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John Geraghty

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Posts posted by John Geraghty

  1. I would hope that this is hotting up a bit. I didn't see anything on the BBC website following the BBC program.

    I think it was channel 4, who made a programme in which they reconstructed Kellys life from the scandals until his death. They took no real stance on whether he committed suicide or was murdered.

    I think a lot of us thought that something was wrong when Kelly died.

    I wonder what kind of support norman baker can drum up to re-open the investigation.

    http://www.normanbaker.org.uk/ Mr.Bakers email address.

    I will give the office an email to see what the next step is.


  2. I keep asking everyone I meet involved with research what stance Estevez takes on the actual assassination itself.

    I know Lisa Pease was an extra in the film and possibly an advisor. Perhaps someone might be good enough to contact her and ask her.

    I haven't heard much since the project was announced.

    Perhaps somebody could shed some light on it.


  3. I'm sure that many have written books on the JFK assassination, but have been unable to find a publisher. I would like to see some of these books available on the internet, perhaps on a forum or on a website such as ratical or history matters.

    To those of you who Mr.Caddy is referring to, would this be a viable option in the case that your book goes unpublished? Why waste the material?


  4. Marcel,

    Tu habitons a Belge, ne pas? Ou exactement?

    J'ai visite Brusselle et Liege. Duvel est ma biere preferre! Je habite en Dublin, et je suis en Washington D.C. pour l'ete. Vous faire travaille dans la photographie? Je suis etudient d'histoire.


  5. Marcel,

    Je vais alle au Paris a Septembre avec mon Universite. J'ai etudie l'Allemand a l'ecole et j'aimerais apprende plus Francais. Peut-Etre nous discours pas a JFK en francais?

    J'avais un petit morceau d'assisstance au freetranslation.com!

    A bientot,


  6. One of the most sickening acts of Regans stint was his refusal to fund aids awareness causes in the United States due to his disgust with homosexuals.

    Reagan was shown an aids pamphlet with a depiction of two men kissing on the cover and then banned financial aid to this organisation.

    UK members may have seen a two part documentary on channel four a month ago about the aids epidemic. It was quite an eye opener on how one mans beliefs can sentence many to death because of a lifestyle choice. He was truly sickening in that respect.


  7. I believe that Nigel Turners 'The Men who killed Kennedy' was a public relations success for the JFK assassination research community. It was well researched and not presented in a sensationalistic fashion as some JFK documentaries are.

    Much like Oliver Stones 'JFK' It inspired some to revive their interest in the case and enlightened newcomers.

    Documentaries such as these are not essential research tools, but are merely an exercise in public relations to get existing research out into the public arena.

    It is very easy to tell that this was a British production in that it relied upon a narrative story telling approach (aided by the narration of Hillary Minister) and did not revert to over the top graphics, such as JFK in the crosshairs of a rifle.

    It was a tasteful production and we can only hope that someone makes documentaries as credible as this one in the future.


  8. Bill,

    Do you think our best option is

    A: A new up and coming lawyer

    B: A well established lawyer with and excellent reputation and nothing to lose

    C: A seasoned veteran with a good image who has nothing to lose

    Thats putting it simply, I know. As far as I can see it, they are the three categories we would be aiming towards.


  9. FWIW,

    White supremacist organisations tend to use the number 88 as a codename. H for Hitler being the 8th letter of the alphabet.

    Do a google search for such organisations as I don't want to post directly to them.

    88 would be an apt codename for Somerset, given that he was informing on Milteer.


  10. Mark, first mini skirts Mary quant London, Portobello Rd, Carnaby St, Kings Cross late 1965- early1966, I have no doubt that "Street versions" existed before this time, but not in conservative dallas. This was an English phenomina that went global.

    Jack, This is just refracted light though foliage isn't it?

    Either that or there are little green men wearing mini skirts in DP.


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