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Wecht trial ends

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My theory is this is political payback. Remember one of the Senators in PA is none other than Arlen Spector and doesn't exactly see bullet to bullet with Wecht on some things....if you catch my drift. Others also don't like Wecht's work on JFK and other high-profile cases. This Administration is just a Mafia of corruption, illegality, immorality, hate, war, greed, avarice, unConstitutionality and insanity.....

And let's not forget that President George W. Bush, otherwise known as Bush 43, is the the son of President George H. W. Bush, otherwise known as Bush 41. George H. W. Bush was up to his eyeballs in the JFK assassination, especially with his ties to George DeMohrenschildt.

Let's not forget that Jackie and her mother were up to their eyebrows in the JFK assassination, especially with their ties to George deMohrenschildt.

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My theory is this is political payback. Remember one of the Senators in PA is none other than Arlen Spector and doesn't exactly see bullet to bullet with Wecht on some things....if you catch my drift. Others also don't like Wecht's work on JFK and other high-profile cases. This Administration is just a Mafia of corruption, illegality, immorality, hate, war, greed, avarice, unConstitutionality and insanity.....

And let's not forget that President George W. Bush, otherwise known as Bush 43, is the the son of President George H. W. Bush, otherwise known as Bush 41. George H. W. Bush was up to his eyeballs in the JFK assassination, especially with his ties to George DeMohrenschildt.

I don't think Spector has anything to do with the Wecht prosecution.

Since Bush appoints federal prosecutors, he might however.

When someone is targeted for prosecution, as Wecht was and is, it is very difficult to obtain justice, even if innocent.

I personally know two others innocent victims of wrongful FBI and federal prosecution.

But Spector and Wecht are friends, despite their conentions over the single bullet theory. Spector appeared at the conference on JFK at the Wecht Forensic Science Instiute in Pittsburgh a few years ago.


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My theory is this is political payback. Remember one of the Senators in PA is none other than Arlen Spector and doesn't exactly see bullet to bullet with Wecht on some things....if you catch my drift. Others also don't like Wecht's work on JFK and other high-profile cases. This Administration is just a Mafia of corruption, illegality, immorality, hate, war, greed, avarice, unConstitutionality and insanity.....

And let's not forget that President George W. Bush, otherwise known as Bush 43, is the the son of President George H. W. Bush, otherwise known as Bush 41. George H. W. Bush was up to his eyeballs in the JFK assassination, especially with his ties to George DeMohrenschildt.

I don't think Spector has anything to do with the Wecht prosecution.

Since Bush appoints federal prosecutors, he might however.

When someone is targeted for prosecution, as Wecht was and is, it is very difficult to obtain justice, even if innocent.

I personally know two others innocent victims of wrongful FBI and federal prosecution.

But Spector and Wecht are friends, despite their conentions over the single bullet theory. Spector appeared at the conference on JFK at the Wecht Forensic Science Instiute in Pittsburgh a few years ago.


No, Bill, GWB had nothing to do with this.

Cheney handles these type of matters - they are in his job description.

There are hundreds of wrongful Justice Department prosecutions and FBI investigations.

I saw one up close and personal last year.

Everytime a defendant walks out of the courtroom as a free individual at the conclusion of a Federal District Court criminal trial, the possibility of wrongful prosecution exists, as it does when a prosecutor makes public threats of prosecution that he or she doesn't carry out (ala Elliot Spitzer).

Wrongful prosecutions ruin people lives and devour their life savings.

They certainly abounded under the WJC administration (think of Janet Reno "investigating the Mt. Carmel compound at WACO and Clinton siccing the IRS on Paula Jones and the head of the WH Travel Office, whom HRC had fired), and you know that they would under a HRC regime.

Edited by Christopher Hall
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You know Lemkin I am so tired of your worn out bull. Is there anything Bush is NOT responsible for? Cancer, hepatitis, Aids, The Holocaust, it all relates back to Bush....Right Peter??

You are so typically the Liberal left, that no matter what he has accomplished it would be a travesty. It is great to see now that the left is in charge of the house, that things are running so much smoother, giving us an all time LOW of the houses approval rating. I thought you clowns were supposed to make an improvement....Still waiting for that one.

Instead lets raise the Fed Min wage, and really screw the common people. Then vote against pay increase for the military, and give ourselves a raise!

You are very correct in your article that Americans are getting stupider, in fact you are living proof.

Let me ask you Mr. Lemkin, have you ever put your rear on the line for anything you believe in, or just your mouth?

Exercise that freedom of speech mister, others paid for it, you may as well use it.

Edited for the language, youngsters you know.

Edited by Mike Williams
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You know Lemkin I am so tired of your worn out bullxxxx. Is there anything Bush is NOT responsible for? Cancer, hepatitis, Aids, The Holocaust, it all relates back to Bush....Right Peter??

You are so typically the Liberal left, that no matter what he has accomplished it would be a travesty. It is great to see now that the left is in charge of the house, that things are running so much smoother, giving us an all time LOW of the houses approval rating. I thought you clowns were supposed to make an improvement....Still waiting for that one.

Instead lets raise the Fed Min wage, and really screw the common people. Then vote against pay increase for the military, and give ourselves a raise!

You are very correct in your article that Americans are getting stupider, in fact you are living proof.

Let me ask you Mr. Lemkin, have you ever put your ass on the line for anything you believe in, or just your mouth?

Exercise that freedom of speech mister, others paid for it, you may as well use it.

I thought the word ass was prohibited here. Bullxxxx as well. What is this forum coming to?


Edited by Jack White
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Mr. White,

If the premise is freedom of speech, and non censorship, then what its coming to is my right to express myself. If it offends you well, personally I find trying to hood wink the public with the crap you and Fetzer spew to be offensive as well.

I see by your speedy reply that you are off moderation, glad to see it.


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Mr. White,

If the premise is freedom of speech, and non censorship, then what its coming to is my right to express myself. If it offends you well, personally I find trying to hood wink the public with the crap you and Fetzer spew to be offensive as well.

I see by your speedy reply that you are off moderation, glad to see it.


I support your right to say ASS and BULLxxxx without censorship. I am not offended by such everyday words.

Why do you think I am "on moderation"? Nobody has told me that.


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Apparently part of my perception about you was incorrect, and for that I surely am man enough to apologize.

I too have issues with both parties, and one of those issues is with those on the left bashing for the sake of bashing. Bashing the ridiculous for the sake of party gain.

Perhaps I placed you in a group I should not have.

Two things we agree on. Wecht and what is happening to him is pure poo, and it is time for a change in this country. Not a change in party politics, but a change in thinking in general. Our politicians have become so detached from the common working man, that they no longer can relate.

Part of that is due to the fact that politics is no longer service to the nation, it is a career. When Truman were President things were much different. If he had not written books about his presidency, he would have virtually been homeless after his term. Now the politicians sap this country, they sap the lobbyists, and are absolutely a disgrace.

I jabbed at you perhaps in reflex. Im tired Peter, tired of the the left constantly taking shots at Bush for the sake of the party.

Hillary going to the pentagon, and demanding to know when our troops will be brought home, how mortally stupid was that?? Talk about fueling the enemy, and she wants to be a President??? She can not even control her own home affairs.

Look Peter, I am probably as disgusted with the way things are, as you are. Im tired of folks bashing the US, and bashing the President.

I believe we both want the same things, I am just not sure we agree how to attain them, and isn't it always like that?

Just for the record, I am registered republican. However, should a Democrat come on scene that was worth the spit it takes to wet a postage stamp, I may well vote for them. I believe in who ever is best for the US. Sadly it has been some years since we have had anyone worth supporting.

Peace to you as well Peter,


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After this story appeared, indicating that the jury was ready to convict Wecht 6-5,


the five dissenting jurors called their own press conference:




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After this story appeared, indicating that the jury was ready to convict Wecht 6-5,


the five dissenting jurors called their own press conference:




I am not a trial lawyer, but I don't think that a 6-5 (for conviction) jury is a case that I would want to retry, particularly one involving petty federal offenses.

This case isn't a case, it's a cause.

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Apparently part of my perception about you was incorrect, and for that I surely am man enough to apologize.

I too have issues with both parties, and one of those issues is with those on the left bashing for the sake of bashing. Bashing the ridiculous for the sake of party gain.

Perhaps I placed you in a group I should not have.

Two things we agree on. Wecht and what is happening to him is pure poo, and it is time for a change in this country. Not a change in party politics, but a change in thinking in general. Our politicians have become so detached from the common working man, that they no longer can relate.

Part of that is due to the fact that politics is no longer service to the nation, it is a career. When Truman were President things were much different. If he had not written books about his presidency, he would have virtually been homeless after his term. Now the politicians sap this country, they sap the lobbyists, and are absolutely a disgrace.

I jabbed at you perhaps in reflex. Im tired Peter, tired of the the left constantly taking shots at Bush for the sake of the party.

Hillary going to the pentagon, and demanding to know when our troops will be brought home, how mortally stupid was that?? Talk about fueling the enemy, and she wants to be a President??? She can not even control her own home affairs.

Look Peter, I am probably as disgusted with the way things are, as you are. Im tired of folks bashing the US, and bashing the President.

I believe we both want the same things, I am just not sure we agree how to attain them, and isn't it always like that?

Just for the record, I am registered republican. However, should a Democrat come on scene that was worth the spit it takes to wet a postage stamp, I may well vote for them. I believe in who ever is best for the US. Sadly it has been some years since we have had anyone worth supporting.

Peace to you as well Peter,



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