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Crop - close quarters. 12/63 print, high res scan.

Few more to add here if I can manage the space...

edit - if anyone would care to have a copy of the scan, shoot me an email...


If anyone has any of the repressed and non-public stuff that they'd finally like to see out in the open - same email address works for that as well. :up


Edited by Lee Forman
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I believe that this is one of the Algens contact sheets of the rarely seen >60 other photos he took that day - courtesy of John Woods.

197. Altgens, James W.

PB: Associated Press photographer who snapped 73 photos,

seven at the time of the motorcade and the rest that

afternoon. A crucial picture taken from the south side

of Elm depicts JFK clutching his throat with a figure,

said to resemble LHO, standing in the TSBD background.

It is the subject of intense controversy. The FBI

severely cropped the picture, used as evidence by the

WC. Washinton Post, 23 Nov. 1963; Shaw [2213] and es-

pecially Weisberg [735]; [see 3665].



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There are many well, differences seen within this area as we are aware, down through the years...

some manipulated ?, others perhaps cleaned up, filled in, who knows now..?

Below is the Altgens that was printed in " The Patriot : Harrisburg :PA. Nov.23. 1963"..

also two different takings of the close up.....??

The bottom one is Trasks...FWTW


Thanks John........

Edited by Bernice Moore
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I believe that this is one of the Algens contact sheets of the rarely seen >60 other photos he took that day - courtesy of John Woods.
197. Altgens, James W.

PB: Associated Press photographer who snapped 73 photos,

seven at the time of the motorcade and the rest that

afternoon. A crucial picture taken from the south side

of Elm depicts JFK clutching his throat with a figure,

said to resemble LHO, standing in the TSBD background.

It is the subject of intense controversy. The FBI

severely cropped the picture, used as evidence by the

WC. Washinton Post, 23 Nov. 1963; Shaw [2213] and es-

pecially Weisberg [735]; [see 3665].


Okay folks - 2 sources informed me that this contact sheet is not Altgens. So here is one that is...which of course has nothing new in it - this one also courtesy of John Woods. If anyone has the other +60 Altgens photos or contact sheets, please feel free to let me know or post them here.

- lee


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I believe that this is one of the Algens contact sheets of the rarely seen >60 other photos he took that day - courtesy of John Woods.
197. Altgens, James W.

PB: Associated Press photographer who snapped 73 photos,

seven at the time of the motorcade and the rest that

afternoon. A crucial picture taken from the south side

of Elm depicts JFK clutching his throat with a figure,

said to resemble LHO, standing in the TSBD background.

It is the subject of intense controversy. The FBI

severely cropped the picture, used as evidence by the

WC. Washinton Post, 23 Nov. 1963; Shaw [2213] and es-

pecially Weisberg [735]; [see 3665].


Okay folks - 2 sources informed me that this contact sheet is not Altgens. So here is one that is...which of course has nothing new in it - this one also courtesy of John Woods. If anyone has the other +60 Altgens photos or contact sheets, please feel free to let me know or post them here.

- lee


That first contact sheet has some interesting views showing spectators standing around the peristyle.

Is that 22/11/63 any clues who the photographer was. ?

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  • 2 months later...

There are many well, differences seen within this area as we are aware, down through the years...

some manipulated ?, others perhaps cleaned up, filled in, who knows now..?

Below is the Altgens that was printed in " The Patriot : Harrisburg :PA. Nov.23. 1963"..

also two different takings of the close up.....??

The bottom one is Trasks...FWTW


Thanks John........

Excellent prints both, thank you. Some questions and comments. Why does the face of the man to Oswald's right appear blocked? Is he wearing a hat similar to Ruby's? Does it look to anyone as though Oswald has just yelled something? Note Secret Service looking straight at Oswald - not up! The man to Oswalds left, hands over head, seems to be looking at him. The three black women above JFK appear to be looking to their left or turning their heads; reaction to gunfire, or LHO's yelling? Anyone ever see a version of this in where LHO's mouth is open? I thouhgt I had at one time, but it would only be my fuzzy memory, nothing concrete I can provide. This photo, Zapruder, and Belzer are the top photographic records IMO.

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I`m not trying to be a post hog here,but I`m going to guess that what the arrows point to in the pictures above seems to be what looks like an antenna of a communications device,and also the picture beneath it which is even more harder to tell,might just be a figure in a military/police uniform.

Am I even a little bit close Lee?

Edited by Michael Crane
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There are many well, differences seen within this area as we are aware, down through the years...

some manipulated ?, others perhaps cleaned up, filled in, who knows now..?

Below is the Altgens that was printed in " The Patriot : Harrisburg :PA. Nov.23. 1963"..

also two different takings of the close up.....??

The bottom one is Trasks...FWTW


Thanks John........

Excellent prints both, thank you. Some questions and comments. Why does the face of the man to Oswald's right appear blocked? Is he wearing a hat similar to Ruby's? Does it look to anyone as though Oswald has just yelled something? Note Secret Service looking straight at Oswald - not up! The man to Oswalds left, hands over head, seems to be looking at him. The three black women above JFK appear to be looking to their left or turning their heads; reaction to gunfire, or LHO's yelling? Anyone ever see a version of this in where LHO's mouth is open? I thouhgt I had at one time, but it would only be my fuzzy memory, nothing concrete I can provide. This photo, Zapruder, and Belzer are the top photographic records IMO.

Frank..It's NOT Oswald..It's Billy Lovelady.


Thanks for the reply Duncan, but you forgot to end with IMO. :) Seriously - that shirt issue has been gone over in David Wrone's book "The Zapruder Film; Reframing the Assassination". Lovelady had a checked shirt on that day. Oswald orangish gold - white T underneath. That stuff about - "he went home and changed his shirt" is BS - one of the biggest early lies told. - IMHO -

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I`m not trying to be a post hog here,but I`m going to guess that what the arrows point to in the pictures above seems to be what looks like an antenna of a communications device,and also the picture beneath it which is even more harder to tell,might just be a figure in a military/police uniform.

Am I even a little bit close Lee?

Hello Michael.

The first area points to an oddity - no clue. There appears to be some form of rod shape - I don't know what it is, but it shows up strong. The area above that is weird also - almost looks like the shape of a 2-way radio - but who can say for sure.

The second arrow, IMO, is that of what appears to be another individual - who can be seen looking over another man's shoulder.

Not of much value - but as Frank pointed out - something here had folks looking - not only the SS either - so what was it?

It's still my impression that the negative was defaced in this area - not clear on why - but this seems to be as good as I have been able to get.

As to Lovelady - his brother-in-law told me he was harassed so often that he was forced to move. Why bother Billy Lovelady? Is it possible that this photo saw some alteration - I would say it looks like it - but hey - no expert. From the look of things, something occurred here to draw folks attention. It's kind of curious to consider that perhaps the reason was because of individuals that looked like alike. Or a noise.

Don't know - just find it interesting. I haven't changed my mind that this image was defaced, at a minimum. Hemming's comment always made me wonder also - about the rabbit popping his head out. Fritz notes are interesting as well.

- lee


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Thank you for the reply Lee.I`m going to ask you & anybody else if they see parts in the picture that is on bottom,if you see parts of that picture that have straight "horizontal" & verticle lines which gives them the appearance of being blendid in.

*Especially about in the middle of the bottom picture in between the two arms.

** And No,I`m not talking about the verticle lines that appear to be wrinkles or folds.

*** I`m telling you guys/gals that I see partial faces of people along with horizontal lines.

**** I don`t own any type of enhancing software.

Edited by Michael Crane
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