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Leslie Sharp

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Posts posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. 19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


        IMO, this is about more than mere partisan mudslinging.

         It's about the misuse of power.

         McCarthy and other Republicans have misrepresented the investigation of Trump's serious crimes-- Russiagate, Ukrainegate, J6-- as mere partisan politics, while "investigating" pseudo-scandals like Whitewater, Fast & Furious, and Benghazi.

         The current GOP Oversight Committee is now, basically trying to cover up Trump's crimes, including his Emoluments clause violations.


    W., I was a bit flippant, so, apologies.

    Absolutely this is a misuse of power, and adding to the insanity are accusations that Bragg, James, Willis, and Smith are "misusing" the power invested in them to prosecute Trump if the evidence is there in any or all of the cases.

    Jim Jordan is dangerous.  

  2. 37 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I recall that chapter. What’s interesting is his CIA creds and working in Africa and Tangier. If LHO was in MC he wasn’t meeting with Communists as part of a plot to kill JFK. Wonder why he was pressing to reopen the investigation. 

    Good question, Paul.

    And there's another possible interesting overlap related to Tangier.  

    Reports from John Whitten, in MC at the same time as Charles William Thomas, include the early claims made by Moroccan born Mohammed Reggab who claimed to have dated Marina in Moscow (not Minsk) prior to her meeting Oswald, and one Richard Thomas Gibson - co-founder of FPCC NYC who told a friend in Bern that he was acquainted with Oswald.  The claims were made back to back, November 26 and November 27 respectively. Report went straight to Helms who personally ordered serious investigation into the assertions.  Gibson moved from NYC to Tangier before ending up in Europe.  Records indicate he intended to establish Tangier as HQ for FPCC. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Yes, Leslie, it's more evidence of the extreme corruption of Kevin McCarthy and his GOP Sedition Caucus.

    McCarthy has no moral compass.

    Let's recall that McCarthy once openly bragged about the fact that the endless Congressional GOP "investigations" of Benghazi had succeeded in lowering Hillary Clinton's approval ratings.

    He was also caught on a hot mic in 2017 joking with Paul Ryan and colleagues about the fact that Trump and other Republicans had received illegal Russian campaign funding.

    geez, I don't think I knew about the hot mic episode!

    GOP has always had trouble winning elections without mudslinging.

    Then again, Dems hold grudges occasionally.  [it's the Irish!]  

  4. Kudos to Scott for this excellent monograph. Let's see if there might be significant convergence, an effort being attempted with Dr. Caulfield as well.

    From Dick Russell's limited analysis (published in the front matter of
    Coup in Dallas) of the 1963 datebook maintained by Pierre Lafitte 

    ·       The name of WALKER appears more than once, initially concerning the shooting attempt on his life that Oswald was later accused of. “April 7 – Walker – Lee and pictures. Planned soon – can he do it? Won’t.” (it’s possible that the word is ‘Wait.’) The indication is, someone was setting up Oswald to do this, but he didn’t want to. The shot was fired at Walker on April 10. Later references indicate that General Walker was in fact aware of, if not in on, the plot to kill JFK — —Dick Russell, bestselling author of thirteen books, including The Man Who Knew Too Much, On the Trail of the JFK Assassins, and They Killed Our President! with Jesse Ventura.

    From Coup —  . . . When contemplating the circumstances surrounding the Walker incident in April 1963, perhaps the only things most students of the event agree on is that the general resigned in 1959 and President Eisenhower refused his resignation, and that in 1961 Walker “resigned” again and President Kennedy “accepted the resignation.” In dispute are the circumstances of April 10. Based on Walker’s subsequent claim, a shot was fired into his home on Turtle Creek Blvd. in Dallas while he was sitting at his study desk. The shot missed. Within hours of the assassination, an FBI report presumed Lee Harvey Oswald was the Walker shooter. Very little else about the incident could be immediately verified, yet three days after the assassination, a Munich right-wing newspaper linked to the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations somehow determined that publishing the hitherto unrevealed story that Oswald shot at General Walker in April would meet standards of credible reporting, some seven months later and thousands of miles from the scene of the crime. . . .

                With access to his records, we now know that by April 7, Lafitte was, at the very least, aware of an upcoming incident when he wrote, “Walker - Lee and pictures. Planned soon—can he do it? Won’t.” 

     . . . Most prominent among those propagandists identified in Chapter 6 were Generals Charles Willoughby and Edwin Walker, both of whom have long been recognized, even by those less steeped in this research, as prime suspects in the assassination. Further proof is now presented that the two highly controversial retired generals were among those directly responsible for the murder of John Kennedy. 

    Pierre Lafitte finally lays out for us the timing and the circumstances of the involvement of Willoughby and Walker, and leads us to the cast of kill squads and teams known particularly to Willoughby for more than a decade, including two retired colonels that acted under the retired general's orders, who evaded scrutiny for decades. . . .

    We learn of a vast and tightly woven web of international organizations on the extreme right, driven primarily by religious ideology aligned with attempts to revive the Reich, and disguised by populist political action groups in America like the John Birch Society, which had been advanced by Gen. Walker among the military troops under his command. The reader also gets a better sense of the significance of Willoughby’s decades-long relationship with Allen Dulles, who was a former international lawyer for German corporations, the Director of the CIA, and a pivotal member of the Warren Commission. Their friendship, and the fact that both had known Otto Skorzeny since the inception of the World Commerce Corporation, prompted the authors to delve further into their written exchanges during the 1960s.

    NOTE Most recently, we've uncovered a fairly obscure document among bureau files to indicate Walker was agitating in early 1963 to 'solve the Jewish, Masonic, Race problems once and for all' in a circular and follow up personalized letters to his European counterparts.  More soon.

  5. 10 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

    No, I got it.  It's one of the reasons that I'm surprised the Clintons weren't dragged into the screed.

    I really don't think you're going to see DoD act against the CIA, or vice-versa.  There's a costly status quo to maintain.  Exciting individual right-wing service members is another story.

    Concur with Santilli?  This is why I counseled against optimism over Tucker Carlson getting mileage out of the JFKA: it discredits us to have the right wing co-opt conspiracy research, and it's not in the interests of justice.

    Relieved to hear that, and I agree fully. I predict a significant backlash from Carlson's endorsement.

  6. "this entire criminal cabal that came about as a result of the murder of John F. Kennedy, the people that perpetrated the murder of John F. Kennedy, rise up to that."

    Invert - to put upside down or in the opposite position, order, or arrangement.
    Inversion - the action of inverting something or the state of being inverted. 


    High strangeness and synchronicity — H. P. Albarelli Jr.

    Waco, Texas - Trump's destination this week for the launch of his campaign rallies (assuming he's not behind bars), home of Baylor University. 

    MUSSOLINI RECEIVES THE BROWNING PILGRIMS: “When Mr. Mussolini notified the American ambassador that he would be pleased to receive us, the Chargé d’ Affaires ad interim, Alexander Kirk, called to inform us and to instruct us in the niceties of such a reception. His visit was followed by a special messenger from the Italian “ministero degli Affari Esteri" bearing a very large envelope with a gold seal. In Italian the Secretary had informed us that “the Chief of the Government”—as Mussolini is invariably called—“would receive us at 19:45 in the Palazzo Venezia.” It was a memorable day that “the Chief of the Government”—as Mussolini is invariably called—“would receive us at 19:45 in the Palazzo Venezia.” It was a memorable day. The Browning Pilgrims had been given an audience by the Pope at one and now at 7:45 we were being accorded a private reception by Mussolini. It thrills Americans to see Mussolini as he leaves his home in his automobile … but to see him intimately at close range was exciting and unforgettable . . . since our return to America, Mr. Mussolini has shown his further interest in Baylor Browning Collection and this pilgrimage by sending his autographed photograph in large cabinet size to be placed in the Browning Library—“ Baylor Bulletin: ‘BROWNING INTERESTS’ by A. Joseph Armstrong, Ph D., Litt.D. 

    The details of this history may seem irrelevant to the assassination of Kennedy until Albarelli introduces the SS officer exiled in Madrid, Otto Skorzeny, best known as the mastermind behind the rescue of Italy’s fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, a feat that established his bona fides as a brilliant tactician. It is Skorzeny who provides a critical link in the chain of events from fascist Europe of the 1930s and 1940s to the racist, anti-Semitic politics that permeated Texas well into in the early 1960s. Confirmed in a series of letters sent from a Parisian amateur detective to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, in which he identified facts that were not yet in the public domain at the time of his writing, “only the former director of the CIA, Allen Dulles could clear Otto Skorzeny of his critical role in the assassination.” . . .

    We also meet a stateless character using the alias Jean Pierre Lafitte, who served alongside a near psychopathic killer, one of Skorzeny’s prized postwar trainers at his camp outside Madrid. Both men would end up in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Lafitte’s previously inaccessible and remarkable records further elucidate those connections by introducing us to the Secret Organization of National Revolutionary Action (OSARN), closely aligned with both Hitler and Mussolini, with a singular stated agenda: “We want to build a new Europe in cooperation with national socialist Germany and all other European nations freed from liberal capitalism, Judaism, Bolshevism and French Masons . . . to regenerate France and the French race . . . to ensure that Jews who stay in France are subject to harsh laws, preventing them from infesting our race. . . .”

    On October 9, 1963, Pierre Lafitte, while in New Orleans, Louisiana, wrote in his datebook, “OSARN- OSARN-OSARN . . .” before getting down to the business of progressing the operation destined for the city of Dallas. 


  7. Further to media coverage and failure to comply, this might be a chance convergence.


    @Paul Brancato,  perhaps Philip Shenon would take a call or read an email?

    His pursuit of the Charles Thomas angle of the investigation made it to The Guardian in 2018. Might he consider approaching his broadcast media contacts in light of Thomas, a subject I'll be adding to our "failure to comply" in a day or two.


    Hank Albarelli writes extensively about Charles WilliamThomas, "The Strange and Sad Saga of Charles William Thomas," in A Secret Order. (Trine Day, 2013) Thomas was among the earliest to confirm LHO attended a party in MC where he engaged with among others, Elena Garro.

    Excerpt ... [Charles] Thomas did not note in his July 1969 letter to Secretary of State Rogers concerning Elena Garro Paz and Lee Harvey Oswald that he was also an employee of the CIA's Branch 4, Covert Action staff.  Hired by the CIA in early 1952, following service in the U. S. Navy as an ensign assigned to still-secret intelligence matters, Thomas had already covertly served the Agency at several posts, including Monrovia, Liberia; Sierra LeoneAccra, Ghana; and Tangier, Morocco.  We can only guess Secretary Rogers was aware of Thomas' dual employment and covert role with the CIA.

    The "matter," explained Thomas ... concerned "Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed assassin of President Kennedy, [who was] allegedly present at a party given by a Mexican communist sympathizer ... continued Thomas, "There are allegations that the Mexican Government may have been aware of Oswald's presence at that party and that the Cuban government may have tried to intimidate others who saw him there.

    [Caveat. I'm personally aware that Albarelli differed with Shenon on certain aspects of the investigation, but on the question of Thomas he was on board with drawing attention to a man he described as covertly serving the Agency at several posts . . .’ A Secret Order, Trine Day, 2013.] 

    @Benjamin Cole

    JFK documents could show the truth about a diplomat's death 47 years ago

    Philip Shenon

    April 2018, The Guardian

    Family of Charles Thomas are pleading with Trump to release papers they say show his 1971 suicide stemmed from officials wanting to shut down effort to reopen JFK investigation



    Further to media coverage and failure to comply, this might be a chance convergence.


    @Paul Brancato,  perhaps Philip Shenon would take a call or read an email?

    His pursuit of the Charles Thomas angle of the investigation made it to The Guardian in 2018. Might he consider approaching his broadcast media contacts in light of Thomas, a subject I'll be adding to our "failure to comply" in a day or two.


    Hank Albarelli writes extensively about Charles WilliamThomas, "The Strange and Sad Saga of Charles William Thomas," in A Secret Order. Thomas was among the earliest to confirm LHO attended a party in MC where he engaged with among others, Elena Garro.

    Excerpt ... [Charles] Thomas did not note in his July 1969 letter to Secretary of State Rogers concerning Elena Garro Paz and Lee Harvey Oswald that he was also an employee of the CIA's Branch 4, Covert Action staff.  Hired by the CIA in early 1952, following service in the U. S. Navy as an ensign assigned to still-secret intelligence matters, Thomas had already covertly served the Agency at several posts, including Monrovia, Liberia; Sierra LeoneAccra, Ghana; and Tangier, Morocco.  We can only guess Secretary Rogers was aware of Thomas' dual employment and covert role with the CIA.

    The "matter," explained Thomas ... concerned "Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed assassin of President Kennedy, [who was] allegedly present at a party given by a Mexican communist sympathizer ... continued Thomas, "There are allegations that the Mexican Government may have been aware of Oswald's presence at that party and that the Cuban government may have tried to intimidate others who saw him there.

    [Caveat. I'm personally aware that Albarelli differed with Shenon on certain aspects of the investigation, but on the question of Thomas he was on board with drawing attention to a man he described as covertly serving the Agency at several posts . . .’ A Secret Order, Trine Day, 2013.] 

    @Benjamin Cole

    JFK documents could show the truth about a diplomat's death 47 years ago

    Philip Shenon

    April 2018, The Guardian

    Family of Charles Thomas are pleading with Trump to release papers they say show his 1971 suicide stemmed from officials wanting to shut down effort to reopen JFK investigation


  9. apropos failure to comply . . . 

    Albarelli writes extensively about Charles WilliamThomas, "The Strange and Sad Saga of Charles William Thomas," in A Secret Order. Thomas was among the earliest to confirm LHO attended a party in MC where he engaged with among others, Elena Garro.

    Excerpt ... [Charles] Thomas did not note in his July 1969 letter to Secretary of State Rogers concerning Elena Garro Paz and Lee Harvey Oswald that he was also an employee of the CIA's Branch 4, Covert Action staff.  Hired by the CIA in early 1952, following service in the U. S. Navy as an ensign assigned to still-secret intelligence matters, Thomas had already covertly served the Agency at several posts, including Monrovia, Liberia; Sierra LeoneAccra, Ghana; and Tangier, Morocco.  We can only guess Secretary Rogers was aware of Thomas' dual employment and covert role with the CIA.

    The "matter," explained Thomas ... concerned "Lee Harvey Oswald, the presumed assassin of President Kennedy, [who was] allegedly present at a party given by a Mexican communist sympathizer ... continued Thomas, "There are allegations that the Mexican Government may have been aware of Oswald's presence at that party and that the Cuban government may have tried to intimidate others who saw him there.

    Caveat. I'm aware that Albarelli was concerned by some of Shenon's coverage of the investigation, but on the question of Thomas he obviously agreed, having pursued Thomas's story for his book published in 2013.

    JFK documents could show the truth about a diplomat's death 47 years ago

    Philip Shenon

    2018, The Guardian.

    Family of Charles Thomas are pleading with Trump to release papers they say show his 1971 suicide stemmed from officials wanting to shut down effort to reopen JFK investigation


  10. 1 hour ago, Roger Odisio said:
    The MFF lawsuit has little to do with FOIA.  It's about enforcing disclosure of records mandated by the JFK Act of '92,using the standards for withholding in the Act.  The JFK Act was passed in part because, for almost 30 years, FOIA was ineffective in getting information about the JFKA released that was held by government agencies. The JFK Act allows us to stop fooling around with FOIA requests to individual agencies and instead insist that NARA do its job to retrieve and make available all relevant JFK records, whoever currently has them.
    And as Larry was saying the other day, the suit is also about getting NARA to add information to the Collection we now know about, but which is not currently held by agencies.  As far as he, or anyone knows, NARA has done next to nothing to update the Collection since the ARRB closed 25 years ago.  The Darnell and Wiegman films are just one example of such information.
    When I emailed NARA to ask if they took recommendations of records to add to the JFKA Collection, I was told yes they did.  That was characterized by staff as an "official" response to my question.  Send your recommendation to the NARA general counsel, they said.  Which I did the next day.  That was 4 months ago and still no response.  I emailed them again on Friday pointing this out.
    The fact that NARA staff acknowledged, in writing, its responsibility to add records to the Collection, when placed beside its 25 year record of failing to do so, is pretty damning.  I'm pretty sure the suit will press this point.  Examples will help.
    So shouldn't we broaden this list by asking folks to list any attempt to get access to JFKA information from anybody that has been thwarted in some way by somebody?

    Thanks for the insight Roger.  Can you PM me to provide precise wording how you would improve the solicitation?  I'll talk you through the trajectory of this project as well.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Wow.  Am I confused or what.  Is this the same Lovett that chaired a committee for Eisenhower investigating the CIA in the 50's.  The committee included Joe Kennedy and recommended the CIA be severely restrained, but was ignored?  Right, something like that?  No, I never connected Lyle to him or REK.  Nor did I know about Robert being McCloy's college roommate. 

    I went through Turkey to see the Bob Wills Museum.  Since, I've been through 2-3 times coming and going to Colorado through the lower reaches of Palo Duro canyon.  Starkly beautiful, and uninhabited.  I imagine Comanche's roaming free in their last safe haven.


    Bob Wills, Tulia VFW, April 27, 1963

    https://books.google.com/books?id=YgsEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=bob+wills+and+the+texas+playboys+in+tulia+vfw&source=bl&ots=nizAHtkTNN&sig=ACfU3U3fFSG9gcf_BcC2QjNsHmSXraE0XQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiakN6Z_On9AhXMlYkEHUnzDGQQ6AF6BAhAEAM#v=onepage&q=bob wills and the texas playboys in tulia vfw&f=false

  12. 2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    But the onus should be on those who want to keep secret records owned by the public. 

    I wonder what 60-year-old records could be so explosive---please elaborate. 

    And even if relations with valued allies are stressed, does that trump the public's right to know? 

    We dropped a-bombs on Japan, and they are friendly now. If Tokyo can overlook a couple nukes, maybe our valued allies can overlook some 60-year-old documents? 

    If Naazis and their ideological descendants are running the US, I want to know (I don't think so , but I will read what is offered). 



    Ben, I mistakenly posted my comment on this thread in error.  I hope you will choose to delete your response/move it to the "inevitable" thread as well.

  13. ‘. . . A portentous January 1968 affidavit sworn by Aginter Press assassin and Jean Rene Souetre associate Jacques Godard reveals the group’s relationship with certain American persons and organizations: “In the course of our services we had relations with certain persons and organizations like, for example, President Tschombe and with Biafra. We likewise were in charge of relations with the John Birch Society, which was an American political group financed especially by Texas oil producers whose activity is absolutely anti-communist. Everywhere where there is a struggle, either open or covert, with communists, the John Birch Society [JBS] lends its financial aid to the people who are struggling against international communism.” The reader encounters the significance of the Texas oil producers and the Dallas branch of the JBS in Chapter 1, “Lay of the Land,” to further understand the width and breadth of influence of Aginter Press and similar fascist organizations.’ — Coup in Dallas

    Birchers review: how the Republican far right gave us Trump and DeSantis

    Lloyd Green

    19 March, The Guardian

    [Matthew] Dallek argues convincingly that despite the end of the cold war, amid which the Birchers were born, its antipathies and suspicions continue to animate and inflame, a reality Trump and his minions remember and Democrats forget at their peril.

    Dallek looks at how the Birchers’ ideas came to pollenate and populate the Republican party. It didn’t happen randomly or suddenly. The society never disappeared and nor did its ideas and resentments. The “quagmires in Afghanistan and Iraq” coupled with the “financial crisis and Great Recession” breathed fresh currency into isolationism, nativism and scorn for elites.

    Founded in 1958, at a secret meeting in Indianapolis led by Robert Welch, the candy manufacturer, the group took its name from a missionary and intelligence officer killed in 1945 by communists in China. Birch’s Christianity and the circumstances of his death were central to the society’s message.

    Original members included Fred C Koch, founder of Koch Industries and father of Charles and David, the hard-right political activists and billionaire donors.

    “In the 1930s [Fred Koch] had helped build oil refineries, first in Stalin’s Soviet Union and then in Hitler’s Germany, and his brushes with both regimes shaped his cold war philosophy,” Dallek writes. . . . 

    Race was always near the surface. The society attacked Brown v Board of Education, the 1954 supreme court decision which held that de jure racially segregated schools were unequal and unconstitutional. The Birchers, as Dallek recounts, branded the decision “procommunist”. . . .

    Another Republican primary is upon us. Trump again leads the way. The furor over his dinner with Ye, the antisemitic recording artist formerly known as Kanye West, and Nick Fuentes, the white supremacist, recedes. DeSantis loses ground. Authenticity and charisma matter. The governor parrots Trump and Carlson on Ukraine, flip-flopping in the process.

    Yet no other Republican comes close. The John Birch Society is still winning big.



    • Matthew Dallek, professor George Washington University, is author of Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right is published in the US by Hachette




  14. As a companion piece to Paul Brancato's new thread titled Mary Ferrell Lawsuit - can we get media coverage?

    I've launched this thread to solicit incidents of NARA's failure to comply with the JFK Records Act.

    If anyone has a significant outstanding FOIA, either pending or denied, they suspect might relate to the last batch of withheld files, we are asking you to provide enough details of your FOIA to add to this list that will be turned over for consideration of inclusion in the final brief filed by Larry Schnapf and the legal team suing the Biden administration.

    I plan to add details of the FOIAs for Jean Rene Marie Souetre and the missing Dallas INS report(s) once I've received confirmation of the history behind J. Gary Shaw's lawsuit in pursuit of same (hopefully by Mar 23).

    I hope readers/members will give this invitation some thought in the very near future, and add to the list as appropriate. It's my understanding that the final brief is due April 27.


    I. Denied FOIA — files pertaining to Jean Rene Marie Souetre.

    II. Denied FOIA — files pertaining to Dallas office of the INS report(s) for November 22-26, 1963











  15. 15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I am hoping forum members will realize that we need a bigger tent, and will be civil to people of all political stripes. 

    Suppose someone is a Trump voter, and they read much of the commentary herein EF-JFK? They will be averse to becoming active in the EF-JFK. We will have lost a reader and possible supporter. And we do not have enough to spare!

    What happened in the JFKA is everybody's business--right or left blue or red, or other. All should be welcome.

    Thankfully, the moderators have sidelined the Trump and Biden threads. In fact, this thread is buried so deep I wonder how you found it. 

    Good luck out there LS. I wish you the best of success. We can conclude our conversations, with your permission. 

    I submit that Trump voters know nothing of President Kennedy's policies, and any who happened to be informed would be opposed on principle.  Exploitation of the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas to advance hatred of government in general — Trump's modus operandi from the outset — is obnoxious.  MAGA has no place on an assassination forum, in my opinion.

    Thanks for the chats.  I wish you no ill will.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I am happy to have your contributions, but I wish you would stay on topic.

    I will not go to the moderators.  I do not believe in censorship, even in this teeny-weeny corner of a small nook on the internet....

    You seem to delight in the possibility that no one actually reads Ed Forum.  Why is that, Ben?
    Back on topic, Biden as president. I presume you're not speaking of Biden the civilian, nor am I speaking of Trump the civilian, but Trump the 45th US President when the Records Act came due. The  Act directs the office not the individual.

  17. 10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    Is your position that Biden is not beholden to the Deep State?

    Then why did he effectively deep-six the JFK Records in perpetuity? 

    I look forward to your contributions, but I request you stay on topic within this thread.

    Trump may be the worst man that ever lived...but Biden is President now, and deep-sixing the JFK Records....

    Trump had the opportunity to release the entirety, and he didn't.  Biden is being advised - perhaps for similar reasons - to withhold certain records for national security.  I'm opposed on principle alone, btw.  You asked why I think Biden may have deep-sixed the records in perpetuity, and I'm saying that he's possibly doing so for the very same reasons Trump kicked the can down the road.  You can't intimidate me to leave references to Trump out of the equation because we are discussing the presidency in context of the Records Act.  Trump made a promise, not Biden.  Trump reneged.  Take your issue with me to the moderators, please.

  18. 19 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    I value your contributions...but this thread is about our President presently, Biden. 

    Surely, Biden is worth examination. 

    Trump may have flaws, and they are explored in (sometimes puerile) detail in nearby threads more or less devoted to that topic. You have entire threads and much company devoted the Trump. Go for it! I encourage you to contribute to those threads. 

    I hope herein to have civil, independent discussions about Biden, and Biden Administration policies. 

    Can you use the same critical mind to examine Bien that you use to examine Trump? 

    "Whataboutisms"...are not really needed. 

    If Biden is beholden to the Deep State...then that is the story for this thread. 

    Pointing out the flaws in your argument requires a comparison.

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