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Dealey Plaza an Act of God

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Bill, there's lots of information about Cuesta available.

Let me flesh out my point.

I think Cuesta bringing this document to the attention of the FBI is quite exculpatory. If you were involved in the assassination, I think the last thing you'd want to do would be to approach LE and invite attention on yourself. Particularly when this piece of literature does not fit any possible agenda of an anti-Castro exile.

If Cuesta is innocent, that means that Fabian Escalante is a xxxx about the assassination. I think additional evidence that Escalante lied is of some significance.

Exculpatory of what?

So far I don't think anyone has accused him of anything execpt you.

In my book Cuesta's already invovled in the assassination, whether he likes it or not, it's just a matter of how deep he goes. I know there's a thick file on Cuesta, and getting thicker. I'm going to refain from speculating on anything until we have more info.

At some point Cuesta put one and one together and realized, like others have, that this deliberate propaganda leaflet, distributed in April 1963 to the Cuban community of Florida, could be significant, without really knowing how much so.

And now even you call it a "piece of literature."

In order to get into the mood of reading about Cuesta and these guys think I'll switch to that Cuban drink with the mint leaves and rum, what do you call it?

Mojito? Is that what you drink down there?


Edited by William Kelly
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Bill, exculpatory that he was NOT involved in the assassination.

Ergo, Escalante is a xxxx.

So the question is why Escalante lied. Was it just to "dirty up" the anti-Castro exiles, or was it to deflect attention from the actual guilty parties? I submit that is a VERY significant question!

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Bill, sorry, I fail to understand. Are you saying that you think Cuesta authored the piece he turned in to the FBI? If he authored it, why would he turn it in? The piece certainly does not tend to point toward Cuba as the sponsor.

I'm sure Lyndon Johnson was just thrilled to bits that this letter was brought to the attention of the FBI days after the assassination. An appropriate political spin could potentially have made life uncomfortable especially given the hot water he was already in. The possibilty that Mac Wallace was present on the 6th floor of the book depository also an ace up 'someone's' sleeve.

In April of 1963, I submit that Oswald had not yet been selected as the patsy. That would most likely have happened in late August of '63. Like all good black ops, both sides would have been played, right and left wing until go dates are selected then the official plan would have been bought into focus and participants splintered off already running operations.

Complicated yes, but by design. It's why we are here now on this forum nearly 44 years later still trying to put it together.



If Adele Edisen is correct, and I believe she is, then Col./Dr. Jose Rivera in Washington DC knew, in mid-April, 1963 that Oswald was invovled in the Walker shooting and would be involved in the assassination.

Also, found some more official DOD records of leafleting propaganda and Operation Revere. Verrrry interrrresting.




And what's with the picture of the Alamo anyway?


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Bill, sorry, I fail to understand. Are you saying that you think Cuesta authored the piece he turned in to the FBI? If he authored it, why would he turn it in? The piece certainly does not tend to point toward Cuba as the sponsor.

I'm sure Lyndon Johnson was just thrilled to bits that this letter was brought to the attention of the FBI days after the assassination. An appropriate political spin could potentially have made life uncomfortable especially given the hot water he was already in. The possibilty that Mac Wallace was present on the 6th floor of the book depository also an ace up 'someone's' sleeve.

In April of 1963, I submit that Oswald had not yet been selected as the patsy. That would most likely have happened in late August of '63. Like all good black ops, both sides would have been played, right and left wing until go dates are selected then the official plan would have been bought into focus and participants splintered off already running operations.

Complicated yes, but by design. It's why we are here now on this forum nearly 44 years later still trying to put it together.



If Adele Edisen is correct, and I believe she is, then Col./Dr. Jose Rivera in Washington DC knew, in mid-April, 1963 that Oswald was invovled in the Walker shooting and would be involved in the assassination.

Also, found some more official DOD records of leafleting propaganda and Operation Revere. Verrrry interrrresting.




And what's with the picture of the Alamo anyway?


Bill, thanks for the links, I will check them out.

I do agree that Oswald was mixed up with what was going on very early but his status as prime patsy didn't happen until late summer, in my opinion of course. I also think there were several potential patsies in the wings but that's for another day.

BTW, that Cuban specialty drink is a Mojito. I am a sucker for them myself.


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Bill, exculpatory that he was NOT involved in the assassination.

Ergo, Escalante is a xxxx.

So the question is why Escalante lied. Was it just to "dirty up" the anti-Castro exiles, or was it to deflect attention from the actual guilty parties? I submit that is a VERY significant question!

Tim, What's Escalante got to do with the leafling operations?

I certainly wouldn't trust him, but the Cubans did infliltrate most if not all of the anti-Castro Cuban commando operations, so the Cuban G2 must have known something.

I'm coming up with a lot of interesting stuff.

Check this out:


and this:


Now there's the Usual Suspects: Thier list, not mine. - BK

Following is a list of persons possibly responsible for much of the leaflet dropping:











This list was compiled by the Intelligence Unit and members of the Border Patrol and is based on past cases either directly or indirectly implicating these persons.

A renewed effort is being made by the Intelligence Unit to ascertain the whereabouts and present activities of the aforementioned.

Edited by William Kelly
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Bill, say thank you to Gordon Winslow for that info.

Tim, I appreciate everything Gordon has done, but when the chips were down and when COPA leaders were dealing with the Cubans, he let me down.

I'll thank Gordon when he walks over to the Municipal Dinner Key Marina where Gordon Campbell kept his yacht and finds some people who remember him and gets the name of Campbell's boat, and wife, and gets a copy of Campbell's obit, and gets a breakdown of the personell at JM/WAVE and posts that for all to see. Now that would be a big help.

But I don't think Gordon's up to it.


I could be wrong but I think I've read that Sturgis and Rorke were also involved in leafleting work into Cuba.

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Some documents.

EDIT: For some reason, the documents posted out of order. I'm sure you all will figure it out.


Many thanks for those docs James,

I was wondering about the Arlington, Tex. postmark.

Arlington is sandwiched between Dallas and Fort Worth and is the home of U of Tex Arlington and the Six Flaggs, right?

Also note Ramon Font and Mario Alvarez, March 27 63, Commandos L raid.


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If anyone is capable of reading through the lines, with the massive list of personages associated in some way, with addresses and mail related info, you will more than likely remember that Harry Holmes [John Dolva qualifies as being pretty much the resident authority re HH] was in charge of that aspect of postal related information that would later be part of the rope which lynched LHO - ie [P.O. Boxes, Seaport Traders, etc...[the latter sentence is just my observation] my guess is that if there was any kind of paper trail with regards to some of the more compelling mail going to & fro from Dallas and its suburbs of which Arlington, Texas qualifies, there might be something in a JFK document, alluding to the letter in question, although I am not sure if Holmes handled the suburb's as well; if he handled Irving, Texas he probably would have handled Arlington as well.....and the document could even be something which hasn't been released yet.....or even in some of the Church Committee era documents, FWIW.....

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If anyone is capable of reading through the lines, with the massive list of personages associated in some way, with addresses and mail related info, you will more than likely remember that Harry Holmes [John Dolva qualifies as being pretty much the resident authority re HH] was in charge of that aspect of postal related information that would later be part of the rope which lynched LHO - ie [P.O. Boxes, Seaport Traders, etc...[the latter sentence is just my observation] my guess is that if there was any kind of paper trail with regards to some of the more compelling mail going to & fro from Dallas and its suburbs of which Arlington, Texas qualifies, there might be something in a JFK document, alluding to the letter in question, although I am not sure if Holmes handled the suburb's as well; if he handled Irving, Texas he probably would have handled Arlington as well.....and the document could even be something which hasn't been released yet.....or even in some of the Church Committee era documents, FWIW.....

Anyone know of any connections of any kind between Harry Holmes and J. Walton Moore?

I expect John Dolva to chime in here, but I guess he's on vacation.

Yo! John.

In any case, I put a lot of emphesis on the postmark, and the three names on the doc -

Cuesta, Raymon Font and Mario Alvarez.

Anybody got anything on Raymon Font and Mario Alvarez?

They're new to me.


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