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  1. See Jackie Kennedy? See Evelyn Lincoln behind LBJ with just her right eyeglass lens appearing in the photo? BOTH OF THOSE WOMEN BELIEVED IN REAL TIME AS THAT PHOTO WAS BEING TAKEN THAT LYNDON JOHNSON HAD JUST MURDERED JFK. Neither of them said in real time, "Hey it looks like Allen Dulles has killed JFK so America companies could access Indonesian mineral resources or oil." As for hallucinating LBJ, here is what he said about the JFK assassination when he was having a heart event at a San Antonio in the early 1970s: (LBJ's analysis is horsefeathers; you really need to understand how mentally unstable and depraved the man was. True psychopaths never taken any responsibility for the crimes they commit.) Lyndon Johnson in hospital after a heart attack: “It wasn’t my fault [to murder JFK]. Lady Bird and Hoover came up with the original plan!” Robert Burnside in JFK and the World Oligarchy, pp. 189-190: QUOTE When I was working up north, a southerner flew up, and I had dinner with that person and two of that person’s closest friends. This source said that when Lyndon Johnson had a heart attack, he was flown to the Brookes Army hospital in San Antonio, Texas, and before Lyndon died, he expressed repentance. In the process, Lyndon said Lady Bird and J. Edgar Hoover were more responsible than he because they were the ones who came up with the original plan. After Lyndon’s death, military intelligence supposedly told everyone who was present that if anyone talked about what was said, they would be killed, as would their families. With good reason, the people who heard Lyndon’s confession have been quiet for thirty years. (This same tactic may have been used to silence the doctors at Parkland and Bethesda.) My source was not at the hospital with Lyndon, but this source was very close to someone who was present. Both this source and her friends, the couple we had dinner with, felt that Lady Bird was a vicious woman. The couple I had dinner with was Robert B. and Elizabeth Slobins, and their close friend, the former wife of the M.P. official who was in the room when Johnson gave repentance to the preacher. Supposedly, Lyndon’s words were, “It wasn’t my fault. Lady Bird and Hoover came up with the original plan!” At the time, Robert and I were doing a contract for Lincoln Financial in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Before our dinner, I had heard this story from Robert, who had recently finished a software contract at a Laredo bank. UNQUOTE [Robert Burnside, JFK and the World Oligarchy, pp. 189-190]
  2. Oh, I think teen Oswald was a huge fan of Herbert Philbrick. Maybe he moderated his views later. Oswald was absolutely obsessed with the TV show "I Led Three Lives" which was all about a character based on Herbert Philbrick infiltrating communist rings for the FBI. Every episode had a commie ring broken up. CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald’s favorite show as a kid was about counter-intelligence, “I Led Three Lives: Citizen, ‘Communist,’ and Counterspy” – the story of FBI informer Herbert Philbrick http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/assassination-studies-1/i-led-three-lives.html QUOTE Herbert Philbrick, a Boston advertising executive who infiltrated the U.S. Communist Party on behalf of the FBI in the 1940s, wrote a bestselling book on the life of a double agent, "I Led Three Lives: Citizen, 'Communist', Counterspy" (1952). "I Led Three Lives" was an American television show which was syndicated by Ziv Television Programs from 1953 to 1956 and lasted 117 episodes. The part of Philbrick was played by Richard Carlson. According to Judyth Vary Baker, Lee Harvey Oswald's girlfriend in New Orleans, "I Led Three Lives" was Oswald's favorite TV show. This particular film was produced before the Bay of Pigs fiasco which Oswald was believed by some to have participated in with David Ferrie, his instructor in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. Conspiracy theorists believe that Oswald was the "lone nut assassin" who killed JFK. To maintain this farce requires ignoring his family's long involvement with organized crime in New Orleans, his personal involvement with New Orleans-based anti-communists, and his strange status as a US Marine who "defected" to the Soviet Union and was permitted back in the US with the financial support of the US State Department. In the midst of all this, Oswald posed dramatically, though unconvincingly, as a Castro sympathizer. UNQUOTE Robert Oswald said that his brother Lee Harvey Oswald’s favorite TV show was I Led Three Lives about an FBI informant Herbert Philbrick who pretended to be a Communist. I wonder if this is what inspired completely innocent CIA Oswald to go into counterintelligence for the U.S. government? A key page from Robert Oswald’s book – https://twitter.com/CONELRAD6401240/status/1259856311585583109/photo/1 QUOTE The center of Lee’s fantasy world shifted from radio to television when Mother bought a television set in 1948. When it was new, all of us spent far too much time watching variety shows, dramas and old movies. Lee, particularly, was fascinated. One of his favorite programs was I Led Three Lives, the story of Herbert Philbrick, the FBI informant who posed as a Communist spy. In the early 1950’s, Lee watched that show every week without fail. When I left home to join the Marines, he was still watching the reruns. UNQUOTE [Robert Oswald, Lee: Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by His Brother, p. 47] I Led Three Lives starring with Richard Carlson, ran on TV from 1953 to 1956. Note: Oswald was born on Oct. 18, 1939: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Harvey_Oswald The TV drama I Led Three Lives ran from Oct. 1, 1953 to Jan. 1, 1956. Oswald would have been age 13-16 during this time period: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Led_3_Lives There was also a radio version of I Led Three Lives that I think ran before the TV show did. Robert Oswald joined the Marines in 1952 and I am sure Lee Harvey Oswald was ALREADY A FAN of Herbert Philbrick and I Led Three Lives by listening to the RADIO SHOW version which preceded the TV SHOW version of I Led Three Lives. Donald Willis comment on July 5, 2021: QUOTE However, Wikipedia notes that the "companion" show "I Was a Communist for the FBI" began April 23, 1952 and was based on the 1951 movie of the same title. Perhaps the Oswalds confused the two shows and the movie. At any rate, it's just possible that reruns of this show began before July. Not likely, but it's not that cut-and-dry.... UNQUOTE There was a movie released in 1951 that was titled I Was a Communist for the FBI – It was very similar to Herbert Philbrick’s I Led Three Lives. The radio show version of I was a Communist for the FBI encompassed 78 episodes that were on the air from April 23, 1952 to October 14, 1953 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Was_a_Communist_for_the_FBI QUOTE Was a Communist for the FBI is a 1951 American film noir crime film directed by Gordon Douglas and starring Frank Lovejoy.[3] The film was produced by Bryan Foy who was head of Warners B picture unit until 1942. The film was based on a series of stories written by Matt Cvetic that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post.[4] The stories were later turned into a best-selling book, and a radio show starring Dana Andrews that ran for 78 episodes from April 23, 1952, until October 14, 1953.[5] The story follows Cvetic, who infiltrated a local Communist Party cell for nine years and reported back to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on their activities. The film and radio show are, in part, artifacts of the McCarthy era, as well as a time capsule of American society during the Second Red Scare. The purpose of both is partly to warn people about the threat of Communist subversion of American society. The tone of the show is ultra-patriotic, with Communists portrayed as racist, vindictive, and tools of a totalitarian foreign power, the Soviet Union. UNQUOTE I Led Three Lives: https://www.radiotimes.com/programme/b-vzfu7u/i-led-3-lives/ I Led 3 Lives · 1953 · Drama Summary Herbert Philbrick was a young professional and pacifist in 1939 Boston. He joined an anti-war group and quickly found himself caught up in the secret world of underground communist activity. He agreed to spy on the Communists for the FBI, and spent the next 9 years of his life as a Communist, FBI spy, and Communist counter-spy, since they had asked him to follow other comrades to test their loyalty. Hence the 3 lives; and his family, co-workers, and church never knew. This TV show is based on the TRUE story of how Philbrick (played ably by Richard Carlson) could never relax, but had to sneak to secret cell meetings and meet FBI agents in clandestine places to make info drops, never knowing when he might be found out, and if he would live to see the next rendezvous. Tom Calarco email to Robert Morrow on 8-4-2022 – regarding Herbert Philbrick QUOTE I did a profile on Herb Philbrick. Nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. He was in semi-retirement working for a weekly in southern NH, 34 years ago. UNQUOTE Herbert Philbrick – in December, 1963 article was indicting Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination! Herbert Philbrick was the man that Lee Harvey Oswald wanted to be! https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240072-7.pdf Rep. Loius C. Wyman of NH spoke about: “the sickness that tainted Lee Harvey Oswald’s mind” “Our people should never forget that Oswald was an admitted Marxist.” Herbert Philbrick in turn wrote about: Teenage Oswald to William Wulff, the head of the New Orleans Astronomy Club: “I like to infiltrate.” http://www.joanmellen.com/oswald.html Joan Mellen QUOTE Among the most telling details about Oswald emerged in the testimony of William Wulff, who had been head of the Astronomy Club of New Orleans. One day Oswald showed up, wanting to be a member, although it was clear he had no interest in astronomy. Wulff asked him why he wanted to join the Astronomy Club. “I like to infiltrate,” Oswald the teenager said, even then a person who preferred the company of others to being alone. At the same time, he cultivated invisibility, as if he were transparent. Infiltrating, he could follow the path laid out by that favorite of his fictional characters, FBI informant Herbert Philbrick, hero of “I Led Three Lives.” A caveat: it was Oswald’s brother Robert alone who gave out that Lee watched obsessively “I Led Three Lives,” while, as John Armstrong points in his book, “Harvey & Lee,” Robert is less than credible. In his book “Lee,” Robert Oswald wrote that when he left home to join the Marines, Lee was still watching the reruns of “I Led Three Lives.” In fact, Robert joined the Marines on July 15, 1952, and the re-runs were not aired until after the series ended, in mid-1956. Oswald may have watched “I Led Three Lives,” but it wasn’t as his brother said. The program was first aired in September 1953. UNQUOTE Robert Morrow: I believe there was a radio program of I Led Three Lives that ran before the TV program did. Not sure on this. I Led Three Lives was a radio program before it was a TV program Web link: http://www.radiospirits.com/detailsv2.asp?mbprodid=59085&sid=MTAwOTM1OTY6&Svr=.62&l=1&source=&scode=P03CY100 QUOTE "This is the fantastically true story of Herbert A. Philbrick, who for nine frightening years lived three lives...average citizen, high-level member of the Communist Party, and counterspy for the Federal Bureau of Investigation." Based on the best-selling book, I Led 3 Lives kept TV viewers in nail-biting suspense for three seasons in syndication. It told the true story of Herbert Philbrick, a Boston ad executive who for nine years infiltrated the Communist Party at the request of the FBI. In 1949, the Justice Department called on Philbrick as a witness in the Smith Act trials of Communist Party leaders, breaking his cover and effectively ending his usefulness as an FBI operative. Afterwards he documented his experiences in a book, I Led Three Lives: Citizen, 'Communist', Counterspy. This series, inspired by Philbrick's exploits, is a reminder of those heady days of Cold War paranoia, when a Communist spy could be waiting around every corner.SECRET CALL: The premiere episode, in which Philbrick receives a coded phone message about an urgent meeting of Communist Party members. He must relay this information to his superiors at the FBI without making his "comrades" suspicious. DOPE PHOTOGRAPHIC: A Communist narcotics ring is trading illegal drugs for American defense secrets.CAMPUS STORY: Philbrick discovers that the Communists are recruiting future party members at his former alma mater. Guest-starring scream queen Yvette Vickers.THE SPY: The Communists believe that one of their members is a spy for the U.S. government...but it isn't Philbrick! Instead, Philbrick is ordered to kill this supposed spy, who might actually be his ally. Note: Due to the age and rarity of these shows, some picture anomalies exist. UNQUOTE Lee Harvey Oswald’s brother Robert Oswald and half brother John Pic attended a deep Southern Christian military academy in Port Gibson, MS in 1945 and 1946. This type of environment is Christian, patriotic, pro-military and not known for producing “Marxists,” “communists,” or “pro Castro sympathizers.” Chamberlain-Hunt Academy: Chamberlain-Hunt Academy - Wikipedia It’s motto was “Knowledge and Wisdom in Submission to God” – a very un-communist point of view. It was a regional boarding school. Lee Harvey Oswald’s favorite movie star was John Wayne and his favorite movie was the Sands of Iwo Jima! My source for this if JFK researcher David Lifton who told me this in 2019. Lifton got this from one of Oswald’s childhood friends who he had interviewed. The macho movie star John Wayne was a hardcore right winger and anti-communist as early as the 1940’s.
  3. Ben Cole - it is perfectly fine with me if we disagree with any aspects of the JFK or politics. I respect your right to have a DIFFERING point of view from me on any OR everything except whether NY style gourmet pizza is a great dish (it is). Now for FIVE ITEMS OF INTEREST ON LYNDON JOHNSON: You are welcome to share, or not share, the following information with anyone: 1) Cong. Albert Thomas, the "winking congressman," was a COLLEGE ROOMMATE AT RICE UNIVERSITY with George Brown, who along with Herman Brown, was LBJ's top sugar daddy for decades. George Brown, while an executive at Halliburton, Kellogg Brown and Root, made a ton of money off of the Vietnam. KBR got some of the most lucrative contracts of the Vietnam War. 2) One of LBJ's first comments after the JFK assassination was saying, "Oh, I gotta get rid of my goddamn Halliburton stock." - that is in Russ Baker's book Family of Secrets (p. 132). 2) Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade, roomed with John Connally during WWII while they were in the military, and also had previously worked for both Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. LBJ's aide Cliff Carter called Henry Wade 3 or 4 times the weekend of the JFK assassination and told him to NOT allege any conspiracy in the JFK assassination. 3) W.S. Bellows, an executive at Brown & Root sold LBJ his home at 1901 Dillman ... and the lien on LBJ's house was lifted within 8 days with no payment of the mortgage loan from LBJ. https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/06/1943-brown-and-root-gives-lyndon.html 4) D.H. Byrd and James Ling, in November, 1963 both made large and timely insider share buys into LTV stock which was trading at about $16/share then. LTV stock traded as high as $169/share in 1967 after feasting on the Vietnam War (NYT is source of stock price). https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/lyndon-johnsons-dallas-tx-insider-pals.html D.H. Byrd and Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock in November of 1963 -confirmed. D.H. Byrd and his wife already had 35,000 shares of LTV before the timely November stock buys. Fact: D.H. Byrd owned the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963 and he took out the "sniper's window" and displayed it as a trophy at his 16,000 sq. foot home that T. Boone Pickens later bought. James Ling kept a bust of LBJ in his office. Source:CONGLAMERATEUR EXTRAORDINAIRE: JAMES J. LING; WITH LTV A MEMORY, HE'S TAKING HIS ACT TO THE OIL PATCH (Published 1981) [“Conglamerateur Extraordinaire: James J. Ling: With LTV a Memory, He’s taking his Act to the Oil Patch,” Leslie Wayne, NYT, July 12, 1981] CONGLAMERATEUR EXTRAORDINAIRE: JAMES J. LING; WITH LTV A MEMORY, HE'S TA... 5) Sidenote: The Greatest Biographer in the History of the World, the pompous pontificator Robert Caro mentions NONE of the above in any of his four books on Lyndon Johnson. Cong. Albert Thomas – described as a protégé of Lyndon Johnson by Houston Culture web page https://houston.culturemap.com/eventdetail/heritage-society-see-interesting-places-ballroom/ QUOTE Albert Thomas was Houston's Democratic congressman for 29 years, an LBJ protégé, instrumental in bringing NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center to the Bayou City. A year after his death, in 1967, the city opened the Albert Thomas Convention and Exhibit Center, in the structure Bayou Place now occupies. It cost $12 million and, in true Houston fashion, closed a mere two decades later upon construction of the George R. Brown Convention Center. Thanks to preservation efforts when the convention center was reborn as Bayou Place in 1997, you can still see a replica of the room in which Thomas wielded his power, complete with photos of the congressman chumming it up with President Kennedy. A U.S. Congressional seal hangs on the back wall, while an old red book rests in the middle of his wooden desk; appropriately, it's titled Science in Space. There will be a short program discussing Congressman Thomas' illustrious career and his important contributions to Houston. There will also be an opportunity to view his office. The event will be limited to 150 guests (15 percent capacity) to provide for safe health protocols. Guests are asked to wear a mask and practice safe physical distancing. Advance reservations are required. Proceeds support the general operations of The Heritage Society. UNQUOTE Cecil Stoughton on the infamous LBJ-Albert Thomas wink photo on Air Force One that was taken after LBJ was sworn in Stoughton told author Richard Trask that the photo could have been “innocent or sinister. I lean toward the latter.” [Richard Trask, That Day in Dallas, p. 47] Cong. Albert Thomas, just after WWI, was a college roommate with George R. Brown who later became with his brother Herman Brown, Lyndon Johnson’s #1 sugar daddy A worthy endeavor: How Albert Thomas won Houston NASA's flagship center (houstonchronicle.com) - Sept 15, 2013, Houston Chronicle QUOTE The story begins almost 100 years ago in the dorms of Rice University. Shortly after World War I, Thomas roomed with, and befriended George R. Brown UNQUOTE Albert Thomas Find-a-Grave Albert Thomas (1898-1966) - Find a Grave Memorial Albert Thomas (1898-1966) - Find a Grave Memorial U.S. Congressman. During World War I, he served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. After the war, he graduate... QUOTE U.S. Congressman. During World War I, he served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. After the war, he graduated from Rice Institute, in 1920, the law department of the University of Texas, in 1926, was admitted to the bar in 1927 and began a law practice in Nacogdoches, Texas. He was attorney of Nacogdoches County, (1927-30), assistant U.S. District Attorney for the southern district of Texas, (1930-36). In 1937, he was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-fifth and to the fourteen succeeding Congresses, serving until his death. At the time of his death, he was ranked eleventh in seniority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Also, his wife Lera Thomas was elected to complete his term and was the first woman to represent Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. UNQUOTE George R. Brown attended Rice University Henry Wade "Washington's word to me was that it would hurt foreign relations if I alleged conspiracy-whether I could prove it or not. I was just to charge Oswald with plain murder and go for the death penalty. Johnson had Cliff Carter call me three or four times that weekend." -Henry Wade, Dallas District Attorney Lyndon Johnson called his tax lawyer Waddy Bullion to sell his “goddamn Halliburton stock” on the day of JFK’s assassination LBJ makes call from Parkland Hospital; JFK’s corpse was still warm at this point and the phone call had to have occurred before 1:26PM when LBJ left for Air Force One [Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, p. 132] QUOTE Pat Holloway, former attorney to both Poppy Bush and Jack Crichton, recounted to me an incident involving LBJ that had greatly disturbed him. This was around 1PM on November 22, 1963, just as Kennedy was being pronounced dead. Holloway was heading home from the office and was passing through the reception area. The switchboard operator excitedly noted that she was patching the vice president through from Parkland Hospital to Holloway’s boss, firm senior partner Waddy Bullion, who was LBJ’s personal tax lawyer. The operator invited Holloway to listen in. LBJ was talking “not about a conspiracy or a tragedy,” Holloway recalled. “I heard him say: ‘Oh I gotta get rid of my goddamn Halliburton stock.’ Lyndon Johnson was talking about the consequences of his political problems with his Halliburton stock at a time when the president had been officially declared dead. And that pissed me off… It really made me furious.” There are many other examples of LBJ’s apparent unconcern after the assassination, though none so immediate. For instance, on the evening of November 25, LBJ and Martin Luther King talked, and LBJ said, “It’s just an impossible period – we’ve got a budget coming up.” That morning he told Joseph Alsop that “the President must not inject himself into, uh, local killings,” to which Alsop immediately replied, “I agree with that, but in this case it does happen to be the killing of the President.” Also, on the same day LBJ told Hoover, “We can’t be checking up on every shooting scrape in the country.” UNQUOTE [Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, p. 132] Brown and Root, as a subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a bevy of lucrative contracts for the Vietnam War by Lyndon Johnson https://www.npr.org/2003/12/24/1569483/halliburton-deals-recall-vietnam-era-controversy [“Halliburton Deals Recall Vietnam-Era Controversy,” John Burnett, All Things Considered, 12-24-2003] QUOTE After Johnson took over the Oval Office, Brown & Root won contracts for huge construction projects for the federal government. By the mid-1960s, newspaper columnists and the Republican minority in Congress began to suggest that the company's good luck was tied to its sizable contributions to Johnson's political campaign. More questions were raised when a consortium of which Brown & Root was a part won a $380 million contract to build airports, bases, hospitals and other facilities for the U.S. Navy in South Vietnam. By 1967, the General Accounting Office had faulted the "Vietnam builders" -- as they were known -- for massive accounting lapses and allowing thefts of materials. Brown & Root also became a target for anti-war protesters: they called the firm the embodiment of the "military-industrial complex" and denounced it for building detention cells to hold Viet Cong prisoners in South Vietnam. UNQUOTE Henry Wade used to work for both Lyndon Johnson and the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover. And he was John Connally’s roommate in the Navy QUOTE He studied law at the University of Texas, joined the Navy, became an FBI agent, worked for Lyndon Johnson, and then in 1950 was elected Dallas County prosecutor, a job he held down without challenge for 36 years. UNQUOTE https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/08/21/roe-v-wades-forgotten-loser-the-story-of-dallas-prosecutor-henry-wade/ [“Roe v. Wade’s forgotten loser: The remarkable story of Dallas prosecutor Henry Wade,” Michael Rosenweld, Washington Post, 9-5-2018] Henry Wade was a Navy roommate of John Connally during WWII and they were good friends. Connally, of course, was a longtime LBJ inner circle aide and supporter https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh5/pdf/WH5_Wade.pdf Henry Wade, Warren Commission testimony of June 8, 1964 QUOTE John Connally, you know, was shot also – and he was, he used to be a roommate of mine in the Navy and we were good friends, and are now – and the first thing I did then was went out to the hospital to see how he was getting along. UNQUOTE Roe v. Wade’s forgotten loser: The remarkable story of Dallas prosecutor Henry Wade QUOTE He studied law at the University of Texas, joined the Navy, became an FBI agent, worked for Lyndon Johnson, and then in 1950 was elected Dallas County prosecutor, a job he held down without challenge for 36 years. UNQUOTE Roe v. Wade’s forgotten loser: The remarkable story of Dallas prosecutor Henry Wade Roe v. Wade’s forgotten loser: The remarkable story of Dallas prosecutor... Henry Wade was a renowned Dallas prosecutor when the landmark abortion case bearing his name was decided by the ...
  4. Here is a very good Internet Wayback Machine web link for Spartacus: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy (archive.org) I really wish someone would tell us what is going on with that incredibly informative and educational web site. It is an absolute disaster having the Spartacus web site on the JFK assassination go down. I really wish someone could get it up and running again!! I have referred to it so many times in my JFK assassination research!!
  5. Well it is just my "opinion." Btw, I have been put on moderation TWICE this year by a certain moderator whenever I mention, with complete factual documentation (books, page, author or weblink) JFK's extremely well documented sexual promiscuity. I have found over the years that people who have an infantile worship of the Kennedys NEVER understand what happened in the JFK assassination (they are too busy worshipping their God heroes, not recognizing that men have feet of clay). The reason JFK's unhinged sexual promiscuity is so important is that is exactly how Lyndon Johnson and Sam Rayburn were able to BLACKMAIL and FORCE JFK to put LBJ on the Democratic ticket as Vice President. At that very moment, LBJ was ready to murder JFK if he were just given the chance. If Lyndon Johnson had not IMMEDIATELY come out strong for CIVIL RIGHTS, which he did in a national speech the Wednesday after the JFK assassination, he never would have been the 1964 nominee ... Robert Kennedy would have been. But with LBJ carrying the water for the liberals of the Democratic party on their most important issue in 1963 - civil rights for blacks - liberal Democrats, who immediately suspected LBJ in the JFK assassination, looked the other way and gave LBJ a pass for the JFK assassination. Whitney Young and other black civil rights activists immediately knew LBJ had killed, or probably killed, JFK because they were acutely aware of the hatred and intense conflict between the Kennedys and LBJ. "Civil rights" became LBJ's ticket out of the JFK assassination. Btw, LBJ's pals D.H. Byrd and James Ling sure made a mint of money after LBJ became president, didn't they? James Ling loved LBJ so much he kept a bust of Johnson in his office. D.H. Byrd kept the TSBD 6th floor "sniper's window" as a trophy in his 16,000 sq. foot Dallas home, along with trophy heads of other big game that he had killed. George Brown, LBJ's biggest sugar daddy, made a ton of money off of the Vietnam War through Kellogg Brown and Root. "Winking Congressman" Albert Thomas on Air Force One was a COLLEGE ROOMMATE OF GEORGE BROWN AT RICE UNIVERSITY just after WWI. The "Albert Thomas dinner of 11/21/63) in Houston was the LURE to get JFK to Texas so that the brain splattering could take place in Dallas where LBJ and his money men completely controlled the political situation. Jackie Kennedy told William Manchester that JFK had been LURED to Texas, "lured" was the word Jackie chose and she in real time suspected LBJ in the JFK assassination: "Lyndon Johnson did it" were the exact words she told Pamela Turnure, her press secretary who was also a pretty young mistress of JFK. In fact, it was probably the JFK-Pamela Turnure affair that LBJ and Sam Rayburn used on JFK at the 1960 Democratic convention to bully Kennedy into putting Johnson on the Demo ticket. Gen. Edward Lansdale's career was immediately resurrected, wasn't it? LBJ sent Lansdale to Vietnam in 1965, which was a place Lansdale, in his mind, thought he had a proprietary interest in running (see John Newman for that). LBJs Lawyer and top Texas power broker Ed Clark sure made a ton of money off of large retainer fees with LBJ in the White House (just ask my friend Barr McClellan who was there when this was happening.) That was no mistake: LBJ insiders Dallas investors D.H. Byrd and James Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock at $16/share in November, 1963. By 1967 the military contractor was trading at a whopping $169/share https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/lyndon-johnsons-dallas-tx-insider-pals.html D.H. Byrd and his wife already owned 35,000 shares of LTV, so add that to the gold mine that LBJ's insider pal D.H. Byrd made off of the JFK assassination. LBJ insiders Dallas investors D.H. Byrd and James Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock at $16/share in November, 1963. By 1967 the military contractor was trading at a whopping $169/share https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/lyndon-johnsons-dallas-tx-insider-pals.html The Precise Time and Location that the Planning of the JFK Assassination began – July 13, 1960, Los Angeles https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-precise-time-and-location-that.html Wednesday night July 13 – a shirtless Lyndon Johnson with his pants’ fly open in the Biltmore hotel hallway, having lost the Democratic presidential nomination, was drunk as a skunk and cursing the Kennedys QUOTE Advance word of Kennedy’s upcoming invitation did not sweeten Lyndon Johnson’s temperament as the convention proceeded. And late Wednesday night, whether angry at Bobby and his family over slurs traded between camps or suspicious that RFK opposed Jack’s decision, or perhaps simply chagrined at his own second-place finish in the just-completed presidential balloting – he’d gotten only half as many delegates at the victorious upstart from Massachusetts – LBJ was in a foul mood. “As I went up to the seventh floor of the Biltmore where Johnson was staying,” reported Gene Scherrer, then head of VIP security for the Los Angeles Police Department. “Johnson was in the hallway, ranting and raving about the Kennedys, saying things like, ‘Those motherxxxxers’ and ‘I’d like to piss on Bobby.’ He didn’t have his shirt on and his fly was open. He was very drunk and very obscene. Of course, the next day, he was named John Kennedy’s vice presidential candidate.” UNQUOTE [C. David Heymann, RFK, pp. 167-168] LA cop Gene Scherrer also worked the 1985 “Ninja murder case:” https://www.crimelibrary.org/notorious_murders/family/mbb207_faye_kellerman_woodman_murders/7.html Dallas Times Herald reporter Margaret Mayer never saw a “more unhappy man” than Lyndon Johnson on the night that he was elected Vice President (11-8-60) with president-elect JFK. Lady Bird, however, was delighted that she was going to be Second Lady. Margaret Mayer was also a former aide to LBJ Source: Margaret Mayer who was a longtime reporter for the Dallas Times-Herald. Previously Mayer had worked as an aide to LBJ so she knew him well. QUOTE Lady Bird was happy; she was going to enjoy being Second Lady, she thought, and she did. Besides, she was always glad when a campaign was over, victorious or not. Lyndon? Did he hoot and holler? Did he even smile except for the photographers? He did not. He was demonstrably morose. Margaret Mayer: “The night he was elected vice-president – very late, when it was quite apparent that he and Kennedy had been elected – I don’t think I saw a more unhappy man. He had been at the Driskill Hotel with the Homer Thornberrys, the Connallys, Jesse Kellam, and sometime after midnight, maybe one in the morning, they all came downstairs and went across the street to an all-night café on Seventh Street. “There was no jubilation. Lyndon looked like he had lost his last friend on earth, and later he was rude to me, very rude, and I tried to remind myself he was unhappy, but he did the same thing the next day in the TV station. He was rude to just about everybody. Now I’ve known Lyndon a great many years, and I’ve never known him to act like that. “It was clear to me and a lot of other people that even then he didn’t want to be vice-president.” UNQUOTE [Merle Miller, Lyndon: An Oral Biography, p. 273] Picture of Dallas Times-Herald reporter Margaret Mayer here: https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2013/10/25/jim-lehrer-news-changed-forever-on-nov-22-1963/ Margaret Mayer - https://discoverlbj.org/item/mayerm The First time Margaret Mayer met LBJ in 1946 when he was laying on a couch wearing only boxer shorts and he was “unfazed by my walking in” [Margaret Mayer Ward oral history, interviewed by Michael Gillette for the LBJ Library, March 10, 1977] http://www.lbjf.org/txt/oh/oh-lbj/27500879-oh-wardm-19770310-1-80-6.pdf Margaret Mayer Ward, 1977 on her first meeting with LBJ: “I mean the man’s lying there unclothed [in boxer shorts] when I first met him. (Laughter) There was certainly no discomfort on his part.”
  6. See the last post on this thread Now, is that John Simkin private messaging you this June, 2024 or is he replying to you 13 years ago in 2011, as you perhaps were begging, pleading with him to put me on moderation just because you don't like it when I talk about JFK's sexual promiscuity, which happens to be historically completely true and important? As for John Simkin being alive, he was November or December of 2023 when he copied me on a mass email. John Simkin Admin 15.7k Gender:Male Posted February 5, 2011 · IP · Hidden I have placed Robert Morrow on moderation.
  7. It is an absolute disaster if the Spartacus Website material on the JFK assassination goes down. I have learned a tremendous amount by reading the Spartacus bios. Someone needs to get that web page UP AND RUNNING again! However, the INTERNET WAYBACK MACHINE is your friend. Here is the E. Howard Hunt bio: Everette Howard Hunt (archive.org) Here is a very good Internet Wayback Machine web link for Spartacus The Assassination of John F. Kennedy (archive.org) I really wish someone would tell us what is going on with that incredibly informative and educational web site.
  8. This is a very important question and I've always thought that U.S. intelligence would have love, love, loved to murder that web site a long time ago. I figured they might try to buy the website through a 3rd party, probably for a very little amount of money, just so they could kill it off. What is so incredibly DISTURBING is that usually in these situations you can count on the Internet Wayback Machine to give you a copy of what a web link had on it, going back 10-20 years. I tried googling "Edward Lansdale Spartacus" and got nothing. Then I said, okay, let's try the old web link on the Internet Wayback Machine. Something like the Lansdale bio would surely be on it. Here is the old web link for Lansdale: http://spartacus-educational.com/COLDlansdale.htm Well, thank God the Internet Wayback Machine grabbed it!: Edward Lansdale (archive.org) https://web.archive.org/web/20240221222102/http:/spartacus-educational.com/COLDlansdale.htm Here is the Internet Wayback Machine web crawl of the Spartacus Web site as of May, 2024 The Assassination of John F. Kennedy (archive.org) Here is E. Howard Hunt's bio Everette Howard Hunt (archive.org)
  9. Robert Kennedy a hawk in the Cuban Missile Crisis in the beginning, then transitioning to a dove helping JFK settle it towards the end of the crisis. Just my rarely humble opinion.
  10. This is slightly off topic but highly relevant to Allen Dulles. Clare Boothe Luce was the wife of Henry Luce, the owner of Time and Life Magazine. Life Magazine was a big supporter of the Vietnam War and wanted a hard line with Soviets in foreign policy. Life also covered up the JFK assassination big time. Clare Boothe Luce had an EXTENDED AFFAIR with Allen Dulles. Not surprising Life magazine played a key role in the posthumous framing of Oswald for the JFK assassination. Clare was married to Henry Luce. QUOTE Clare Boothe Luce, a former ambassador to Italy who was married to the publisher of Time and Life magazines – and who had carried on an extended affair with Allen Dulles – got her LSD from Sidney Cohen, a psychiatrist who had worked at the Edgewood Arsenal. UNQUOTE [Stephen Kinzer, Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, p. 187]
  11. The key to the JFK assassination is not LBJ- Mac Wallace, but rather the close ties of Lyndon Johnson and his Texas powerbrokers D.H. Byrd, Ed Clark and perhaps George Brown (of Kellogg Brown and Root) to a select group of operatives in military intelligence (Gen. Edward Lansdale) and the CIA. D.H. Byrd, Ed Clark and George Brown all made a LOT OF MONEY off of Lyndon Johnson both before and after the JFK assassination. That was their motive. LBJ's motive was the avoidance of immediate destruction at the hands of the Kennedys. The reason for the JFK assassination was NOT that JFK was killed because of his move to peace or his unwillingness to prosecute the Vietnam War but rather the Kennedys were at WAR with Lyndon Johnson and doing everything in their power to utterly destroy him in real time in November, 1963. LBJ was acutely aware of the Kennedys "destroy LBJ" program and highly concerned, obsessed and agitated about it. The actual field team shooters, roped in by Lansdale from Operation Mongoose, of JFK were very likely CIA connected anti-Castro operatives who hated JFK for his policy on Cuba (meaning no invasion or a possible reconciliation with Castro). Lansdale's motive was he was in RAGE over the recent murder of his friend Diem in Vietnam and also his own personal demotion from having any policy say so in the Kennedy Administration. Also, Lansdale worked under Robert Kennedy in Operation Mongoose and RFK had a way of enraging his older subordinates. LBJ and the Texans approached elements of the military and said, "Please put a bullet in JFK's head" and the answer was "Sure, we have wanted to do that for a long time." There was NO MONETARY PAY OFF for the JFK assassination. They people who murdered JFK at both top and low levels would have killed Kennedy for free and taken a piss on his corpse if given the chance. The hatred levels, for different reasons, were that high.
  12. Beverly Oliver Massagee, as far as I know, is alive on 6/28/2024. I don't think she has posted on Facebook in a while. Beverly was born in 1946. I know her and she is a good gal and I believe she was the Babushka Lady although I don't believe everything Beverly has said over the years such as Oswald was with Jack Ruby at the Carousel Club. Overall, Beverly is telling the truth.
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