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Gerry Down

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  1. RIP I hadn't realised until a while back that he was so old. Alot of the actors in the JFK movie are getting quite old now or have passed on. Another sign the JFKA is passing into history.
  2. I always understood Lifton to be tight with any new research he had in that he was not eager to share. I think he threatened Pat Speer on one occasion not to share info he had just given him. Makes me wonder how much info the author of this new book had got out of Lifton.
  3. Interesting. I wonder if Priscilla McMillan Johnson had access to that early 6 hour secret service interview. Probably not. Makes me wonder if there is anything in there that did not appear in her book.
  4. The word "lying" implies intent. I have never come across Pat Speer intentionally lying about anything.
  5. There appears to be what looks like a number "9" at the start and end of the word. This makes me wonder if these two "9"s are possibly some form of framing mechanism, like inverted commas etc, to frame the word in the middle.
  6. That's an interesting explanation as to why he choose Fensterwald. Though Fensterwald was against the CIA, and McCord was pro CIA. So there is a degree of cognitive dissonance there imo.
  7. Thanks for that insight. I guess Washington DC can be a small place.
  8. Was Fensterwald seen as such a good lawyer that the fact he engaged in controversial topics was overlooked by people looking to hire him? Such as McCord?
  9. Why would James McCord hire someone so controversial? Especially someone so outspoken in as controversial a topic as the JFK assassination?
  10. He said it in some one of his interviews over the last year or two. Not sure which interview that was though.
  11. RIP Cyril Wecht. A significant portion of the history of JFKA research has left us.
  12. Oliver Stone himself has now distanced himself from the Mr. X scene in that it's central focus being on Lansdale is incorrect.
  13. I thought humes only found out after the autopsy, after he had phoned perry, that there had been any wound on the throat prior to the tracheostomy?
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