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Morley and Talbot on BBC-RFK Story

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I posted this at the end of a long discussion but then decided it merited a new topic, so here goes:

The Mary Ferrell Foundation just today published Morley and Talbot's piece on the RFK-Ambassador story, entitled "The BBC's Flawed RFK Story." As the title implies, after 6 weeks of interviewing dozens of people, they conclude that the photo identifications don't hold up, though the Joannides one is the most mixed. They also verified that Gordon Campbell died in 1962. The piece is accompanied by new photos of Morales and the first-ever published photos of Joannides (assuming you discount the Ambassador one).

I did a phone interview with Jeff Morley and David Talbot yesterday, and the audio and transcript of that interview is up on the site as well, along with links to the original BBC story and related resources.

The home page at www.maryferrell.org currently features the story - for those coming across this post after the home page changes, here are some direct links:

The BBC's Flawed RFK Story:


"Unredacted" Interview with Morley and Talbot :


Let the commentary begin.....


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The Mary Ferrell Foundation just today published Morley and Talbot's piece on the RFK-Ambassador story, entitled "The BBC's Flawed RFK Story." As the title implies, after 6 weeks of interviewing dozens of people, they conclude that the photo identifications don't hold up, though the Joannides one is the most mixed. They also verified that Gordon Campbell died in 1962. The piece is accompanied by new photos of Morales and the first-ever published photos of Joannides (assuming you discount the Ambassador one).....

I did a phone interview with Jeff Morley and David Talbot yesterday, and the audio and transcript of that interview is up on the site as well, along with links to the original BBC story and related resources.....

Let the commentary begin.....

While disputing his findings, I thought the essay was fair to Shane O'Sullivan.

Six weeks interviewing dozens of people that knew these three CIA operatives must have provided Jefferson Morley and David Talbot a goodly amount of information that did not appear in the essay. Perhaps they are saving it for a book, or when they can get some more corroboration.

Rex, The Mary Ferrell Foundation website's contents border on the unbelievable in their scope and significance. What is almost as incredible is the format, appearance, and navigability of the website. It's a perfect match for the material and the site works for the neophyte just as well as it does for the veteran researcher.

Thank you Rex, for what you continue to do and for your participation in John Simkin's Forum.

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The Mary Ferrell Foundation just today published Morley and Talbot's piece on the RFK-Ambassador story, entitled "The BBC's Flawed RFK Story." As the title implies, after 6 weeks of interviewing dozens of people, they conclude that the photo identifications don't hold up, though the Joannides one is the most mixed. They also verified that Gordon Campbell died in 1962. The piece is accompanied by new photos of Morales and the first-ever published photos of Joannides (assuming you discount the Ambassador one).....

I did a phone interview with Jeff Morley and David Talbot yesterday, and the audio and transcript of that interview is up on the site as well, along with links to the original BBC story and related resources.....

Let the commentary begin.....

While disputing his findings, I thought the essay was fair to Shane O'Sullivan.

Six weeks interviewing dozens of people that knew these three CIA operatives must have provided Jefferson Morley and David Talbot a goodly amount of information that did not appear in the essay. Perhaps they are saving it for a book, or when they can get some more corroboration.

Talbot writes about this experience in Brothers, if I remember correctly, and states that the more he researched Morales, the less he felt it was Morales in the Ambassador photo, but the more he felt Morales was involved in the assassinations

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Yes, it is New Jersey.

Campbell's Social Security number was issued in Rhode Island. I wonder if that means anything?



Hey James,

I knew the first three digits of the SS gives a location, and I was going to ask if anyone knew it, but you beat me to the punch.

And thanks for the New Jersey - I wonder what the connection is?

Campbell Soup?


Edited by William Kelly
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Question for James Richards. Do you know who the tall man on the right is in the Morales photograph (Viet Nam 1969-1971)?


I asked the same question in the 'David Morales' thread. B)


Sorry, I did not see that. Do we know of any CIA agents who were very tall?

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I posted this at the end of a long discussion but then decided it merited a new topic, so here goes:

The Mary Ferrell Foundation just today published Morley and Talbot's piece on the RFK-Ambassador story, entitled "The BBC's Flawed RFK Story." As the title implies, after 6 weeks of interviewing dozens of people, they conclude that the photo identifications don't hold up, though the Joannides one is the most mixed. They also verified that Gordon Campbell died in 1962. The piece is accompanied by new photos of Morales and the first-ever published photos of Joannides (assuming you discount the Ambassador one).

I did a phone interview with Jeff Morley and David Talbot yesterday, and the audio and transcript of that interview is up on the site as well, along with links to the original BBC story and related resources.

The home page at www.maryferrell.org currently features the story - for those coming across this post after the home page changes, here are some direct links:

The BBC's Flawed RFK Story:


"Unredacted" Interview with Morley and Talbot :


Let the commentary begin.....


Thank you for this. You are doing a great job of making the Mary Ferrell website the most important on the web about the JFK and RFK assassinations.

Maybe you could add links to the Newsnight Blog on the subject:


It would also be useful if you added a link to Shane's original article in the Guardian:


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Choosing to live there, on the other hand, is far different . . .

Kidding aside, RI is a beautiful state. My aunt and uncle used to own a little business on the main street in East Greenwich and my family used to visit there every summer. It was my introduction to the ocean and to New England and its colorful history.

And parenthetically, while John claims I was working on dirty tricks with Donald Segretti in Wisconsin (a lie), I was in fact working for the Rhode Island Republican Party organizing College Republican Clubs (Jan-March of 1972).

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East Greenwich is lovely, and the waterfront today is lined with restaurants and dockside bars.

As for your work with the RI GOP: Let's see ... the state's General Assembly is 94% Democrat, the Congressional delegation is 100% Democrat, the mayor of the capital city is a Democrat, the governor is an under-seige Republican who is about to be threatend with a recall ...

By any chance were you involved in the design of NASA's O-rings?

Just kidding around, of course. In fact, RI has very strong connections to the secret world -- Tracy Barnes, Lyman Kirkpatrick, and others.

Plus Meyer Lansky's niece lives in Providence.

Little Compton and environs shelter a number of important ex-spooks.

And RI's new junior US senator, Sheldon Whitehouse, is the son of Charles Whitehouse, about whom much needs to be said.

You should pay a visit to your old stomping grounds.

Bring money.


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Choosing to live there, on the other hand, is far different . . .

Kidding aside, RI is a beautiful state. My aunt and uncle used to own a little business on the main street in East Greenwich and my family used to visit there every summer. It was my introduction to the ocean and to New England and its colorful history.

And parenthetically, while John claims I was working on dirty tricks with Donald Segretti in Wisconsin (a lie), I was in fact working for the Rhode Island Republican Party organizing College Republican Clubs (Jan-March of 1972).

Maybe you have time to address the points made on this thread:


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