AFC] are monumental.” 

    To his credit, in a piece for the National Review founded by William F. Buckley—whose own attempts to disenfranchise the dangerous fringe of his party, the John Birch Society, had slowed their momentum—fellow conservative writer Windsor Mann summarized, “Buchanan's brand of populist-nationalism is no longer marginal on the right. It is ascendant. A year after National Review released its ‘Against Trump’ issue, it ran a cover story making the case for nationalism. [Fox News pundit] Tucker Carlson discarded his libertarianism in favor of right-wing nanny-statism. Bennett, who accused Buchanan of ‘flirting with fascism,’ supports Trump, who quoted Benito Mussolini, the founder of fascism, approvingly [stating ‘it's a very good quote’].” According to Mann, Trump made this state of affairs possible, and Buchanan made Trump possible. He writes, “Just as Barry Goldwater's defeat in 1964 precipitated Ronald Reagan's victory in 1980, Buchanan's presidential campaigns in 1992, 1996, and 2000, laid the groundwork for Trump's presidency. His three candidacies exposed fissures on the right and showed Trump that there was an untapped market for nativism, protectionism, and isolationism.”  . . .  Trump would go on to declare, “’America First’ will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.”

  8. 2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    I honor your contributions to the EF-JFK, and I often see your point view even if I disagree, but on this one, I am puzzled.

    OK, short-story version is Matt Taibbi and many other independent journalists from a wide range across the spectrum, review Twitter rules, per-Musk.  

    The independent journalists---who in general consider themselves bound to report on government, and not become government assets---uncover that federal assets, and party assets, have been effecting and affecting Twitter algorithms and content. 

    OK, Twitter is becoming a propaganda arm of the state or major parties? The threat is certainly there, and appears more than a threat. 

    Good reporting. Be advised, I say. 

    Journalists should never, ever become de facto investigators for the state. Their first and only obligation to report what they found, except in dire cases of national security or similar and immediate life-threatening circumstances. 

    Taibbi & Co. should turn their investigations over to federal authorities and go mute? It is the federal panopticon that they are worried about. I am too, btw. 

    LS, we just have to agree to disagree on this one, but I look forward to your contributions to EF. 

    I hope we can welcome a wide range of views and political outlooks into the EF. A big tent. 


    Ben, I'm at a disadvantage because I don't know if you took the same position when 16 of the 17 intel agencies concurred that the Putin regime had infiltrated social network platforms and strengthened Trump's base exponentially, winning him the 2016 election.

    Ready for my "view" on Musk? He doesn't have a clue what constitutes a democracy.  He is a profit driven egomaniacal toxic capitalist, in my view, so I was all in favor of any precautions the appropriate agencies took to monitor Twitter — as they should have all platforms in the lead up to the 2016 election as well. By 2020 they may have overcompensated, and you may argue goose and gander, but I say it's all one gander that threatens our fragile democracy.

    Notice Meta allowed Trump back on just as he's about to be indicted?  Surely you see the move in play?

  9. 1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Coleman never got what he deserved, prison time himself, It get's deeper I discovered with more reading.  At least all but 2 were ultimately freed and they shared in some compensation.

    I've been through Tulia going from Turkey and Silverton to Palo Duro Canyon SP.  Miles and miles of Texas.


    We played a loop of Keen at my mother's gathering ... The Road Goes on Forever, Gringo Honeymoon .. her faves.

    Not many know Turkey!!

    My father irrigated and and then farmed dryland between Tulia and Silverton for years before he bought the Magnolia Oil distribution county.  They attended the first national Mobil Oil jobber convention held at the newly opened Cabana Motel, Dallas '61 or '62, I forget. My mother came home telling stories about 'the mafia'.

    Did you know Keen is related to Lovett and they're related to Robert A. Lovett - guy who essentially chose Kennedy's cabinet, and McCloy's college roommate?

  10. 19 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I realize that you have not printed out and memorized all my posts.

    But I have presented my views on variations of these topics before, probably too many times. 

    1. Russiagate Hoax: I agree with the Matt Taibbis, the Glenn Greenwalds, and even the Peter Strzoks, that "there is no there, there."  One can conjecture what happened in certain meetings...but conjectures and accusations are not evidence. The Biden Justice Department has had two years now....We just have to agree to disagree. We could spend hours on even minute points of Russiagate Hoax...did Manafort know Kilimnik was an FSB asset, or even was Kilimnik an FSB asset? Do intel-assets go around telling people, "BTW, I am a spy?" That is called "blowing your cover," and might even have fatal consequences. See also the 24,000-word CJR four-part series on the topic, free online. I largely agree with that article.  

    2. My take is Fox-Carlson is on the outs with the national security state---did you see Carlson say Pompeo must have known who killed JFK. Egads! Meanwhile, there are platoons of ex intel-state guys holding forth at CNN and MSNBC. Too many to count. Let's disagree on this one. 

    3. Matt Taibbi, and many, many other solid reporters, from across the spectrum, have reviewed the Twittergate Files and concluded Twitter was running government-approved or influenced algorithms , and also silencing ordinary Americans who had non-orthodox views. This is a short-hand statement for what went on. I don't understand why one would turn Twittergate evidence over to authorities---when it is the authorities that are doing the bad stuff. We disagree on this one.

    4. On Jan. 6, surely there were crazies in the crowd, and provocateurs, instigators and also unknown numbers of government assets. The indisputable Mr. Buffalo Horn videos show an inexplicable episode--as if Mr BF was being shown around for photo-op purposes, to be the face of the occupation. Other videos indisputably show Capitol Police opening barricades. I could go on about the Capitol Police showing up light and then standing down, and they report to the legislative branch. There is no evidence that the Trump people were connected to the Jan 6 scrum. I disapprove of violence in any form, btw.  

    We are worlds apart in our perspectives and what we consider relevant facts. That's fine...this is a forum. I look forward to your contributions. 

    3. . . . I don’t know why one would turn Twittergate evidence over to authorities . . . 

    I don’t know, Ben, perhaps to avoid vigilante justice? 

    Lock Her Up — 2015

    Hank Mike Pence — Jan 6, 2020
    I Will Be Your Retribution  Trump, 2023

    4. . . . There is no evidence that the Trump people were connected to the Jan 6 scrum.

    Your argument is not fact-based.

  11. 48 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Leslie, your story above got me thinking, I've read something about this or like it.  So, I went looking.  If this is it, it's now part of Texas official state history via the TSHA article.  I probably read the Texas Monthly article 21 years ago, before it was finally settled.

    TSHA | Tulia Drug Bust of 1999 (tshaonline.org)

    Bust Town – Texas Monthly

    That's it, Ron.

    The Tulia sting happened on W's watch while governor. When he first announced he was running for president, questions started swirling whether he had used cocaine. You may recall that he denied committing adultery but refused to say if he had used drugs. 


    Five years after undercover agent Tom Coleman upended the lives of dozens among Tulia's black population and hundreds of their families and friends, the extraordinary efforts of Friends of Justice with assistance from the ADL pressured Bush, by then president (who must have been shamed privately by the flagrant hypocrisy) to propose elimination of the Byrne Grant Program that had funded the one-man sting operation in Tulia.

  12. In the first hour and a half of the biggest manhunt in America's modern history, why would a federal agent, FBI SA Bardwell Odum who had been on a first name basis with the Paines long before Oswald and Marina came on the scene, rush to the theatre to witness the arrest of a suspect in a local copy killing?  His Commander in Chief had just been murdered in broad daylight in Dallas, yet his attention turns to the Tippit shooting? 

    According to Raymond Gallagher who was the first to recognize the high strangeness of FBI SA Odum's actions in the early hours and days of the investigation,

    It was between 1:45 and 2:00 pm. that Odum and Day made the
    delivery [of a rifle] to Lt. Day's office at Main and Harwood Streets in downtown
    Dallas. At the very same time, according to Hosty, Bardwell was at the
    Texas Theater witnessing the arrest of LHO. Odum, himself made a
    statement (HSCA document #01431) describing his observing the arrest.
    His statement begins:
    "At approximately 2 p.m., November 22, 1963, I was informed by an
    unidentified policeman of the DPD that a suspect had been seen
    entering the back door of the Texas Theater. I immediately proceeded
    to the Texas Theater...."


  13. @Benjamin Cole2. My take is Fox-Carlson is on the outs with the national security state---did you see Carlson say Pompeo must have known who killed JFK. Egads! Meanwhile, there are platoons of ex intel-state guys holding forth at CNN and MSNBC. Too many to count. Let's disagree on this one. 

    Benjamin, I’ll begin with Kash Patel because the line of inquiry establishes that the alt-right supports their very own“deep state,” the euphemism for the very same Military-Industrial Complex on an international scale that fueled the decision to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. These are the ideological descendants.

    Spinning Trump as the “no war” president to rail against the “deep state” fails to take into account his $738 billion defense bill before he left office. 


    NSC aide who worked to discredit Russia probe moves to senior ODNI post

    By Daniel Lippman

    02/20/2020, Politico

    Kash Patel, a former acolyte of Rep. Devin Nunes, is now a top adviser in the Office of National Intelligence.

    Kash Patel, a former top National Security Council official who also played a key role as a Hill staffer in helping Republicans discredit the Russia probe, is now a senior adviser for new acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, according to four people familiar with the matter.

    (more on Grenell later.)



    Patel’s official bio.


    Former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense


    Mr. Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations.

    Previously, Mr. Patel served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism (CT) at the National Security Council (NSC). In that capacity, Mr. Patel oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities, including eliminating ISIS and Al-Qa’ida leadership such as al-Baghdadi and Qasem al-Rimi, and the safe repatriation of numerous American hostages. Mr. Patel also served as Principal Deputy to the Acting Director of National Intelligence, where he oversaw the operations of all 17 intelligence community agencies and provided the President’s Daily Briefing.

    Before joining the NSC, Mr. Patel served as the National Security Advisor and Senior Counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), where he spearheaded the investigation into the Russian active measures campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. Concurrently, he oversaw sensitive programs for the Intelligence Community and U.S. Special Operations Forces and worked to enact legislation to fully fund the multi-billion dollar budgets supporting intelligence and counterterrorism operations worldwide.

    In other words, Patel has been entrenched in the “deep state” apparatus for decades.Yet, Patel had the hutzpah to opine on Breitbart News as recently as 3 Mar, 2023.


    ‘Taking on the Swamp’ — Kash Patel: ‘There Is No Deep State Without the Fake News Mafia’ 

    Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) about how to take on the administrative state, former Pentagon Chief of Staff Kash Patel said “There is no deep state without the fake news mafia.”

    Lamenting the fact Americans even have to talk about the reality of a “deep state,” Patel called it something one would normally hear about in “tyrannical dictatorships.”



    Moving from Patel to Erik Prince. . .  Anyone who has studied the “deep state” knows that Erik Prince’s Blackwater and subsequent iterations is the quintessential private military contractor able to skirt Congressional oversight of his for-profit private mercenary operations in dozens of global hotspots since 1996.  His sister was Trump’s Secretary of Education, a woman who advocated for private vouchers that erode America’s public school system.


    The Men Behind the Nunes Memo

    The House Intelligence Committee’s chair wasn’t alone in drafting the classified memo that it just voted to release.

    By Natasha Bertrand
    JANUARY 30, 2018, The Atlantic

    [Kash] Patel also formally invited Erik Prince to testify before the House Intelligence Committee last summer following a meeting between Prince and Nunes “over the summer or early fall,” according to a transcript of Prince’s interview, which was conducted on November 30. The meeting raised eyebrows given Nunes’s recusal from the Russia investigation at the time and Prince’s status as a witness in that probe.


    From Prince and Patel, we move to Patel and Carlson and Fo News, Murcoch’s private, partison, alternative ”deep state” media conglomerate . . .

     Of note, Patel is not relegated to alt-right broadcast and print media i.e., Breitbart or Gateway Pundit, he’s also a favorite consultant on Fo News.  Here he is, March 9, 2023, calling on Tucker Carlson to pursue Ray Epps.  See how this works, Benjamin?



    Mar 8 2023

    "Ray Epps was on FBI's most wanted list one day, and the next day he was off. There are only two ways that happens: you die, or you are an informant. . . .




    And who first advanced Patel’s ideology with millions of Fo viewers? Sean Hannity who took him to meet Trump in the oval.


    Patel is no ordinary aide to Trump. During the Trump administration, he served as Deputy Assistant to the President, a job he reportedly “landed after Fox News host Sean Hannity took him to meet Trump in the Oval.” After the November 2020 elections, Patel was dispatched to the Defense Department as chief of staff to the acting defense secretary where, among other activities, he reportedly pursued the idea that Italian military satellites had been used to turn votes to Joe Biden in the presidential election, according to Jonathan Karl’s book and the House Select Committee hearings. Since leaving office, Patel has joined the board of directors for the former president’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group. On June 19, 2022, Trump sent a letter to the National Archives designating Patel as one of the former president’s “representatives for access to Presidential records of my administration.” Patel claims to have been in the room when then-President Trump verbally declassified documents. He has often made other statements in right-wing interviews that anticipate and put forward Trump’s specific claims of innocence about the Mar-a-Lago documents.





    Additionally, Patel has close ties to the QAnon conspiracy movement, which Trump has also fully embraced. Patel used QAnon to build the user base of Trump-branded social media site Truth Social; Nunes, his former boss, is the site’s CEO. He has also praised QAnon activists, and defended signing his book using a QAnon slogan.





    Patel and Richard Grenell, Trump’s Amb. To Germany and proposed to serve as his acting Director of Intelligence … 

    Kash Patel, a former top National Security Council official who also played a key role as a Hill staffer in helping Republicans discredit the Russia probe, is now a senior adviser for new acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, according to four people familiar with the matter.


    New US ambassador to Germany under fire for rightwing support

    Phillip Olterman
    June 4, 2018, The Guardian

    Politicians accuse Richard Grenell of breaching protocol over interview with Breitbart

    German politicians have criticised Donald Trump’s new ambassador to Germany after he said he wanted to “empower” anti-establishment rightwing forces throughout Europe.

    “US Senator Chris Murphy said rightly that ambassadors are not supposed to ‘empower’ political parties. Ambassador Grenell is new on his post and I hope this irritation will not be repeated.”



  14. @Benjamin Cole2. My take is Fox-Carlson is on the outs with the national security state---did you see Carlson say Pompeo must have known who killed JFK. Egads! Meanwhile, there are platoons of ex intel-state guys holding forth at CNN and MSNBC. Too many to count. Let's disagree on this one. 

    Benjamin, I’ll begin with Kash Patel because the line of inquiry establishes that the alt-right supports their very own“deep state,” the euphemism for the very same Military-Industrial Complex on an international scale that fueled the decision to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. These are the ideological descendants.

    Spinning Trump as the “no war” president to rail against the “deep state” fails to take into account his $738 billion defense bill before he left office. 


    NSC aide who worked to discredit Russia probe moves to senior ODNI post

    By Daniel Lippman

    02/20/2020, Politico

    Kash Patel, a former acolyte of Rep. Devin Nunes, is now a top adviser in the Office of National Intelligence.

    Kash Patel, a former top National Security Council official who also played a key role as a Hill staffer in helping Republicans discredit the Russia probe, is now a senior adviser for new acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, according to four people familiar with the matter.

    (more on Grenell later.)



    Patel’s official bio.


    Former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense


    Mr. Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations.

    Previously, Mr. Patel served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism (CT) at the National Security Council (NSC). In that capacity, Mr. Patel oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities, including eliminating ISIS and Al-Qa’ida leadership such as al-Baghdadi and Qasem al-Rimi, and the safe repatriation of numerous American hostages. Mr. Patel also served as Principal Deputy to the Acting Director of National Intelligence, where he oversaw the operations of all 17 intelligence community agencies and provided the President’s Daily Briefing.

    Before joining the NSC, Mr. Patel served as the National Security Advisor and Senior Counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), where he spearheaded the investigation into the Russian active measures campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. Concurrently, he oversaw sensitive programs for the Intelligence Community and U.S. Special Operations Forces and worked to enact legislation to fully fund the multi-billion dollar budgets supporting intelligence and counterterrorism operations worldwide.

    In other words, Patel has been entrenched in the “deep state” apparatus for decades.Yet, Patel had the hutzpah to opine on Breitbart News as recently as 3 Mar, 2023.


    ‘Taking on the Swamp’ — Kash Patel: ‘There Is No Deep State Without the Fake News Mafia’ 

    Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) about how to take on the administrative state, former Pentagon Chief of Staff Kash Patel said “There is no deep state without the fake news mafia.”

    Lamenting the fact Americans even have to talk about the reality of a “deep state,” Patel called it something one would normally hear about in “tyrannical dictatorships.”



    Moving from Patel to Erik Prince. . .  Anyone who has studied the “deep state” knows that Erik Prince’s Blackwater and subsequent iterations is the quintessential private military contractor able to skirt Congressional oversight of his for-profit private mercenary operations in dozens of global hotspots since 1996.  His sister was Trump’s Secretary of Education, a woman who advocated for private vouchers that erode America’s public school system.


    The Men Behind the Nunes Memo

    The House Intelligence Committee’s chair wasn’t alone in drafting the classified memo that it just voted to release.

    By Natasha Bertrand
    JANUARY 30, 2018, The Atlantic

    [Kash] Patel also formally invited Erik Prince to testify before the House Intelligence Committee last summer following a meeting between Prince and Nunes “over the summer or early fall,” according to a transcript of Prince’s interview, which was conducted on November 30. The meeting raised eyebrows given Nunes’s recusal from the Russia investigation at the time and Prince’s status as a witness in that probe.


    From Prince and Patel, we move to Patel and Carlson and Fo News, Murcoch’s private, partison, alternative ”deep state” media conglomerate . . .

     Of note, Patel is not relegated to alt-right broadcast and print media i.e., Breitbart or Gateway Pundit, he’s also a favorite consultant on Fo News.  Here he is, March 9, 2023, calling on Tucker Carlson to pursue Ray Epps.  See how this works, Benjamin?



    Mar 8 2023

    "Ray Epps was on FBI's most wanted list one day, and the next day he was off. There are only two ways that happens: you die, or you are an informant. . . .




    And who first advanced Patel’s ideology with millions of Fo viewers? Sean Hannity who took him to meet Trump in the oval.


    Patel is no ordinary aide to Trump. During the Trump administration, he served as Deputy Assistant to the President, a job he reportedly “landed after Fox News host Sean Hannity took him to meet Trump in the Oval.” After the November 2020 elections, Patel was dispatched to the Defense Department as chief of staff to the acting defense secretary where, among other activities, he reportedly pursued the idea that Italian military satellites had been used to turn votes to Joe Biden in the presidential election, according to Jonathan Karl’s book and the House Select Committee hearings. Since leaving office, Patel has joined the board of directors for the former president’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group. On June 19, 2022, Trump sent a letter to the National Archives designating Patel as one of the former president’s “representatives for access to Presidential records of my administration.” Patel claims to have been in the room when then-President Trump verbally declassified documents. He has often made other statements in right-wing interviews that anticipate and put forward Trump’s specific claims of innocence about the Mar-a-Lago documents.





    Additionally, Patel has close ties to the QAnon conspiracy movement, which Trump has also fully embraced. Patel used QAnon to build the user base of Trump-branded social media site Truth Social; Nunes, his former boss, is the site’s CEO. He has also praised QAnon activists, and defended signing his book using a QAnon slogan.





    Patel and Richard Grenell, Trump’s Amb. To Germany and proposed to serve as his acting Director of Intelligence … 

    Kash Patel, a former top National Security Council official who also played a key role as a Hill staffer in helping Republicans discredit the Russia probe, is now a senior adviser for new acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, according to four people familiar with the matter.


    New US ambassador to Germany under fire for rightwing support

    Phillip Olterman
    June 4, 2018, The Guardian

    Politicians accuse Richard Grenell of breaching protocol over interview with Breitbart

    German politicians have criticised Donald Trump’s new ambassador to Germany after he said he wanted to “empower” anti-establishment rightwing forces throughout Europe.

    “US Senator Chris Murphy said rightly that ambassadors are not supposed to ‘empower’ political parties. Ambassador Grenell is new on his post and I hope this irritation will not be repeated.”



  15. 15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I realize that you have not printed out and memorized all my posts.

    But I have presented my views on variations of these topics before, probably too many times. 

    1. Russiagate Hoax: I agree with the Matt Taibbis, the Glenn Greenwalds, and even the Peter Strzoks, that "there is no there, there."  One can conjecture what happened in certain meetings...but conjectures and accusations are not evidence. The Biden Justice Department has had two years now....We just have to agree to disagree. We could spend hours on even minute points of Russiagate Hoax...did Manafort know Kilimnik was an FSB asset, or even was Kilimnik an FSB asset? Do intel-assets go around telling people, "BTW, I am a spy?" That is called "blowing your cover," and might even have fatal consequences. See also the 24,000-word CJR four-part series on the topic, free online. I largely agree with that article.  

    2. My take is Fox-Carlson is on the outs with the national security state---did you see Carlson say Pompeo must have known who killed JFK. Egads! Meanwhile, there are platoons of ex intel-state guys holding forth at CNN and MSNBC. Too many to count. Let's disagree on this one. 

    3. Matt Taibbi, and many, many other solid reporters, from across the spectrum, have reviewed the Twittergate Files and concluded Twitter was running government-approved or influenced algorithms , and also silencing ordinary Americans who had non-orthodox views. This is a short-hand statement for what went on. I don't understand why one would turn Twittergate evidence over to authorities---when it is the authorities that are doing the bad stuff. We disagree on this one.

    4. On Jan. 6, surely there were crazies in the crowd, and provocateurs, instigators and also unknown numbers of government assets. The indisputable Mr. Buffalo Horn videos show an inexplicable episode--as if Mr BF was being shown around for photo-op purposes, to be the face of the occupation. Other videos indisputably show Capitol Police opening barricades. I could go on about the Capitol Police showing up light and then standing down, and they report to the legislative branch. There is no evidence that the Trump people were connected to the Jan 6 scrum. I disapprove of violence in any form, btw.  

    We are worlds apart in our perspectives and what we consider relevant facts. That's fine...this is a forum. I look forward to your contributions. 

    @Benjamin Cole 2. My take is Fox-Carlson is on the outs with the national security state---did you see Carlson say Pompeo must have known who killed JFK. Egads! Meanwhile, there are platoons of ex intel-state guys holding forth at CNN and MSNBC. Too many to count. Let's disagree on this one. 

    Benjamin, I’ll begin with Kash Patel because the line of inquiry establishes that the alt-right supports their very own“deep state,” the euphemism for the very same Military-Industrial Complex on an international scale that fueled the decision to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. These are the ideological descendants.

    Spinning Trump as the “no war” president to rail against the “deep state” fails to take into account his $738 billion defense bill before he left office. 


    NSC aide who worked to discredit Russia probe moves to senior ODNI post

    By Daniel Lippman

    02/20/2020, Politico

    Kash Patel, a former acolyte of Rep. Devin Nunes, is now a top adviser in the Office of National Intelligence.

    Kash Patel, a former top National Security Council official who also played a key role as a Hill staffer in helping Republicans discredit the Russia probe, is now a senior adviser for new acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, according to four people familiar with the matter.

    (more on Grenell later.)



    Patel’s official bio.


    Former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense


    Mr. Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations.

    Previously, Mr. Patel served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism (CT) at the National Security Council (NSC). In that capacity, Mr. Patel oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities, including eliminating ISIS and Al-Qa’ida leadership such as al-Baghdadi and Qasem al-Rimi, and the safe repatriation of numerous American hostages. Mr. Patel also served as Principal Deputy to the Acting Director of National Intelligence, where he oversaw the operations of all 17 intelligence community agencies and provided the President’s Daily Briefing.

    Before joining the NSC, Mr. Patel served as the National Security Advisor and Senior Counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), where he spearheaded the investigation into the Russian active measures campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. Concurrently, he oversaw sensitive programs for the Intelligence Community and U.S. Special Operations Forces and worked to enact legislation to fully fund the multi-billion dollar budgets supporting intelligence and counterterrorism operations worldwide.

    In other words, Patel has been entrenched in the “deep state” apparatus for decades.Yet, Patel had the hutzpah to opine on Breitbart News as recently as 3 Mar, 2023.


    ‘Taking on the Swamp’ — Kash Patel: ‘There Is No Deep State Without the Fake News Mafia’ 

    Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) about how to take on the administrative state, former Pentagon Chief of Staff Kash Patel said “There is no deep state without the fake news mafia.”

    Lamenting the fact Americans even have to talk about the reality of a “deep state,” Patel called it something one would normally hear about in “tyrannical dictatorships.”



    Moving from Patel to Erik Prince. . .  Anyone who has studied the “deep state” knows that Erik Prince’s Blackwater and subsequent iterations is the quintessential private military contractor able to skirt Congressional oversight of his for-profit private mercenary operations in dozens of global hotspots since 1996.  His sister was Trump’s Secretary of Education, a woman who advocated for private vouchers that erode America’s public school system.


    The Men Behind the Nunes Memo

    The House Intelligence Committee’s chair wasn’t alone in drafting the classified memo that it just voted to release.

    By Natasha Bertrand
    JANUARY 30, 2018, The Atlantic

    [Kash] Patel also formally invited Erik Prince to testify before the House Intelligence Committee last summer following a meeting between Prince and Nunes “over the summer or early fall,” according to a transcript of Prince’s interview, which was conducted on November 30. The meeting raised eyebrows given Nunes’s recusal from the Russia investigation at the time and Prince’s status as a witness in that probe.


    From Prince and Patel, we move to Patel and Carlson and Fo News, Murcoch’s private, partison, alternative ”deep state” media conglomerate . . .

     Of note, Patel is not relegated to alt-right broadcast and print media i.e., Breitbart or Gateway Pundit, he’s also a favorite consultant on Fo News.  Here he is, March 9, 2023, calling on Tucker Carlson to pursue Ray Epps.  See how this works, Benjamin?



    Mar 8 2023

    "Ray Epps was on FBI's most wanted list one day, and the next day he was off. There are only two ways that happens: you die, or you are an informant. . . .




    And who first advanced Patel’s ideology with millions of Fo viewers? Sean Hannity who took him to meet Trump in the oval.


    Patel is no ordinary aide to Trump. During the Trump administration, he served as Deputy Assistant to the President, a job he reportedly “landed after Fox News host Sean Hannity took him to meet Trump in the Oval.” After the November 2020 elections, Patel was dispatched to the Defense Department as chief of staff to the acting defense secretary where, among other activities, he reportedly pursued the idea that Italian military satellites had been used to turn votes to Joe Biden in the presidential election, according to Jonathan Karl’s book and the House Select Committee hearings. Since leaving office, Patel has joined the board of directors for the former president’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group. On June 19, 2022, Trump sent a letter to the National Archives designating Patel as one of the former president’s “representatives for access to Presidential records of my administration.” Patel claims to have been in the room when then-President Trump verbally declassified documents. He has often made other statements in right-wing interviews that anticipate and put forward Trump’s specific claims of innocence about the Mar-a-Lago documents.





    Additionally, Patel has close ties to the QAnon conspiracy movement, which Trump has also fully embraced. Patel used QAnon to build the user base of Trump-branded social media site Truth Social; Nunes, his former boss, is the site’s CEO. He has also praised QAnon activists, and defended signing his book using a QAnon slogan.





    Patel and Richard Grenell, Trump’s Amb. To Germany and proposed to serve as his acting Director of Intelligence … 

    Kash Patel, a former top National Security Council official who also played a key role as a Hill staffer in helping Republicans discredit the Russia probe, is now a senior adviser for new acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, according to four people familiar with the matter.


    New US ambassador to Germany under fire for rightwing support

    Phillip Olterman
    June 4, 2018, The Guardian

    Politicians accuse Richard Grenell of breaching protocol over interview with Breitbart

    German politicians have criticised Donald Trump’s new ambassador to Germany after he said he wanted to “empower” anti-establishment rightwing forces throughout Europe.

    “US Senator Chris Murphy said rightly that ambassadors are not supposed to ‘empower’ political parties. Ambassador Grenell is new on his post and I hope this irritation will not be repeated.”








  16. 3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Citing staffing issues and political climate, North Idaho hospital will no longer deliver babies

    Kelcie Moseley-Morris, Idaho Capital Sun March 18, 2023



    “Idaho’s Bonner General Health, the only hospital in Sandpoint, announced Friday afternoon that it will no longer provide obstetrical services to the city of more than 9,000 people, meaning patients will have to drive 46 miles for labor and delivery care moving forward.

    “We have made every effort to avoid eliminating these services,” said Ford Elsaesser, the hospital’s board president, in a news release. “We hoped to be the exception, but our challenges are impossible to overcome now.” “

    “Idaho has one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the country, with affirmative defenses in court only for documented instances of rape, incest or to save the pregnant person’s life. Physicians are subject to felony charges and the revocation of their medical license for violating the statute, which the Idaho Supreme Court determined is constitutional in January.

    “The Idaho Legislature continues to introduce and pass bills that criminalize physicians for medical care nationally recognized as the standard of care,” the hospital’s news release said. “Consequences for Idaho physicians providing the standard of care may include civil litigation and criminal prosecution, leading to jail time or fines.”

    Dr. Amelia Huntsberger, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Bonner General Health, said in an email to States Newsroom that she will soon leave the hospital and the state because of the abortion laws as well as the Idaho Legislature’s decision not to continue the state’s maternal mortality review committee.

    “What a sad, sad state of affairs for our community,” Huntsberger wrote.”

    This is just barbaric.

    Steve Thomas



    This may seem a bit obtuse, but in my mind it's apropos your post.  


  17. 1 minute ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Citing staffing issues and political climate, North Idaho hospital will no longer deliver babies

    Kelcie Moseley-Morris, Idaho Capital Sun March 18, 2023



    “Idaho’s Bonner General Health, the only hospital in Sandpoint, announced Friday afternoon that it will no longer provide obstetrical services to the city of more than 9,000 people, meaning patients will have to drive 46 miles for labor and delivery care moving forward.

    “We have made every effort to avoid eliminating these services,” said Ford Elsaesser, the hospital’s board president, in a news release. “We hoped to be the exception, but our challenges are impossible to overcome now.” “

    “Idaho has one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the country, with affirmative defenses in court only for documented instances of rape, incest or to save the pregnant person’s life. Physicians are subject to felony charges and the revocation of their medical license for violating the statute, which the Idaho Supreme Court determined is constitutional in January.

    “The Idaho Legislature continues to introduce and pass bills that criminalize physicians for medical care nationally recognized as the standard of care,” the hospital’s news release said. “Consequences for Idaho physicians providing the standard of care may include civil litigation and criminal prosecution, leading to jail time or fines.”

    Dr. Amelia Huntsberger, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Bonner General Health, said in an email to States Newsroom that she will soon leave the hospital and the state because of the abortion laws as well as the Idaho Legislature’s decision not to continue the state’s maternal mortality review committee.

    “What a sad, sad state of affairs for our community,” Huntsberger wrote.”

    This is just barbaric.

    Steve Thomas




  18. @Benjamin Cole
    Ben, I'm bringing our conversation to what seems to be the more appropriate thread.

    Let's begin with your 
    1. Russiagate Hoax:

    Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, Volume II of II

    . . . Fourth, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.


    Analysis by the American Constitution Society*

    The actual text of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report tells a very different story than what was in summaries produced by Attorney General William Barr in letters to Congress and in a press conference prior to the report’s release. A comparison of the report and Barr’s statements shows that Barr downplayed Mueller’s findings about Russian contacts with Trump campaign associates as well as the damning evidence of the president’s obstruction of justice that Mueller assembled. Following are examples of this gap.

    1. Whether the President Is Exonerated on Obstruction of Justice

    Special Counsel Report: The report makes the statement: “[I]f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.” It further states, “The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” (Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Election, Vol. 2, page 2 (March 2019) (“Special Counsel Report”))


    Barr Statements: The Attorney General omitted the Special Counsel office’s allusion to their lack of confidence in exonerating evidence as well as repeated findings that there was substantial evidence supporting the key elements of obstruction. Instead, Barr offered his own conclusions about the obstruction case against the president, stating, “I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.” (Letter from Attorney General Bill Barr to House and Senate Judiciary Committee leaders, p. 3 (March 24, 2019) (the “Barr Letter”))

    see full analysis here.  https://www.acslaw.org/projects/the-presidential-investigation-education-project/other-resources/stark-contrasts-between-the-mueller-report-and-attorney-general-barrs-summary/

    * Russ Feingold, President ACS

    During his 18 years in the United States Senate, Russ was ranked 6th in the Senate for bipartisan voting. He is a recipient of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award and cosponsored the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act), the only major piece of campaign finance reform legislation passed into law in decades. Russ was the only Senator to vote against the initial enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act during the first vote on the legislation and was well-known for his opposition to the Iraq War and as the Senate's leading opponent of the death penalty. He served on the Judiciary, Foreign Relations, Budget, and Intelligence Committees. Russ was Chairman or Ranking Member of the Constitution Subcommittee.


  19. 1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I realize that you have not printed out and memorized all my posts.

    But I have presented my views on variations of these topics before, probably too many times. 

    1. Russiagate Hoax: I agree with the Matt Taibbis, the Glenn Greenwalds, and even the Peter Strzoks, that "there is no there, there."  One can conjecture what happened in certain meetings...but conjectures and accusations are not evidence. The Biden Justice Department has had two years now....We just have to agree to disagree. We could spend hours on even minute points of Russiagate Hoax...did Manafort know Kilimnik was an FSB asset, or even was Kilimnik an FSB asset? Do intel-assets go around telling people, "BTW, I am a spy?" That is called "blowing your cover," and might even have fatal consequences. See also the 24,000-word CJR four-part series on the topic, free online. I largely agree with that article.  

    2. My take is Fox-Carlson is on the outs with the national security state---did you see Carlson say Pompeo must have known who killed JFK. Egads! Meanwhile, there are platoons of ex intel-state guys holding forth at CNN and MSNBC. Too many to count. Let's disagree on this one. 

    3. Matt Taibbi, and many, many other solid reporters, from across the spectrum, have reviewed the Twittergate Files and concluded Twitter was running government-approved or influenced algorithms , and also silencing ordinary Americans who had non-orthodox views. This is a short-hand statement for what went on. I don't understand why one would turn Twittergate evidence over to authorities---when it is the authorities that are doing the bad stuff. We disagree on this one.

    4. On Jan. 6, surely there were crazies in the crowd, and provocateurs, instigators and also unknown numbers of government assets. The indisputable Mr. Buffalo Horn videos show an inexplicable episode--as if Mr BF was being shown around for photo-op purposes, to be the face of the occupation. Other videos indisputably show Capitol Police opening barricades. I could go on about the Capitol Police showing up light and then standing down, and they report to the legislative branch. There is no evidence that the Trump people were connected to the Jan 6 scrum. I disapprove of violence in any form, btw.  

    We are worlds apart in our perspectives and what we consider relevant facts. That's fine...this is a forum. I look forward to your contributions. 

    Ben, let's begin with your 
    1. Russiagate Hoax:

    Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, Volume II of II

    . . . Fourth, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.


    Analysis by the American Constitution Society*

    The actual text of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report tells a very different story than what was in summaries produced by Attorney General William Barr in letters to Congress and in a press conference prior to the report’s release. A comparison of the report and Barr’s statements shows that Barr downplayed Mueller’s findings about Russian contacts with Trump campaign associates as well as the damning evidence of the president’s obstruction of justice that Mueller assembled. Following are examples of this gap.

    1. Whether the President Is Exonerated on Obstruction of Justice

    Special Counsel Report: The report makes the statement: “[I]f we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.” It further states, “The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” (Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Election, Vol. 2, page 2 (March 2019) (“Special Counsel Report”))


    Barr Statements: The Attorney General omitted the Special Counsel office’s allusion to their lack of confidence in exonerating evidence as well as repeated findings that there was substantial evidence supporting the key elements of obstruction. Instead, Barr offered his own conclusions about the obstruction case against the president, stating, “I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.” (Letter from Attorney General Bill Barr to House and Senate Judiciary Committee leaders, p. 3 (March 24, 2019) (the “Barr Letter”))

    see full analysis here.  https://www.acslaw.org/projects/the-presidential-investigation-education-project/other-resources/stark-contrasts-between-the-mueller-report-and-attorney-general-barrs-summary/

    * Russ Feingold, President ACS

    During his 18 years in the United States Senate, Russ was ranked 6th in the Senate for bipartisan voting. He is a recipient of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award and cosponsored the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act), the only major piece of campaign finance reform legislation passed into law in decades. Russ was the only Senator to vote against the initial enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act during the first vote on the legislation and was well-known for his opposition to the Iraq War and as the Senate's leading opponent of the death penalty. He served on the Judiciary, Foreign Relations, Budget, and Intelligence Committees. Russ was Chairman or Ranking Member of the Constitution Subcommittee.


  20. Trump’s first 2024 campaign rally will be in Waco

    William Melhado, The Texas Tribune

    March 18, 2023

    [Note - Waco is the home of Baylor University.]  

    In the spirit of High Strangeness and Synchronicity, the subtitle of Hank Albarelli Jr.'s initial foray into the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas ... you can't make this stuff up...


    From Coup in Dallas . . . [Conservative writer Windsor] Mann also called attention to a quote which Donald Trump had borrowed from an online account, @ildulce2016: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” We know that it was Il Dulce, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was rescued by Hitler’s favorite commando, SS Otto Skorzeny; we also know that it was Skorzeny, captured in a cordial if not flagrantly warm photo with Benito’s son Romano in 1960, who served as the tactician for the plot to assassinate John Kennedy in Dallas.. . . 

     . . . At the time of [Dallas oilman Algur] Meadows’ highly touted Spanish oil venture with [Otto] Skorzeny which required the approval of [Francisco] Franco, the former National Socialist SS officer had already endeared himself to the Spanish general who had long sought the attention of Italian fascist dictator Mussolini. 

                In a letter from Mussolini addressed to Franco, dated August 25, 1940, Mussolini wrote, 

    I should like to say to you, dear Franco, that I, with these my practical considerations, do not wish to hasten you in the least in the decision that you have to make, for I am sure that in your decisions you will proceed on the basis of the protection of the vital interests of your people and am just as certain that you will not let this opportunity go by of giving Spain her African Lebensraum. . . .There is no doubt that after France, Great Britain will be defeated; the British regime exists only on one single element: the lie . . . I certainly do not need to tell you that you, in your aspirations, can count on the full solidarity of Fascist Italy. I beg you, dear Franco, to accept my most cordial and comradely greetings.”  —MUSSOLINI, The Chief of Government and Duce of Fascism. 

    Among Mussolini's goals had been to create an Italian empire in North Africa. In 1935, the dictator provoked war with Ethiopia, conquering the country in eight months. (This history is a marker for events that unfolded in 1963, when as we know from Pierre Lafitte, global arms deals were very much alive and well in disputes between Eritrea and Ethiopia.) Following Mussolini’s victory in Ethiopia, he sent 70,000 Italian troops to Spain to support Franco and defeat the republican government in the Spanish Civil War. Among Il Duce’s mottos, ‘”Believe! Obey! Fight!”

    The camaraderie that developed between Spain’s own fascist dictator and Benito Mussolini reminds us of the obsequious tone of Dr. [A. Joseph] Armstrong’s memories of the Baylor “Browning Pilgrims’” when encountering Il Duce in 1931, covered in more detail in the chapter notes. It was, after all, Mussolini who extolled the virtues of fascism—in fact many argue he invented the ideology—as an alternative to socialist radicalism and parliamentary inaction. “Fascism,” he promised, “would end political corruption and labor strife while maintaining capitalism and private property. It would make trains run on time.” Nothing could appeal more to the interests of archconservative business, civic, and religious leaders across Texas. 

    Chapter Note
    MUSSOLINI RECEIVES THE BROWNING PILGRIMS: “When Mr. Mussolini notified the American ambassador that he would be pleased to receive us, the Chargé d’ Affaires ad interim, Alexander Kirk, called to inform us and to instruct us in the niceties of such a reception. His visit was followed by a special messenger from the Italian “ministero degli Affari Esteri" bearing a very large envelope with a gold seal. In Italian the Secretary had informed us that “the Chief of the Government”—as Mussolini is invariably called—“would receive us at 19:45 in the Palazzo Venezia.” It was a memorable day that “the Chief of the Government”—as Mussolini is invariably called—“would receive us at 19:45 in the Palazzo Venezia.” It was a memorable day. The Browning Pilgrims had been given an audience by the Pope at one and now at 7:45 we were being accorded a private reception by Mussolini. It thrills Americans to see Mussolini as he leaves his home in his automobile … but to see him intimately at close range was exciting and unforgettable . . . since our return to America, Mr. Mussolini has shown his further interest in Baylor Browning Collection and this pilgrimage by sending his autographed photograph in large cabinet size to be placed in the Browning Library—“ Baylor Bulletin: ‘BROWNING INTERESTS’ by A. Joseph Armstrong, Ph D., Litt.D. 




  21. 5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    We are certainly worlds apart in our views. 

    Probably best that each of us state our case, and allow the other the same and equal space.

    I look forward to your contributions to EF. 

     I look forward to your contributions . . . there seems to be an echo in this thread.  

    I appreciate you look forward to contributions, but I'm curious why you feel a need to repeat the phrase with every response?

    You suggest here that you've presented a case.  If you have, can you please repost because I don't recognize anything that fits the description.  Maybe you could start by challenging the following in the specific. You could build your case from here, with facts not views.  

    the Russiagate Hoax  Barr's interference [with] and misrepresentation of the Mueller Report, Barr's findings in Italy that he [later] covered up, Dunham's attempts that fell short with only one indictment. 

    the alliance of the intel state-media and the rival political party — Murdoch has privatized intel. McCarthy and Carlson represent the NEW intel state-media [as evidence by Carlson's eclusive access to 40,000 hours of footage of Jan 6.]

    the Twittergate files — dropped [in the public domain] by media operative Matt Taibi instead of being turned over to authorities directly.

    and the mysterious events of 1/6. —  Loudermilk photographing hallways, access and egress, stairwells is very mysterious, a-typical of tourist behavior.

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