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Bill Brown

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Posts posted by Bill Brown

  1. 2 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    That's why I added the M3 and V3 variables to the equation.

    But you still need to work on distinguishing right from left.


    "But you still need to work on distinguishing right from left."

    No.  I need to work on distinguishing V1 from V1'.

  2. 19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    We're talking about V1'-- not V1.

    Go back and study my equation, Bill.


    What is your response to this...?

    In the Zapruder Film frame of reference, V1 = 0, M2 << M1, and V2' is also small. So we can simplify as:

    M2*V2 = M1*V1' + M3*V3

    M1, M2, V2, V1', and V3 are either known or may be reasonably estimated.

    In the Zapruder Film, we *observe* both V1' and V3 to be left-to-right (> 0). Thus, V2 > 0, and the bullet is moving left-to-right.

  3. 19 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    We're talking about V1'-- not V1.

    Go back and study my equation, Bill.


    Okay.  So V1 is before impact.  V1' is after impact.

    But this is where you get it wrong...

    You said: "It doesn't matter if M2 is a bullet, a baseball bat, or a frying pan."

    But it does matter.  A bullet will not transfer the same amount of kinetic energy to the head that a baseball bat or a frying pan will.

  4. 5 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I'll re-post my equation for you, while you work on distinguishing your right from your left hand. Deal?


    Again, you said: "V1 is the velocity of JFK's head before impact".  That is a direct quote.  YOU were confused by the terms "before" and "after".  It has nothing to do with my determination of right and left.

    That is why you weren't making any sense.

  5. 1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Wrong, Bill.  You're confused.

    Go back and read my equation (above.)

    V1' is the velocity of JFK's head AFTER impact.


    Again, you said: "V1 is the velocity of JFK's head before impact".  That is a direct quote.

    That is why you weren't making any sense.


  6. 25 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


        First, imagine that you are Abraham Zapruder, standing on the Grassy Knoll.

        Next, raise your right hand, then raise your left hand-- to get oriented in space. 

       Then, notice that V1' is knocked violently from right-to-left during the fatal head shot.

        I hope this helps.


    "Then, notice that V1' is knocked violently from right-to-left during the fatal head shot."

    But you (mistakenly?) said that V1 "is the velocity of JFK's head before impact".

    You're not making any sense.


  7. On 8/10/2024 at 1:22 PM, Gil Jesus said:

    I would agree with that with the condition that "false interpretation" be replaced with "misinterpretation". A misintepretation is an error that may well be innocent in nature, while posting false evidence could be construed as intentional. This is why it's always important to cite your sources. I've erred in the past in another forum by repeating something I'd read in a book. When I went back to look for the author's source, there was none. So I started marking all my documents on file with the source at the top in red. And I made sure that anything I used was cited.

    Misinterpretation may be an innocent mistake, but to avoid being accused of posting false evidence, it's always best to post your source. And that goes for the Lone Nutters as well.

    It's important for them to understand that what they've read in the "Oswald-Did-It" books is not evidence any more than William Cooper's bleached out version of the Zapruder film is "proof" that Greer shot Kennedy.

    A few weeks ago, I posted a list of about 50 things which should have been true if Oswald was guilty of the two murders. Not one Lone Nutter responded to that list.

    That's how you debate them.


    "A misintepretation is an error that may well be innocent in nature, while posting false evidence could be construed as intentional. This is why it's always important to cite your sources."

    Then please, once and for all, "cite your source" for your claim that William Scoggins was lying (face down?) in the street and therefore is a bad witness to use for Oswald as the felling cop-killer.


  8. On 8/9/2024 at 11:47 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    The problem is over 60% of people in the USA still believe Oswald did not act alone.  Not too long ago it was still over 70%, several years ago over 80%.  I'd guess 85-90% or more of forum members over the years believe it was a conspiracy.  Thus, to them Oswald did it is a waste of time.  It's about who, how and why.  Pushing the debunked warren omission theory is seen as knowingly spreading disinformation, gullibility or ignorance.


    Let's say that 65% of the public believe Kennedy was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy and 35% believe Oswald acted alone.

    Let's say of the 65%, there are a dozen different conspiracy theories. Splitting it up evenly, we have each of the dozen conspiracy theories taking up about 5% to 6% of those polled.

    Now, we have the idea that Oswald acted alone taking up 35% of those polled.

    Therefore, the idea that Oswald acted alone is the most popular theory.



    From Ken Rahn's Website, re: The Autopsy & The Bullet's Path Through The Back & Neck:
    Back/neck wound (page 3)
    "Situated on the upper right posterior thorax just above the upper border of the scapula there is a 7 x 4 millimeter oval wound. This wound is measured to be 14 cm. from the tip of the right acromion process and 14 cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process."
    Throat wound (page 3)
    "Situated in the low anterior neck at approximately the level of the third and fourth tracheal rings is a 6.5 cm. long transverse wound with widely gaping irregular edges. (The depth and character of these wounds will be further described below.)"
    Back/neck wound and throat wound again (pages 4–5)
    "2. The second wound presumably of entry is that described above in the upper right posterior thorax. Beneath the skin there is ecchymosis [escape of blood into the tissues from ruptured blood vessels] of subcutaneous tissue and musculature. The missile path through the fascia and musculature cannot be easily probed. The wound presumably of exit was that described by Dr. Malcolm Perry of Dallas in the low anterior cervical region. When observed by Dr. Perry the wound measured "a few millimeters in diameter", however it was extended as a tracheostomy incision and thus its character is distorted at the time of autopsy. However, there is considerable ecchymosis of the strap muscles of the right side of the neck and of the fascia about the trachea adjacent to the line of the tracheostomy wound. The third point of reference in connecting these two wounds is the apex (supra-clavicular portion) of the right pleural cavity. In this region there is contusion of the parietal pleura and of the extreme apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung. In both instances the diameter of contusion and ecchymosis at the point of maximal involvement measures 5 cm. Both the visceral and parietal pleura are intact overlying these areas of trauma."
    Thoracic cavity (page 5)
    "The bony cage is unremarkable. The thoracic organs are in their normal positions and relationships and there is no increase in free pleural fluid. The above described area of contusion in the apical portion of the right pleural cavity is noted."
    Lungs (page 5)
    "The lungs are of essentially similar appearance the right weighing 320 Gm., the left 290 Gm. The lungs are well aerated with smooth glistening pleural surfaces and gray-pink color. A 5 cm. diameter area of purplish red discoloration and increased firmness to palpation is situated in the apical portion of the right upper lobe. This corresponds to the similar area described in the overlying parietal pleura. Incision in this region reveals recent hemorrhage into pulmonary parenchyma."
    Summary (page 6; third paragraph)
    "The other missile entered the right superior posterior thorax above the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the supra-scapular and the supra-clavicular portions of the base of the right side of the neck. This missile produced contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung. The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck. As far as can be ascertained this missile struck no bony structure in its path through the body."
  10. 14 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


         You get an "F" in Empiricism 101.

          But, at least, you're trying, diligently, to sell us your fraudulent WCR/Lone Nut product, eh?

          Anyone can look at the Z film and tell that V1' and V3 were moving right-to-left.  It's a no-brainer.

          In my experience, there's not much that can be accomplished by arguing with people who simply refuse to open their eyes and acknowledge the obvious empirical data.




    Explain V1 and V3 moving right to left.


  11. On 8/6/2024 at 6:18 AM, Denny Zartman said:

    As I see it, it could also be reasonably asked why any Lone Nut theorist stays on this forum. According to LN's, the case was solved in an hour, sixty years ago. Solved by cops that couldn't even correctly identify a rifle they held in their own hands.

    There was no formal roll call, but LN's would like you to believe it was so. Oswald was not the only building employee unaccounted for after the assassination, but LN's would like you to believe it was so.



    "Solved by cops that couldn't even correctly identify a rifle they held in their own hands."


    Nonsense.  J.C. Day (certainly a "cop") immediately noted that the rifle was "6.5 Made Italy".


  12. On 7/24/2024 at 6:19 PM, W. Niederhut said:

    I used to teach physics, Jean.

    This isn't rocket science.

    If M1 is the mass of JFK's head and M2 is the mass of the bullet, and

    V1 is the velocity of JFK's head before impact, and V2 is the velocity of the bullet before impact, and

    V1' is the velocity of JFK's head after impact, and V2' is the velocity of the bullet after impact, then,

    M1V1 + M2V2 = M1V1' + M2V2' (+M3V3)

    (Where M3 and V3 are the mass and velocity of the displaced skull and brain matter)

    Ergo, he was hit by a fatal bullet fired from the front and right of the limo.

    Newton's Law of Conservation of Momentum.


    Posted by Nick Nalli over at the JFK Truth Be Told Facebook group...


    Nope, this is a literally non sequitur.

    The so-called "Harvard Educated CT" should ask for his tuition money back.

    In the Zapruder Film frame of reference, V1 = 0, M2 << M1, and V2' is also small. So we can simplify as:

    M2*V2 = M1*V1' + M3*V3

    M1, M2, V2, V1', and V3 are either known or may be reasonably estimated.

    In the Zapruder Film, we *observe* both V1' and V3 to be left-to-right (> 0). Thus, V2 > 0, and the bullet is moving left-to-right.

    This is still "handwaving," IMO, but one can get the gist. The reasoning in the 2018 Heliyon paper is a more thorough and conclusive.


  13. 7 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    Earlene Roberts, Oswald's housekeeper, says in this video that Oswald entered the rooming house after 1 o'clock and that she saw him out at the bus stop after he left.


    She testified that he was in his room "about 3 or 4 minutes". ( 6 H 438 ) In her affidavit of Dec. 5, 1963, she said that Oswald was "standing on the curb at the bus stop, just to the right and on the same side of the street as our house."  ( 7 H 439 )


    There is no way in hell that Oswald could have walked from that bus stop to the corner of 10th and Patton in the 2 1/2 minutes the FBI said it took Markham to get there.

    Oswald was witnessed STANDING at the bus stop at 1:03-1:04. He wasn't walking and he wasn't headed towards the Tippit murder scene. In fact, that bus stop was for a northbound bus that would have taken him AWAY from the murder scene.

    Even if he had immediately left the bus stop after Roberts turned away, ( according to the FBI ) it would have taken him 14 minutes to arrive at the crime scene, or 1-2 minutes AFTER Bowley had made his call on the police radio ( according to the dictabelt and transcripts ).

    Oswald didn't kill Tippit.



    Oswald arrives at the rooming house at 12:58 and is back in his room "just long enough to grab a jacket", per Earlene Roberts' testimony.  Therefore, he's out the door by 12:59 to 1:00.


  14. 8 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    She never said anything about a 1:22 bus either, so what's your point ?


    My point is obvious.

    Since Markham never mentioned a 1:12 bus or a 1:22 bus, then no one has the right to claim which bus it was that Markham was trying to catch.

    Get it now?


  15. 16 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Helen Markham's apartment on 9th street (still there today) was not really that far from the bus stop. Maybe a 6 minute walk max? I bet you know *precisely* how close her apartment was to the bus stop, don't you? I bet you can measure it in feet or yards. [In fact, why don't you go on Google Maps and tell me exactly how many yards Helen Markham would have had to walk to her bus stop on Jefferson?]

    So if she left her apartment laundry at 1:04PM or "just after 1PM" she would arrive at the bus stop at 1:10PM. Is that so she can wait for the arrival of the 1:22PM which is not really going to depart until maybe 1:25PM?

    Why does she want to stand at the bus stop or even sit on it from 1:10 PM to 1:25 PM, 15 minutes of her life doing nothing? Most people who live that close to a bus stop and who take it all the time have their timing down perfectly as to when they head to the bus.

    I don't think most people want to waste 15 minutes of their life waiting for a bus to leave; they stay in their apartment until the absolutely need to go to the bus stop, especially if it is that close by. And they head to the bus stop when they know they NEED to go to the bus stop.

    Just my never humble OPINON.


    It is my opinion that she did not leave her apartment at 1:04.

    The time stamps on the police tapes support my opinion.


  16. On 8/1/2024 at 6:09 AM, Gil Jesus said:

    Bob, what she referred to as the "1:15 bus" was actually scheduled to arrive at the corner of Jefferson and Patton Ave at 1:12. Here's the FBI report on what they found when they went to the bus company and inquired about the arrival time of the bus.



    In the white section of this document, you'll see that the FBI timed the walking distance from the washateria where Markham lived ( 328 East 9th St. ) to the corner of 10th and Patton. It was 2 1/2 minutes. Markham said that she left her apartment "a little after one". ( 3 H 306 )

    This timing is completely consistent with her estimate that she arrived at 10th and Patton at 1:06. Anybody who believes that Tippit was shot at 1:15 or later must prove that Markham stood on that corner for almost 10 minutes.

    In order to suport their position that Tippit was shot after 1:15, some members have spectulated on this forum that Markham was going to meet the NEXT bus, at 1:22. But there's no evidence of that. Why would she call the 1:22 bus "the 1:15 bus" ? No, she was going to meet the bus that arrived at that bus stop around 1:12 and left at 1:15. This means that if the Tippit killing was at or after 1:15, she would have been on her bus.

    Markham's presence on the corner of 10th and Patton is the proof that the murder occurred BEFORE 1:15. And the Commission knew that because that's what she testified to. ( 3 H 306 )

    More of the story that Myers doesn't tell you:



    Your entire point is moot if she was trying to catch the 1:22 bus.

    She never says anything about a 1:12 bus.


  17. On 7/31/2024 at 8:22 PM, Jean Ceulemans said:

     I don´t know the exact route it was on, so it never was near the crime scene?


    The bus stop in question was one block south of Tenth & Patton at Jefferson & Patton.


  18. 1 hour ago, Michael Kalin said:

    Exactly, better yet ditch the entire crew of standard Patton/Jefferson flight path witnesses altogether. The alternative is condemnation to perpetually refuting the WR scenario and its derivatives.

    Big picture double feature:
    1. Two Oswalds left TSBD.
    2. Two Oswalds observed near the murder scene (one by Red Smith & the other by Eddie Kinsley).
    3. Two potential destinations (library & TT).
    4. Two Oswalds at TT.

    The library [destination A] was the planned Oswald rubout site. By detouring to the TT [destination B] the patsy delayed his doom.


    "The library [destination A] was the planned Oswald rubout site. By detouring to the TT [destination B] the patsy delayed his doom."


    All of the witnesses who watched Oswald state that he turned west onto Jefferson upon reaching the corner of Patton & Jefferson; nothing about momentarily heading east toward the library.


    "He proceeded to run toward Jefferson, through this front yard right here (pointing to front yard at NW corner of Patton and Jefferson) and proceeded west on Jefferson." -- Ted Callaway (1986 London trial)


    "OK; our office is up high where I can have a pretty good view of what was going on. I heard the shots and, when I heard the shots, I went out on this front porch which is, like I say, high, and I saw this man coming down the street with the gun in his hand, swinging it just like he was running. He turned the corner of Patton and Jefferson, going west, and put the gun in his pants and took off, walking." -- Warren Reynolds (Warren Commission testimony)


    "...a few seconds later they observed a young white man running south on Patton Avenue carrying a pistol or revolver which the individual was attempting to either reload or place in his belt line. Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, the individual stopped running and began walking at a fast pace, heading west on Jefferson." -- 1/22/64 FBI report of interview with Harold Russell


    "When the individual reached the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, he placed the weapon inside his waistband and began walking west on the north side of Jefferson Street." -- 1/22/64 FBI report of interview with Pat Patterson


    "Approximately one minute later he observed a white male, approximately thirty years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying either an automatic pistol or a revolver in his hands, and while running was either attempting to reload same or conceal the weapon in his belt line.  Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, the individual then proceeded west on Jefferson..." -- 1/22/64 FBI report of interview with L.J. Lewis

  19. 13 minutes ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

    Trying to follow things here, I never studied the Tippit case in great detail. 

    But what happened with that bus scheduled at 1:12PM?

    Do we have the name of the driver? Did he see anything on his way there? Nothing at all? He could have been close to the shooting, perhaps noticed a police car, LHO,... ?  I don´t recall reading about him? 


    Obviously if the shooting occurred at 1:14/1:15, then the 1:12 bus schedule to stop over one block away is meaningless.


  20. 4 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

    If you only live just a few minutes walk away from the bus stop, why do you want to leave at 1:04PM - walk 6 minutes and be 12 minutes early for your 1:22PM bus? Why not leave at 1:04PM, being a tad late, and then getting to your bus stop a few minutes before the 1:12PM bus gets there. If you, a waitress, have taken the bus so many times, surely one would know how to time it pretty good.


    "If you only live just a few minutes walk away from the bus stop, why do you want to leave at 1:04PM - walk 6 minutes and be 12 minutes early for your 1:22PM bus?"

    And there lies the point.  Perhaps she was intending on arriving at the bus stop at 1:15 (which is the ONLY time she ever gives for anything related to the bus and/or bus stop).  This would be perfectly reasonable in order to catch the 1:22 bus.  My opinion is that she did not leave her apartment at 1:04.  The police tapes support my opinion.


  21. 5 hours ago, Michael Kalin said:

    Hi Donald -- last time we took up this topic you argued in favor of Brock as Hill's "man in the car with me that can ID the suspect." See your "1:22pm DPD radio message translates as the jacket was planted and the witness transplanted (revision)" thread.

    It still resonates to a degree although I can't say I've completely abandoned my position that Hill was just making noise about a passenger. The critical component of the radio message is the part about his location at 12th & Beckley, the sheriff's substation, at a time when the entire constabulary & others had deployed to the library. Hill put this information on the wire for a purpose, possibly to make sure the sheriff's dispatcher knew he was in position for an intercept if the ambush failed of its purpose.

    As it turned out the ambush failed completely. Oswald, after crossing East Jefferson in front of the ambulance and heading toward the library, stopped and went somewhere else by means which can only be surmised. Incidentally, the idea that Oswald detoured to his room at the boarding house to pick up a revolver has little traction. Leaving aside the provenance issue, there was no way to hide a revolver in the cubbyhole he occupied from the prying eyes of his nosy landlady.

    A better idea was to pick up his halves of the torn dollar bills discovered by Armstrong at the archives. Oswald needed them for authentication at either the library or the theater. Problem was he had spent the night in Irving, necessitating a stop at his room where they would have been easy to hide.


    "Oswald, after crossing East Jefferson in front of the ambulance and heading toward the library, stopped and went somewhere else by means which can only be surmised."


    No.  All of the witnesses who watched Oswald state that he turned west onto Jefferson upon reaching the corner of Patton & Jefferson; nothing about momentarily heading east toward the library.


    "He proceeded to run toward Jefferson, through this front yard right here (pointing to front yard at NW corner of Patton and Jefferson) and proceeded west on Jefferson." -- Ted Callaway (1986 London trial)


    "OK; our office is up high where I can have a pretty good view of what was going on. I heard the shots and, when I heard the shots, I went out on this front porch which is, like I say, high, and I saw this man coming down the street with the gun in his hand, swinging it just like he was running. He turned the corner of Patton and Jefferson, going west, and put the gun in his pants and took off, walking." -- Warren Reynolds (Warren Commission testimony)


    "...a few seconds later they observed a young white man running south on Patton Avenue carrying a pistol or revolver which the individual was attempting to either reload or place in his belt line. Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, the individual stopped running and began walking at a fast pace, heading west on Jefferson." -- 1/22/64 FBI report of interview with Harold Russell


    "When the individual reached the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, he placed the weapon inside his waistband and began walking west on the north side of Jefferson Street." -- 1/22/64 FBI report of interview with Pat Patterson


    "Approximately one minute later he observed a white male, approximately thirty years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying either an automatic pistol or a revolver in his hands, and while running was either attempting to reload same or conceal the weapon in his belt line.  Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, the individual then proceeded west on Jefferson..." -- 1/22/64 FBI report of interview with L.J. Lewis


  22. 4 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Helen Markham, in fact, was a very, very good "witness" because she was absolutely cocksure that she saw Officer J.D. Tippit being shot at about 1:06 to 1:07PM. She was so sure about this because she had left the clothes washing machine room at her apartment at 1:04PM and the FBI had timed her walk and it was only a mere 2 to 3 minutes to her witness spot at Tenth and Patten.

    Helan Markham was a damn good witness because her timing of the death of J.D. Tippit completely absolves Lee Harvey Oswald who the Warren Commission itself says was at his boarding home as late as 1:03PM and that is 9/10ths of a mile away.

    Testimony Of Mrs. Helen Markham (mu.edu)

    Mr. BALL. What has been your work most of your life since you were divorced, what kind of work have you done?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Waitress work.
    Mr. BALL. You have done waitress work?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, Sir.
    Mr. BALL. Where do you work now?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Eat Well Restaurant, 1404 Main Street, Dallas, Tex.
    Mr. BALL. Were you working there on November 22, 1963?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I was.
    Mr. BALL. What hours did you work?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I was due at work from 2:30 in the evening until 10:30 at night.
    Mr. BALL. Did you leave your home some time that morning to go to work?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. That evening?
    Mr. BALL. Morning.
    Mrs. MARKHAM. That morning?
    Mr. BALL. You left your home to go to work at some time, didn't you, that day?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. At one.
    Mr. BALL. One o'clock?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I believe it was a little after 1.
    Mr. BALL. Where did you intend to catch the bus?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. On Patton and Jefferson.
    Mr. BALL. Patton and Jefferson is about a block south of Patton and 10th Street, isn't it?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I think so.
    Mr. BALL. Well, where is your home from Patton and Jefferson?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I had came--I come one block, I had come one block from my home.
    Mr. BALL. You were walking, were you?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I came from 9th to the corner of 10th Street.
    Mr. BALL. And you were walking toward Jefferson?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Tenth Street runs the same direction as Jefferson, doesn't it?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. It runs in a generally east and west direction?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. And Patton runs north and south?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir; up and down this way.
    Mr. BALL. So you were walking south toward Jefferson?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. You think it was a little after 1?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I wouldn't be afraid to bet it wasn't 6 or 7 minutes after 1.
    Mr. BALL. You know what time you usually get your bus, don't you?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. 1:15.
    Mr. BALL. So it was before 1:15?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, it was.
    Mr. BALL. When you came to the corner of Patton and 10th Street--first of all, what side of the street were you walking on?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Now you have got me mixed up on all my streets. I was on the opposite of where this man was.
    Mr. BALL. Well, you were walking along the street--
    Mrs. MARKHAM. On the street.
    Mr. BALL. On Patton, you were going toward Jefferson?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. And you were on the right- or left-hand side
    of the street as you were walking south?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. That would be on the left.
    Mr. BALL. Your right.
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, it would be right.
    Mr. BALL. Right-hand side, wouldn't it? When you came to the corner did you have to stop before you crossed 10th Street?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, I did.
    Mr. BALL. Why?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. On account the traffic was coming.
    Mr. BALL. And you stopped there on the corner?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. That would be the northwest corner, wouldn't it?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Northwest corner.
    Mr. BALL. Is that right?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I believe it is. I believe it is the northwest corner.
    Mr. BALL. Did you see any man walking at that time?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes; I seen this man on the opposite side, across the street from me. He was almost across Patton Street.
    Mr. BALL. Almost across Patton?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Walking in what direction?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I guess this would be south.
    Mr. BALL. Along 10th, east? Was it along 10th?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Walking away from you, wasn't he?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He was walking up 10th, away from me.
    Mr. BALL. To your left?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Well, he was on the opposite side of the street to me like that.
    Mr. BALL. Had he reached the curb yet?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Almost ready to get up on the curb.
    Mr. BALL. What did you notice then?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Well, I noticed a police car coming.
    Mr. BALL. Where was the police car when you first saw it?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He was driving real slow, almost up to this man, well, say this man, and he kept, this man kept walking, you know, and the police car going real slow now, real slow, and they just kept coming into the curb, and finally they got way up there a little ways up, well, it stopped.
    Mr. BALL. The police car stopped?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. What about the man? Was he still walking?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. The man stopped.
    Mr. BALL. Then what did you see the man do?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I saw the man come over to the car very slow, leaned and put his arms just like this, he leaned over in this window and looked in this window.
    Mr. BALL. He put his arms on the window ledge?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. The window was down.
    Mr. BALL. It was?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Put his arms on the window ledge?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. On the ledge of the window.
    Mr. BALL. And the policeman was sitting where?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. On the driver's side.
    Mr. BALL. He was sitting behind the wheel?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Was he alone in the car?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. Then what happened?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Well, I didn't think nothing about it; you know, the police are nice and friendly, and I thought friendly conversation. Well, I looked, and there were cars coming, so I had to wait. Well, in a few minutes this man made--
    Mr. BALL. What did you see the policeman do?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. See the policeman? Well, this man, like I told you, put his arms up, leaned over, he just a minute, and he drew back and he stepped back about two steps. Mr. Tippit--
    Mr. BALL. The policeman?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. The policeman calmly opened the car door, very slowly, wasn't angry or nothing, he calmly crawled out of this car, and I still just thought a friendly conversation, maybe disturbance in the house, I did not know; well, just as the policeman got--
    Mr. BALL. Which way did he walk?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Towards the front of the car. And just as he had gotten even with the wheel on the driver's side--
    Mr. BALL. You mean the left front wheel?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes; this man shot the policeman.
    Mr. BALL. You heard the shots, did you?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. How many shots did you hear?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Three.
    Mr. BALL. What did you see the policeman do?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He fell to the ground, and his cap went a little ways out on the street.
    Mr. BALL. What did the man do?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. The man, he just walked calmly, fooling with his gun.
    Mr. BALL. Toward what direction did he walk?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Come back towards me, turned around, and went back.
    Mr. BALL. Toward Patton?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir; towards Patton. He didn't run. It just didn't scare him to death. He didn't run. When he saw me he looked at me, stared at me. I put my hands over my face like this, closed my eyes. I gradually opened my fingers like this, and 1 opened my eyes, and when I did he started off in kind of a little trot.
    Mr. BALL. Which way?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Sir?
    Mr. BALL. Which way?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Towards Jefferson, right across that way.
    Mr. DULLES. Did he have the pistol in his hand at this time?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He had the gun when I saw him.
    Mr. BALL. Did you yell at him?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. When I pulled my fingers down where I could see, I got my hand down, he began to trot off, and then I ran to the policeman.
    Mr. BALL. Before you put your hands over your eyes, before you put your hand over your eyes, did you see the man walk towards the corner?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. What did he do?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Well, he stared at me.
    Mr. BALL. What did you do?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I didn't do anything. I couldn't.
    Mr. BALL. Didn't you say something?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. No, I couldn't.
    Mr. BALL. Or yell or scream?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I could not. I could not say nothing.
    Mr. BALL. You looked at him?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. You looked at him
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir. He looked wild. I mean, well, he did to me.
    Mr. BALL. And you say you saw him fooling with his gun?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He had it in his hands.
    Mr. BALL. Did you see what he was doing with it?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He was just fooling with it. I didn't know what he was doing. I was afraid he was fixing to kill me.
    Mr. BALL. How far away from the police car do you think you were on the corner when you saw the shooting?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Well, I wasn't too far.
    Mr. BALL. Can you estimate it in feet? Don't guess.
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I would just be afraid to say how many feet because I am a bad judgment on that.
    Mr. BALL. When you looked at the man, though, when he came toward the corner, you were standing on one corner, were you?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir
    Mr. BALL. Where was he standing with reference to the other corner?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. After he had shot--
    Mr. BALL. When he looked at you.
    Mrs. MARKHAM. After he had shot the policeman?
    Mr. BALL. Yes.
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He was standing almost even to that curb, not very far from the curb, from the sidewalk.
    Mr. BALL. Across the street from you?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Did he look at you?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. And did you look at him?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I sure did.
    Mr. BALL. That was before you put your hands over your eyes?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir; and he kept fooling with his gun, and I slapped my hands up to my face like this.
    Mr. BALL. And then you ran to the policeman?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. After he ran off.
    Mr. BALL. In what hand did he have his gun, do you know, when he fired the shots?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Sir, I believe it was his right. I am not positive because I was scared.
    Mr. BALL. When he came down the street towards you, in what hand did he have his gun?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He had it in both of them.
    Mr. BALL. He had it in both of them?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. When he went towards Jefferson you say he went at sort of a trot?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Did he cross Patton?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
    Mr. DULLES. Were there many other, or other people in the block at that time, or were you there with Officer Tippit almost alone?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. I was out there, I didn't see anybody. I was there alone by myself.
    Mr. DULLES. I see. You didn't see anybody else in the immediate neighborhood?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. No; not until everything was over--I never seen anybody until I was at Mr. Tippit's side. I tried to save his life, which was I didn't know at that time I couldn't do something for him.



    The problem here is that the police tapes basically tell you what time it was that Tippit was shot and it was nowhere near Markham's estimate.

    For example...

    Ted Callaway testified that after hearing the five gun shots, he ran out to the sidewalk on Patton.  This was a little over a half block south of the shooting scene.  Callaway saw a man (who he later identified as Oswald) cutting across Patton as he (Oswald) made his way south on Patton (towards Callaway's position).  Callaway hollered out to the man  as the man continued south on Patton past Callaway's position.  Callaway testified that the man was running and holding a gun.  Callaway saw the man head west on Jefferson (the same direction as the theater).

    Once the man turned west onto Jefferson, Callaway ran a "good hard run" up to the corner of Tenth and Patton.  Callaway, noticing the stopped patrol car, went to the car and saw the officer (Tippit) lying dead in the street.  Callaway said the first thing he did was to grab the police car radio and report the shooting.  He said he didn't know if anyone had reported it yet, so he decided to report it himself.

    To recap, Callaway hears the shots.  Runs to the sidewalk.  Sees the gunman run south on Patton the entire block from Tenth to Jefferson.  Runs the two-thirds of a block up to the shooting scene.  Goes over to the police car and the first thing he does is grab the radio and report the shooting to the police dispatcher.

    How much time do you believe passed from the time Callaway heard the shots to the time he reported the shooting on the police radio?

    Let's say two minutes pass from the time Oswald shoots Tippit to the time Oswald turns the corner from Patton onto Jefferson.  This is a little over one block and Oswald was running.

    Let's say it takes Callaway one minute when he made the "good hard run" the two-thirds of a block from his location to the patrol car.

    If these two time estimates are anywhere close to being correct, then Callaway is at the patrol car roughly three minutes after the shots rang out.  Let's add another full minute for error.  So we have Callaway at the patrol car using the police radio about four minutes after the shots rang out.

    Here's the thing... Callaway's report to the dispatcher while using the patrol car radio took place at 1:19/1:20.

    Do the math and work it backwards.  At 1:19/1:20, Callaway makes the call.  If four minutes have passed (and that's being generous, in my opinion) since the shots rang out, then the shots rang out around 1:15.


  23. 4 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Gil Jesus- question - Was Helen Markham on the way to catch the 1:15PM bus or was it the 1:12PM bus? That is a very big distinction to make. I have always heard it was the 1:12PM. Am I right or wrong on this matter? Does anyone have absolute proof as to whether the waitress Helen Markham was on the way to the 1:12PM or 1:15PM bus.

    Thanks in advance to Gil Jesus or anyone else on Education Forum who can provide clarification on this matter.


    There was no 1:15 bus; only 1:12, 1:22 and about every ten minutes thereafter.

    For anyone to pretend to know for a fact which bus Markham was trying to catch (1:12 or 1:22) just shows that they truly don't know anything at all.


  24. Dale Myers:


    "One example is found in the Tippit case. Some argue that Helen Markham wasn’t a reliable witness – that she was wrong about the time that Tippit was shot, that her description of the shooter didn’t match Oswald exactly, or that her identification of Oswald at the line-up was made after she had been administered smelling salts.
    But can one believably and logically dismissed other witnesses who didn’t see the shooting, as Markham did, but identified Oswald as the man they saw fleeing the scene? Especially given the fact that we know for certain that the man that others saw fleeing the scene was the same person that Markham saw shoot Officer Tippit?
    After all, Markham saw the gunman running toward the corner of Tenth and Patton immediately after the shooting. Cab driver William W. Scoggins saw the same man coming toward him, cross the lawn of the corner house (where Barbara J. and Virginia R. Davis stood watching the same man), jump through the bushes and flee south on Patton. Used car manager Ted Callaway saw the same man as he leapt through the bushes, run past Scoggins, and cross Patton Street. As the gunman passed Callaway, and used car porter Sam Guinyard, four men – Warren Reynolds, B.M. Patterson, L.J. Lewis and Harold Russell – saw the same man trotting toward them. The gunman hesitated briefly at the corner of Patton and Jefferson Boulevard, then turned west toward Crawford. Two of the men – Reynolds and Patterson – followed the same man until he slipped behind two used furniture stores next to a convenience store adjacent to the Texaco service station at Crawford and Jefferson."




  25. 15 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


    Lee Edward Bowers Jr. was a witness to the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on ...



    Reviewing Lee Bowers 11/22/1963 recollection statements in the Mark Lane documentary "Rush To Judgement" I don't see how anyone could "not" see Bower's credibility.

    The man is intelligent, well spoken, calm, extremely detail orientated and sincere sounding. 

    He is telling everyone this direct observation:

    That he saw a commotion near the picket fence area and that something occurred during this commotion that was unusual enough for him to remember it being noticeably memorable such as a "flash of light or puff of smoke."  His words. 

    Bowers also says with unambiguous clarity the time sequence of the shots he heard.

    3 shots... knock...knock-knock.

    One shot followed by two more shots almost on top of each other. Leading him ( Bowers ) to conclude that the last two shots could not have been fired by the same gun.

    The FBI told him he was no expert in this area of physical science and he said he had to agree with them.

    Wonder if the Warren Commission put any time investigating Bower's recollections of 3 cars coming into his lot just minutes before the shooting. One driven by a man talking into a hand held mike.

    Were these Dallas PD, Dallas Sheriff, FBI, Army intelligence.

    And don't forget another of Lane's interview subjects in Rush To Judgement.

    The maintenance man who watched the whole shooing from on top of the Building Annex just South of Elm and Houston.

    He described seeing a heavier set suited man running full speed along the backside of the picket fence area toward the Texas School Book Depository building within "seconds" of the shooting. Before anyone had run to the grassy knoll and parking lot beyond to flood that area.






    I see you finally decided to actually watch the Bowers interview with Lane.  Now, do you still believe that Bowers ever had a finger cut off?


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