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Mark Ulrik

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Everything posted by Mark Ulrik

  1. Could this be the right one? I see captions. Garrison:
  2. Danish. We're 6+ hours ahead of US time, and apparently the news of the assassination arrived too late for the 11/22 afternoon editions.
  3. Here's a comparison between the window damage seen in CE 1006 and in later film footage.
  4. Everybody seems to have one. Do you have the real scoop? Don't be shy.
  5. 1) I don't know all that much about window screens. You should probably read Walker's WC testimony. 2) Look closer. The pane is not intact. I would've attached a graphic, but I seem to have used up my quota.
  6. Yeah, I think it went through the wooden screen first and then the window sash, nicking the glass. But I'm rusty.
  7. Thanks, JP. It's not something that I've looked into, but I wouldn't be surprised if Life sold the images to lots of media outlets around the world.
  8. Here's a screenshot I once saved from an interview with Walker at his home years later.
  9. Well, most of the sampled ones are from 11/23, but that particular one is from 11/27.
  10. I managed to find my old newspapers. Here are the front pages that I've scanned so far. DropBox / JFK / Scans
  11. Nothing too crazy. Some uncommon books such as Red Roses From Texas (both US and much more common Italian ed.). Manuscripts, newsletters, Cutler map. Life magazines. Vinyl records (with speeches, etc.). Danish newspapers and magazines covering the assassination. Nearly all of it is in storage, but I could take some pictures when and if I get around to it.
  12. Some of them were "car slowdown" witnesses, adamant that the limo didn't stop, so there's also that to take into consideration. The best evidence is, however, the films.
  13. You are probably aware of this, but Curry later told researchers that Chaney caught up with them about the time they reached the on-ramp to Stemmons. There's also the McIntyre photo where two motorcycles (one of them Chaney's) can be seen in the background coming through the underpass in hot pursuit. Some very illuminating discussions can be found in threads from 2010.
  14. Supposed CIA memo LHO "was trained by this agency"
  15. Hi Jean Paul. That memo is a well-known fake (probably discussed in other threads).
  16. No, the Selective Service card was found on him at the time of his arrest. It's hardly an outrageous idea for a man on the run to bring false ID. Sometimes it can help you avoid being arrested.
  17. Who, in your estimation, was arrested inside the Texas Theater? If it wasn't Oswald, who was it, and what happened to the real Oswald? If it was Oswald, did he buy a ticket or not?
  18. Perhaps he discarded the jacket to change appearance and kept the revolver because he thought it might become useful later. How do you think he got into the theater? Do you have any evidence that he paid for a ticket?
  19. Oh, I intended to "let it go," but now that you mention it ... Yes, he clearly felt that using the YouTube feature to embed his video was tantamount to stealing it. It's not clear if he still feels this way, but he does seem unapologetic about the catty remark to DVP who did nothing wrong and even complimented him. I find this a little disappointing - that's all. Over and out.
  20. If RR is averse to free publicity, it's his privilege to refuse it, of course.
  21. DVP did absolutely nothing wrong, so the tone of RR's response remains somewhat of a mystery (at least to me).
  22. "So that’s how you get your footage" was just a friendly dig? Perhaps a smiley would have helped 😉
  23. DVP asked you what you meant, but I still don't understand why you were so hostile. Why were you so hostile?
  24. "So that’s how you get your footage" sounded accusatory to me (but I'm not privy to every nuance of the English language).
  25. You seemed to be implying that there was something unethical about embedding your video, which didn't seem fair to DVP.
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