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Question to Senator Edwards about JFK Assassination

Terry Adams

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I was watching C-Span today and wanted to share what occurred with the members and visitors of the the forum. I saw an elderly man ask Senator and presidential candidate Senator John Edwards about the assassination of JFK. He told Senator Edwards that he had written to him without a response, and that he had information with him about CIA involvement. He called what he was holding in his arms, "The Zipper Files'. Senator Edwards asked him for the paperwork and his name and promised to get back to him. I'm not familiar with the "Zipper Files", and made an unsuccessful search for them on the forum before I posted. I have been waiting for someone to ask a candidate what if anything they would do about a new investigation into the JFK assassination. I'm not sure if Senator Edwards just sidestepped the issue, or he did not want to publicly express his views or intentions concerning the issue. We all remember what happened to RFK after answering in the affirmative that he would look into the assassination if elected.


Edited by Terry Adams
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Whether by accident or design, the presentation to Edwards of the Regicide material all but neutralizes the senator as a potential source for assistance in our shared quests for truth and justice for JFK.

This incident carries with it the same stench that emanated from the recent New York Times full page pro-conspiracy (truth) ad.


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Charles, I am quite certain it was the guy who placed the ad who asked Sen. Edwarsds the question. I had a brief phone conference with him once where he started to talk about "Regicide" and I urged him not to go public with his thoughts on that since it would bring discredit to the assassination research community.

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Charles, I am quite certain it was the guy who placed the ad who asked Sen. Edwarsds the question. I had a brief phone conference with him once where he started to talk about "Regicide" and I urged him not to go public with his thoughts on that since it would bring discredit to the assassination research community.

Not surprised, Tim.

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