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The Gordon Arnold Competition

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Why not take action against the REPEAT offender, Miller?

Miles, Can't we all just get our collective heads together and get on with the topic rather than make yet another potentially disruptive comment like above?



I did so.

See my post, 313.

I am continuing the topic discussion & moving on.

Bowers could have & would have seen BM, but did not. Bowers was looking directly into the area in question.

Therefore, the images in Moorman are open to doubt.

This includes the GI Joe image.

Do you agree?

Alan's case on size differential seems solid.

What are you current thoughts at this juncture?

Edited by Miles Scull
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Forum Rule IV states:

(iv) Members should not make personal attacks on other members. Nor should references be made to their abilities as researchers. Most importantly, the motivations of the poster should not be questioned. At all times members should concentrate on what is being said, rather than who is saying it. It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not. The word “xxxx” is banned from use on the forum.

In post # 311 on this thread immediately after you posted the above warning & immediately after reading your warning, Miller posted this post:

Duncan makes a very good point, thus I have to agree with him. As far as my opinion goes on where the Bowers men were positioned ... several threads that I have debated in are riddled with references to these men when talking about particular locations being discussed. Miles participated in those threads, thus I assume he was reading the responses being given. I get numerous request per day through private emails asking for help on the photographical evidence, thus there reaches a point when I lose patience with someone constantly trolling the threads while not taking any time to go do a little research. Does this person have time to search through past threads - sure he does. There have been past post made whereas this individual found time to go back deep into the archives to look for negative remarks about particular individuals. So maybe instead of posting about closing threads ... why not post on how to use the search engine???

Bill Miller

I believe that if one reads the rules and then my response to you, Miles ... they will see that I didn't say you were incapable of doing research - I said that you don't seem to do it. In fact, I believe you are on record as saying that you have not the time todo research or words to that effect. What I posted was the forum record. Wanna break down?

1) Agreed with Duncan

2) Said that I have stated my position numerous times as to where I believe the Bowers men to be standing.

3) I get numerous request to help others with projects concerning the photographical record.

4) Goes to getting several repeat post by you asking for something that has been already answered. It also goes to if someone really was interested in knowing the answer, then they would search the archives with the same vigor they search for negative remarks to repeat to the forum members.

5) If some people do not know how to use the search engine - then post the directions.

I hope I made myself clear.

Bill Miller

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Forum Rule IV states:

(iv) Members should not make personal attacks on other members. Nor should references be made to their abilities as researchers. Most importantly, the motivations of the poster should not be questioned. At all times members should concentrate on what is being said, rather than who is saying it. It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not. The word “xxxx” is banned from use on the forum.

In post # 311 on this thread immediately after you posted the above warning & immediately after reading your warning, Miller posted this post:

Duncan makes a very good point, thus I have to agree with him. As far as my opinion goes on where the Bowers men were positioned ... several threads that I have debated in are riddled with references to these men when talking about particular locations being discussed. Miles participated in those threads, thus I assume he was reading the responses being given. I get numerous request per day through private emails asking for help on the photographical evidence, thus there reaches a point when I lose patience with someone constantly trolling the threads while not taking any time to go do a little research. Does this person have time to search through past threads - sure he does. There have been past post made whereas this individual found time to go back deep into the archives to look for negative remarks about particular individuals. So maybe instead of posting about closing threads ... why not post on how to use the search engine???

Bill Miller

I believe that if one reads the rules and then my response to you, Miles ... they will see that I didn't say you were incapable of doing research - I said that you don't seem to do it. In fact, I believe you are on record as saying that you have not the time todo research or words to that effect. What I posted was the forum record. Wanna break down?

1) Agreed with Duncan

2) Said that I have stated my position numerous times as to where I believe the Bowers men to be standing.

3) I get numerous request to help others with projects concerning the photographical record.

4) Goes to getting several repeat post by you asking for something that has been already answered. It also goes to if someone really was interested in knowing the answer, then they would search the archives with the same vigor they search for negative remarks to repeat to the forum members.

5) If some people do not know how to use the search engine - then post the directions.

I hope I made myself clear.

Bill Miller

Clear as mud.


Is this post of Miller's on or totally off topic?

Who is continuing to disrupt this thread?

NOT me! See my recent posts # 313 & # 315.

Ever since Antti's warning, I have been making on topic posts, except for my post addressed TO Antti.

Miller has not. OBVIOUSLY!

So, do not blame me. Rather applaud my efforts. Thanks.

As I said, ON Topic:

By scaling Badge Man's lower body as I did recently in a photo composite, is BM seen as having a greater size & body mass than GI Joe, even though GI Joe is closer to Moorman?

What can that mean?

Your response solicited.


Edited by Miles Scull
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By scaling Badge Man's lower body as I did recently in a photo composite, is BM seen as having a greater size & body mass than GI Joe, even though GI Joe is closer to Moorman?

What can that mean?

Your response solicited.



I was going to move on to the Badgeman size once the Arnold issue was resolved, but yes it does appear to me that the size and body mass of Badgeman appears to be greater than that of the Arnold torso which suggests to me that the torso is elevated higher and further back than the Badgeman figure. Thanks for staying on topic. Let's move forward.



OK. Is the Arnold issue still unresolved, then?

What appears to be the block?

I can do some more comparisons & some scaling, but I thought Alan's work did the trick.

BM is intriguing, for his potential position alone.

But, I can wait.



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But, I can wait.

I don't know when Bill will submit his image, so feel free to discuss Badgeman, Bowers etc . We can go back to Arnold once Bill submits his image.


Here is what I had gotten for an image ... I have asked for a better resolution copy ... the reasons why I have not used the image originally sent to me should be obvious.

"Error Upload failed. Please ask the administrator to check the settings and permissions"

Well, it seems that I cannot even get an image posted at the moment due to the forum software not working correctly. I will t ry again later. Until then, can someone post an image of Arnold as seen from head to toe in the MWKK series?



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Well, it seems that I cannot even get an image posted at the moment due to the forum software not working correctly. I will t ry again later. Until then, can someone post an image of Arnold as seen from head to toe in the MWKK series?



It seems on the whole Forum that Miles is the only person who can upload images which is very strange. Admin is aware of the problem which is now in its 5th day.

Here's a shot of Arnold from TMWKK. If the aspect ratio is wrong, I plead not guilty :hotorwot


Link To Gordon Arnold Head To Toe Still Image From TMWKK

Does anyone have a capture of Arnold with him back from the camera just a little bit further? It seems like there was some footage of him when first walking towards the camera to do an interview.


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Well, it seems that I cannot even get an image posted at the moment due to the forum software not working correctly. I will t ry again later. Until then, can someone post an image of Arnold as seen from head to toe in the MWKK series?



It seems on the whole Forum that Miles is the only person who can upload images which is very strange. Admin is aware of the problem which is now in its 5th day.

Here's a shot of Arnold from TMWKK. If the aspect ratio is wrong, I plead not guilty :hotorwot


Link To Gordon Arnold Head To Toe Still Image From TMWKK

Arnie on the right is true to TMWKK.


Of the membership, I am the only successful up loader? :mellow:

Fortune favours the anti-arnoldistas?

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Well, it seems that I cannot even get an image posted at the moment due to the forum software not working correctly. I will t ry again later. Until then, can someone post an image of Arnold as seen from head to toe in the MWKK series?



It seems on the whole Forum that Miles is the only person who can upload images which is very strange. Admin is aware of the problem which is now in its 5th day.

Here's a shot of Arnold from TMWKK. If the aspect ratio is wrong, I plead not guilty :hotorwot


Link To Gordon Arnold Head To Toe Still Image From TMWKK

Arnie on the right is true to TMWKK.


Of the membership, I am the only successful up loader? :mellow:

Fortune favours the anti-arnoldistas?

Couple more.



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Does anyone have a capture of Arnold with him back from the camera just a little bit further? It seems like there was some footage of him when first walking towards the camera to do an interview.


This is the furthest back he appears from the camera before starting the interview. Could you copy and post the image please Miles?


Arnold further back from camera


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Does anyone have a capture of Arnold with him back from the camera just a little bit further? It seems like there was some footage of him when first walking towards the camera to do an interview.


This is the furthest back he appears from the camera before starting the interview. Could you copy and post the image please Miles?


Arnold further back from camera

Well, since I'm Midas, midas well:

Just a quick look about.


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Sorry about that previous link.

I hope it didn't cause too much frustration.

Please download before playing, or you will probably experience slow playback.

New link is:

Once again.

35mm(man on stairs) cloned into Moorman for comparison. (4.gif) + other's.


Chris...I should mention that the CRAWLEY PHOTO I POSTED WAS CROPPED TO

SAVE FORUM SPACE. It is not useful to use it to study aspect ratio! Though taken

IN THE MOORMAN CAMERA, it has a much wider field of view and aspect ratio.

If you wish, I can EMAIL you the full image!



It has been said before on this forum that the film that was used in Mary's camera for that shoot by Crawley had over twice the resolving potential comapared to the film that Mary used.

Would you care to comment on that?

Did Crawley compensate for this in anyway?

As for what you have shown us of that photo thus far, it wasn't good enough to see Turner above the wall. Everyone missed him, even you who were there.

So, can you show us a high quality crop of above the wall that really does show the "resoving power of the camera"?


PS: Chris,

that second link doesn't work for me either sorry.

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Does anyone have a capture of Arnold with him back from the camera just a little bit further? It seems like there was some footage of him when first walking towards the camera to do an interview.


This is the furthest back he appears from the camera before starting the interview. Could you copy and post the image please Miles?


Arnold further back from camera


I'm not sure if your aware of it but this button;


embeds the image in your post once you paste the link in the box it opens up.


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Does anyone have a capture of Arnold with him back from the camera just a little bit further? It seems like there was some footage of him when first walking towards the camera to do an interview.


This is the furthest back he appears from the camera before starting the interview. Could you copy and post the image please Miles?


Arnold further back from camera

Well, since I'm Midas, midas well:

Just a quick look about.


Follow up:


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