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Dealey Plaza an Act of God

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So Larry has the name of the Cuban in Dallas who actually wrote it and there is no evidence it was written by Phillips, Hunt, Helms, McCone, Dulles etc ad nauseum.

Tim, I don't think anybody has claimed that the leaflet was written by Phillips, Hunt, et al.

You paraphrase something I didn't say and then attack it.

At least you now admit that the leaflet actually exists.

I say that it exists, and it is propaganda aimed at the Cubans in Miami.

At the same time this propaganda leaflet appeared, there was a real CIA leaflet program that was to distribute similar propaganda in Cuba, And at that time, the CIA Cuban propaganda program included Phillips and Joannides and previously included Lansdale, all former students of Linebarger, the legendary author of the classic text on Psychological Warfare.

My point is the propaganda was released, was targeted at a specific group, said specifice things that came true, and my question is whether the propaganda was part of the same operation that resulted in the murder of the President.

A question that I think can and will be answered.

Nor do I think LHO's FPCC propaganda program was "just a game," but rather, part of the Great Game.

And thanks to Larry and Debra for sharing their research.


By the way, if pro-Castro Cubans wanted JFK dead, what if anything stopped them from circulating such material to anti-Castro exiles. By the same token, if anti-Castro Cubans wanted JFK dead, they could also have circulated materials sufficient to cause pro-Castro Cubans to do their bidding.

To quote a line in a famous movie, it's through the looking glass. Or as JJA used to say, it's like a wilderness of mirrors. The people circulating the propoganda may not actually have believed it. That is not as far-fetched as it sounds. When LHO was distributing his FPCC literature in NO, were the brochures an accurate reflection of his political philosophy or was it just a game?

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To follow on Bill's comments..

First, we could have an idea of the real source of the thoughts in the card and pamphlet if the FBI had

taken the trouble to actually interview and record some background on the card's writer...who he associated

with, what news he had heard, why did he belive what he wrote...as usual, they just documented the card

and left it at that.

Second, clearly certain CIA officers and assets were spreading rumors about JFK by the summer of 1963, I cover

that in some detail in SWHT (and one of the sources is even Escalante...grin). I'm afraid we often underestimate

people like Phillips and Morales a great deal. If they wanted to incite an action against JFK you would not find

Phillips writing a brochure....these guys were orders of magnitude more sophisticated and astute than most people

realise. Which of course why, if you are looking for people who could get away with killing a President, you just might look at career

professionals who dealt with eliminating political and military leaders and overthrowing governments. Not that they

always succeeded, eg Castro, but sometimes they did (Chile) and perhaps these things are easier when you are playing on your home field.

Perhaps we should pay more attention to their familiy members - who we could reasonably expect to have a clear view of their capabilities and nature.

It seems that some relatives of both Phillips and Morales are of the opinion that the men were very possibly involved

in the conspiracy which assassinated JFK.

-- Larry

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To follow on Bill's comments..

First, we could have an idea of the real source of the thoughts in the card and pamphlet if the FBI had

taken the trouble to actually interview and record some background on the card's writer...who he associated

with, what news he had heard, why did he belive what he wrote...as usual, they just documented the card

and left it at that.

Second, clearly certain CIA officers and assets were spreading rumors about JFK by the summer of 1963, I cover

that in some detail in SWHT (and one of the sources is even Escalante...grin). I'm afraid we often underestimate

people like Phillips and Morales a great deal. If they wanted to incite an action against JFK you would not find

Phillips writing a brochure....these guys were orders of magnitude more sophisticated and astute than most people

realise. Which of course why, if you are looking for people who could get away with killing a President, you just might look at career

professionals who dealt with eliminating political and military leaders and overthrowing governments. Not that they

always succeeded, eg Castro, but sometimes they did (Chile) and perhaps these things are easier when you are playing on your home field.

Perhaps we should pay more attention to their familiy members - who we could reasonably expect to have a clear view of their capabilities and nature.

It seems that some relatives of both Phillips and Morales are of the opinion that the men were very possibly involved

in the conspiracy which assassinated JFK.

-- Larry

I think Phillips had a wife, maybe two, who may have, like the Hunts, both been working for the agency.

Nor do I believe Phillips, Hunt, Joannides or Lansdale were involved in this "Act of God" leaflet, as they would have been beyond that. But the "Act of God" leaflet is still classified as propaganda, even if it was done as a greeting card and copied.

If we accept the idea that the assassination operation was conducted simultaniously with a black-prop op to blame Castro, then following the black-prop-op back to its origin will lead you to the assassins.

As least that's my thinking.


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An Act of God or Psy-Ops?

I will begin with a question?

Is the following passage true?

......"Beginning in the summer of 1955, Pres. Ngo Dinh Diem launched a campaign entilted 'Denounce the Communists,' in which Communists and other anti-government elements were arrested, imprisoned, tortured or executed. Opponents were labeled Viet Cong by the regime to demean their nationalist credentials. During this period refugees moved across the line of demarcation in both directions. Around 52,000 Vietnamese civilians moved from south to north. 450,000 people, primarily Catholics, traveled from the north to south, in aircraft and ships provided by France and the U.S. The CIA was responsible for the success of this propaganda effort which increased the outflow by having loyalist's in the Diem government disperse leaflets which implied that Atomic Weapons would soon be dropped on North Vietnam.

In addition there were a significant group of devout Catholics in the North as well, it might be said that they were the "target audience," For their motivation the pamphlets also contained a passage stating words to the effect that, "the Virgin Mary is going South." So the idea of psy-ops as a part of a covert attempt to influence hearts and minds, on American soil even, is certainly not an impossibility, something that can be laughed to scorn by those having their beliefs challenged? Yes. But not to the latter.

A noted academic Marshall Sallins wrote in

"Structural work: How microhistories become macrohistories and vice versa" recalling the very controversial Elian Gonzalez controversy"......referenced the CIA as being behind what appeared to be manufactured stories regarding Elian's stay in the United States, that....."the Virgin Mary appeared twice: once inside the Gonzalez house...."

This was also obliquely referred to in the article entitled "The Virtualization of Elián González" by Paul Allatson





I will not place myself in the position of judging the authenticity of Marian Apparitions, and I certainly did felt that there was an element of tragedy regarding both countries used a child as a tool for political purposes; but, that is neither here nor there.

I will state that I would take allegations of the Virgin Mary appearing anywhere, with a very huge grain of salt if it were known that the stories were emanating from Langley Virginia....

But back to the original topic

The leaflet being discussed was signed "a Texan who resents the Oriental influence that has come to control, to degrade, to pollute and enslave his own people."

It is definitely a noteworthy item, and the premise that there was a psy-ops aspect regarding the assassination is a certainty, to anyone who is familiar with the principles of psychological warfare. The argument could be made that General Edwin Walker's ostensible "tour" with the late Rev. Billy James Hargis could have had no other justifiable purpose than to create a mood, a mood which aggresively promoted the idea that our government's Commander-In-Chief was a cowardly, political opportunist who had no character, or leadership abilities; when, in fact, the opposite was true. The opinion of most Americans as to the so-called Christian Crusade, of Walker and Hargis, would arguably point towards being very, very popular in the South, while as the tour worked its way to the North, it was seen for what it was, a couple of rabble rousers, who weren't content to trust God, that he would deal his justice to the President, if their banal accusations had a ring of truth to them.

As a child growing up in good ole Dallas, in the 1960's I can attest that while there were many, many people in the city who were beyond sorrow by what happened that November in 1963, there was a smaller minority, who compensated by lack of majority status, to make up for it by acting like common criminals. In the aftermath of the assassination, as the media across the country was weighing in on the social consciousness of its citizenry, from Newsweek to the New York Times, a LP record was released by the Rev Jimmy Swaggart with the title "What Shall the End Be - Is There a Curse on the Kennedy Family?



I did not have the displeasure to listen to this "sermon" until about 1967 or 1968, and I must telly you that it was one of the most nauseating experiences of my life, I will not elaborate; Only to say that an impartial bystander might have though the the sermon should have been tempered with the realization that a minister of any denomination does not have the moral authority to imply that a President was ordained to die because he was a licentious person, which was certainly the implication, if that is doing God's work, then I believe most compassionate people would remember that there was an injunction written to the effect of not having sin and casting stones, but apparently that was the last thing that needed to be brought up when you had a forum, to cast an aura of respectability upon the murder of a President; who could have been voted out of office quite readily, if he was as bad as some Texan's were saying he was.

Incidentally my candidates for authorship are, in no particular order...

1. General Edwin A. Walker

2. Gen Charles Willoughby

3. The Central Intelligence Agency

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On November 26 1963, Tony Cuesta went to the FBI and spoke with SA George Davis. Cuesta told him that in April of 1963, he received an anonymous letter addressed to him specifically and it contained the whole "Act of God" thing.

At the time Cuesta thought it was a crackpot but after the assassination thought it might be of significance. Mmm.

Cuesta said he did not know who sent him the letter.



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Right on James, those are the FBI documents Debra located....you jogged my memory. The report originates

with what Cuesta handed over and if someone can dig that up you will have samples plus the names

on the correspondance. My recollection is that it starts with a card, turns into a letter and then ends up

as a brochure as it gets passed on. I thought it rather interesting that Cuesta would think enough of it

to pass it on to the FBI immediately after the assassination....wonder if there is any hidden meaning there...grin.

-- Larry

On November 26 1963, Tony Cuesta went to the FBI and spoke with SA George Davis. Cuesta told him that in April of 1963, he received an anonymous letter addressed to him specifically and it contained the whole "Act of God" thing.

At the time Cuesta thought it was a crackpot but after the assassination thought it might be of significance. Mmm.

Cuesta said he did not know who sent him the letter.



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On November 26 1963, Tony Cuesta went to the FBI and spoke with SA George Davis. Cuesta told him that in April of 1963, he received an anonymous letter addressed to him specifically and it contained the whole "Act of God" thing.

At the time Cuesta thought it was a crackpot but after the assassination thought it might be of significance. Mmm.

Cuesta said he did not know who sent him the letter.



So it was not only dissiminated among the Cubans in Florida, but the only Cuban who is known to have received it is an anti-Castro commando affiliated with the CIA's Maritime operations out of JM/WAVE.

Isn't there photos of Tony Cuesta aboard one of the boats - Rex? bound for Cuba?


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On November 26 1963, Tony Cuesta went to the FBI and spoke with SA George Davis. Cuesta told him that in April of 1963, he received an anonymous letter addressed to him specifically and it contained the whole "Act of God" thing.

At the time Cuesta thought it was a crackpot but after the assassination thought it might be of significance. Mmm.

Cuesta said he did not know who sent him the letter.



So it was not only dissiminated among the Cubans in Florida, but the only Cuban who is known to have received it is an anti-Castro commando affiliated with the CIA's Maritime operations out of JM/WAVE.

Isn't there photos of Tony Cuesta aboard one of the boats - Rex? bound for Cuba?


Bill and Larry,

I have those FBI documents so if you need a copy let me know and I will forward them on.

As to Cuesta, in the past, I have communicated with his case officer who is still alive but wants to remain anonymous and he suggested that the letter was supposed to be part of a bigger plan that fell apart during the Oswald set-up.

Cuesta tried to revive it post assassination but ultimately it didn't go anywhere.

Bill, here is a shot of Cuesta (on the left), Ramon Font (seated right) and a guy named Ruben Perez who also went by a few other names and is definitely someone of interest. I like his gun.

This was taken during the attack on the Baku.


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Query since Cuesta brought the brochure to the attention of the FBI almost immediately post assassination does that tend to exclude him from involvement in the assassination?


Don't jump the gun.

So far the only thing Cuesta is being accused of is being a maritime commando terrorists and the source of a piece of assassination propaganda.

As for whether or not Cuesta was involved in the assassination, I would think that he already is involved.


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Bill, sorry, I fail to understand. Are you saying that you think Cuesta authored the piece he turned in to the FBI? If he authored it, why would he turn it in? The piece certainly does not tend to point toward Cuba as the sponsor.

Now I'm confused Tim.

I'm not saying anything. I don't have any theory about Cuesta, I'm not accusing him of authoring it, or anything.

I'd like to read the documents though, and learn more about Cuesta, apparently a dashing, romantic figure who we've heard about before.

And who says anything about Cuba being the sponsor except you?

Apparently the docs are in the public domain, Larry and Debra have read them, and as soon as we flush them out we'll all know.

Maybe we should have a scavenger hunt for docs and make it a game.


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Bill, sorry, I fail to understand. Are you saying that you think Cuesta authored the piece he turned in to the FBI? If he authored it, why would he turn it in? The piece certainly does not tend to point toward Cuba as the sponsor.

I'm sure Lyndon Johnson was just thrilled to bits that this letter was brought to the attention of the FBI days after the assassination. An appropriate political spin could potentially have made life uncomfortable especially given the hot water he was already in. The possibilty that Mac Wallace was present on the 6th floor of the book depository also an ace up 'someone's' sleeve.

In April of 1963, I submit that Oswald had not yet been selected as the patsy. That would most likely have happened in late August of '63. Like all good black ops, both sides would have been played, right and left wing until go dates are selected then the official plan would have been bought into focus and participants splintered off already running operations.

Complicated yes, but by design. It's why we are here now on this forum nearly 44 years later still trying to put it together.


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Bill, there's lots of information about Cuesta available.

Let me flesh out my point.

I think Cuesta bringing this document to the attention of the FBI is quite exculpatory. If you were involved in the assassination, I think the last thing you'd want to do would be to approach LE and invite attention on yourself. Particularly when this piece of literature does not fit any possible agenda of an anti-Castro exile.

If Cuesta is innocent, that means that Fabian Escalante is a xxxx about the assassination. I think additional evidence that Escalante lied is of some significance.

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