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The Claim of Mrs. Lou Hayes

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On Dec 11, 1963 Congressman Hale Boggs wrote a letter to Lee Rankin, general counsel of the Warren Commission. In it, Congressman Boggs told Rankin that "Mrs. Lou Hayes is a thoroughly responsible person and the information contained in her letter should be thoroughly investigated."

In her letter, Mrs. Hayes said she was on a bus in New Orleans in September of 1963 and that the young man sitting next to her began talking about a recent trip to Cuba. He said he flew there and in Cuba he met Fidel Castro. After the assassination, she recognized the man as LHO.

Is anyone familiar with the Mrs. Lou Hayes story? I am sure the WC dismissed it if it did investigate it.

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Is anyone familiar with the Mrs. Lou Hayes story? I am sure the WC dismissed it if it did investigate it.

I don't believe there would be much to investigate.

Here's Mrs. Hayes letter. You can judge for yourself.

It starts on page 18 of CD 464


Steve Thomas

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Is anyone familiar with the Mrs. Lou Hayes story? I am sure the WC dismissed it if it did investigate it.

I don't believe there would be much to investigate.

Here's Mrs. Hayes letter. You can judge for yourself.

It starts on page 18 of CD 464


Steve Thomas

It isn't clear if Bobby Kennedy saw this letter. The thing that bothered me was when she wrote that she had several people under surveillance for the FBI. What was going on in New Orleans? All these shadowy people. It probably didn't start with Oswald.

Last week, I provided some links where you can hear Oswald speaking. In the first tape made in Russia, I think this Oswald was learning English, not teaching it. I don't know who defected to Russia, that miserable country, but the Harvey Oswald that came back was not an American. It is the same voice in the Dallas Police Station as it was on the Russia tape, only his command of English was much better in 1963. The only thing his "brother" Robert said about his return: "I couldn't believe how much hair he lost."


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Steve, thanks for posting the Hayes' letter.

It certainly was a bizarre incident and one can only speculate the significance of it, whether the young man involved was Oswald or not.

Young American flys to Cuba, meets Castro at an airport and shakes hands with him and returns to USA via military plane, and is dropped off by cut-outs at a bus stop because they don't want to know where he lives. And he brags about meeting and shaking hands with Castro on the bus to school kids and a lady.

What's so bizarre about that?


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What's so bizarre about that?


I especially liked the part where the guy on the bus was going to be in charge of all future prisoner exchanges.

Steve Thomas

Yeah! That's where it sort of left orbit.

It certainly is an interesting and bizarre letter. If true it begs the question:

was LHO in (CIA-assigned sheep-dipping) character, or was he showing his colors as a clueless manipulated patsy?

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