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Winston Churchill and the death of Prince George, Duke of Kent

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This article may shed some light on the matter. By Scott Thompson, 1997.


I don't know Scott Thompson's credentials, but his article sounds just as fanciful, despite what we know of the Royals and the nazis?

What part(s) of his article can you expose as being false? Please tell us.

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What part(s) of his article can you expose as being false? Please tell us.

Not knowing who the guy is (which was all I was saying, before you got uptight, not the quality or accuracy of his work), as much or as little as the next person, without examining sources myself.

That's the nature of conspiracies and history. I don't doubt William of Poitiers either, just that I take him, or anyone else, with a pinch or a bag of salt, depending, although an element of faith has to be accepted at some point.

You tell us.

Edited by John Wilson
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What part(s) of his article can you expose as being false? Please tell us.

Not knowing who the guy is (which was all I was saying, before you got uptight, not the quality or accuracy of his work), as much or as little as the next person, without examining sources myself.

That's the nature of conspiracies and history. I don't doubt William of Poitiers either, just that I take him, or anyone else, with a pinch or a bag of salt, depending, although an element of faith has to be accepted at some point.

You tell us.

I simply asked you to point out the flaws or falsehoods in his article. I notice you are unable to do that.

And here is more on the subject. Apparently more people are aware of the claims made by your mystery poster from another forum.


Edited by Terry Mauro
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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.

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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

Jesus Terry,

This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric.

This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment?

I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography.

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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

Jesus Terry,

This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric.

This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment?

I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography.

Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth.

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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

Jesus Terry,

This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric.

This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment?

I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography.

Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth.

Ah, the 'Truth',

As you so eloquently put it, based upon the rantings of your anti-'musical' (whatever) Afrit Allin, Len now apparently molests children. So the 'Truth' will out as per your geometric logic, while the rest of us mere humans struggle between Scylla and Charibdys, without any dialectic.

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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

Jesus Terry,

This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric.

This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment?

I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography.

Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth.

Ah, the 'Truth',

As you so eloquently put it, based upon the rantings of your anti-'musical' (whatever) Afrit Allin, Len now apparently molests children. So the 'Truth' will out as per your geometric logic, while the rest of us mere humans struggle between Scylla and Charibdys, without any dialectic.

Typical baby boomer looking for an "A" grade from his professor.

Flowery bull s-it is still bulls-it.

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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

Jesus Terry,

This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric.

This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment?

I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography.

Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth.

Ah, the 'Truth',

As you so eloquently put it, based upon the rantings of your anti-'musical' (whatever) Afrit Allin, Len now apparently molests children. So the 'Truth' will out as per your geometric logic, while the rest of us mere humans struggle between Scylla and Charibdys, without any dialectic.

Typical baby boomer looking for an "A" grade from his professor.

Flowery bull s-it is still bulls-it.

Ms. Mauro,

I must say, I find you to be a quite vile individual. Taken to innuendo, slander, and degradation. You patently refuse to act with any semblence of manners.

I guess I expected some sort of etiquette or a modicum of reasonableness. I see you havent any.

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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

Jesus Terry,

This is just character assassination of a lowest order. Using off color remarks of an obvious shock performer (not uncommon from the NY punk-No Wave music genre) to characterize Len is tantamount to culling the subway bathrooom walls for your potlitical rhetoric.

This was an "Education Forum". What now do you claim as your calculus of enlightenment?

I once read "Candy" by Terry Southern. I guess that condemns me to a lifetime in the dyslexic act of interpreting all literature through a lens of Misogynic pornography.

Well if you consider GG Allin and what he did to be a "musical genre" then I can see why you struggle so much with the truth.

Ah, the 'Truth',

As you so eloquently put it, based upon the rantings of your anti-'musical' (whatever) Afrit Allin, Len now apparently molests children. So the 'Truth' will out as per your geometric logic, while the rest of us mere humans struggle between Scylla and Charibdys, without any dialectic.

Typical baby boomer looking for an "A" grade from his professor.

Flowery bull s-it is still bulls-it.

Ms. Mauro,

I must say, I find you to be a quite vile individual. Taken to innuendo, slander, and degradation. You patently refuse to act with any semblence of manners.

I guess I expected some sort of etiquette or a modicum of reasonableness. I see you havent any.


Just think of me as a "musical genre". That should help, right?

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Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Terry, for some time your posts have sounded like the ravings of someone who is severely disturbed. I have tried to engage in debate about your ignorance of the NHS but you seem unable to discuss these issues in a logical way. For example, your portrayal of NICE as some sort of euthanasia-type of organization is laughable. I have been called-on to delete these ravings but I have refused as I am against censorship and I assume that most readers of this forum are intelligent enough to understand what you say is nonsense. In fact, I think your ravings help to explain the craziness of the far-right in America.

However, your attacks on Len’s father are despicable. Even if what you say is true, are you claiming that sons and daughters should be held responsible for the actions of their fathers and mothers? What is more, what has it to do with this debate on Winston Churchill? If is just another smear attack that has been favoured by the far-right in the USA ever since the emergence of Joseph McCarthy after the war.

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I really fear for Terry Mauro's mental health and well being. Her recent postings have all the ingredients of a genuinely psychotic episode.

I think the ethical thing to do is to delete the grossly offensive attack on Len's family but allow her to keep posting under moderation. There but for the grace of god go us all and it would be wrong to cut completely what might be one of a very view links to sanity.

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The problem is that Terry is a diehard Lyndon LaRouche devotee and uncritically accepts every one of his and his disciples pronouncements no matter how far fetched and lacking in evidence and expects everyone else to do so as well. If anyone dares question any of this she gets rather testy or “uptight” as you put it.

The Larouchanoids like to reverse the burden of proof, they post their wild claims with little or no citations then ask any skeptics to refute what they failed to produce any evidence for in the 1st place.


Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Real artist that Lenny Colby.

Here is a link to GG Allin on stage.


Here is GG Allins last interview before he killed himself by shooting himself up with a lethal dose of heroin

GG: That's my job.

Evan: Yea, that's his job.

GG: Get Merle over here to say something.

Evan: C'mon, Merle. Serenade us with your sweet, sexy, cigarette voice.

DJ: Merle's got the best sideburns east of the Mississippi.

Merle: Yea, the longest sideburns in rock 'n' roll.

GG: Shortest pecker too, but...


Evan: Next to yours.

GG: Well, yea, it's about the same size. It comes from the same genes.

Evan: Yea, but you have a bigger scab on yours.

GG: I've got a very big scab on mine. Let me tell ya, that xxxxers been working overtime the last couple weeks.

DJ: How big is Mr. Allin?

GG: Mr. Allin is probably about the same size as mine.


Evan: Merle Senior.

GG: I'm Daddy Allin!

Evan: Over here we have William Webber.

GG: Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! It's Lenny!

Merle: The man who wouldn't take his shirt off.

GG: He had a girl and... I wanna say one thing about Bill Webber that I forgot to say in Detroit. Bill Webber got the Len Colby award.

Evan: The Golden Len Colby award.

GG: The Golden Lenny award for the most xxxx-ups on one tour.

Evan: Lenny is now in Brazil having sex with 14 year old boys or something, we hear.

GG: I'm jelous.

Evan: Never got a post card from him, though. He's doing good I guess.

DJ: Are there any more songs on the tape?

GG: That's all we're gonna play, you guys'll have to buy the album in September.

Evan: What's the label?

GG: Oh, I don't know. Christ, don't ask me that question.

(Someone says something off mic.)

GG: Oh, xxxx Subpop. Subpop's got the lamest xxxxing bands.

(Someone says something off mic again.)

GG: Chicken John is a xxxxing pussy ass coward motherxxxxing son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you. Chicken, if I ever xxxxing see you, I'm gonna kill you!

Evan: Oh, brother.

GG: Chicken's a fagot!

Lenny now resides in Brazil living off tobacco money and apparently having sex with 14 year old boys. In his spare time he practices his father's art of "sophistry" on other members of the EF. Someday he hopes to make it big as an "expert" on something, anything in fact.

And just what does any of this stupidity have to do with the issues raised by John (or me)? My grandmother’s family, who my father is, who I hung out with almost 20 years ago and any obviously jocular comments they made about me back then are completely irrelevant. And Evan had it wrong I was screwing 12 year boys!!

Actually guys were never my thing despite being propositioned a few times. Nor however am I a homophobe like your fuhrer I have a few gay friends. Nope it was always girls for me, most of my girlfriends were in their 20’s and as far as I know the youngest ones I had sex with here were over 16. See they have a law here that if you take away the virginity of a girl under that age you can be forced to marry her and the guy has to prove she wasn’t a virgin at thew time if she says she was. The only girl I “devirginized” was 19. Though I’m middle aged now I was in my late 20’s at the time.

As I told you before you should stick to parroting your guru, when you express yourself you come across as an idiot

Oh and since you think family histories are germane you have yet to respond to my quaetion about your relationship if any to the various Mauros in the mafia, most were in NY at least 2 were involved in drug dealing. For example Vinnie Mauro was a partner in Joe Valachi's drug smuggling / distribution scheme and the latter at least had quite a few dealings in the Bronx, where you grew up. But that's just a coincidence I'm sure.

ANDY - I think Terry's comments should be left up, after all they reflect far worse on her than on me. If however you think they degrade the forum do what you think best.

Edited by Len Colby
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Len Colby is a descendant of the notorious Oppenhiemer family. The same Oppenheimer family linked to the various European Monarchies including Britain. His father Frank Colby was employed as Science Director of RJR Reynolds tobacco company (a corporation also are linked directly to British tobacco interests), where his main job at RJR was to develop various fraudelent studies that could be used to deny the "addictive" and "lethal" effects of cigarettes. Before that his father was employed with Commercial Solvents a chemical company that supplied the British with material for bombs. Rumor has it that he prefered to work for IG Farben but Franklin Roosevelt ruined that plan by defeating the Nazi's.

During the 1990's Lenny was manager to a wacked out MK Ultra "satanic" personality by the name of GG Allin. GG Allin and the "Murder Junkies" was the groups name. GG Allin was a filthy underground performer that liked to, among other things defecate on stage, perform naked, and generally spread his beastial outlook to NYC kids aged 17-22 years old. He was also known to favor Nazi attire along with a strong fixation for serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. Serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a huge GG Allin fan.

Terry, for some time your posts have sounded like the ravings of someone who is severely disturbed. I have tried to engage in debate about your ignorance of the NHS but you seem unable to discuss these issues in a logical way. For example, your portrayal of NICE as some sort of euthanasia-type of organization is laughable. I have been called-on to delete these ravings but I have refused as I am against censorship and I assume that most readers of this forum are intelligent enough to understand what you say is nonsense. In fact, I think your ravings help to explain the craziness of the far-right in America.

However, your attacks on Len’s father are despicable. Even if what you say is true, are you claiming that sons and daughters should be held responsible for the actions of their fathers and mothers? What is more, what has it to do with this debate on Winston Churchill? If is just another smear attack that has been favoured by the far-right in the USA ever since the emergence of Joseph McCarthy after the war.


In no way have you "tried" to debate the British euthanasia program. You went as far as to call one of my post an "obvious hoax". When I showed you that the report came from the BBC you left and never returned to the debate. You do however continue to use your "far right" characterization to explain away anything and everything.

In fact that's the title of the thread you started isnt that right? Where do you get this idea that's this is an attack on the NHS by the "far right"? It's an attack on euthanasia that despite your "unfounded" claim is being exposed and debated in Britain, as you well know.

The only thing you seem able to parrot is the line about Lyndon LaRouche being some kind of right wing fanatic.

As far as Colby you sure seem to have some thin skin where he is concerned. Or maybe the thin skin belongs to the other members? Recall when Colby filled out his bio, you took the time to ask him if he was related to William Colby, isnt that right? Why would you care? That nasty old CIA.

You guys are funny. You cry about smear attacks and then turn around and do the same thing yourself.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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