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Elevation Check!

Zapruder pedestal according to Drommer:------------------EL 101.2

Z313 elevation according to Drommer:------------------ EL 88.8

Difference:------------------------12.4 feet elevation difference

Zapruder pedestal according to West:--------------------- EL 430.8 (if recalled, I previously provided the survey notes)

Z313 elevation according to West:------------------------EL 418.48 (taken directly from Mr. West Survey Notes)

Difference:-----------------------12.32 feet elevation difference


Based on these computations, according to the Drommer work, the elevatin on Elm St. for impact of the Z313 shot was approximately 0.08 foot lower (0.96 inch) for the Drommer survey work than for the West survey work.

This could be merely an error on the part of Drommer in not carrying their surveyed elevations to the nearest one-hundredth, or it could be a result of re-surfacing efforts onto Elm St.

This minor elevation difference is quite irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

Now that one has an established basis, time to resolve exactly what it is and then "jump" to another point.

Z-pedestal actual elevation according to West Survey:---------------------------------------- el 430.8

Z-pedestal elevation from HSCA work:--------------------------------------------------------el 101.2

Difference:----------------------------------------------------------------- 329.6

With this information, one can now add the 329.6 to any elevation as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat, and thereafter have an accurate representation (with a few one-hundredths foot) of exactly what the West/SS & WC elevations would represent.

An important key in determination of whether or not infomation from Mr. West's prior work was utilized anywhere else in the HSCA "independent" survey work.

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Elevation Check!

Zapruder pedestal according to Drommer:------------------EL 101.2

Z313 elevation according to Drommer:------------------ EL 88.8

Difference:------------------------12.4 feet elevation difference

Zapruder pedestal according to West:--------------------- EL 430.8 (if recalled, I previously provided the survey notes)

Z313 elevation according to West:------------------------EL 418.48 (taken directly from Mr. West Survey Notes)

Difference:-----------------------12.32 feet elevation difference


Based on these computations, according to the Drommer work, the elevatin on Elm St. for impact of the Z313 shot was approximately 0.08 foot lower (0.96 inch) for the Drommer survey work than for the West survey work.

This could be merely an error on the part of Drommer in not carrying their surveyed elevations to the nearest one-hundredth, or it could be a result of re-surfacing efforts onto Elm St.

This minor elevation difference is quite irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

Now that one has an established basis, time to resolve exactly what it is and then "jump" to another point.

Z-pedestal actual elevation according to West Survey:---------------------------------------- el 430.8

Z-pedestal elevation from HSCA work:--------------------------------------------------------el 101.2

Difference:----------------------------------------------------------------- 329.6

With this information, one can now add the 329.6 to any elevation as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat, and thereafter have an accurate representation (with a few one-hundredths foot) of exactly what the West/SS & WC elevations would represent.

An important key in determination of whether or not infomation from Mr. West's prior work was utilized anywhere else in the HSCA "independent" survey work.

Now John;

Again, look at the HSCA survey plat, and up in the center of Elm St, just to the South of the "S" in STREET, one will find a marked elevation of 94.2.

Which in and of itself, should make one question exactly why this "lone" elevation is stuck out there in the middle of nowhere.

329.6 + 94.2 = 423.8 elevation for the street, (+/-) in terms of Mr. West's accurate/true elevation.


And, as with most items, there is some method to my madness! (at least in my mind there is!)

Now, one must back up to the previously posted information from the West survey notes, specifically, that copy of the notes which demonstrates the 430.8 elevation for the Z-pedestal.

If one will take the time to note at the top of the page, they will find: "B.M. 423.7"

So, Mr. West had a "BenchMark" (actually, a nail driven into the asphalt of Elm St.) at street elevation of 423.7.

Which leads us directly back to Shot#1.

Most curious as to exactly how Drommer knew about this point??????????????????????????

So, not unlike the SS work; the FBI work; and the original WC work, the HSCA survey plat also has platted, the exact same impact points for shot# 1 as well as the headshot at Z313.

Something tells me that we are not dealing with a completely separate and independently verified survey here!


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Elevation Check!

Zapruder pedestal according to Drommer:------------------EL 101.2

Z313 elevation according to Drommer:------------------ EL 88.8

Difference:------------------------12.4 feet elevation difference

Zapruder pedestal according to West:--------------------- EL 430.8 (if recalled, I previously provided the survey notes)

Z313 elevation according to West:------------------------EL 418.48 (taken directly from Mr. West Survey Notes)

Difference:-----------------------12.32 feet elevation difference


Based on these computations, according to the Drommer work, the elevatin on Elm St. for impact of the Z313 shot was approximately 0.08 foot lower (0.96 inch) for the Drommer survey work than for the West survey work.

This could be merely an error on the part of Drommer in not carrying their surveyed elevations to the nearest one-hundredth, or it could be a result of re-surfacing efforts onto Elm St.

This minor elevation difference is quite irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

Now that one has an established basis, time to resolve exactly what it is and then "jump" to another point.

Z-pedestal actual elevation according to West Survey:---------------------------------------- el 430.8

Z-pedestal elevation from HSCA work:--------------------------------------------------------el 101.2

Difference:----------------------------------------------------------------- 329.6

With this information, one can now add the 329.6 to any elevation as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat, and thereafter have an accurate representation (with a few one-hundredths foot) of exactly what the West/SS & WC elevations would represent.

An important key in determination of whether or not infomation from Mr. West's prior work was utilized anywhere else in the HSCA "independent" survey work.

Thank you, Tom. The necessary figures are now on record for future use/check.

A prevailing problem from my perspective is the (1963) location of lamp posts and other static items that allow for correct placement of photographers, witnesses and moments in time (synchs).

The HSCA available (see link in past page) unfortunately because of resolution and thickness of lines also introduces a significant error margin that the full West does not, (or at least greatly reduces). This means (from my perspective) a conclusive synch of films and photos and placement of witnesses impossible using the HSCA (as available at this point).

EDIT:: missed the last post Tom. Thank's for posting the image.

I would assume that Certified Surveyors would indeed arrive at the same final plat. They wouldn't stay in business for long otherwise. One thing that is demonstrated is the need for ready access to all data.

Edited by John Dolva
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Elevation Check!

Zapruder pedestal according to Drommer:------------------EL 101.2

Z313 elevation according to Drommer:------------------ EL 88.8

Difference:------------------------12.4 feet elevation difference

Zapruder pedestal according to West:--------------------- EL 430.8 (if recalled, I previously provided the survey notes)

Z313 elevation according to West:------------------------EL 418.48 (taken directly from Mr. West Survey Notes)

Difference:-----------------------12.32 feet elevation difference


Based on these computations, according to the Drommer work, the elevatin on Elm St. for impact of the Z313 shot was approximately 0.08 foot lower (0.96 inch) for the Drommer survey work than for the West survey work.

This could be merely an error on the part of Drommer in not carrying their surveyed elevations to the nearest one-hundredth, or it could be a result of re-surfacing efforts onto Elm St.

This minor elevation difference is quite irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

Now that one has an established basis, time to resolve exactly what it is and then "jump" to another point.

Z-pedestal actual elevation according to West Survey:---------------------------------------- el 430.8

Z-pedestal elevation from HSCA work:--------------------------------------------------------el 101.2

Difference:----------------------------------------------------------------- 329.6

With this information, one can now add the 329.6 to any elevation as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat, and thereafter have an accurate representation (with a few one-hundredths foot) of exactly what the West/SS & WC elevations would represent.

An important key in determination of whether or not infomation from Mr. West's prior work was utilized anywhere else in the HSCA "independent" survey work.

Thank you, Tom. The necessary figures are now on record for future use/check.

A prevailing problem from my perspective is the (1963) location of lamp posts and other static items that allow for correct placement of photographers, witnesses and moments in time (synchs).

The HSCA available (see link in past page) unfortunately because of resolution and thickness of lines also introduces a significant error margin that the full West does not, (or at least greatly reduces). This means (from my perspective) a conclusive synch of films and photos and placement of witnesses impossible using the HSCA (as available at this point).

EDIT:: missed the last post Tom. Thank's for posting the image.

I would assume that Certified Surveyors would indeed arrive at the same final plat. They wouldn't stay in business for long otherwise. One thing that is demonstrated is the need for ready access to all data.

A prevailing problem from my perspective is the (1963) location of lamp posts and other static items that allow for correct placement of photographers, witnesses and moments in time (synchs).

Since the "lamp post" issue falls within the learning objective of the HSCA v. WC, I was going to get around to it anyway.

If you will recall, I briefly touched on these topics long ago!

And, it would appear that you are now on the correct road as to an understanding of the "need" for these items to either move about in Dealy Plaza, or else completely disappear.

Hopefully, some of the "madness" is starting to take hold.


P.S. Personally, I would closely check the distances from the Z313 impact point to the lamp post along the sidewalk just to the North.

One could either "resize" drawings to correlate or else go with the old A is to A(1) as is B to B(1) method.

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Composite of HSCA Drommer and Robert West survey.

Drommer is light black with white type. West in red. For contrast purposes.

Will post "Altered Evidence" and "Vehicle Speed" analysis next.


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My studies to this point confirm Chris's map comaparisons. Unfortunately for unrelated reasons it'll be a while before completion and posting. But in order to keep the discussion going, I agree with his analysis, and suggest that anyone who undertakes such a comparison wll also arrive at these results. There are minor differences, but they are to be expected considering the available resolution of the plats and the scales one is working with.

So, preempting posted confirmation, one can say that Don's, Ciccones and Marsh's (which I suspect is the basis for Don's) are incorrect in significant ways.

The full eventual release of Wests survey in full size resolution is the thing to aim for. I don't know Tom apart from communication through Forum means, but I do believe he has an interest in eventually making everything available. Berating him or any one else in any matter is not conducive to co-operation IMO. We are all the same to some degree. There are personal conflicts and conflicts of agenda. One basically hopes godwill will triumph. Contrary to throwing labels around and compartmentalising people, efforts such as Chris's are conducive to helping things along. Still, the frustration in not having the full data readily on hand right now is understanable.

Thing's overall seem to be heading in the right direction and in time all will hopefully have satisfaction. Ultimately the interest, IMO, is not to be told how things are by any one but to have a level playing field where persons results are readily reproduced and confirmed/debunked/corrected etc. by having access to the same data. As well my personal threads of research don't coincide with others but still rely on the same data. I'm sure this is the same for many.

Edited by John Dolva
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Excerpts from Thomas Purvis article:

Hope the numbers are readable, the original PDF was awful.

Limo speeds next.


Thanks Chris!

Re-dug this out, which was also a portion of the article which dealt with the alteration of the survey data.

If & when, more persons begin to pay close attention to these facts, they just may come to understand exactly what it takes for a vehicle which in fact almost stopped, to appear to continue at a basically uniform rate of speed.

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Elevation Check!

Zapruder pedestal according to Drommer:------------------EL 101.2

Z313 elevation according to Drommer:------------------ EL 88.8

Difference:------------------------12.4 feet elevation difference

Zapruder pedestal according to West:--------------------- EL 430.8 (if recalled, I previously provided the survey notes)

Z313 elevation according to West:------------------------EL 418.48 (taken directly from Mr. West Survey Notes)

Difference:-----------------------12.32 feet elevation difference


Based on these computations, according to the Drommer work, the elevatin on Elm St. for impact of the Z313 shot was approximately 0.08 foot lower (0.96 inch) for the Drommer survey work than for the West survey work.

This could be merely an error on the part of Drommer in not carrying their surveyed elevations to the nearest one-hundredth, or it could be a result of re-surfacing efforts onto Elm St.

This minor elevation difference is quite irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

Now that one has an established basis, time to resolve exactly what it is and then "jump" to another point.

Z-pedestal actual elevation according to West Survey:---------------------------------------- el 430.8

Z-pedestal elevation from HSCA work:--------------------------------------------------------el 101.2

Difference:----------------------------------------------------------------- 329.6

With this information, one can now add the 329.6 to any elevation as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat, and thereafter have an accurate representation (with a few one-hundredths foot) of exactly what the West/SS & WC elevations would represent.

An important key in determination of whether or not infomation from Mr. West's prior work was utilized anywhere else in the HSCA "independent" survey work.

Now John;

Again, look at the HSCA survey plat, and up in the center of Elm St, just to the South of the "S" in STREET, one will find a marked elevation of 94.2.

Which in and of itself, should make one question exactly why this "lone" elevation is stuck out there in the middle of nowhere.

329.6 + 94.2 = 423.8 elevation for the street, (+/-) in terms of Mr. West's accurate/true elevation.


And, as with most items, there is some method to my madness! (at least in my mind there is!)

Now, one must back up to the previously posted information from the West survey notes, specifically, that copy of the notes which demonstrates the 430.8 elevation for the Z-pedestal.

If one will take the time to note at the top of the page, they will find: "B.M. 423.7"

So, Mr. West had a "BenchMark" (actually, a nail driven into the asphalt of Elm St.) at street elevation of 423.7.

Which leads us directly back to Shot#1.

Most curious as to exactly how Drommer knew about this point??????????????????????????

So, not unlike the SS work; the FBI work; and the original WC work, the HSCA survey plat also has platted, the exact same impact points for shot# 1 as well as the headshot at Z313.

Something tells me that we are not dealing with a completely separate and independently verified survey here!


As you may recall, I long ago provided this drawing as well as the West Survey with the drawing sized and overlaid onto the point of impact for the first shot as determined by the WC.

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My studies to this point confirm Chris's map comaparisons. Unfortunately for unrelated reasons it'll be a while before completion and posting. But in order to keep the discussion going, I agree with his analysis, and suggest that anyone who undertakes such a comparison wll also arrive at these results. There are minor differences, but they are to be expected considering the available resolution of the plats and the scales one is working with.

So, preempting posted confirmation, one can say that Don's, Ciccones and Marsh's (which I suspect is the basis for Don's) are incorrect in significant ways.

The full eventual release of Wests survey in full size resolution is the thing to aim for. I don't know Tom apart from communication through Forum means, but I do believe he has an interest in eventually making everything available. Berating him or any one else in any matter is not conducive to co-operation IMO. We are all the same to some degree. There are personal conflicts and conflicts of agenda. One basically hopes godwill will triumph. Contrary to throwing labels around and compartmentalising people, efforts such as Chris's are conducive to helping things along. Still, the frustration in not having the full data readily on hand right now is understanable.

Thing's overall seem to be heading in the right direction and in time all will hopefully have satisfaction. Ultimately the interest, IMO, is not to be told how things are by any one but to have a level playing field where persons results are readily reproduced and confirmed/debunked/corrected etc. by having access to the same data. As well my personal threads of research don't coincide with others but still rely on the same data. I'm sure this is the same for many.

This is supposed to be a research resource ,and

I am absolutely amazed at this!!! Forgive me if I read this wrong but we have to "be nice and play along " so he will deliver? Heck, no!!!!Not me!!!!

Mr. Dolva, I have read many of your posts, and for the most part they are well thought out and fairly logical (with a few, here and there, that I just didn't understand, but they looked really good.) For you to have to watch what you say, and ask us to do the same,for we might upset the old boy, (and you won't get your map)is ridiculous. Since when are we less than he?


If you didn't have such an interest in this map, I don't believe you'd cater to him like this.

This is not a mental health forum, and I lack the expertise in creating an enviornment that Tom won't be compartmentalized and will be "encouraged to grow" in.

I leave that to you.

Kathy Beckett

Ms. Beckett;

Had you been around this forum for any length of time, you may have learned a few things about "Ole Tom", as well as the JFK Assassination.

Both of which you have demonstrated a crystal clear image that you know absolutely nothing about either.

You launched into a program of attempting to attack my motives, based on the totally unsupported wording of another member, and in which you did not even bother to verify the facts of.

Thus, demonstrating your complete lack of knowledge of anything related to the assassination as well as the previous works which I have openly made available to many on this forum.

Were it not for the fact that you advertise yourself as being a "Teacher', then I could care less as to what you think or do.

However, with this country falling at the bottom of the list in education of our younger generations, it becomes clearly understandable as to why.

Teachers who do not bother to verify their facts, conduct their own research, and thus expouse on items in which they are totally confused, demonstrate to me exactly why, as a society, our educational system is falling flat on it's arse (can not get the other word past the censorship).

And, rest assured that "Ole Tom" has pretty tough skin and can dish it out with the best, or else he would not remain on this forum and continue to make an attempt to assist those who have not yet fallen into the myriad of rabbit holes of the JFK assassination.

You clearly demonstrate much of what I have found on this, as well as other forums.

Individuals who's research consisted of watching multiple re-runs of the movie "JFK".

Few here have even taken the time to read/study/digest/and evaluate the factual evidence of the WC.

Yet, they claim to be "researchers".

Had they taken the time to actually conduct research, then I would not be here having to inform them as to where to look within this evidence to find where the final/last/third/shot of the assassination shooting sequence occurred.

As well as where to look for the witness statements which have always demonstrated this obviously little known fact.

Therefore, might I offer the following, as relaid to me by one of my old college professor's.

"Sit back, shut up, and you just may accidently learn something!"

Or, if you desire, continue to demonstrate your complete ignorance of the subject matter of the JFK assassination, as well as the work which I put into this subject matter many years ago.

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Elevation Check!

Zapruder pedestal according to Drommer:------------------EL 101.2

Z313 elevation according to Drommer:------------------ EL 88.8

Difference:------------------------12.4 feet elevation difference

Zapruder pedestal according to West:--------------------- EL 430.8 (if recalled, I previously provided the survey notes)

Z313 elevation according to West:------------------------EL 418.48 (taken directly from Mr. West Survey Notes)

Difference:-----------------------12.32 feet elevation difference


Based on these computations, according to the Drommer work, the elevatin on Elm St. for impact of the Z313 shot was approximately 0.08 foot lower (0.96 inch) for the Drommer survey work than for the West survey work.

This could be merely an error on the part of Drommer in not carrying their surveyed elevations to the nearest one-hundredth, or it could be a result of re-surfacing efforts onto Elm St.

This minor elevation difference is quite irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

Now that one has an established basis, time to resolve exactly what it is and then "jump" to another point.

Z-pedestal actual elevation according to West Survey:---------------------------------------- el 430.8

Z-pedestal elevation from HSCA work:--------------------------------------------------------el 101.2

Difference:----------------------------------------------------------------- 329.6

With this information, one can now add the 329.6 to any elevation as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat, and thereafter have an accurate representation (with a few one-hundredths foot) of exactly what the West/SS & WC elevations would represent.

An important key in determination of whether or not infomation from Mr. West's prior work was utilized anywhere else in the HSCA "independent" survey work.

Now John;

Again, look at the HSCA survey plat, and up in the center of Elm St, just to the South of the "S" in STREET, one will find a marked elevation of 94.2.

Which in and of itself, should make one question exactly why this "lone" elevation is stuck out there in the middle of nowhere.

329.6 + 94.2 = 423.8 elevation for the street, (+/-) in terms of Mr. West's accurate/true elevation.


And, as with most items, there is some method to my madness! (at least in my mind there is!)

Now, one must back up to the previously posted information from the West survey notes, specifically, that copy of the notes which demonstrates the 430.8 elevation for the Z-pedestal.

If one will take the time to note at the top of the page, they will find: "B.M. 423.7"

So, Mr. West had a "BenchMark" (actually, a nail driven into the asphalt of Elm St.) at street elevation of 423.7.

Which leads us directly back to Shot#1.

Most curious as to exactly how Drommer knew about this point??????????????????????????

So, not unlike the SS work; the FBI work; and the original WC work, the HSCA survey plat also has platted, the exact same impact points for shot# 1 as well as the headshot at Z313.

Something tells me that we are not dealing with a completely separate and independently verified survey here!


As you may recall, I long ago provided this drawing as well as the West Survey with the drawing sized and overlaid onto the point of impact for the first shot as determined by the WC.

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Elevation Check!

Zapruder pedestal according to Drommer:------------------EL 101.2

Z313 elevation according to Drommer:------------------ EL 88.8

Difference:------------------------12.4 feet elevation difference

Zapruder pedestal according to West:--------------------- EL 430.8 (if recalled, I previously provided the survey notes)

Z313 elevation according to West:------------------------EL 418.48 (taken directly from Mr. West Survey Notes)

Difference:-----------------------12.32 feet elevation difference


Based on these computations, according to the Drommer work, the elevatin on Elm St. for impact of the Z313 shot was approximately 0.08 foot lower (0.96 inch) for the Drommer survey work than for the West survey work.

This could be merely an error on the part of Drommer in not carrying their surveyed elevations to the nearest one-hundredth, or it could be a result of re-surfacing efforts onto Elm St.

This minor elevation difference is quite irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.

Now that one has an established basis, time to resolve exactly what it is and then "jump" to another point.

Z-pedestal actual elevation according to West Survey:---------------------------------------- el 430.8

Z-pedestal elevation from HSCA work:--------------------------------------------------------el 101.2

Difference:----------------------------------------------------------------- 329.6

With this information, one can now add the 329.6 to any elevation as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat, and thereafter have an accurate representation (with a few one-hundredths foot) of exactly what the West/SS & WC elevations would represent.

An important key in determination of whether or not infomation from Mr. West's prior work was utilized anywhere else in the HSCA "independent" survey work.

Now John;

Again, look at the HSCA survey plat, and up in the center of Elm St, just to the South of the "S" in STREET, one will find a marked elevation of 94.2.

Which in and of itself, should make one question exactly why this "lone" elevation is stuck out there in the middle of nowhere.

329.6 + 94.2 = 423.8 elevation for the street, (+/-) in terms of Mr. West's accurate/true elevation.


And, as with most items, there is some method to my madness! (at least in my mind there is!)

Now, one must back up to the previously posted information from the West survey notes, specifically, that copy of the notes which demonstrates the 430.8 elevation for the Z-pedestal.

If one will take the time to note at the top of the page, they will find: "B.M. 423.7"

So, Mr. West had a "BenchMark" (actually, a nail driven into the asphalt of Elm St.) at street elevation of 423.7.

Which leads us directly back to Shot#1.

Most curious as to exactly how Drommer knew about this point??????????????????????????

So, not unlike the SS work; the FBI work; and the original WC work, the HSCA survey plat also has platted, the exact same impact points for shot# 1 as well as the headshot at Z313.

Something tells me that we are not dealing with a completely separate and independently verified survey here!


As you may recall, I long ago provided this drawing as well as the West Survey with the drawing sized and overlaid onto the point of impact for the first shot as determined by the WC.

If, and when, one takes the time to evaluate all of the HSCA work, they just may find that it was merely a "sequel" to "WC"!

And, in comparison of certain data from the two fairy tales, it is obvious that some of those "actors" of the WC also played some role as advisors in the HSCA survey work and supposed re-enactment drawings.

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Therefore, might I offer the following, as relaid to me by one of my old college professor's. (sic)

"Sit back, shut up, and you just may accidently learn something!"

Or, if you desire, continue to demonstrate your complete ignorance of the subject matter of the JFK assassination, as well as the work which I put into this subject matter many years ago.

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. (Eric Hoffer)

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Therefore, might I offer the following, as relaid to me by one of my old college professor's. (sic)

"Sit back, shut up, and you just may accidently learn something!"

Or, if you desire, continue to demonstrate your complete ignorance of the subject matter of the JFK assassination, as well as the work which I put into this subject matter many years ago.

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. (Eric Hoffer)

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength


Now that we have my problem diagnosed, would you care to share with us your personal and/or genetic reason for being completely ignorant of the facts in the subject matter of the JFK assassination?

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At risk of coming across as being rude; crude; and socially unacceptable, as well as offending the sensibilities of the Michael Hogan's and Kathy Beckett's of the world, perhaps we can detour back to the subject matter of the HSCA survey work, for those who may actually have interest in a few facts.

Previously, it was demonstrated how to obtain the line-of-sight alignment from the Zapruder position to the impact point for the Z313 headshot, by merely connecting the "dots"/elevation points as demonstrated on the HSCA survey plat.

Without going into ALL of those items on the HSCA Survey Plat which demonstrate that it is merely a later generation of the SS/WC work (with modifications/relocated objects included), perhaps the below information would also help to demonstrate this.


Long ago, Chris Davidson posted the copy of a photo taken from the Zapruder position looking back up Elm St. This was the photo discussed in the topic "Lean To"/Post# 8, and is the Corbis photo.



During this discussion, I pointed out an object in the background, located directly above the top of the right-hand (as looking) post of the road sign, and explained the significance of this item.


If one will go to the HSCA Survey Plat photo, take up a position on the pedestal, and then draw a straight line to that point on the curb of Elm St on the South side of the curb, which is located up close to the oak tree and colonade, and which bears the elevations:

"94.4 T/C" as well as "93.9 GUT", they just may have another reference line on the HSCA drawing which can thereafter be referenced back to the WC work.

At risk of sounding repetitious, there is absolutely nothing about the Drommer survey work and survey plat which demonstrates a completely "seperate & independent" study of the facts.

It is/was done utilizing that information which could have only been gained from the works of Mr. Robert West and his prior work in Dealy Plaza.

Chris & John;

A sincere apology for having not provided much of the key to the "mystical code" of the HSCA Survey work. However, I continue to hang tightly onto the hope that those who have demonstrated the complete capability to do so, will question and find answers to much of the obfuscation without my having to wave a red flag and point at it.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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