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Robert Reeves

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  1. Respectfully ... I prefer it when you stick your neck on the block and go with your convictions regarding the assassination, several theories of which I agree with you on. This MAGA stuff is always a distraction.
  2. The attempts to shame anyone posting anything related to Trump and the JFK assassination on here are pathetic. Childish, overemotional drivel.
  3. I thought I heard Oliver say on JFK Director's cut the Sutherland monologue was shot in one take? that mystical moment in the film is what got me interested in the assassination. I sought out any fact from the words spoken. Donald Sutherland and Kate Bush in her video for the song Cloudbusting. It got me interested in Wilhelm Reich.
  4. Isn't it interesting a macho forthright piece of work like Trump got sh*tscared and pulled the release of the records? Someone spoke to Trump in a very frank manner that persuaded him there is a serious risk to national security should he allow the files to be released, it must be on that level of severity. Yet there's hardly any curiosity from the mainstream media. Pompeo btw. High level popular curious media types that are actually curious to know what is in the remaining files, so start posing questions, they get threatened with consequences should they openly discuss on mainstream tv any links to the CIA's involvement in the assassination. Aka, Tucker Carlson. But, Oswald did it! Go back to bed America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again.
  5. If you believe Tucker Carlson's source is Mike Pompeo: two former CIA directors allegedly called Pompeo in the 24 hours before the files were to be released asking him to change Trump's mind about releasing them. So we know 3 directors that are alive have knowledge of what is being hidden.
  6. If you look at Tucker's quote, he gives away an interesting detail. This person was contacted by two former CIA directors after Trump made the announcement of releasing the files and was urged ''don't release these files''. The last time Trump publicly met with Tucker was Aug. 24, 2023. If it was Trump, would he sit down with Tucker and do an interview with him after previously being thrown under the bus? Because Tucker appears to have revealed contents of off the record discussions about the JFK files with whoever it is (in December 2022). And now we know Tucker was threatened by Pompeo's lawyer. It's fairly obvious it was Mike Pompeo. I find it hard to believe Trump has a clue what is even in the files.
  7. Hello Ron, I was pointing out the contrast of the two names mentioned used in promoting the pilot tv show about Skull & Bones Rob Reiner Co-created. GW Bush = the most infamous Skull & Bonesman? I think every mother and her daughter around the world know of this little tit. And James Angleton, who I'd say is an obscure mention for this topic: when you are trying to sell a tv show pilot. hence why they added Dubya. This tv show pilot came out around 2016. So Rob Reiner has had James Angleton & the CIA in his sights since around 2014, according to the promotion, that was when this tv show was written. "Yale’s Skull and Bones society has produced a slew of top U.S. political and military leaders, including President George W. Bush, who was at Yale and a Skull & Bones member in the 1960s, and James Jesus Angleton, a top CIA official during the 1960s. The society has been the subject of a numerous conspiracy theories, including one that the society it controls the CIA." ^^ from the shows promotion https://deadline.com/2016/08/the-tap-drama-rob-reiner-andrew-lenchewski-yale-skull-bones-usa-pilot-order-1201800199/ Jumping to nowadays: Rob Reiner's “Who Killed JFK?” podcast has inserted him knee deep into the world of JFK assassination. Lots of really big claims like “We’ll tell you what we think happened. We’ll name the shooters.” the podcast has over 7 million downloads/listens. Selective copy and pasting below from Jefferson Morley's substack https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/the-cia-vs-rob-reiners-who-killed Last week, I asked the CIA about the popular “Who Killed JFK?” podcast, cohosted by Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien. The 10-part show, which has been downloaded 7 million times since November, asserts that President John F. Kennedy was killed by enemies in the CIA and Pentagon. I asked the CIA 1) if the podcast was factually accurate in its depiction of senior CIA officers James Angleton, William Harvey and David Phillips; and 2) did Angleton, Harvey or Phillips surveil Lee Harvey Oswald? On Monday, March 18, a CIA spokesperson called me, and an off-the-record conversation ensued. Ethically speaking, I cannot share the substance of what was said, but the Agency did give me this statement: “The notion that CIA was involved in the death of John F. Kennedy is absolutely false.” More importantly, a whole state’s worth of people heard what Reiner and O’Brien are saying about the contemporary importance of a pivotal moment in American history. Reiner is a prolific producer of popular movies such “A Few Good Men,” “The Princess Bride” and “When Harry Met Sally.” O’Brien, a former network TV anchor, is a winner of three Emmys for her news reporting. If nothing else, the podcast shows that the persistent but dubious theory that Oswald killed JFK for no reason has never been more frail. The new JFK record also shows the lone gunman narrative was developed by government officials to obscure the fact that senior CIA officers were concealing their deep and abiding interest in Oswald for four years [my emphasis] before the leftist ex-Marine supposedly shot JFK from the sixth floor of a Dallas office building. The key figures in the CIA in late 1963 included Angleton, the chief of counterintelligence; Phillips, the chief of Cuba operations in Mexico City; and Harvey, the ousted chief of the CIA’s assassination program who, according to one State Department official, paid a visit to Dallas in November 1963. Hence my two questions for the CIA. — Is the podcast factually accurate in its depiction of senior CIA officers, James Angleton, William Harvey and David Phillips? — Did Angleton, Harvey or Phillips surveil Lee Harvey Oswald? In the course of the podcast, Reiner unspools his findings, with O’Brien asking the skeptical questions of Everywoman in the Street. Assisted by research chief Dick Russell, Reiner weaves together an array of evidence, new and old, that Angleton, Harvey, Phillips and former U.S. Army Gen. Charles Willoughby orchestrated a false flag operation that surveilled Oswald, ambushed JFK in Dealey Plaza and blamed the deed on the leftist ex-Marine. They make what I find to be a convincing case that Oswald was what he said he was: “a patsy” for others who committed the crime. I can’t speak knowledgeably about Willoughby, but Angleton, Harvey and Phillips figure in all three of my CIA books. There’s no “smoking gun” proof that any one of them conspired to kill the president (just as there’s no “smoking gun” proof that Oswald shot JFK). But, if there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, all three are plausible suspects. Harvey was exiled from Langley headquarters after a profane tirade against Robert Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Phillips knew of Oswald’s foreign travels and leftist politics when the itinerant ex-Marine contacted a known KGB officer in Mexico City six weeks before Kennedy’s assassination — and he took no action. Angleton, known for the ingenuity of his “black” operations, was informed that Oswald was in Dallas on Nov. 15, 1963, one week before Kennedy’s trip there. All of this information came into public view after Oliver Stone’s 1992 movie “JFK.” None of it comes from “conspiracy theorists.” The story of Angleton, Harvey and Phillips is found in declassified CIA records and on-the-record interviews with credible witnesses. None of it is disputed by major news organizations or professional fact-checkers. end of copy and pastes. To me there is an interesting heavyweight fight going on between Rob Reiner and Tucker Carlson. Both men are idealogically far apart, one right, almost Maga, one left wing. But on several controversial subjects they have synchronicity. I think both of them are positioning themselves to break the 'Who killed JFK'' angle to their opposed followers and talk openly about all the other recent failures/wrongs of Western policy. Eventually, it has to happen, the files are going to be released. I imagine there was a discussion years back as to how this all plays out at the end. Who is thrown under the bus? But how do we keep the agency from blame? So I wonder if the Mockingbird is chirping! whispers in the ears of people who can punch harder than the agency can right now. as I copy and pasted from Jefferson Morley's substack ... "More importantly, a whole state’s worth of people heard what Reiner and O’Brien are saying about the contemporary importance of a pivotal moment in American history. Reiner is a prolific producer of popular movies such “A Few Good Men,” “The Princess Bride” and “When Harry Met Sally.” O’Brien, a former network TV anchor, is a winner of three Emmys for her news reporting. If nothing else, the podcast shows that the persistent but dubious theory that Oswald killed JFK for no reason has never been more frail." The inevitable is coming, so why wouldn't the CIA step in to handle the damage control? the sceptic in me wonders Rob Reiner and Tucker Carlson have another topic of interest which they're both very vocal about recently. Rob Reiner directed the movie Shock and Awe, "A group of journalists of the Knight-Ridder news service covering President George W. Bush's planned invasion of Iraq in 2003 are skeptical of the President's claim that Saddam Hussein has "weapons of mass destruction." But as with a lot of JFK assassination researcher personalities there is the inevitable bickering. Tucker Carlson & Rob Reiner share similar point of view on several subjects. But they appear to dislike each other. Well Tucker seems to dislike Rob. I love boxing, so I recognize hype when I see it. A couple of days ago Tucker launched into Rob's documentary “God & Country,” From https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-god-and-country-christian-nationalism/ “Nobody hates Christians more than long time Hollywood actor and producer Rob Reiner,” Carlson claimed early in the segment. “Amazingly, he’s just produced a documentary about how faithful Christians are the enemy, if you can believe it.” Carlson then played the documentary’s trailer, which argues against Christian nationalism and the connection of Christianity with politics. It opens with commentator David French, a former Republican, arguing that Christians should be “a countercultural example” but are instead “leading the charge of malice and division.” Ahead of the clip, Tucker called French “a fake Christian.” After the trailer played, Carlson bursts into laughter, exclaiming, “Rob Reiner, lecturing us on what Jesus really wanted!” Listening to Tucker Carlson's appearances on other people's podcasts and his own shows as much I can: especially since he spoke about the JFK subject -- he is on a mission. I don't think it should be underestimated the weight of what he is saying. I have spoken to a guy at work who knows I am interested in the subject of JFK's assassination. He listens to Joe Rogan's podcast. Never misses an episode. After Tucker's recent appearance on Rogan's podcast my work colleague was curious to know more about James Angleton, the name he heard Tucker mention. He wanted to know more about the CIA alleged involvement. I think when heavyweight media personalities, like Tucker, are now speaking openly about how they feel genuinely ashamed and confused for believing the narrative of Oswald killed JFK alone, 9/11 was done by Bin Laden, the Iraq invasion was for our security, even UFO's. A lot of people are listening and feeling enabled into diving deeper into these subjects and speaking openly when perhaps they've not felt able to in the past. I am not saying Tucker Carlson's views are more legit than anyone else, but right now he does seem very genuinely out to set the record straight on very controversial subjects he appears to believe he was conditioned to think towards the ''Washington'' group narrative. As I think he described it. For instance, during that Joe Rogan podcast (which has 8.5 million views on Youtube alone plus Spotify views also) Tucker spoke about his shock in learning what he describes as the real truth about Watergate, only in recent years has it dawned upon him he was following the script about what happened to Nixon. That he is now knee deep in researching subjects such as JFK/MLK/RFK, Watergate, he says he is reaching out to alternative media views on these subjects that he says he is ashamed he once pushed during his time on mainstream media. It's a very interesting time to be alive! because mainstream media has lost control. Hopefully they don't eventually silence Tucker & Rob Reiner, like how Mike Pompeo's lawyer unsuccessfully tried to shut Tucker up.
  8. This is the second time Tucker Carlson has mentioned James Angleton in an interview as someone at the CIA suspected of participating in the assassination of JFK. Tucker named Angleton on X some months back. I brought this up a few months back: Rob Reiner's podcast re the assassination, fifth episode - titled “Wilderness of Mirrors,” dealt with James Angleton allegedly sheep dipping Oswald. when you google Rob Reiner + James Angleton you get some tv show Rob co-wrote about Skull & Bones. ‘The Tap’ Drama From Rob Reiner & Andrew Lenchewski About Yale’s Skull & Bones Society Gets USA Pilot Order' https://deadline.com/2016/08/the-tap-drama-rob-reiner-andrew-lenchewski-yale-skull-bones-usa-pilot-order-1201800199/ Oddly, every article online mentions just two famous Skull & Bones alleged members in the PR for the show 'The Tap'. GW Bush and James Angleton. When there are numerous famous members of the club. Why mention James Angleton, who to many, would be an obscure mention? Like Tucker, I wondered if Rob Reiner has been spoken to about what is in the files by someone with access.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/CaliforniaAvenueProductions/posts/frank-sturgis-r-with-jose-sanjenis-perdomo-1959-photo-perdomo-was-the-doorman-at/4397638483599191/?locale=ar_AR
  10. Tucker Carlson spoke at length about the JFK assassination recently on Joe Rogan. He claims a day or so after speaking on tv about his source (having seen the files) Mike Pompeo's lawyer called him and good as threatened Tucker to keep his mouth shut. clip link below The intimidation isn't going away. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxYxRCv0wK0iKz3Yg4DkY425DobORvcSN8?si=kDAAg7PaMKO0FqhL
  11. This photo appears on Facebook as ''Frank-Sturgis and Jose-Sanjenis-Perdomo'' So what's the deep dive? anyone have a clue?
  12. Richard Sprague was probably the first person to hoard as many photographs/films/audio connected with the assassination knowing further on down the line that computers would eventually provide evidence of more than just Oswald's involvement. It's a shame the majority of his collection is gathering dust and not digitized. Plus the many other collections of early researcher's materials archived.
  13. And more detail in this post https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/30192-lansdale-and-his-mercenaries/#comment-529585
  14. No, they didn't. These documents were (I believe) obtained by @Denis Morissette So maybe he can say when he got them. Marvin Wise, the police officer leading the tramps in the infamous photo that Prouty claims shows the backside of Lansdale -- He was interviewed by the FBI in 1992. Which was about the same time the LaFontaines were busy trying to prove the three tramps were all accounted for and none of had any murderous intent. The details of his FBI interview I imagine was only revealed by Denis Morissette's actions. I am fairly sure he did say it was he that got hold of the documents, I might be wrong. I merely swiped them from his site . I added the red ... but he clearly stated that the tramps he was photographed with, they were released almost immediately, within 5 to 10 minutes -- they were certainly released on the day of the assassination, according to him. The interview notes with Marvin Wise are here. I got these also from Denis Morrissete's website some years back. Credit to him. Wise is contradicting other investigation interviews he's given. There are more details that back up the three tramps named as Doyle, Gedney, Abrahms were in the train yard area and arrested. But they were detained immediately after the assassination -- which it states on their arrest sheets. The arrest sheet of Gedney, above. His, and all three tramp's *incompleted* sheet state they were arrested right after JFK shot. That they were detained and after 4 days released, on the 26th, says in ink. The three tramps photographed walking through dealey plaza were not arrested right after JFK was shot. The statements from several of the arresting officers mention anything up to two hours after JFK was shot. Greater detail in this post https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/30192-lansdale-and-his-mercenaries/?do=findComment&comment=529477
  15. Charles Voyde Harrelson - Wikipedia describes him as, an 'American Organized Crime Figure', his occupation is listed as 'Hitman'. Harrelson was tried in 1968 for the murder of Alan Berg, he was represented by legendary defence attorney Percy Foreman -- Foreman's clients included General Edwin Walker, James Earl Ray, and Jack Ruby. Harrelson and Percy Foreman, below Harrelson was acquitted for the murder of Alan Berg. He was also tried for the 1968 murder of Same Degelia, although retried, and convicted, serving 5 of the 15 year sentence he was then released for good behaviour. Nowhere does Wikipedia mention Charles Harrelson's time in the Navy during 1956-59, as a sonarman, at Key West. Nor does it mention his movie star son's claim that his father was a CIA trained assassin. Charles' own son says his father was recruited by the CIA at a young age from the military. If this is true, that Woody Harrelson is openly admitting to RFK Jnr that his own dad, Charles Harrelson, was one of the three tramps, that he was involved with the assassination of JFK. Why do researchers find it so hard to also accept!? Charles Harrelson would have been 25 at the time of the assassination of JFK. When I look at the tallest tramp photos the guy appears older than 25. The photo combo below was shown to Charles Harrelson during an interview with Dallas TV station KDFW-TV interview I think in 82, he smirked and admitted this was very close to his appearance. You could tell it was the first time he'd seen the two matched together. He seemed dumbstruck. Also other photos. It was said Harrelson was once due to be photographed for a witness identification line up - the photographer noted many of Harrelson's teeth were missing (maybe had false teeth removed)- he assumed Harrelson had done this to thin his face. He also appeared gaunt as though he'd been starving himself. The prison guards confirmed he was hardly eating in the run up to the photo session. This is one tricky customer, a pro. He escaped Atlanta federal prison whilst serving out his Judge Wood conviction. Here's some stuff (I think) I found in John Armstrong's files online at Baylor many moons ago. Some of this is stuff from the Dallas TV station Dallas TV station KDFW-TV interview. I don't have a copy of the interview with Dallas TV station KDFW-TV that Harrelson did (would be good to see the whole interview again). I clearly remembered the part where he mentioned he thought it would have been an easier kill shot to assassinate JFK in front of the Rice Hotel. He smirked and seemed to be teasing inside info, to me. I think it could have been Gary Shaw and Jim Marrs that firstly mentioned Charles Harrelson as being a suspect for the tallest tramp. Harrelson was backed up by R.D. Matthews at the Judge Wood's murder trial. Might have been a giveaway! R.D. Matthews links to Jack Ruby are well known. And he does look like the tall tramp. R.D. Matthews and Harrelson were both notorious gamblers in Las Vegas. https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/two-line-obituary-doesnt-do-justice-to-shadowy-r-d-matthews/ Charles Harrelson confessed to killing JFK when he was stopped by cops for a traffic violation whilst on the run for the Judge Wood killing. The cops did not know he was wanted for the murder of Judge John Wood. Nobody knew at that point he was tape recorded by the Chagra brothers admitting he took part in the assassination of JFK. The incriminating details of Harrelson talking about himself involved with the assassination of JFK hadn't come to light. These details, plus the drawings of shooter locations, etc, being discovered later on surely backs up his guilt, he later retracted claims, of being part of the assassination. No one had linked the tallest tramp photos to Harrelson. So why did he expose himself? Maybe he thought the cops could protect him from whoever hired him to be part of the JFK assassination. Surely he knew he would bring unwanted attention to the JFK case, yet again (previous murder cases involving him). The killing of Judge Wood was second only to JFK for coverage. Harrelson true backers could be exposed. Harrelson being linked to working with CIA's Lucien Conein at the DEA. Harrelson had pointed the finger at the DEA as responsible for calling the hit on Judge Wood. Conein was head of a secretive assassination squad (DEASOG). Conein in the document below was calling for the assassination of president Omar Torrijos and coup in Panama in 1973. Conein's 1975 drug smuggling involvement with Patrick Hemming, below. Conein says he only knew Hemming 1975 are laughable. Hemming appears to have been blackmailing Conein. from https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/180-10072-10276.pdf This is very similar to Charles Harrelson openly calling out the DEA for the murder of Judge John Wood. These guys had Conein and the CIA by the balls and were getting away with it. Charmed lives! The DEA was simply a front name for the CIA. It never actually came back on the CIA doorstep what was really going on. These guys were milking their CIA privilege funded by tax payers money in Las Vegas. "Disclosure that DEA agents accepted money from the late Howard Hughes Summa Corp for use on gaming tables in Nevada whilst working under cover to break up a drug ring operated by Casino employees'' No shizz they'd accept Howard Hughes money to gamble in Las Vegas. This article comes from https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00806R000201000009-9.pdf "Conein a CIA operative in Viet Nam recruited 14 colleagues from the CIA to join his staff at the DEA intelligence branch'' -- I would love to read that list of ex CIA colleagues Lucien brought over with him to gamble, deal drugs, and then murder whoever got in their way. Even more interesting would be the list of non identifiable 'colleagues' from the CIA's contracting wing, who were also employed to carry DEA killings. Such as Harrelson, maybe Hemming too. That is if they could find the time to give up the day job, gambling! Charles Harrelson was a legendary gambler, very well known in Las Vegas. In fact, his defense in the Judge Wood case used his gambling prowess to underscore he was rich enough to not need to murder for hire. from https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1982/11/21/a-gambler-takes-the/bc145f72-a0a3-4ff6-9ef2-5358d5dc0632/ "SAN ANTONIO, Nov. 20, 1982 -- Charles V. Harrelson is a gambler and, like many gamblers, he likes to brag. Killing people and getting away with it was his long suit, he once told an acquaintance. The acquaintance has since repeated that boast, showing Harrelson tends to exaggerate, in a federal courtroom here. The record shows Harrelson was acquitted of killing a man in May, 1968, but also that two months later he was accused of killing another man for $1,500. He was convicted in that slaying and sentenced to 15 years. The government spent nearly $5 million investigating the murder of Wood, who had earned the nickname "Maximum John" for his stiff sentences in drug cases. Wood was the first federal judge assassinated in this century, and the investigation that followed was the largest since President Kennedy's assassination. The government made it a top priority as part of its war against drug peddlers. His lawyer, Thomas G. Sharpe Jr., said Harrelson was in Dallas at the time of the killing. He also said Harrelson earned a good income from gambling and didn't need the money for killing the judge. Sharpe hopes to have Harrelson demonstrate his abilities as a "card mechanic" in the courtroom this week. But it is not clear that the request will be granted by Judge William S. Sessions, a friend of the slain Wood, who rejected a motion that he step down from the case. Another government witness said Harrelson had once indicated that he saw the human head as just "a watermelon with hair." Asked his occupation, he replied, "gambler," and said he had started at age 12. Asked his occupation in jail, Harrelson smiled at the jury and, alluding to the government's bugging of his cell, said, "Making tapes for the government." From what I remember about an article I read to do with the Judge John Wood assassination. It was claimed Harrelson knew details of the shooting that was limited only to first responders at the scene. A canny cop who firstly attended dying Judge Woods made everyone swear to not repeat the details of how the judge was found. The judges car tire was slashed on one side, and the sniper was positioned to shoot the judge when he got out of the car to check it. Shot in the spine. Harrelson had allegedly repeated this secretive scenario to witnesses against him. ------------------------------------- Conein, Harrelson, Hemming, Sturgis, RIP Robertson, O'Hare, etc, all these guys had charmed lives. They were all protected by some mystical force that would not be there to cover our asses. I think these guys were given jobs for the boys after their daring work in Dealey Plaza. Lucien Conein appears to have been given a cushy job by Nixon at the DEA at the behest of E Howard Hunt. The notorious corner collection of operatives. Fletcher Prouty was adamant Lucien Conein was involved in the assassination of JFK. The person who does look like Lucien Conein photographed just a few feet away from the RIP Robertson, John O'Hare, Patrick Hemming, etc lookalikes. Apparently this has been debunked, it's supposedly someone else. Not Lucien Conein. Well I differ from this opinion Lucien Conein wasn't in dealey plaza on the day JFK was killed, same with the above mentioned guys. I don't think the face is right, but the hair is correct. The face could easily have been disguised. And would have been. I think these guys were brazen, couldn't care less. They knew nothing would ever come of their actions once JFK was dead. Saturday night 23rd at Dallas city hall. Frank Sturgis is seen on multiple occasions on camera. It appears he was, like Jack Ruby was, possibly stalking Oswald. I believe this pic below was posted by James Fetzer. But wearing a hat I've looked through the footage on the night of 23rd, Frank Sturgis was there hanging around. Multiple times he was seen on camera. Play acting a camera-man and a reporter. The CIA's top assassin btw. from WFAA and NBC's footage. Sturgis took his time in jail over Watergate. Would he really be too worried if he had to assassinate Oswald? or maybe he was attempting to communicate with Ozzy. There have been unconfirmed links Oswald knew of Sturgis. These guys were pissing in the faces of everyone. Sturgis: ''I believe that president Nixon would have uncovered the true facts that had been covered up for many years about the assassination of the president'' O-Reilly: ''Do you think that president Nixon was ever in any physical danger? Sturgis: "YES ... ABSOLUTELY ... HE'S LUCKY HE DIDN'T GET KILLED, HE'S LUCKY HE DIDN'T GET ASSASSINATED LIKE PRESIDENT KENNEDY GOT ASSASSINATED" This crap about tradecraft, supposed top CIA spies wouldn't be so amateurish to openly be filmed at the assassination of JFK, that they'd fear exposure and attention of the public and media. It doesn't fly. The CIA's most notorious assassin above on national tv openly telling you that Nixon is lucky he wasn't whacked like Kennedy. It doesn't get more blatant in your face. Like they gave a crap about being caught on camera in either dealey plaza or hanging around trying to assassinate Oswald.
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