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Scientific knowledge being withheld?

Peter McKenna

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Duane, you're an evil tempter sir! :lol:

Best if we start another thread I think, to continue without corrupting my promise.

Very briefly, The Hunt For Zero Point is about those things you said AND UFO's... I would go so far to say that no serious UFO buff can afford not to read it double quick.

I also feel compelled to advise considerable caution about Corso. I have written about him and his membership of the very nazi racist Shickshinny Knights. My pieces Princes of Plunder and The Spoils of War, that go into some detail on this are both freely available to read on the internet --- if you have a yawning period available. :zzz


I was able to acquire a copy of The Hunt For Zero Point from my local library for the sum of about 40 p when it was sold off just before Christmas.

Not had the time to get through it yet but I intend to as soon as possible as a work colleague has also recommended it.

Channel 4 in the UK ran a Nick Cook UFO documentary a few years ago which is well worth the watching.


Been reading some of the articles at your web site David.

Excellent work BTW.

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James ... That was a very interesting video about Nick Cook's UFO investigation ... I'm glad to see that he admited at the end, that not all UFO's can be explained away as being back ops military stealth technology.

My question to anyone who attempts to completely dismiss the extraterrestrial explanation is this ... Since humans on this planet have been seeing strange, often saucer shaped, unidentified flying objects in the skies since the dawn of civilization, how could those numerous ancient sightings possibly be US military stealth technology ? :)

I found this video on YouTube about UFO's as well .. It shows top secret Nazi plans for anti-grav saucer technology ... I don't know how much of this evidence is true or not , but if the Nazi rocket scientists had already developed this type of advanced technology, then what were they doing wasting everyone's time developing antiquated junk like the Saturn V rocket, the Apollo Comand Module and the unwieldly Lunar Module ? ... Why not just fly a manned anti-grav saucer to the Moon and get there a whole lot faster ? ;)

This clip is worth watching if only for the Carmina Burana soundtrack.

UFOs Made in Germany! - Real Footage


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Everybody:

I have been quiet during the past month for a few reasons. One reason was trying to recover from a two-year, constant nightmare at my day job, which only ended a month ago and will crank up again in a couple of weeks, with the tunnel’s end nowhere in sight. The past month, and for about two weeks in June 2005, have been the only times in nearly five years of being there when life was somewhat “normal” at my day job. I work at a dot.com, which is a dynamic environment, you might say. : - )

Another reason for my recent silence was that I was invited onto a two-hour radio show, which I appeared on a couple of weeks ago. It is the first time that I have publicly discussed my experiences and my website’s subject matter. This morning I put up a summary of my outline for the show at the below link, as well as links to the show’s sound files:


For a little while, I am putting up a blind link to an audio file of the show I appeared on, with the commercials removed. It is here:


It is a 15-megabyte file. If you are interested, get it now, because it may not be there long.

The activist effort, initiated by Brian O’Leary, that resulted in my appearance on that show also led to Adam Trombly doing the same show last night. Below is the link to take to obtain to the summary transcript and the sound files of the show that Trombly appeared on:


Adam is a legendary figure in the free energy and healing-humanity-and-the-planet fields, and I was surprised and delighted that he did the show, because he rarely speaks publicly. His experiences are directly on point to this thread’s subject matter.

I also did not make any posts to this forum because I was mentally and emotionally preparing for my appearance on the show. As usual, somebody from the peanut gallery challenged my credibility:


which is one of the hazards of doing this kind of work:

Again, I needed to prepare mentally and emotionally for the show, and part of that meant no public interaction while I prepared for it, partly because the forums that I was in (this one was not the only one) had yet to go in directions that I thought were really all that fruitful in gaining the members’ understanding of how the world really works, and people kept dragging the topics into the rabbit hole of their particular predilections, which tended to sap my energy. Experience might be the ONLY teacher, particularly for the subject material that my site tackles.

My wife has been a long-suffering saint while I have pursued my life’s work – we got together in February 1988, about six weeks after the raid,


and she has been with me while I walked through the valley of the shadow of death for many years, a valley that I spent the past several years deeply traveling, and have only been slowly emerging from since late 2006. I owe her, big time, and getting emotionally spent while dealing with the public and my site’s subject matter is not fun or easy, and took a toll on my life and marriage that I may always be repairing. While the education forum has been one of the few friendly and potentially worthwhile forums that I have ever been in (this forum’s members deserve full credit), it might end up taking up too much of my time and energy. We’ll see how it goes.

Also, my “spare” time for the past couple of weeks was spent writing that summary of the show. I have an ambitious essay planned for 2008, on energy, ecosystems and economics, which I may not complete for several months due to the other, often insane, demands on my life. I am just trying to hang in there these days.

I am going to be publicly silent for at least another couple of weeks, but wanted to make a post to let this forum’s members know that I had not forgotten about them and would reply to any questions when I was back in action in April. Earlier this morning, I wrote a post for another forum that I have been in for several months, which I made more than eighty, often lengthy, posts to. It was another friendly and potentially worthwhile forum, but none of the members really had a scientific background, and the political-economic dynamics that this forum’s members are more familiar with were largely new to that other forum’s members.

When I went to that forum to make that post about an hour ago, I discovered that the entire section of that forum devoted to my work had been deleted (there were hundreds of posts in that forum regarding my work, and some I even linked to from my site – that is one of the hazards of contributing to somebody else’s forum). Well, it was kind of nice while it lasted, but part of me was relieved. I just made my last post to that forum.

At this moment, this is the only forum that I am actively posting at, partly because the trolls have not shown up here yet to attack me (some are professionals), which is the typical reception that I receive in other forums, although amateurs do most of the trolling, for ego reasons. I like it that this forum does not currently allow new members. Otherwise, the trolls would come running to attack me (see my posts at ATS to get an idea of what I am referring to, in case you need examples of trolls plying their trade, although I doubt that anybody frequenting Internet forums these days needs any more examples of xxxxx posts. : - )

I’ll reply to this forum’s posts that seek my response when I return to public interaction in a few weeks.

Best wishes,


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  • 3 weeks later...


I have been off of my home continent, but I am now back. Sorry, again, that I have not been active here lately. I plan to become more active on this topic, if there is interest in this forum. Evan, maybe this thread has petered out. I’ll check back to see if this thread ends up going anywhere, and I thank you for beginning it.

Maybe I will post something next weekend, but that page that summarizes my agenda for the show I did, and those I may do in the future, says it all:


I am not aware of more important topics, as far as the short-term and long-term future of the human species, but virtually nobody on earth really seems to be interested, which I find bizarre. If anybody knows of a forum where a productive discussion might be sustained, I am open for suggestions. Adam Trombly is a legend in the free energy field,


and the show that he did after my appearance is incredibly vital.


Although Adam has traumatic experience with reverse-engineering ET craft to create advanced technology (his father lost his life in the pursuit), whether the advanced technology comes from captured ET craft or was “home grown” by humanity is largely irrelevant. That the technology exists is what is important, and I know that it does:


If anybody is interested in the discussion of the global implications of that technology, I am here to discuss it.



Edited by Wade Frazier
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I have been off of my home continent, but I am now back. Sorry, again, that I have not been active here lately. I plan to become more active on this topic, if there is interest in this forum. Evan, maybe this thread has petered out. I’ll check back to see if this thread ends up going anywhere, and I thank you for beginning it.

Maybe I will post something next weekend, but that page that summarizes my agenda for the show I did, and those I may do in the future, says it all:


I am not aware of more important topics, as far as the short-term and long-term future of the human species, but virtually nobody on earth really seems to be interested, which I find bizarre. If anybody knows of a forum where a productive discussion might be sustained, I am open for suggestions. Adam Trombly is a legend in the free energy fie


and the show that he did after my appearance is incredibly vital.


Although Adam has traumatic experience with reverse-engineering ET craft to create advanced technology (his father lost his life in the pursuit), whether the advanced technology comes from captured ET craft or was “home grown” by humanity is largely irrelevant. That the technology exists is what is important, and I know that it does:


If anybody is interested in the discussion of the global implications of that technology, I am here to discuss it.



Hi Wade,

Welcome back. I for one would like very much to see discussion on this matter and also consider it of huge importance. Unfortunately I shall probably be more of a lurker than contributor though given my lack of time in general and expertise in this area in particular. Much stuff to ponder on your very interesting web site also. I hope there are others here who can also contribute to this discussion.

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