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John Geraghty

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Posts posted by John Geraghty

  1. With regards to Us intelligence services in Germany, i have a photo of Howard Hunt in Vienna, its caption stating that he was there under Averell Harriman.

    I have been unable to post the photo due to its size. I have numerous other photos of Hunt that do not appear on the internet.

    While in Arlington cemetery last year I came accross the grave of Claire Lee Chennault. Although I had my camera with me, it never occured to take a photo.


  2. As someone (I'm afraid that my memory escapes me at the moment) once said, the only people that check the terror alert every morning are... terrorists.

    MI5 have started a policy of sending terror alerts to members of the public that subscribe to them.

    I will be subscribing, though purely to keep up with the intelligence services PR attempts.

    MI5 to send e-mail terror alerts

    A system sending e-mail terror alerts to the public is being launched by security chiefs at MI5.

    People will be able to register on the MI5 website to receive updates when the threat level changes.

    The initiative follows considerable interest in similar information for the public introduced in August on the MI5 and Home Office websites.

    MI5 chief Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller recently warned that it was tracking at least 30 terror plots against the UK.

    Whitehall says the move to introduce e-mail terror alerts has been in the pipeline for a while.

    Members of the public can also register to be notified of any other new information posted on the MI5 website.

    Text plans

    The Home Office says it is part of a long-planned programme of reaching out to the public and keeping it better informed about the terrorist threat.

    Plans to extend the service to sending text messages to mobile phones are also being considered.

    There will be two types of service on offer initially.

    The BBC's security correspondent Gordon Correra explained people were "not actually getting anymore information than they can get at the moment" but "that information is being made more easily available".

    In the world of terrorism there is a realisation they need to be more public

    BBC security correspondent Gordon Correra

    "They [MI5] are kind of feeling their way into engaging with the public more and that's partly that what they used to do was so closed and so secret - the world of espionage and spies," he said.

    "But in the world of terrorism there is a realisation they need to be more public."

    But he added that one of the difficult questions was what people should do about the information when they receive it: "There's not necessarily that much information on the website about how you should act and how you should respond other than being vigilant and calling a hotline if you see anything suspicious."

    The first, called Threat Level Only, will inform the recipient if the nationwide terror threat level changes. The condition is currently listed as severe.

    The second more inclusive service is called What's New, and will be a digest of the latest information from MI5, including speeches made by the director general and links to relevant websites.

    The level of the terror threat to the UK is assessed by the government's Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre.

    The current threat is set at the second highest level, "severe", which means an attack is considered "highly likely".

    In November, Dame Eliza, MI5's director general, warned the terror threat was "serious" and "growing", and that 1,600 individuals were being kept under surveillance.

    Steve Aukstakalnis works for a company in the United States, Alerts USA, which provides a similar service.

    He told BBC Five Live: "We'll send an initial 'heads-up' message via the text, but you're limited to about 130 characters in that message.

    "We follow this up with streaming audio - both live and on demand - which gives additional details, event analysis, further response guidance where necessary and so on, to provide a little bit more of a robust service."

    Story from BBC NEWS:


    Published: 2007/01/09 09:02:00 GMT

  3. John,

    If I remember correctly, the book was based on a series of articles penned by journalist Camille Gilles. It concerns Jean Luis Romero, a Secret Army Organization operative who claims to have been approached by a CIA man code named 'Mike', who subsequently offered him $400,000 to assassinate JFK during his May 1961 visit to France.

    'Mike' was alleged to have been E. Howard Hunt.



    Very interesting James, I came accross the reference in 'The Taking of America 1-2-3'. This account seems similar to the account given to Hugh McDonald in the book 'appointment in Dallas', in which a professional assassin is approached by a CIA officer. The description of him points to Hunt also.


  4. I have noticed several times on the forum that reference has been made to a private investigation of JFK's death initiated by Jackie and paid for by Aristotle Onassis. As far as I know, the story originated in a book written by Jackie's butler Christain Cafarakis, in which he states that a prominent New York detective agency was hired to conduct the investigation. The question that springs to mind is 'why didn't she ask Bobby?'.

    Is anyone in possession of this book? I would assume it to be a rarity.


  5. Is anyone aware of the existense of the book '400,000 dollars pur abbatre Kennedy a Paris' by Camille Giles, Julliard Press, Paris, 1973?

    In it, it is alleged that there was a plot to kill Kennedy in Paris during a trip there.

    Has anyone read it or encountered it before.

    Perhaps Marcel or other French speaking members are aware of it.

    Some indication as to its content would be interesting.


  6. Myra,

    I was just reading Sprague's book and made a not to start a thread about Dean's statement, it seems that you beat me to it by a few months.

    There is not much that I can add to this thread except to give the reference to Dean's statement and concur with what has already been said. White House tapes pg121

    I spoke briefly with John Dean on the phone during the summer, I would not believe that he would welsome a call from an unknown student on this matter.

    It would seem that John Dean was aware of the trap set for Ted Kennedy after the fact. The way in which he discusses it with Nixon seems to suggest that his words were said in pity of Kennedy. If he was indeed expressing his regret that this happened to Kennedy, then Nixon himself may not have been the instigator of the Chappaquiddick affair as Sprague theorizes in 'The taking of American 1-2-3'. Would others argee with my conclusion?


  7. Extremely intriguing Bill. I, like everyone else am hoping that this can bring to soem conclusion the story of the oldsmobile, which has long lingered.

    Ian's research is always thorough.

    I hope that Mr. Gruhn will join us on the topic and inform us of any information he has. It then might be possible for members to actively assist Mr.Gruhn in locating any ownership documents for the car.

    This occurence is another example of new evidence being opened by this forum and the internet through the presentation of previously unknown evidence and witnesses. Now, more than ever, we must chase down leads as time grows thinner and leads fade away.


  8. An interesting article. the photo mentioned can be found here http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context...426hubermeeting

    April 26, 2002: Alleged Al-Qaeda Supporter Regularly Meets with Top Far Right Wing Politicians

    Ahmad Huber (left) with Jean Marie Le Pen (right), at Christian Cambuzat’s spa in Switzerland. [source: Blick]According to an article in a German newspaper, Ahmad Huber, one of the directors of the Al Taqwa Bank, regularly meets with important far right wing figures. The Al Taqwa Bank was banned after 9/11 for allegedly financing al-Qaeda, Hamas, and other Islamic militant groups (see November 7, 2001). Jean Marie Le Pen, leader of a far right wing political party in France that has at times received around 10% of the popular vote, frequently attends a very exclusive spa in Switzerland to improve his health. This spa is run by Christian Cambuzat, a supporter of Le Pen and other far right figures. Huber confirms that he has met Le Pen at this spa, and a picture of Huber and Le Pen together accompany the article. Other politicians who meet at the spa include Franz Schanhuber, founder of an extreme right wing party in Germany and former SS member, and Gianfrano Fini, an Italian neo-fascist known for his admiration of Benito Mussolini. An unnamed extreme right wing politician from the US is also said to attend meetings at this spa. [blick (Zurich), 4/26/2002]


  9. Le Pen came to a run-off against Chirac in 2002, how will he poll next time around?

    Can Le Pen win French election?

    By Alasdair Sandford

    BBC News, Paris

    Jean-Marie Le Pen has predicted that he can improve on his 2002 performance at this year's presidential election - and even win it.

    Last time he defied the odds to reach a final run-off with Jacques Chirac.

    In a New Year message to the press, the 78-year-old leader of the National Front said this year he would probably face the socialist Segolene Royal in the second round.

    Two opinion polls in December gave him a higher level of support than his first-round score five years ago of just under 17%.

    The veteran campaigner is not put off by new surveys this month that have seen his share drop to below 15%.

    "This time I can win the election," he says, "because I will probably be facing a candidate of the left."

    The other main parties have gone out of their way to address the issues that lay behind Mr Le Pen's shock success last time.

    Much to their frustration, his grassroots support has remained constant.


    In Noyon, an hour to the north of Paris, a handful of shoppers brave the early morning cold to buy fruit and vegetables at the small market in the main square.

    The town is beset by economic and social problems. High unemployment and youth crime have consistently boosted the vote for the National Front.

    In both the last two presidential elections, Mr Le Pen has come top in the first round ballot.

    "It's become unbearable here, you can't go out at night," says one stall-holder.

    "They call the fire brigade for nothing and then stone them. Doctors and electricity workers have to get a police escort. It's the immigrants. Sorry to say it like this, but it's all the Arabs, the north Africans. They want to run the place."

    Mr Le Pen has lost nothing of his abrasive style in his verbal assaults on the political establishment.

    But there have been subtle changes in his message. Last week he rejected his "extremist" tag, describing himself in an interview with Paris Match as being "a man of the centre-right".

    He accepts that immigrants who are prepared to integrate as part of the French nation can stay.

    Image change

    His daughter Marine, who is widely tipped to succeed him, has been leading a campaign to "de-demonise" her father's image and that of his party.

    Recently she launched a drive to attract black and Arab voters, unveiling a poster featuring a young north African woman.

    The way Marine Le Pen presents herself is appealing to many voters because she doesn't have a racist or xenophobic discourse

    Ahmed El Keiy

    Beur FM news editor

    She denies that it contradicts one of the National Front's main policies of "national preference", insisting it has nothing to do with racism.

    "It's completely false. It applies to all French people, whoever they are," she told the BBC.

    "It's about giving priority to French people - in employment, housing, social benefits - compared to those who don't have French nationality."

    There are some signs that the message is getting through.

    Broadcasting from Paris, the radio station Beur FM - "beur" is slang for Arab - targets a largely north African audience in France.

    Its news editor Ahmed El Keiy says a minority of younger listeners are being won over.

    "The way Marine Le Pen presents herself is appealing to many voters because she doesn't have a racist or xenophobic discourse," he argues.

    "They're trying to present themselves as a party who may unite the French nation."

    'Extremes' meet

    But Mr Le Pen has not quite lost his capacity to provoke outrage.

    Just before Christmas he said that anti-Semitism "can be funny" when expressed by a comedian such as Dieudonne, who he met last autumn.

    The controversial entertainer is popular with some among the French-African community but has been convicted for anti-Semitism.

    Some commentators see such moves as part of a deliberate strategy.

    "Le Pen is trying his best to seduce different components of the French republic - the blacks, the Arabs, the Jews also - to divide, to rule," argues Ahmed El Keiy.

    "Dieudonne comes from the far left and Le Pen comes from the far right," says Jean-Yves Camus, author of Extremism in France.

    "But both have common enemies - the political system as a whole, and Israel and the so-called Zionists."

    Both presidential election frontrunners, Segolene Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy, are well ahead of Mr Le Pen in the opinion polls.

    He has his work cut out if he is to repeat his success of 2002.

    Some believe that whatever he does, he has already succeeded in shifting the political agenda in France firmly in his direction.

    Story from BBC NEWS:


    Published: 2007/01/08 18:46:01 GMT

  10. Le Pen came to a run-off against Chirac in 2002, how will he poll next time around?

    Can Le Pen win French election?

    By Alasdair Sandford

    BBC News, Paris

    Jean-Marie Le Pen has predicted that he can improve on his 2002 performance at this year's presidential election - and even win it.

    Last time he defied the odds to reach a final run-off with Jacques Chirac.

    In a New Year message to the press, the 78-year-old leader of the National Front said this year he would probably face the socialist Segolene Royal in the second round.

    Two opinion polls in December gave him a higher level of support than his first-round score five years ago of just under 17%.

    The veteran campaigner is not put off by new surveys this month that have seen his share drop to below 15%.

    "This time I can win the election," he says, "because I will probably be facing a candidate of the left."

    The other main parties have gone out of their way to address the issues that lay behind Mr Le Pen's shock success last time.

    Much to their frustration, his grassroots support has remained constant.


    In Noyon, an hour to the north of Paris, a handful of shoppers brave the early morning cold to buy fruit and vegetables at the small market in the main square.

    The town is beset by economic and social problems. High unemployment and youth crime have consistently boosted the vote for the National Front.

    In both the last two presidential elections, Mr Le Pen has come top in the first round ballot.

    "It's become unbearable here, you can't go out at night," says one stall-holder.

    "They call the fire brigade for nothing and then stone them. Doctors and electricity workers have to get a police escort. It's the immigrants. Sorry to say it like this, but it's all the Arabs, the north Africans. They want to run the place."

    Mr Le Pen has lost nothing of his abrasive style in his verbal assaults on the political establishment.

    But there have been subtle changes in his message. Last week he rejected his "extremist" tag, describing himself in an interview with Paris Match as being "a man of the centre-right".

    He accepts that immigrants who are prepared to integrate as part of the French nation can stay.

    Image change

    His daughter Marine, who is widely tipped to succeed him, has been leading a campaign to "de-demonise" her father's image and that of his party.

    Recently she launched a drive to attract black and Arab voters, unveiling a poster featuring a young north African woman.

    The way Marine Le Pen presents herself is appealing to many voters because she doesn't have a racist or xenophobic discourse

    Ahmed El Keiy

    Beur FM news editor

    She denies that it contradicts one of the National Front's main policies of "national preference", insisting it has nothing to do with racism.

    "It's completely false. It applies to all French people, whoever they are," she told the BBC.

    "It's about giving priority to French people - in employment, housing, social benefits - compared to those who don't have French nationality."

    There are some signs that the message is getting through.

    Broadcasting from Paris, the radio station Beur FM - "beur" is slang for Arab - targets a largely north African audience in France.

    Its news editor Ahmed El Keiy says a minority of younger listeners are being won over.

    "The way Marine Le Pen presents herself is appealing to many voters because she doesn't have a racist or xenophobic discourse," he argues.

    "They're trying to present themselves as a party who may unite the French nation."

    'Extremes' meet

    But Mr Le Pen has not quite lost his capacity to provoke outrage.

    Just before Christmas he said that anti-Semitism "can be funny" when expressed by a comedian such as Dieudonne, who he met last autumn.

    The controversial entertainer is popular with some among the French-African community but has been convicted for anti-Semitism.

    Some commentators see such moves as part of a deliberate strategy.

    "Le Pen is trying his best to seduce different components of the French republic - the blacks, the Arabs, the Jews also - to divide, to rule," argues Ahmed El Keiy.

    "Dieudonne comes from the far left and Le Pen comes from the far right," says Jean-Yves Camus, author of Extremism in France.

    "But both have common enemies - the political system as a whole, and Israel and the so-called Zionists."

    Both presidential election frontrunners, Segolene Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy, are well ahead of Mr Le Pen in the opinion polls.

    He has his work cut out if he is to repeat his success of 2002.

    Some believe that whatever he does, he has already succeeded in shifting the political agenda in France firmly in his direction.

    Story from BBC NEWS:


    Published: 2007/01/08 18:46:01 GMT

  11. This article reminds me of two events that I attended while in Washington D.C.

    The first being a progressive Caucus meeting at which the issue of a possible strike againast Iran was the topic. Indeed it was said that if the US military were going to destroy any nuclear facility, it would have to do it with nuclear weapons of some sort. The initial blasts themselves are not the biggest problem. Winds could blow toxens into Afghanistan and seveal surrounding countires.

    The second was a talk given by Seymour Hersh, whom I met very briefly, at a meeting of the organisation 'alliance for justice'. At this talk Hersh spoke with certainty that the Bush administration was going to strike Iran following the November elections despite whatever outcome they might yield. Hersh spoke of his conversations with Mossad agents, CIA agents and high ranking officials in the Pentagon which convinced him of the imminence of this threat.

    It has been in the wind for a while now, earlier than last July people were predicting the timing of a strike against Iran. If I have heard of these predictions, you can be sure that the Iranian Government has also.


  12. Paris Flammonde's work is quoted extensively in 'Nomenclature of an assassination cabal'. Does his work cover aspects of New Orleans such as the Trade center and its links to Centor Mundo Comerciale?

    I have become increasingly interested in the so-called Torbitt document and Richard Spragues 'The Taking of America 1-2-3'. Accounts such as these do not give factual detail, but rather theorise along rumours and insider information. I'm hoping that paris Flammonde's work gives a factual basis to the two aforementioned books and can substantiate what is contained in them.

    Thanks for posting this Micheal,

    All the best,


  13. I finally got a reply from the national archives.

    Here is my request to them followed by their reply.

    Subject: John F Kennedy Documents


    My name is John Geraghty, I am a history student at NUI Maynooth. I was wodering whether the recently released documents about President Kennedy's trip to Ireland were available online and whether there was an official explanation from the justice department as to why the documents were witheld for so long.

    Would I have to go to the archives to view the documents in question?

    Any help that you can give me would be much appreciated.

    Yours sincerely,

    John Geraghty

    Dear Mr Geraghty,

    With regard to your email below, I am writing to inform you that while the annual releases are not yet available online, the recently released files relating to President Kennedy’s visit to Ireland in June 1963 can be consulted in person in the Reading Room of the National Archives – for information on planning a visit, please see our website at http://www.nationalarchives.ie/contactus/index.html.

    As to the reason why the Department of Justice withheld the files relating to the security surrounding the presidential trip, the National Archives was not provided with an official explanation for the delayed release of the material – such decisions which should be documented internally are taken by the certifying officers working in the relevant Government Departments and in the case of the Department of Justice, there is an individual certifying officer for each of the internal divisions in that Department.

    I would therefore recommend that you contact either the Garda Administration Division of the Department or alternatively, Mr Gerry Shannon, who also works in the Department of Justice as they should be in a position to explain the official decision taken to withhold the files in question – the website of the Department of Justice can be found at http://www.justice.ie/80256DFD00637EE0/vWeb/pcSSTY5UBER3-en.

    Hoping the above information will be of assistance.

    Yours sincerely,

    Elizabeth McEvoy,


    National Archives of Ireland,

    Bishop Street,

    Dublin 8,


    I will contact the Department of Justice and see if they have anything to say.

    By the sounds of it the archives may well put the documents online. i have some free time coming up so I will drop by and make copies of the documents and put them on the forum.


  14. In response to what rex said, I will hopefully be in D.C. again this summer and would gladly give a hand, time permitting.

    I don't yet know what i will be doing, but I don't think that whatever i do will be as time consuming as last summer.


  15. This photograph and details were emailed to me some months ago by John Judge. I find it interesting to know that Johnson, Russell, Lemay and Harold Byrd, National vice chairman of the civil air patrol, were all friendly as early as 1949 at the inspection of Carswell air force base. Draw your own conclusions from this.

    7th Bombardment Wing Operations,

    Carswell AFB, 1949-1951




    ANNUAL AIR INSPECTION From 7 to 18 November 1949, the annual Air Inspection of Carswell AFB was conducted by Eighth Air Force. In general, the inspection team was satisfied with the overall condition of the base over last year's inspection. The day the inspection closed, 18 November, Mr. W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force, arrived at Carswell to inspect Eighth Air Force and fly in a B-36. He was greeted upon arrival by Lieutenant General Curtis E. LeMay, Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command, and Major General Roger M. Ramey, Eighth Air Force commander. Mr. Symington stated that the B-36 was "still the best bomber we have", after his flight. Other honored guests in Mr. Symington's party included Senator Lyndon B. Johnson from Texas,org Senator Richard Russell of Georgia, Mr. Amon G. Carter <http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/CC/fca69.html> , and Mr. D. Harold Byrd, National Vice Chairman of the Civil Air Patrol.

    19 November, 1949

    VIPs ready for flight in B-36. (L-R): General LeMay, Senator Russell (Georgia), General Roger M. Ramey, Major John Bartlett, Air Force Secretary Symington, Senator Lyndon Johnson (Texas), Representative Thornberry.


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