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Barack Obama or John McCain

John Simkin

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Based on Real Clear Politics poll averages Obama only needs to carry states where on average he is 6.5% or more in front of McCain. A recent poll showed him 10% in front.

Look at the internals Len, they are WAY oversampling Dimbulbs and Indies. At best the Obamanation is tied or in the margin of error...

I assume you can provide some data to back this up? You're in that famous Egyptian river!

Still waiting for that internal poll data Craig. You do know that even Fox’s most recent polls show McCain 6 – 7 points behind? Even he admitted being behind by the same margin.

According to RCP data Obama only needs to carry states where poll averages show him 8.6% in front.

You said a while ago that the election would be a landslide, I think you were right!


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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Edited by Steve Mcdonagh
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Based on Real Clear Politics poll averages Obama only needs to carry states where on average he is 6.5% or more in front of McCain. A recent poll showed him 10% in front.

Look at the internals Len, they are WAY oversampling Dimbulbs and Indies. At best the Obamanation is tied or in the margin of error...

I assume you can provide some data to back this up? You're in that famous Egyptian river!

Still waiting for that internal poll data Craig. You do know that even Fox’s most recent polls show McCain 6 – 7 points behind? Even he admitted being behind by the same margin.

According to RCP data Obama only needs to carry states where poll averages show him 8.6% in front.

You said a while ago that the election would be a landslide, I think you were right!


Whats the matter mr google, your fingers suddenly broken? Of course I know the internals of the polls because I view them everytime I look at a poll. You on the other hand simply take a long pull on the dim koolaid and punt. If you doubt my statements prove me wrong. I don't expect you will simply because you can't.

Hop to it mr google!

Edited by Craig Lamson
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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

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But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

It seems that George Bush has been very good at spending your money (and those who come after you).


The US government's extraordinary effort to rescue the banking system may have pulled America's economy back from the brink, but it comes at a cost – helping to push an already bloated deficit up to an estimated $1 trillion for this fiscal year.

That would be a record in today's dollars – and would represent the highest level of federal red ink as a share of the overall economy of any US budget since the 1940s. For each household, this year's deficit would pile on an extra $8,620 of federal debt.

As a result, future presidents may have to rein in spending and raise taxes to pay down that debt. If they don't, foreign lenders at some point could scale back their purchases of US debt, sending interest rates soaring.

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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

Only in a right-wing fantasy world did McCain kick anyones a**. John McCain is too old AND angry for this campaign stuff, he simply doesn't have what it takes -- the GOP threw him under the bus, right along with Sweet Sarah (still under investigation) Palin, Mr. Dude, their un-wed pregnant daughter and their soon to be high school dropout son-in-law.... best take care of home front things before entering lower 48 politics, Sweet Sarah.

The GOP knows what is needed, a steady, sure hand in troubling times. So its best they, the GOP, sit this presidential election cycle out.

Just think, GOP hate, talk-radio whackos (Limbaugh, Savage and Levin) have the opportunity to gin-up the reich-wing racists during the next 4 years... :news

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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

What wealth is there to spread around, the nation is bankrupt.

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But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

It seems that George Bush has been very good at spending your money (and those who come after you).


The US government's extraordinary effort to rescue the banking system may have pulled America's economy back from the brink, but it comes at a cost – helping to push an already bloated deficit up to an estimated $1 trillion for this fiscal year.

That would be a record in today's dollars – and would represent the highest level of federal red ink as a share of the overall economy of any US budget since the 1940s. For each household, this year's deficit would pile on an extra $8,620 of federal debt.

As a result, future presidents may have to rein in spending and raise taxes to pay down that debt. If they don't, foreign lenders at some point could scale back their purchases of US debt, sending interest rates soaring.

There will be NO scaling back... beginning Jan 2009 Social Security (for some 50 million US-retired) benefits goes up 5.8%. So even US retirees will survive. For that matter, so will the rest of the capitalist world.

Next on the list, socialized health care and put a choke hold on blood sucking insurance companies... Thanks to a bit of US government-Wall Street/ banking institutional socialism we're on the path back to governmental regulation....

Now is the time to quote Ronald Reagan: "...debt? What debt...?"

Edited by David G. Healy
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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

What wealth is there to spread around, the nation is bankrupt.

then your dream is dead! Rest in peace!

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But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

It seems that George Bush has been very good at spending your money (and those who come after you).


The US government's extraordinary effort to rescue the banking system may have pulled America's economy back from the brink, but it comes at a cost – helping to push an already bloated deficit up to an estimated $1 trillion for this fiscal year.

That would be a record in today's dollars – and would represent the highest level of federal red ink as a share of the overall economy of any US budget since the 1940s. For each household, this year's deficit would pile on an extra $8,620 of federal debt.

As a result, future presidents may have to rein in spending and raise taxes to pay down that debt. If they don't, foreign lenders at some point could scale back their purchases of US debt, sending interest rates soaring.


I opposed the bailout/sellout, but, since the title of this thread is "Barack Obama or John McCain", it would be nice if either of them had voted against the bailout and lent his strong verbal opposition to it.

But they both fell in (the Goldman Sachs) line and supported this terrible piece of legislation.

Ironically, McCain had the chance to be a Maverick on this one, and he may be ahead in the polls if he had been.

And if that's not bad enough, now the Fed is pumping $5 Billion into heretofore private banks.

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But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

It seems that George Bush has been very good at spending your money (and those who come after you).


The US government's extraordinary effort to rescue the banking system may have pulled America's economy back from the brink, but it comes at a cost – helping to push an already bloated deficit up to an estimated $1 trillion for this fiscal year.

That would be a record in today's dollars – and would represent the highest level of federal red ink as a share of the overall economy of any US budget since the 1940s. For each household, this year's deficit would pile on an extra $8,620 of federal debt.

As a result, future presidents may have to rein in spending and raise taxes to pay down that debt. If they don't, foreign lenders at some point could scale back their purchases of US debt, sending interest rates soaring.

Thats what he does and why most conservative find his policies other than defence objectionable

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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

What wealth is there to spread around, the nation is bankrupt.

There is plenty of wealth and more will be created, and "the one" just can't wait to get his hands on it. After all HE knows best how to spend it. /s

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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

Only in a right-wing fantasy world did McCain kick anyones a**. John McCain is too old AND angry for this campaign stuff, he simply doesn't have what it takes -- the GOP threw him under the bus, right along with Sweet Sarah (still under investigation) Palin, Mr. Dude, their un-wed pregnant daughter and their soon to be high school dropout son-in-law.... best take care of home front things before entering lower 48 politics, Sweet Sarah.

The GOP knows what is needed, a steady, sure hand in troubling times. So its best they, the GOP, sit this presidential election cycle out.

Just think, GOP hate, talk-radio whackos (Limbaugh, Savage and Levin) have the opportunity to gin-up the reich-wing racists during the next 4 years... :ice

There you go again with your Hitler references Daivd. Is that the best you can do? Mac does not have what it takes? Well how about YOU tell us what zerOBAMA has done that gives HIM what it takes? How about a list of his accomplishments and executive experience for starters. That or toss around a few more hitler jabs....

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Based on Real Clear Politics poll averages Obama only needs to carry states where on average he is 6.5% or more in front of McCain. A recent poll showed him 10% in front.

Look at the internals Len, they are WAY oversampling Dimbulbs and Indies. At best the Obamanation is tied or in the margin of error...

I assume you can provide some data to back this up? You're in that famous Egyptian river!

Still waiting for that internal poll data Craig. You do know that even Fox’s most recent polls show McCain 6 – 7 points behind? Even he admitted being behind by the same margin.

According to RCP data Obama only needs to carry states where poll averages show him 8.6% in front.

You said a while ago that the election would be a landslide, I think you were right!


Whats the matter mr google, your fingers suddenly broken? Of course I know the internals of the polls because I view them everytime I look at a poll. You on the other hand simply take a long pull on the dim koolaid and punt. If you doubt my statements prove me wrong. I don't expect you will simply because you can't.

Hop to it mr google!

My, my you do get testy when your beliefs are challenged! So now you resort to the "truther" trick of reversing the burden of proof. You are the one claiming the internal polls show the candidates to be closer than public ones indicate it's up to you back it up. Or does this only apply to people you disagree with. Now if the evidence is so readily available why are you posting it. If his internals show the race to be closer my is McCain saying he is 6 points behind? Why is even Fox news saying this?

Being obnoxious doesn't prove your case providing evidence does, give it a try.

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I can ask what your thoughts were regarding today’s (my time zone) debate - especially the part where McCain asked Obama how much extra tax would 'Joe the Plumber' pay and Obama said none. Did you see McCain's face? It looked like he had been told by his doctor that he only has a few days to live (which politically it is probably true).


Mc Cain kicked his you know waht. Hell zerOBAMA could not even tell the truth about ACORN.

As far as the heatlh care "extra tax", did you catch the part wher zerOBAM told us exactly waht a medium and large business entails, or for that matter what a "small" business is? Of course not, but as Mac said you need to listen to zerOBAMA very carefully. Its not really what he tells you but what he DOES not tell you.

But hey if yoiu want to see the government "spread the wealth areound" I guess zerOBAMA is your guy...at least until he comes for YOUR money.

Only in a right-wing fantasy world did McCain kick anyones a**. John McCain is too old AND angry for this campaign stuff, he simply doesn't have what it takes -- the GOP threw him under the bus, right along with Sweet Sarah (still under investigation) Palin, Mr. Dude, their un-wed pregnant daughter and their soon to be high school dropout son-in-law.... best take care of home front things before entering lower 48 politics, Sweet Sarah.

The GOP knows what is needed, a steady, sure hand in troubling times. So its best they, the GOP, sit this presidential election cycle out.

Just think, GOP hate, talk-radio whackos (Limbaugh, Savage and Levin) have the opportunity to gin-up the reich-wing racists during the next 4 years... :ice

There you go again with your Hitler references Daivd. Is that the best you can do? Mac does not have what it takes? Well how about YOU tell us what zerOBAMA has done that gives HIM what it takes? How about a list of his accomplishments and executive experience for starters. That or toss around a few more hitler jabs....

McOldster simply can't cut it, too angry.... reich-wing radio: tune 'em in.... the morons are racist to the core... Obama and what it takes: fresh, rose colored glasses, intelligent, can make reasonable judgments and decision(s) On that alone, way ahead of The Shrub (Bush) not to mention intelligence...

simple accomplishment: how about not being responsible for the latest financial debacle.... another simplistic answer re health care: it is a RIGHT so socialized medicine....

What is the GOP scared of? Nobody is jumping out of windows, ya think options concerning the GREAT Depression and its aftermath weren't learned?

Edited by David G. Healy
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