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The Gordon Arnold Competition

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Small movie i created using 10-Frames:



Thx for movie.


The Z LOS seems to be on the wrong side (east) of the lamppost.

If the aerial view is brought to a point directly vertical to the lamppost, does the Z LOS move to the right side (west) of the lamppost?

Or, then, is there a problem with the object being Hudson? :lol:


Edited by Miles Scull
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Small movie i created using 10-Frames:

Robin, Duncan

See post # 656 above.

Any thoughts?

No Miles, I don't have any thoughts on post Post #652 at the moment, not in this thread anyway, as I think it's best to keep the thread on track. The topic of Hudson as seen by the Zapruder lens has absolutely nothing to do with the existance or non existance of Arnold in Moorman. I merely mentioned Hudson because has Bill has proved beyond doubt in my opinion that Groden was wrong with his analysis, and that a similar experiment could be done to prove the existance or non existance of Arnold in Moorman.



A deeper look seems to show that Groden AND BM are mistaken about the object being BDM or Hudson.

This will bear on Arnie in Moorman.

We'll see.

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Bill, You know as well as I do that the mystery of the Arnold small appearance in Moorman can only be solved by doing a camera experiment which replicates that exact shape as seen in Moorman and taken from the exact Moorman position and line of site with the same type of camera and lens.

If what you have said above is true, then why have you and Miles not seen that this was done before running up countless meaningless responses to the contrary??? Your claim was that Gordon looked too short against the wall and now you have stated the above.

Getting someone to do a test show would be helpful. It's a shame that Miles didn't have his contact in Dealey Plaza take such a picture when wasting so much time on the Lee Bowers LOS. Gordon Arnold was about 5'10" ... having someone of similar height walk west from the wall until their level of height seen over the wall matched Arnold in Moorman's photo ... then one should be able to find where their feet would come down the wall when seen from the east.

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Small movie i created using 10-Frames:

Robin, Duncan

See post # 656 above.

Any thoughts?

Not sure Miles.

I will have to take a closer look at it.

Weren't the lightposts moved at some point. ?


Yes Robin:

You are correct , Miles is in error, his underlying photo of Dealey was taken some time later,

when the lamp posts were moved..onto the grass.........

The day of the assn.....the lamp posts were on the other side of the sidewalk, in cement,

next to the road.....a given.....not on the grass...

Duncan, Bill........just wanted to get that out of the way before it took off....

Carry on...... B.....

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Small movie i created using 10-Frames:

Robin, Duncan

See post # 656 above.

Any thoughts?

Not sure Miles.

I will have to take a closer look at it.

Weren't the lightposts moved at some point. ?


Yes Robin:

You are correct , Miles is in error, his underlying photo of Dealey was taken some time later,

when the lamp posts were moved..onto the grass.........

The day of the assn.....the lamp posts were on the other side of the sidewalk, in cement,

next to the road.....a given.....not on the grass...

Duncan, Bill........just wanted to get that out of the way before it took off....

Carry on...... B.....

Right, Bernie, you spotted the error!

Now, here's another error.

Do you see a floating torso?


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If what you have said above is true, then why have you and Miles not seen that this was done before running up countless meaningless responses to the contrary??? Your claim was that Gordon looked too short against the wall and now you have stated the above.


The claim is that the floating Arnold is physically too small, and too high above the fence from Moorman's pov to be anything other than an illusion. I respect Miles, but what Miles does has nothing to do with me. I merely suggest the experiment as an option to be considered for anyone like yourself, Groden etc, who dispute the non existance of Arnold in Moorman. I am quite satisfied that he is not in the disputed position in Moorman, and I think it's blatantly obvious to most people. Apart from yourself, not one other person on this forum has disputed my findings. Doesn't that tell you something? It doesn't matter how many pm's you get from persons who wish to remain anonymous with their opinion. Anonymous opinions in the real world do not count.



Then by implication & extrapolation, Arnie must be airborne in the parking lot.

Could he be standing on a car top?

This would give BM an exit strategy.

Your opinion?

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If what you have said above is true, then why have you and Miles not seen that this was done before running up countless meaningless responses to the contrary??? Your claim was that Gordon looked too short against the wall and now you have stated the above.


The claim is that the floating Arnold is physically too small, and too high above the fence from Moorman's pov to be anything other than an illusion. I respect Miles, but what Miles does has nothing to do with me. I merely suggest the experiment as an option to be considered for anyone like yourself, Groden etc, who dispute the non existance of Arnold in Moorman. I am quite satisfied that he is not in the disputed position in Moorman, and I think it's blatantly obvious to most people. Apart from yourself, not one other person on this forum has disputed my findings. Doesn't that tell you something? It doesn't matter how many pm's you get from persons who wish to remain anonymous with their opinion. Anonymous opinions in the real world do not count.



Then by implication & extrapolation, Arnie must be airborne in the parking lot.

Could he be standing on a car top?

This would give BM an exit strategy.

Your opinion?

I took these four frames from Grodens Case for Conspiracy Dvd

I had to turn up the Gamma and contrast on my DVD Player in order to see into the dark shadow behind the wall.

Edited by Robin Unger
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Why in the world are you putting Arnold behind the picket fence--that is the only place where he could stand on a car.

IMO, I think you may be cheating yourself by restricting the argument to only things which support James Files. Arnold's presence and statement (which would tend to support of Badge Man's presence), I guess, to you, negates Files stating he was by himself. That is not necessarily true.

If Arnold was behind the retaining wall, it is not that tall, as you have shown in the photo you produced, Miles.

Hi Kathy,

Glad you are following the tread.

Well, I do not have a position on Files, although his confession is interesting.

Did you know that Files has said that Edward Geary Landsdale was behind the picket fence just before he shot?

That puts TWO men behind the fence!

I'd say Arnie is 15 feet up into the air & back away from the fence in the lot, higher than a car top. But Duncan's calculations may be different.


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I took these four frames from Grodens Case for Conspiracy Dvd

I had to turn up the Gamma and contrast on my DVD Player in order to see into the dark shadow behind the wall.


Great work & thx.

Didn't someone say that an afro-american couple were in this vicinity at this time?

Your thought?

Edited: deletion.

Edited by Miles Scull
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Not sure Miles.

I will have to take a closer look at it.

Weren't the lightposts moved at some point. ?

It's good to see someone ask a question that should be pertinent if one was seriously looking at these things. The lamp post were moved around 1980 or so. But without even thinking about the lamp post ... by standing where Zapruder did, which I doubt Miles has ever done, and setting the camera's field of view to match that of Zapruder ... it was quite obvious that Groden (when standing at Hudson's location) matched perfectly in location and head size with the person seen in Zapruder's film. To have moved one step in any direction would have resulted in there being no match.

Bill Miller

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Not sure Miles.

I will have to take a closer look at it.

Weren't the lightposts moved at some point. ?

It's good to see someone ask a question that should be pertinent if one was seriously looking at these things. The lamp post were moved around 1980 or so. But without even thinking about the lamp post ... by standing where Zapruder did, which I doubt Miles has ever done, and setting the camera's field of view to match that of Zapruder ... it was quite obvious that Groden (when standing at Hudson's location) matched perfectly in location and head size with the person seen in Zapruder's film. To have moved one step in any direction would have resulted in there being no match.

Bill Miller

Of course, you are overlooking Maroon Man who stood immediately to Hudson's left.

Had Hudson ducked, for example, then the object is Maroon Man not Hudson.

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