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Steven Gaal

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Everything posted by Steven Gaal

  1. +++++++++++++ My ears shot up when I read BARKSDALE +++++++++++++++++++++ You hear it so often......QUI BONO ??? Attempt to blow up Barksdale AFB (pre 911 info) http://davidhuntwork.tripod.com/id49.html Cheney sends Bush to Barksdale ??? see below 9:55 a.m: President Bush boards "Air Force One" bound for Washington.23 Following what was as a "false report" that Air Force One would be attacked, Vice-President Dick Cheney had urged Bush (10:32 a.m.) by telephone not to land in Washington. Following this conversation, the plane was diverted (10:41 a.m.) (on orders emanating from Washington) to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. A couple of hours later (1:30 p.m.) COLONY BEACH ATTEMPT on BUSH ?? Bush’s appearance at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, on September 11, 2001 had been in the planning stages since August [booker web site], but was only publicly announced on the morning of September 7. [White House, 9/7/01] Later that same day, 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi traveled to Sarasota and enjoyed drinks and dinner at a Holiday Inn only two miles down the sandy beach from where Bush was scheduled to stay during his Sarasota visit. [Longboat Observer, 11/21/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02] The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort, where Bush stayed the night before 9/11. [Colony Resort web site] On the night of September 10th, Bush stayed at the Colony Beach Resort—“an upscale and relatively pristine tropical island enclave located directly on the Gulf of Mexico, a spindly coral island… off Sarasota, Florida.” [AP, 07/29/01] Zainlabdeen Omer, a Sudanese native living in Sarasota, told the local police that night that someone he knew who had made violent threats against Bush was in town and Omer was worried about Bush’s safety. The man was identified only as “Ghandi.” A police report states the Secret Service was informed immediately. [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] After a private dinner with various Florida politicians (including his brother Jeb) and Republican donors, Bush went to bed around 10:00 p.m. [sarasota Magazine, 11/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02] Surface-to-air missiles were placed on the roof of the resort [sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02], and an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane circled high overhead. [Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism—From Inside the Bush White House, by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 25] It’s not clear if this type of protection was standard for the president or whether security was increased because of possible threats. An Assassination Attempt? Bush awoke a little before 6:00 a.m. on September 11, pulled on shorts and an old T-shirt and laced up his running shoes. [CBS, 11/1/02] At 6:30 a.m., Bush, a reporter friend, and his Secret Service crew took a four-mile jog in the half-light of dawn around a nearby golf course. [Washington Post, 1/27/02, Washington Post, 09/11/01] At about the same time Bush was getting ready for his jog, a van carrying several Middle Eastern men pulled up to the Colony’s guard station. The men said they were a television news crew with a scheduled “poolside” interview with the president. They asked for a certain Secret Service agent by name. The message was relayed to a Secret Service agent inside the resort, who hadn’t heard of the agent mentioned or of plans for an interview. He told the men to contact the president’s public relations office in Washington, DC, and had the van turned away. [Longboat Observer, 9/26/01] === Nearly three hours after the incident at the Colony, another Longboat Key resident reported a run-in with possibly the same men. At about 8:50 (when reports of the first World Trade Center crash were first broadcast), while standing on the Sarasota bay front waiting for the presidential motorcade to pass by, this man saw two Middle Eastern men in a dilapidated van “screaming out the windows ‘Down with Bush’ and raising their fists in the air.” The FBI questioned the man, but it’s not known if this was the same van that had visited the Colony. [Longboat Observer, 9/26/01] Later on the morning of September 11, the Secret Service searched a Sarasota apartment looking for further corroboration of Zainlabdeen Omer’s report of an assassination threat. Three Sudanese men were questioned for about ten hours. The Secret Service also raided a beauty supply store in Sarasota, whose owner, identified as “Hakim,” told the agents that “Ghandi” was a member of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army, a group fighting against the fundamentalist Muslim government in Sudan. [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] Monica Yadav of Sarasota’s ABC News 40 reported that a few days after the Secret Service visit, the beauty supply store was closed up and Hakim was long gone. Yadav also learned that Zainlabdeen Omer had suddenly quit his jobs and vacated his apartment. “All I know is he can’t leave town,” a friend of Omer’s told Yadav. “Omer got in a lot of trouble with the law.” The Special Agent in charge of the Presidential detail in Sarasota told Yadav that Bush was never in any danger and the various warnings and possible terrorist connections were all “just a coincidence.” [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] Yet, as we will see below, there are more details of a threat against Bush before he left Sarasota. see http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/essay.j...ninterestingday thanks sg
  2. Forgive me, but I don't understand what that's about. +++++++++++++ per this On March 28, 1977, Richard H. Freeman, Texas Instruments, Richardson, Texas, was telephonically contacted by Special Agent [REDACTED] and was requested to contact Mr. Hoffman in an effort to communicate with him and to advise him if he could come to the Dallas FBI Office in order to make a personal visit to the area of Stemmons Freeway from where he observed the presidential motorcade on November 22, 1963. thanks sg
  3. Duke, you're completely right! Speaking of bullxxxx, notice a powerful signature barnyard odor in the Hoffman docs cited below? (This is just the tip of the iceberg. Thought I'd save you from death by stench asphyxiation.) Okay, let's see if we can trace this according to these documents: Here, Hoffman is parked "near the railroad tracks on Stemmons Freeway and Elm Street," which seems to suggest that he is parked on the side of the freeway closest to the tracks, i.e., the east side nearest TSBD. This differs from his physical description - that is, the one he took us to physically! - as being on the side nearest the entrance ramp, from which he claimed (as I remember it) to see not only men in DP, but also the limo as it sped by on its way to Parkland. (I seem to remember him relating the story of SA Hickey and the AR-15, too, and how scared of being shot he'd been!) It is confusing exactly where he's claiming to have parked since there's no place that can be called "Stemmons Freeway and Elm Street" that can be sited in conjunction with "the railroad tracks on Stemmons Freeway." The former would place him on the bridge over the northernmost portion of the road that comes west out from the Triple Underpass (i.e., "Stemmons Freeway and Elm Street"), but there are no railroad tracks "on Stemmons Freeway" until one goes north on Stemmons from Elm some 350-375 feet (ahem! 365.76 feet by Google Earth!). So basically he could have been anywhere at all within about a 500 foot area, according to this report. Most notably, however, he says that "he sbserved two white males ... running from the rear of the Texas School Book Depository building." This is very clearly a different place than "behind the picket fence." Oops: he couldn't see what he'd told them he saw! Omigosh! Well, might as well give up a detailed description of "suit man" and "railroad worker man" and their several actions, but because those Feebies aren't among the brightest graduates of law school, best to keep it simple: one had on a white shirt. This leaves plenty of wiggle room given that men in suits often wear white shirts, and there's no description of "railroad worker man" at all, meaning he simply didn't describe him at the time, nothing more or less. Probably because the feds didn't ask. Oh, that sibling rivalry ... and a jealous dad, too! Haven't they ever seen that look of wide-eyed sincerity Hoffman exhibits on the knoll these days? How could they have doubted him? No mention here about needing to fear for his life or any such thing (which the Feebs would have gladly recorded to show what a "kook" these folks were!), just that he "has in the past distorted facts of events observed by him," and that young Ed's own depictions to them included that "he saw numerous men running" after the shooting, and that Dad "did not believe that his son had seen anything of value" and "doubted he had observed any men running from the Texas School Book Depository" at all! Ah, the difference a few years can make! Hoffman has now moved from the side of the highway "near the railroad tracks on Stemmons Freeway and Elm Street ... standing a few feet south of the railroad on Stemmons Freeway" to the west side of the highway, that is, all the way across seven lanes of traffic! Doesn't this seem a strange thing to do when one has a half-hour to wait before the Presidential motorcade even entered Dealey Plaza (Hoffman had originally said he "parked his automobile ... [at] about 12:00 noon on November 22, 1963")? With all that time, why even park on the highway when he could have driving all through downtown and gone directly into DP in plenty of time to see JFK up close and personal? Remembering also that police stopped traffic prior to the motorcade's expected arrival for security purposes, it strains credulity to imagine that not a one of them approached Hoffman, whichever side of the highway he was on, and told him to get his ass away from the path of the motorcade! That they may have, but decided to let him remain, is unlikely based upon the fact that Hoffman could neither hear the officers to be able to respond to their queries, nor speak to them to tell them that he was "okay" and that he was just watching for the President to come along in half an hour or so. Half an hour! Hardly spur-of-the-moment, eh? Note also that "railroad worker man" was also "wearing a tie" with his "striped overalls!" Must've been one of those "working executive" types, huh? But at least we now know that he parked "on the west shoulder of Stemmons Freeway at the northbound lane near the Texas and Pacific Railroad overpass that crosses Stemmons Freeway" and waited 30 minutes to see the President speed by when he could've walked over to TSBD and seen him go by at "parade speed!" Buddy, there ain't NO line of sight from there into the railroad yards, some 200 yards away! He has at least surmounted the problem of not being able to see two six-foot-tall men running from the back of the TSBD behind a six-foot fence - that he'd admitted that he couldn't see past - by simply putting them on the side of the fence nearer to him! One wonders if brother Fred or any of the others with whom ol' Ed shared his fabri— his experiences with is still around, and what they thing of young Virgil's sudden and lasting notoriety .... +++++++++++++++++++++ Is this the same person Mr. Lane____________________________as of 1999 Dr. Richard H. Freeman Chief Engineer, Goddard Space Flight Center thanks sg
  4. Hello Thomas, There is Rockefeller and then there is Rockefeller. National City Bank (which was Lansky's banker for most of his Cuban interests) was controlled PRE-summer-1963 by the Stillman Rockefeller (a more Skull & Bones connected family than the Regular Rockefellers) ,Empire Trust (Lehman/Loeb ,Khun),and the Regular Rockefellers. Now the Stillman and Regular Rockefellers did work together (as in FreePort Sulfur) ,Ive noted the Summer-63 increase in investment by the Regular Rockefellers (for control of NCB),as assassinated related. The increase in Regular Rockefeller investment was part of a tranfer to Mob sources of financial backing. Further Empire trust was were the elite and mob meet. Another increase in financial backing of the mob by the elites was the teamster loan to the Murchison-Rockefeller land deal being supported by Empire Trust (Empire Trusts investment helped the mob loan). Post assasination elites helped also..Jack Crichton (Empire Trust board) was part of the coverup. The post assassination /post Brizilian April 64 Coup started a marked increase in investments there by the Regular Rockefellers. David Rockefeller (regular Rockefeller) had great investment plans for SE Asia in pre and especially post assassination... I hope this helps. sg
  5. Got message from Gary Mack. Was wrong. Lyn Levy was not the daughter of a founder CBS . But this lady ( Barris's wife) was the niece of THE founder Paley himself....thus in a way it ..it could be cosidered worse..... thanks sg Mack is right on this one
  6. Mr. Clark, If this story is true,he didnt travel under his own name when doing the "deep" work. He is divorced. Besides some stuff on Music for game shows ,this link,( pg 2 of ) was all I found on Lyn Levy,wife during the this possible intel period. thanks sg http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/...loses_us_grant/ I found no data ,as yet ,on Span...but I woundnt be suprised if Span would be connected to obtaining low level assets.
  7. Dear John, Paley's private secretary (she had been his secretary of over 20 years and she was in her late 70s) told a JFK researcher that Paley ran a assassination group out of a organization called Shelter Rock (this was all stated before in the ED Forum post below) She also stated that DEMOH worked for Shelter Rock. Yes,Paley's private number is in the DEMOH phone Volumes (I dont recall ,but Shelter Rock #number might also be there,yeah I think its there)....now from the internet we find==== Barris married Lyn Levy, niece of founder of CBS Paley, which caused her family to disinherit her. Their daughter Della Barris, who often appeared on The Gong Show, died of a drug overdose in 1998 at age 35.++++++ Now some spookulation . If CBS founder's niece is dating someone- he could be checked out by CIA (or even Shelter Rock itself) = a psychological profile made ..and they found out he was of a certain personality ....he might be a good assassin...of course he couldnt work for CBS ..but a competitor ..OH GOOD FUN !! ...(is that how you British say it ??))++++++++++++++ JOHN FRI I lost 3,700 = files I'll work on a photo..(.but my photo should be available to anyone who has a COPA meetings video of Dallas (and Los Angeles) from 3 & 4,5 years ago). I will still need some technical help - with this crazy Explorer Update I have had problems with photos/images and have no scanner. THANKS sg see link below from this forum on CBS =Paley-Bush-Whitney-DeMoh-Dulles connections http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9672
  8. Let me add my 5 cents. See link connecting American Airlines ,Troy Post and LeMay. The preassassination transactions of POST-LING-Byrd in LTV were considered assasinated related by PD Scott. Post was one of 4 owners of a micro-island in HI. One of the others was Edwin Pauley. Pauley was listed 4 times in DEMOH'S phone volumes. Pauley was the business partner of GHWB in Perforaciones Marinas del Golfo (AKA PERMARGO). Mae Brussell was told that the shooters came up from Mexico with the help EH Hunt and PERMARGO. If so, they had been practicing (IMHO) the assassination at the 18,000 acre ranch owned by the fellow who tookover the PO BOX of LHO. THANKS sg http://www.falconfoundation.org/history.htm
  9. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title..._R._Black%2C_Jr. (Air Force) http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title...as_Group%2C_LLC (NSA,DIA,Paladin Group (would you like a home that can protect you from a bio-terror attack ? (well of course poor folk (colored) cant afford it), Lehman Brothers) http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Lincoln_Group (planting fake news,Pentagon) http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title..._%26_Associates (PR for government of Columbia,Ukraine elections= have you ever heard of the term CIA swarm democracy ?, Ahmad Chalbi, The Washington, DC-based firm had worked for the [u.S.-funded] Iraqi National Congress opposition group during the reign of Saddam Hussein." [2] I guess this means CIA related work) http://www.nndb.com/people/400/000130010/ (YAF) BKSH is the name of leading-edge government relations consultancy for the 21st century. Created by the world's largest communications agency, Burson-Marsteller....... This is + "is"+ the establishment MOCKINGBIRD today. Who is Charles Black ? THANKS sg
  10. DEMOH is considered the common abbreviation for George DeMohrenshildt. DEMOH had six volumes of his own address books when he died. They were done in multi-year sections. From this we can deduce that DEMOH knew BUSH family from before 1950. Researcher Bruce Adamson found that DEMOH came to a a school in 1941 visiting GHWB roommate there (before he,GHWB,- went off to WAR). It isnt know if GHWB met DEMOH at this time. DEMOH had GHWB listed by the name nickname "POPPY" in one of the volumes,this indicates they were close, few knew him by this nickname.++++++++++================================++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adamson has a letter from Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) to the CIA Trust building ,Republic National Bank (of Dallas), asking about the credit worthiness of DEMOH. (BTW that its a CIA trust building was reported in LA Times/Houston Post). This said letter ,Adamson reports, is in connection to a $250,000.00 (1963 Money) "loan" from BBH to DEMOH. Now lets look at the time line. Prescott Bush leaves Senate Jan 63 and becomes head of BBH in April 63. DEMOH leaves from Dallas and is in New York by MAY . New York is the the HDQ of BBH. DEMOH get $$ from BBH. Then DEMOH goes on to Wash DC to start his CIA Haiti adventure. It isnt clear,from what is know about DEMOH that he ever had the cash to payback said loan. +++++++ Two directors of the Dallas Republic National Bank Building were Charles Meyer (of Allen Dulles connected United Fruit) and Lewis MacNaughton whose personal accountant BOUHE became for a time the TAXI service/babysitter for Marina Oswald and family. BOUHE was reported to have known Ruby. ++++Post assassination the 63 city manager of Dalles went to work for Dallas Republic National Bank Building (DRNBB). DEMOH had for many years a office in the DRNBB and GHWB worked at a subsidiary of Dressor Industries -ZYDECO - also out of the DRNBB. Yes there was a overlap of DEMOH and GHWB working out of said building -DRNBB. thanks sg MARK's Thread that started talk about City Manager of Dallas 63 visit http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...c=9610&st=0 see post # 2
  11. PLEASE LET ME FINISH WITH THIS . Paley's Father-in Law ,Cushing, had a special relationship with the Skull & Bones Society. SEE http://www.alterinfos.org/spip.php?article184. To be complete =Jock Hay Whitney's father and grandfather were Skull & Bones and Jock Hay and Cushing were part of the other YALE Secret Society - Scroll & Key. THANKS sg ============================== Its all in the family ,NO ? boy the way Glen Miller Played, Songs that made the Hit Parade, gee.. Guys like us we had it made....those were the days...A CBS PRODUCTION
  12. MS Mauro, I have corrected the NY Times link. For the Newbies I am adding the Probe Magazine Links here. When reading the articles you will see the name Gus Long (this is Augusus Long). On the FreePort Board was a Regular Rockellers family member and then this group which are all (ALL) Skull & Bones related : Lovett, Augustus Long , Stillman Rockefeller family member ,Whitney family member. THANKS sg see link below http://www.webcom.com/~lpease/collections/...en/freeport.htm +++++++++++ CONNECTION TO JOCK HAY WHITNEY (big JFK hater) and Paley. Jock Hay Whitney main controller of FreePort was reported to have sat up all night (11.22/63) writing an article for his newpaper claming historical USA Presidential assassination was all a lone nut affair.....Well this man worth over 250 Million in 63 dollars IMHO probably probably had the article written days before..... see ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Sisters: Babe Mortimer Paley, Betsy Roosevelt Whitney, Minnie Astor Fosburgh : The Lives and Times of the Fabulous Cushing Sisters (Hardcover) by David Grafton (Author) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Although Boston patriarch Harvey Cushing was a famous neurosurgeon, the real business in his family was the securing of highly advantageous marriages for the social-climbing daughters, according to this bland, psychologically unrevealing and repetitious biography. Betsey made it to the White House as wife of FDR's son Jimmy Roosevelt, but her friendship with the president was bitterly resented by Jimmy and First Lady Eleanor; a happier and wealthier second marriage to Jock Whitney followed. Minnie disappointed her family when she divorced Vincent Astor and his fortune and later married homosexual artist James Fosburgh. Grafton ( Red, Hot and Rich ) recycles anecdotes told better by Sally Bedell Smith in her biography of Babe's husband and CBS founder Bill Paley, All His Glory . The book is larded with lists of celebrities, and their clothing and jewels, but falls short of explaining Minnie's purported lesbianism and alcoholism or "caring and generous" Babe's neglect of her children. Photos not seen by PW. Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc. ++++++++++++++++ With this deftly stylish account of the three sisters from Boston who made marrying well into a social art form, beautiful people insider Grafton ( Red, Hot, & Rich!: An Oral History of Cole Porter , LJ 5/1/87) has created a sizzler. The Cushings became tastemakers who created the glitterati, setting standards for elegance as they presided over the transformation of the Cafe Society into the Jet Set. Participants have told their stories in other venues (Slim Keith's Slim: Memories of a Rich and Imperfect Life , S. & S., 1990; Brooke Astor's Footprints: An Autobiography , LJ 8/80; and Truman Capote's Music for Chameleons , LJ 8/80), but Grafton renders with feeling the betrayals experienced by the women who became role models for a generation and "expressed values for people who needed to believe in fairy tales." Glamorous and irresistible, The Sisters is every bit as fabulous as its subject matter and is highly recommended for libraries interested in social and cultural history and biography. - Susan E. Parker, Harvard Law Sch. Lib. Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.
  13. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLEASE LET ME ADD FOR I was told by a fellow site member to fillout/clarify some of my post ...so... Ms. Magazine's first publisher was Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a CIA-connected PR executive who planned John Kennedy's Dallas motorcade route. This from http://www.savethemales.ca/180302.html brother see link http://webscript.princeton.edu/~paw/memori...lay.php?id=6288 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Kiluna estate had "TWO" names , see link ,also named for road Shelter Rock http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...752C0A961958260 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The main companies in stockpile plot where : Newmont,Hanna,Freeport and Falcon Bridge. The Cabot family controlled HANA (see Dulles brothers CABOT CONNECTION MY LINK above). The Cabots controlled Bell Helicopter through their First National Bank of Boston. Michael Paine is a Cabot on both sides of his family -thus he worked for his family (and thus has a Dulles connection). Ruth's dad worked for Nationwide Insurance ,which had Allen Dulles on the board. When you know that DEMOH's brother is close to the Dulles family and that DEMOH himself via Prescott is Connected to Dulles - you dont have to wonder why WC didnt go down this path. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For further visit the site below and read the LUCE post. FYI. Luce,Lovett, Augustus Long,Prescott Bush, GHWBush,Bundy brothers and many Cabot family members all Skull & Bones. Lovett sat on the board of Free Port Sulfur. JFKresearch Assassination Forum POST BELOW (PLESE VISIT site) Luce, Lovett, et al, and Garrison's Invitation THANKS SG
  14. Thank You Bill, Please let me add that Prescott Bush was a trustee/board member of CBS for over 20 years. Dulles and Prescott were friends from the early thirties. Prescott BTW was one of the $$ backers of the FDR Liberty League coup plot. Dulles & Paley were very,very close....EXAMPLE ..did you get the jam? Maybe you and Clover (Dulles) can come over for Christmas.....Now a researcher was told by the private secrertary of Paley that DEMOH worked for Paley at a company called Shelter Rock (the namesake also of his Long Island estate- next to the PAYSON estate were GHWB was called by the Payson children as uncle GEORGIE). Per secretary = inside Shelter Rock was a private assassination group. Now the head lawyer for Paley in 1950s and most 60s latter became CEO of Viacom. Now this lawyers sister was on the phone with Bill Moyers (Bill at WH) and when on the phone the sister was at parade route meeting at Locke-Purnell- discusing parade route. She later was the founder (founder-Publisher) of MS magazine. Of course DEMOHs brother close to the DULLES family. DEMOH close to Prescott and GHW BUSH family. William CASEY was a Dulles operative and also close to the BUSH family . Casey went with CD Jackson to a BIRCHER rally at the Hollywood Bowl (summer 63) that curiously was also attended by AH Belo family member (big time JFK hater) Ted Dealey. As you might recall Bill the fellow who drew the Ambulance away from Dealey Plaza with a in quotes "seizure" worked for AH Belo.......thanks sg +++ The Bechtel family was part of FDR plot. Steve Bechtel and Dulles very ,very close. Now the ultra elite Bechtel Study group had Augustus Long of the Freeport Sulfur board. The Whitney's were the most important at Freeport and PALEY'S wife was related to the Whitneys. see PROBE MAGAZINE SERIES ON FREE PORT SULFUR and below info (PROBE connected SHAW & DAP to working with Freeport) A new book just published by Author-House entitled "Friendly Fire on Holy Grounds-The Stockpile Conspiracy" by Ira Jesse Hemingway may add another piece to the puzzle to help expain why JFK was murdered. The scandal over the Eisenhower Administation's handling of the Strategic Materials Stockpiles issue. This is a synopsis supplied to me by the author. Synopsis This synopsis is for my non-fiction book, “Friendly Fire On Holy Grounds: The Stockpile Conspiracy”© the book is complete. I hold all rights to this story both fiction (Screen Play) and non-fiction. Friendly Fire© chronicles the events that occurred from 1954 through 1972 concerning the cost of a critical material stockpile. It attempts to leave the reader with a clear understanding of a serious cover-up when President Kennedy attempted to remove the shroud of secrecy surrounding this event. All he wanted was financial account ability but instead he ended up dead. I am not trying to persuade my audience but present facts that are not in the open market at this time pertaining to the assassination of an American President, John F. Kennedy. I leave it in the intellect of the audience to judge the facts. Upon completion of my research and book, I became aware that a stockpile issue was very important to President Kennedy. He voiced his concerns many times between 1962 and 1963, up until his death. The Warren Commission did not look into the stockpile issue, as members of that commission were deeply involved with the creation of, the 13 billion dollar ruse. I will show that the only logical reason that these specific members were on the Warren Commission was to ensure that information concerning the stockpile was never raised nor released. This information led me to the next logical step, which meant that if in fact that was their duty to avoid the stockpile issue then they committed fraud by failing to disclose the facts. I was then able to uncover information that they committed fraud regardless of their true intentions, they knew about the stockpile. At the onset of the Warren Commission Lyndon Baines Johnson and the director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover agreed to obstruct justice by: A) Meeting Johnson and discussing who should be on the commission and the flow of facts; The announcement of the commission followed by the FBI director’s statement that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone; C) Directed what the scope and duties of the Warren Commission were. He also directed the FBI to screen all information to the commission. If the Director of the FBI said a certain person did it then it was pretty much case closed. Both Johnson and Richard Nixon were involved with the increase of the stockpile between 1954 and 1960. It would be elementary to deduct that the escalation of Vietnam had to do with the stockpile cover-up in the sense that billions more had been spent in Vietnam than the public knew. From my many years of research and an audit conducted before the 1962 Senate Stockpile investigation gave a base for all the material in the stockpile. It was President Kennedy’s assumption that the members of the Eisenhower administration profited from the excessive spending on the stockpile. The profiting from the stockpile transactions was illegal and the methods by which the Eisenhower cabinet members used the stockpile were in violation of many laws. President Kennedy may not have fully realized that half of the material on the books did not exist. The real reason that President Kennedy was murdered did not surface until 1972 when President Nixon wrote 4.2 billion dollars off the books. The facts will prove that Kennedy was going to use the information from the stockpile investigation, in 1964, to his political advantage in the Presidential elections. If the only thing that occurred were profiting from the stockpile, methods of buying and selling, it surely would not have been politically damaging, as it would be if the material were not purchased at all. Jesse Hemingway ++++++++PLEASE let me add that one of the main players of this over stockpiling + looting of the Tax Payer was HANA Mining which at one point had as head lawyers and later big investors the DULLES brothers see http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...752C0A961958260
  15. see http://www.opordanalytical.com/articles/Zodiac2.htm thanks sg
  16. Howard, just wanted to add that when you say FALANGE you are not talking about a NAZI or even JAPANESE connection (and there are WWII connection to these intell services in Mexico). BUT the good ol CIA // From LOBSTER Issue 21 - 1991] . that it is one of the most violent and effective of all such outfits. Unlike most terrorist groups like Orlando Bosch's Omega 7 and the Falangist-inspired Movimiento Nacionalista Cubana (MNC ), which operate primarily within the U.S. and other countries outside Cuba, Alpha 66 generally initiates sabotage and paramilitary raids on the island itself. See, e.g, McColm and Maier, p. 16. Union of International Associations, vol. 1, O337. Ibid, vol. 1, G0227. For more on Butler and the Australian League ===== Also to keep the Asian connection part of this thread = please let me add the largest Heroin importer arrested in Mexico (From The Great Heroin Coup book) in 1950s was from Taiwan. thanks sg
  17. Dear Howard, you put lines ----- after GONZALO ,did you leave the name out of MONTEMAYOR ?? Cause a guy with that added name owns a place in Nuevo Leon were they do hunting.... Mae Brussell was told that the shooters came up from MEXICO with the help of the PERMARGO Corporation (GHWB operation) and EH HUNT. On WED I heard a tape (from the 70s) were Mae interviewed LOUIS TACKWOOD. Tackwood stated he was at one point selected to be the assassin of Nixon by HUNT. BTW as I sure you know DAP & HUNT were close. THANKS sg they (had to practice the shooting somewhere,how about in a very isolated area ,and this place is isolated)
  18. Hi Greg, My friend William Weston talked to Kudlaty and told him the same story . Since he was found (hunted down) and not coming out with the story == I just dont get a reason for being untruthful ???? I'll try not to bend your head toooooo hard. The great researcher Jerry D. Rose said either most or stated the majority of Oswald records had anomalies (something odd). I recall he wrote this when discussing Oswalds SS#. OK, if Rose correct ,WHY ?? a) error// Steve's rule =believe stupidity first before conspiracy to hide that Oswald CIA asset c) to hide that there were 2 or more Oswalds . Well after talking to to Palmer McBride a number of times I believe now in more than uno OZ== answer c). Maybe someone can scan up Rose's work on Oswalds SS#. THANKS sg BERNICE THANK YOU FOR PHOTO
  19. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS. please let me add that SVATA in Romany is stor/ies. So the name could mean regiment of stories . This is a good pun...a regiment of lies.... see below. Please let me again add that David Ferrie & Fred Crisman both took part in Gypsy immigration. Imagine Gypsy/CIA OPS inside the USA ....... thanks again SVATA may mean saint or holy Svatá Lucie (Saint Lucia). Svat˘ Kry‰tof a Nevis (Saint Kitts a Nevis) ... Office of the Moldavian Republic. tel.: 00373/2/228635 ... portal.justice.cz/ms/soubor.aspx?id=41749 - Similar pages PDF file Holy Roman Empire Svatá říše římská ... n* Moldavia Moldávie sl:,opts:[zem.] n*
  20. Greg, Maybe Jack White can add to this thread. Someone E-mail JACK and ask him to POST the photo of the OZ in Russia who is fishing. This to me is a very small Oswald....very, very ,very, small......boy like, and not a CARBO-Protein restricted individual. thanks sg
  21. SVATAPLUCK is an odd last name. There was a prince with that name I recall. I am not an expert ,but it may be closer to Moldavian than CZECH. It could ,I think, translate as HOLY REGIMENT. THANKS sg
  22. Please let me add Mr. Jonsson was one of 2 names suppressed by the SS report on people at the Locke & Purnell parade route meeting. From the Thy Will Be Done Book - Nelson Rockefeller used TEXAS Instruments to do things (when he didnt want the ROCKEFELLER name to be known). ALSO AA Collins (PER RADIO COLLINS) in 62 onward was part of the Southwest board. The Republic National Bank Building was a CIA trust building per Adamson material (his info from LA times & Houston Post). SEE MATERIAL BELOW thanks sg PS BTW have bio info on WW LYNCH ?? The university was originally started as a research arm of Texas Instruments as the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest in 1961. The institute (by then renamed the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies) was later donated to the University of Texas system by its founders Eugene McDermott, Cecil Howard Green and J. Erik Jonsson. By law, UTD http://www.utd.edu/research/spacesciences/historyframe.html JFK joined by the members of the Dallas Assembly--and pleased to have this opportunity to salute the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest. ... www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Resources/Archives/Reference+Desk/Speeches/JFK/003POF03TradeMart11221963.htm http://www.collinsclubs.com/history/aac_biography.html AA COLLINS He was a director of the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, Dallas, from 1962 to 1969, and served on the board of directors of the Herbert Hoover Foundation.
  23. see http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/decem...06seedmoney.htm THANKS sg
  24. .....to quash rumors of conspiracy theories of assassination.....(BBC on background) SEE http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0%2C%...50132%2C00.html THANKS Steve Gaal
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