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Bernice Moore discovers cameraman in Nix...

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Gee Mike, that was very thoughtful of you to acknowledge Bernice, Myra and myself, as respected members of DellaRosa's forum...as well as, regarding our female intuition...:-) There are some other females of Rich's forum that would also agree with us.

As to both Craig Lamson and John Simkin being banned from Rich's forum, we also know the reasons...but then, it is just not my inclination to tell these facts. But, in the case of Craig, I most likely don't need to state the reason anyway....although I have personally never had a conflict with Craig. I also don't believe Rich would ban anyone over just one incident. There have been some banned members (from all the forums) that I hated to see leave, but most of the time the whole forums applauds. Quite often, what I later hear from that person, is not the way it actually was. However, I also belive sometimes some things can be misunderstood or misintrepreted.

As I previously mentioned, I am a member of several forums and actually enjoy them all. Each seems to have a different approach to various so-called theories. I personally find this to be

quite necessary to my own ways of thinking. Or I should say, to not get bogged down in tunnel vision.

Rich has extended an offer for all (except the paat banned membsrs) to join his forum. It is no longer necessary to pay the donation, as before. Although some still wish to do so, to help with his expenses of operating the forum all on his own. Rich is a good man, but he won't take any crap from disrupters.

Some of you might find this to be humorous! At one time Bernice, Terry Mauro and I, were known as "Jack'S Girls" (Meaning Jack Ruby's Girls). Then since we three were about the only females on Rich's forum at that time, we decided to become known a s"Rich's Girls." This was mostly just for fun and not actually a part of the forum itself. Sometimes we would help Rich out with some project though. Then once Rich was interviewed on Black Op Radio. He mentioned Rich's Girls and even mentioned our names, as his helpers. We were surprised, but got a big kick out of that. But actually I think we mostly put a lot of laughs and humor in his life, since he is not a well man! But things change and also several other females began joining his forum, so we got away from that classification of being Rich's Girls....although sometimes we still joke about it.

I do wish the Nix photo discussion and the other film discussion was on differnt threads, since I feel there is possibly more to discuss about that photo.

Thanks again Mike!




Yep! Those were the days when the main forums of rational thought, and choice, were Prouty's [Len Osanic], JFKResearch [Rich DellaRosa], and Lancer [Debra Conway]. McMadman's, the newsgroups, and the .alts, were known as The Jungle, The Nuthouse, and The Snakepit. I met Dix at Prouty's. We were the only "chicks" on that forum, although at first, everyone thought I was a guy because of the spelling of my nickname Terry, with a [y]. LOL But, Dix knew what I was. I met Bean [bernie], my pet nicknames for Bernice, over at Rich's. I always, and still do, look to Dix for verification or clarification, and sometimes downright castigation for some of my antics. But, basically she's the Mr. Spock of a trio which would place Bean as a Capt. Kirk, and myself as that hyper doctor, "Bones" played by DeForest Kelley of the old or original StarTrek series.

So, I've managed to make some long-term and lasting friendships over the years from these forums. I've considered myself fortunate to have been able to personally get together with quite a few West Coast collaborators, who've been at the hub of my extended family for almost a decade now. I will finally make the journey to Florida in April. I've got the round-trip ticket, Rich and Shel, in my hot little hand, right now. And, as I've always stated and mean it, to those I've personally bonded with, like Len Osanic, Dix, Bean, Dawnie, Cris Carroll, Barb Junkkarinen, John Geraghty, and the same goes for Billy Kelly, John Judge, Mike Hogan, Myra Bronstein, Charles Drago, Tim Gratz, even Charles Black, and of course, I won't forget Harry Dean. Oh, and Simkin, too. If you're ever in L.A., "Mi Casa, su Casa." And, if you know how to drive a standard shift, 5-speed Ford XLT-Ranger pick-up truck, "Mi Caro, su Caro." But, you'll have to drop me off the work in the morning. It gets 35 to 37 mpg on the open road.

All I would wish for is that everyone be able to put their differences aside in order to work together on the common thread/theme of what's been at stake here for the past 40-odd years. The assassinations. And, I include MLK, and RFK when I say that. All the other infighting and speculation regarding NASA, or who's better than who, who's more qualified than who, are meaningless and smack of ego-posturing. Why not put all the animosity aside for a moment, take some time out to pool your ideas and your expertise together, and rationally discuss it, like intelligent human beings? Who knows what you might learn from one another?



Edited by Terry Mauro
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All I would wish for is that everyone be able to put their differences aside in order to work together on the common thread/theme of what's been at stake here for the past 40-odd years. The assassinations. And, I include MLK, and RFK when I say that. All the other infighting and speculation regarding NASA, or who's better than who, who's more qualified than who, are meaningless and smack of ego-posturing. Why not put all the animosity aside for a moment, take some time out to pool your ideas and your expertise together, and rationally discuss it, like intelligent human beings? Who knows what you might learn from one another?

I think that as long as there are those who believe that 'junk science' or 'irresponsible investigation practices' are acceptable, then there will never be any common ground. It's not that most researchers do not believe there was a conspiracy ... its just that some have gone over the edge by constantly making ridiculous claims that in paraphrasing Groden's own words - they have damaged the credibility of the research community as a whole.

Bill miller

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its just that some have gone over the edge by constantly making ridiculous claims that in paraphrasing Groden's own words - they have damaged the credibility of the research community as a whole.

Bill miller

You just need to look at TKOAP to see and read some of Groden's ridiculous claims. I hope he included himself in the list.


Yes, Groden has made mistakes and will say so. The difference is that he is more eager to admit them once they have been shown to him. Onc`e such mistake that will be corrected in his new book he tells me is the idea that the man seen through the pyracantha bush was an assassin. Groden now understands that it is the back of Emmett Hudson's head that is seen through the bush in Zapruder's film.


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I do not know why these guys choose to dance with you [Len Colby] because they always end up looking bad.

Conveniently ignoring the distaff side that know two left feet when they see them.

It's like the ugly man reassuring his homely date that she's the belle of the ball.

Craig Lamson had the knowledge and experience in photography to refute Jack's claims - that's what got him banned from the DellaRosa site. My being banned came soon after I pointed out that Jack had ran a very carefully edited clip of Jean Hill saying she stepped out into the street, while Jean's Black Op Radio interview clearly stated that she had gotten back out of the street before the first shot ever rang out. DellaRosa couldn't have this, but not before having my donation check clear his bank. In fact, Mike ... it seems that you and I have had several discussions over the years pertaining to what went on concerning that forum's so-called policy and how it dealt with those who opposed Jack's alteration claims and I have said nothing here that wasn't representative of the feedback you projected, as well.

As far as that forms archives ... it seems that I recall that the first alleged personal attack launched by anyone came from Jack. It started when I posted a thread called something like 'Jack - I think you may be in error' or words to that effect. If that thread is still archived - read the responses Jack gave and see if you can find a single warning that was issued to Jack concerning the things he had said. My looks may have faded with time, but my memory pertaining to what went on there (DellaRosa's site) is still as good as it ever was.

Bill Miller

Your memory is not as good as you claim. It was Scott Myers who

posted or made available the audio of Jean Hill's 11-22 radio interview.

It was not edited. It was consistent with what she told me many times.

And you are leaving out all the invective and personal attacks by you,

Lamson, Thompson and other banishees.


And Jack it appears YOU are leaving out all of the invective and personal attacks BY YOU towards all the above mentioned persons. The double standard was alive and well at that walled garden.

I wasn't on Rich's forum at the time. But if things were as they are now, Jack did valuable research that made him a target of hecklers who do no research. Then when the hecklers are banished they whine about double standards. Just an educated guess.

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I do not know why these guys choose to dance with you [Len Colby] because they always end up looking bad.

Conveniently ignoring the distaff side that know two left feet when they see them.

It's like the ugly man reassuring his homely date that she's the belle of the ball.

Craig Lamson had the knowledge and experience in photography to refute Jack's claims - that's what got him banned from the DellaRosa site. My being banned came soon after I pointed out that Jack had ran a very carefully edited clip of Jean Hill saying she stepped out into the street, while Jean's Black Op Radio interview clearly stated that she had gotten back out of the street before the first shot ever rang out. DellaRosa couldn't have this, but not before having my donation check clear his bank. In fact, Mike ... it seems that you and I have had several discussions over the years pertaining to what went on concerning that forum's so-called policy and how it dealt with those who opposed Jack's alteration claims and I have said nothing here that wasn't representative of the feedback you projected, as well.

As far as that forms archives ... it seems that I recall that the first alleged personal attack launched by anyone came from Jack. It started when I posted a thread called something like 'Jack - I think you may be in error' or words to that effect. If that thread is still archived - read the responses Jack gave and see if you can find a single warning that was issued to Jack concerning the things he had said. My looks may have faded with time, but my memory pertaining to what went on there (DellaRosa's site) is still as good as it ever was.

Bill Miller

Your memory is not as good as you claim. It was Scott Myers who

posted or made available the audio of Jean Hill's 11-22 radio interview.

It was not edited. It was consistent with what she told me many times.

And you are leaving out all the invective and personal attacks by you,

Lamson, Thompson and other banishees.


And Jack it appears YOU are leaving out all of the invective and personal attacks BY YOU towards all the above mentioned persons. The double standard was alive and well at that walled garden.

I wasn't on Rich's forum at the time. But if things were as they are now, Jack did valuable research that made him a target of hecklers who do no research. Then when the hecklers are banished they whine about double standards. Just an educated guess.

How astute, come back when you have first hand knowlege.

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Gee Mike, that was very thoughtful of you to acknowledge Bernice, Myra and myself, as respected members of DellaRosa's forum...





So, I've managed to make some long-term and lasting friendships over the years from these forums. I've considered myself fortunate to have been able to personally get together with quite a few West Coast collaborators, who've been at the hub of my extended family for almost a decade now. I will finally make the journey to Florida in April. I've got the round-trip ticket, Rich and Shel, in my hot little hand, right now. And, as I've always stated and mean it, to those I've personally bonded with, like Len Osanic, Dix, Bean, Dawnie, Cris Carroll, Barb Junkkarinen, John Geraghty, and the same goes for Billy Kelly, John Judge, Mike Hogan, Myra Bronstein, Charles Drago, Tim Gratz, even Charles Black, and of course, I won't forget Harry Dean. Oh, and Simkin, too. If you're ever in L.A., "Mi Casa, su Casa." And, if you know how to drive a standard shift, 5-speed Ford XLT-Ranger pick-up truck, "Mi Caro, su Caro." But, you'll have to drop me off the work in the morning. It gets 35 to 37 mpg on the open road.


That was very nice. Thanks Mike.

And thank you Terry. (I think I'll take out a second mortgage on mi casa! :huh:)

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I do not know why these guys choose to dance with you [Len Colby] because they always end up looking bad.

Conveniently ignoring the distaff side that know two left feet when they see them.

It's like the ugly man reassuring his homely date that she's the belle of the ball.

Craig Lamson had the knowledge and experience in photography to refute Jack's claims - that's what got him banned from the DellaRosa site. My being banned came soon after I pointed out that Jack had ran a very carefully edited clip of Jean Hill saying she stepped out into the street, while Jean's Black Op Radio interview clearly stated that she had gotten back out of the street before the first shot ever rang out. DellaRosa couldn't have this, but not before having my donation check clear his bank. In fact, Mike ... it seems that you and I have had several discussions over the years pertaining to what went on concerning that forum's so-called policy and how it dealt with those who opposed Jack's alteration claims and I have said nothing here that wasn't representative of the feedback you projected, as well.

As far as that forms archives ... it seems that I recall that the first alleged personal attack launched by anyone came from Jack. It started when I posted a thread called something like 'Jack - I think you may be in error' or words to that effect. If that thread is still archived - read the responses Jack gave and see if you can find a single warning that was issued to Jack concerning the things he had said. My looks may have faded with time, but my memory pertaining to what went on there (DellaRosa's site) is still as good as it ever was.

Bill Miller

Your memory is not as good as you claim. It was Scott Myers who

posted or made available the audio of Jean Hill's 11-22 radio interview.

It was not edited. It was consistent with what she told me many times.

And you are leaving out all the invective and personal attacks by you,

Lamson, Thompson and other banishees.


And Jack it appears YOU are leaving out all of the invective and personal attacks BY YOU towards all the above mentioned persons. The double standard was alive and well at that walled garden.

I wasn't on Rich's forum at the time. But if things were as they are now, Jack did valuable research that made him a target of hecklers who do no research. Then when the hecklers are banished they whine about double standards. Just an educated guess.

How astute, come back when you have first hand knowlege.

Oh Craig, I've seen more than enough of you and Jack to interpolate.

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I do not know why these guys choose to dance with you [Len Colby] because they always end up looking bad.

Conveniently ignoring the distaff side that know two left feet when they see them.

It's like the ugly man reassuring his homely date that she's the belle of the ball.

Craig Lamson had the knowledge and experience in photography to refute Jack's claims - that's what got him banned from the DellaRosa site. My being banned came soon after I pointed out that Jack had ran a very carefully edited clip of Jean Hill saying she stepped out into the street, while Jean's Black Op Radio interview clearly stated that she had gotten back out of the street before the first shot ever rang out. DellaRosa couldn't have this, but not before having my donation check clear his bank. In fact, Mike ... it seems that you and I have had several discussions over the years pertaining to what went on concerning that forum's so-called policy and how it dealt with those who opposed Jack's alteration claims and I have said nothing here that wasn't representative of the feedback you projected, as well.

As far as that forms archives ... it seems that I recall that the first alleged personal attack launched by anyone came from Jack. It started when I posted a thread called something like 'Jack - I think you may be in error' or words to that effect. If that thread is still archived - read the responses Jack gave and see if you can find a single warning that was issued to Jack concerning the things he had said. My looks may have faded with time, but my memory pertaining to what went on there (DellaRosa's site) is still as good as it ever was.

Bill Miller

Your memory is not as good as you claim. It was Scott Myers who

posted or made available the audio of Jean Hill's 11-22 radio interview.

It was not edited. It was consistent with what she told me many times.

And you are leaving out all the invective and personal attacks by you,

Lamson, Thompson and other banishees.


And Jack it appears YOU are leaving out all of the invective and personal attacks BY YOU towards all the above mentioned persons. The double standard was alive and well at that walled garden.

I wasn't on Rich's forum at the time. But if things were as they are now, Jack did valuable research that made him a target of hecklers who do no research. Then when the hecklers are banished they whine about double standards. Just an educated guess.

How astute, come back when you have first hand knowlege.

Oh Craig, I've seen more than enough of you and Jack to interpolate.

Really? Why not find out how Jack came to call me Mr. Light? Then we can see how well you "interpolate"

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Gee Mike, that was very thoughtful of you to acknowledge Bernice, Myra and myself, as respected members of DellaRosa's forum...





So, I've managed to make some long-term and lasting friendships over the years from these forums. I've considered myself fortunate to have been able to personally get together with quite a few West Coast collaborators, who've been at the hub of my extended family for almost a decade now. I will finally make the journey to Florida in April. I've got the round-trip ticket, Rich and Shel, in my hot little hand, right now. And, as I've always stated and mean it, to those I've personally bonded with, like Len Osanic, Dix, Bean, Dawnie, Cris Carroll, Barb Junkkarinen, John Geraghty, and the same goes for Billy Kelly, John Judge, Mike Hogan, Myra Bronstein, Charles Drago, Tim Gratz, even Charles Black, and of course, I won't forget Harry Dean. Oh, and Simkin, too. If you're ever in L.A., "Mi Casa, su Casa." And, if you know how to drive a standard shift, 5-speed Ford XLT-Ranger pick-up truck, "Mi Caro, su Caro." But, you'll have to drop me off at work in the morning. It gets 35 to 37 mpg on the open road.


That was very nice. Thanks Mike.

And thank you Terry. (I think I'll take out a second mortgage on mi casa! <_<)


"And thank you Terry. (I think I'll take out a second mortgage on mi casa! :huh:)"

Len and Dix will tell you my word is as good, as my aim is true. Come soak up some SoCal sun when the days grow shorter up in the northern parallels.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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