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The Gordon Arnold Competition

Guest Duncan MacRae

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The red arrows point to areas that are different in image, comparing the print to the colorised rendering.

The print shape conflicts with the human arm interpretation in the colorised.

Edit: spelling

Would not a responsible researcher test the edging of the walls of the pergola, doorways, pedestal, etc., as well to see if this claim of yours is just isolated to the Badge Man location or is it uniform throughout the image. If found in other areas as well, then there is another reason for it other than seeing Dallas sky above Duncan's il-placed line. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while, so why must you guys always make the same sloppy mistakes in researching this stuff ... there is no excuse for it other than to purposely mislead and pollute these threads with disinformation.

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Miles has also did a fine analysis which so far you have bluffed your way around answering with talk about squirrels etc etc.. Try explaining how the Dallas skyline is showing through Arnold's body in the same way as the 33ft shooter. I can't wait



Thx for kind word.

Yes, the case is made. BM has produced zero but insulting, vapid & obscene gibberish, for six months.

While we are waitng for six more months for something decent, for something at least sensible, note the starry skies of badge world:


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Still waiting for that Superior print.

The one which keeps the wall lines straight and gives us the clarity behind the wall/fence.


Like your customized version, but you should probably have added this part.


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Would not a responsible researcher test the edging of the walls of the pergola, doorways, pedestal, etc., as well to see if this claim of yours is just isolated to the Badge Man location or is it uniform throughout the image. If found in other areas as well, then there is another reason for it other than seeing Dallas sky above Duncan's il-placed line. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while, so why must you guys always make the same sloppy mistakes in researching this stuff ... there is no excuse for it other than to purposely mislead and pollute these threads with disinformation.


Instead of spouting off with your lectures on how everyone is wrong, why don't you produce something to prove ANY of your points. So far you have not produced a single illustration to counter anything.

Here's the wall, here are the correct lines. Miles has also did a fine analysis which so far you have bluffed your way around answering with talk about squirrels etc etc.. Try explaining how the Dallas skyline is showing through Arnold's body in the same way as the 33ft shooter. I can't wait


the wonderful world of Nutter evasion, now I KNOW Miller works for the 6th Floor Mausoleum..... pound away Duncan!

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Instead of spouting off with your lectures on how everyone is wrong, why don't you produce something to prove ANY of your points. So far you have not produced a single illustration to counter anything.

Here's the wall, here are the correct lines. Miles has also did a fine analysis which so far you have bluffed your way around answering with talk about squirrels etc etc.. Try explaining how the Dallas skyline is showing through Arnold's body in the same way as the 33ft shooter. I can't wait


Duncan - if just once you would have your thoughts peer reviewed, then maybe your post wouldn't be riddled with so many mistakes. Your mistakes are so many and so blatant ... is gets to be more than its worth to try and help you. This is why people like Groden won't waste their time on you.

You think the white edge of the wall has bleed out above your line, but it is your line that is flawed. The was corner is not edge to edge, but rather rounded. Your vertical line is not on the corner, but on the shade line. The sun illuminates some of the east side of the curve and thats why the angle to the right of the vertical line still runs upward before descending to the south dog leg. The top of the wall is rounded and there are shadows from the foliage above being cast down on the top of the wall and thats why some places where the sun hits it appear to be rising about the edging. Your line running in front of Gordon Arnold is simply wrong. Had you consulted Gary Mack and asked him to look at some of the better prints - you would have discovered this to be the case and could have avoided a lot of the ridiculous unnecessary errors that you have made.

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the wonderful world of Nutter evasion, now I KNOW Miller works for the 6th Floor Mausoleum..... pound away Duncan!

More from the jerk that says he believes the Zfilm is altered and says there is no sign of alteration to the Zfilm ... all in the same thread. And you wonder why you are not invited to see the assassination films at the Museum !!!

Edited by Bill Miller
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Starry, starry plight

Paint your Badgeland blue and grey

Look out on a November's day

With eyes that know the darkness on the knoll

Shadows on the wall

Sketch the trees and daffodils

Catch the flash hind Arnold's hill

In colours on the grassy linen land :lol:


If you guys spent half as much time researching instead of wasting forum space with such idiocy ... maybe Simkin would not have the forum go down for days on end due to too much space being used up. Sloppy research practices seem to go hand in hand with responses like the one you made, Duncan. I cannot see how you could bring the forum down to a lower level than some of you have.

Edited by Bill Miller
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You created this.

Your photo creates a straight line abutment between the wall and fence.


So what's your point, Chris? I got that picture so close that the major tree branches come in through the foliage. The point I made earlier is that the corner of the wall at the top of the knoll is not two flat surfaces meeting and forming one straight edge. The corner of the wall is rounded. Duncan's angled line in front of Gordon Arnold is not running along the top of the wall (the dog leg) because he had the vertical line on the shade line and not at the precise middle of the curve and this is why he thinks he is seeing Dallas sky below Arnold's waist. Maybe if one of these days - you, he, Miles, or who ever should go to the Plaza ... contact Mack and look at some better Moorman prints and then go out and look at the wall. Anything Mack says about this stuff is verifiable if someone would actually go see it for themselves. Using poor fuzzy prints to try and argue fine lines is asinine IMO.

And by the way ... look at the middle figure (Tony Cummings) who is right up against the RR side of the fence and apply his size to Badge Man's ... and just think - Tony's not 33 - 40 feet back in the RR yard and standing on a ladder.

Edited by Bill Miller
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I've been there. Done that.

Even took a few photos.

Correctly built wall seams are straight.

Let's take a look at that wall from behind the fence.

Looks just as straight from the opposite side, as it does from a crappy reproduction Moormon.



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Ps..The Forum does not go down when disc Space is used up, it goes down if it runs out of Bandwidth. The two are completely different.[/b]
The point I made earlier is that the corner of the wall at the top of the knoll is not two flat surfaces meeting and forming one straight edge. The corner of the wall is rounded. Duncan's angled line in front of Gordon Arnold is not running along the top of the wall (the dog leg) because he had the vertical line on the shade line and not at the precise middle of the curve and this is why he thinks he is seeing Dallas sky below Arnold's waist. Maybe if one of these days - you, he, Miles, or who ever should go to the Plaza ... contact Mack and look at some better Moorman prints and then go out and look at the wall.

And by the way ... look at the middle figure (Tony Cummings) who is right up against the RR side of the fence and apply his size to Badge Man's ... and just think - Tony's not 33 - 40 feet back in the RR yard and standing on a ladder. -- MILLER

The point I made earlier is that the corner of the wall at the top of the knoll is not two flat surfaces meeting and forming one straight edge.

They form a crooked edge? Bent edge? What? :lol:

The corner of the wall is rounded.

Rounded? :huh:


Razor straight:----------Towner3COMP.jpg

Duncan's angled line in front of Gordon Arnold is not running along the top of the wall (the dog leg) because he had the vertical line on the shade line and not at the precise middle of the curve

Curve? What curve? Nonsense, as usual. :lol:

Maybe if one of these days - you, he, Miles, or who ever should go to the Plaza ... contact Mack and look at some better Moorman prints and then go out and look at the wall.

To see if the wall corner is curved? :eek Tell you what: you tell Groden to take a series of the wall corner. Get back to me.

Tony's not 33 - 40 feet back in the RR yard and standing on a ladder.

True, Tony's just standing at the wall like the Colossus of Rhodes compared to Tiny Arnie.


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I've been there. Done that.

Even took a few photos.

Correctly built wall seams are straight.

Let's take a look at that wall from behind the fence.

Looks just as straight from the opposite side, as it does from a crappy reproduction Moormon.



Chris, is there a communication problem here? I didn't mean the wall had chunks knocked out of its edging, but that it doesn't look so smooth when blown up because the print being used is so poor. And so we are straight ... the top of the wall is rounded. So between the poor image being blown up and the foliage shadows hitting the semi-rounded top of the wall .... there lies the illusion.

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They form a crooked edge? Bent edge? What? :huh:

A semi rounded edge ... not a straight edge. I thought I made that clear. The shade line is not on center of that edge because of this. This has come up before and was noticed by actually looking at other images and going to the plaza.

Curve? What curve? Nonsense, as usual. <_<

Yes ... the top of the wall is not flat. Just like Bowers didn't have a line of sight to anyone on the steps. You can consult anyone who has ever been to the wall and paid attention to its shape ... contact Gary Mack and ask him ... go over the various assassination images and look for one with a profiled view of the top of the wall ... what to you think allows the sunlight to illuminate the top of the wall so to be seen a couple of inches along its top from the east side - its because its semi-rounded on top. Once again you are willingly and purposely posting garbage onto this forum - Isn't there any forum rules against that!!!

Here is a link to a photo of the wall.


Note that the sides are vertical and yet the soda bottle sitting on the wall is leaning.- why? Because the top of the wall rises in the middle ... just as I said it does. This is why when you look at the Willis or Betzner photos - you will notice a sunlit horizontal stripe running along the top of the wall. The top of the wall is higher in the middle than it is where it meets the sides. The shade line starts where the side of the wall meets where the slope of the top of the wall ends.

No apologies necessary ... I consider the source!

To see if the wall corner is curved? :eek Tell you what: you tell Groden to take a series of the wall corner. Get back to me.

Yeah right ... get back to you about something that is common knowledge to anyone who has ever sat or stood by the wall. I don't think so.

True, Tony's just standing at the wall like the Colossus of Rhodes compared to Tiny Arnie.

In the overlay I did - it was Mike Brown on the left and Tony at the Badge Man location. Once again you don't have your facts straight.

Edited by Bill Miller
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its because its semi-rounded on top.


Bill is correct, but I think the word best used to describe the surface of the top of the wall is slightly bevelled and not curved.

The fact that the top of the wall is slightly bevelled does not affect the straightness of any of the edges of the surfaces of any sides of the wall.

The lines I have drawn are correct and are not affected by any bevelling.


Maybe semi-rounded on top is even more accurate. The wall doesn't come to a point on top like that of a roof where the two sides meet and form a straight edge. By the way, can we assume that the loud mouths who posted that I was in error on that point will now go back and adjust their responses accordingly???

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The lines I have drawn are correct and are not affected by any bevelling.



The line you have drawn to show the top of the wall is inaccurate. Once again you have the south dog leg pitch starting at the vertical shade line on the wall and that is not the precise corner mark. Maybe on a poor print like the one you used can give the illusion that this is not the case, but it has nothing to do with reality. The white above the line where it touched Arnold's outline is the slightly rounded top of the wall that is being illuminated by sunlight.

Edited by Bill Miller
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