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New Book: JFK and the Unspeakable

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Am still busy promoting this book on about 50 different big city newspapers accross the country. Any help just might get this book to the point of citical mass, wehre it leaps back into the Amazon top 700 for a long time.

Also I have noticed that this book is not available in almost any bookstore in NYC. I particularly noticed it its absence in a leftish bookstore THAT ALWAYS HAS THE latest JFK book in the window. Not this book. Its not being carried. Its also not available in any Barnes and Noble the cities other bookstore. This is noteworthy, as JFK and the Unspeakable has outsold many other books that are there.

Anyway here's this. Interesting quote from Daniel Schorr.


Check out these words of JFK on the book Seven Days in May. They were uttered after the Bay of Pigs but before the Cuban Missile Crisis:

.... JFK said he would read the book. Hed did so that night. The next day

Kennedy discussed with his friends the possibility of thier seeing such a

coup in the United States. Consider that he said these words after the failed

Bay of Pigs invasion and before the Cuban Missile Crisis:

'It's possible. It could happen in this country, but the conditions would

have to be just right. If, for example, the country had a young President,

and he had a Bay of Pigs, there would be a certain unseasiness. Maybe

the military would do a little criticizing behind his back, but this would be

written of as the ususal military dissatisfaction with civilian control. Then

if there were another Bay of Pigs, the reaction of the country would be,

'Is he too young and inexperienced?' The military would almost feel that

it was their patriotic obligation to stand ready to preserve the integrity of

the nation, an only God knows just what segment of democracy they

would be defending if they overthrew the elected establishment'

Pausing a moment, he went on, "Then, if there were a third Bay of Pigs

it could happen.' Waiting again until his listeners absorbed his meaning,

he concluded the an old Navy phrase, "But it won't happen on my watch."

On another occasion Kennedy said of the novel's plot about a few military

commanders taking over the country, 'I know a couple who might wish

they could.' The statement is cited by biographer Theodore Sorenson

as a joke. However, John Kennedy used humor in pointe ways, and

Sorenson's preceding sentence is not a joke: "Communications between

Chiefs of Staff and their Commander in Chif remained unsatisfactory for

a large part of his term."

Director John Frankenheimer was encouraged by President Kennedy to

film Seven Days In May 'as a warning to the republic.' Frankenheimer

said, 'The Pentagon didn't want it done. Kennedy said that when we

wanted to shoot at the Chite House he would conveniently go to

Hyannis Port that weekend. (JFK and the Unspeakable, pp12,13)

Now cut to Douglass overview of the Bay of pigs:

Four decades after the Bay of Pigs, we have learned that the CIA

scenario to trap Kennedy was more concrete than Dulles admitted

in his handwritten notes. A conference on the Bay of Pigs was held

in Cuba March 23-25, 2001, which included 'ex-CIA operatives, retired

military commanders, scholars, and journalists.' News analyst Daniel

Schorr reported on National Public Radio that 'from the many hours of

talk and heaps of decassified secret documents' he had gained one

new perception on the Bay of Pigs:

'It was that the CIA overlords of the invasion, director Allen Dulles and

deputy Richard Bissell, had their own plan of how to bring the United

States into the conflict. It appears that they never really expected an

uprising agaist Castro when the liberators landed as described in their

memos to the White House. What they did expect was that the invaders

would establish and secure a beachhead, announce the creation of a

counterrevolutionary governemnt and appeal for aid from the United

States and the Organization of American States. The assumption was

that President Kennedy, who had emphatically banned direct American

involvement, would be forced by pubic opinion to come to the aid of the

returning patriots. American forces, probably Marines, would come in

to expand the beachhead.

' In effect, President Kennedy was the target of a CIA covert operation

that collapsed when the invasion collapsed' (JFK and the Unspeakable:

Why He Died and Why It Matters, p. 14-15)

Remember this the next time you read in the Corporate Media that the CIA is merely the tool of the president. It was not the last covert action the CIA

would take without presidential authorization. After reading Douglass' book one wonders if it even made the final dozen.


Operation Mockingbird Spartacus:


Operation Mockingbird Education Forum


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Does anyone know anything about this upcoming book? I like the title. After a whole generation has been trained to remove the assassination from history by magazines typing the words conspiracy thoery, it IS necessary to say why it matters, especially for those forty years and younger. It is absured that this should be in need of emphasis and is in further testimony that we are all living in Orwell's liver. Got a light?

Apparently in 1998 the author wrote a 17-page pamphlet entitled: Compassion and the Unspeakable in the Murders of Martin, Malcolm, JFK, RFK.


Charles Drago started a thread about it here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry140562

More info here: http://portinexile.blogspot.com/2008/03/jf...books-4308.html

Please let us know what you think if you read this book Mike.

I'll do the same.

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James Douglas includes some new angles on some witnesses, some of which I'm still not conviced of yet.

Such as the man in the doorway is Oswald, based what former USMC bunkmate Bothello told him - Oswald had a habbit of pulling down on his t-shirt colar so it was real loose.

Bothello also said a lot of other important things, but that's a new one on me.

Can somebody post a close up of the man in the doorway?



You know, I'm pretty much convinced that its Lovelady and not Oswald in the doorway, mainly because of the other photo of Lovelady from the rear, his head having a bald spot, that Oswald does not.

Other James Douglas stories pan out and provide additional leads worth pursuing, like Wayne January's story of selling a cargo plane to a CIA airline and a pilot/Col. telling him that JFK was going to die within an hour of it happening. That airline can be identified and airplanes, like cars and boats, have records.


It's Lovelady in the doorway.

Unless the photo was tampered with.

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James Douglas includes some new angles on some witnesses, some of which I'm still not conviced of yet.

Such as the man in the doorway is Oswald, based what former USMC bunkmate Bothello told him - Oswald had a habbit of pulling down on his t-shirt colar so it was real loose.

Bothello also said a lot of other important things, but that's a new one on me.

Can somebody post a close up of the man in the doorway?



I agree

You know, I'm pretty much convinced that its Lovelady and not Oswald in the doorway, mainly because of the other photo of Lovelady from the rear, his head having a bald spot, that Oswald does not.

Other James Douglas stories pan out and provide additional leads worth pursuing, like Wayne January's story of selling a cargo plane to a CIA airline and a pilot/Col. telling him that JFK was going to die within an hour of it happening. That airline can be identified and airplanes, like cars and boats, have records.


It's Lovelady in the doorway.

Unless the photo was tampered with.

I agree Myra, and thus I disagree with some of the points Douglas uses to make his case, though these points do not change the overall, and accurate perspective of the conspiracy.

His overall world view is correct, including the contention that the assassination was not just a conspiracy by renegade Cubans and mobsters, but a full fledged coup d'etat, in which those responsible for the assassination took over the powers of the government.


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Many have commented on the role of the Movie JFK in getting a critical mass of citizens more interested in the case, which in turn created pressure on Congress to create the new Committee to supervise the documents release.

It is unlikely that we will ever see such a media event again.

Yet in my opinion it is crucial to contemporary history that we make such a large critical mass of citizens aware of the case and its implications for today: just how much lattitude does a new president have in forumlating foreign policy when confronting a permanent intelligence and military bureaucracy that may have an institutionalized will of its own?

That is why I think its importatant to note the growing success of JFK and the Unspeakable. James Douglas' excellent book is now at 1,792 on Amazon, and has been mostly ossilating betwen the 2,000 and 4,000 range for some nine months now. Lately it seems to be picking up sales, as it is the kind of book that is hard not to talk about, ...ONCE THAT IS WE GET NEW READERS TO OPEN IT!

It is doing especially well considering it is being banished from most book shops, and has no add budget whatsoever.

It seems to be picking up steam so I was wondering it people might be willing to post about it on big newspaper web sites. This can be done with local links strategically: for example, look how I tailored this for Noam Chomsky's home town, and I put it on a site that gets thousands of views per day:


One of the thing that makes it difficult to hold a discussion about the Kennedy assassination and its importance for today, is that the conversations is not mediated by the national media. The only books that recieve real mass coverage are bad lone nut books. Yet, it is not simply important that a lot of new and younger people read ANY of the many great books on JFKs policies and how they relate to his assassination. Rather, it is important that people TO SOME EXTENT HAVE A COMMON DENOMINATOR that facilitates discussion and can have a true multiplier effect on the degree of public awareness, especially for younger folk.

That is why I think it WOULD BE GREAT IF PEOPLE COULD GIVE THIS BOOK A PUSH IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS. It has moved all the way back up into the top 2,000 and this is no small accomplishment given the more than,5,000,000 books on amazon and the books circumstances.

On other sites I have really pushed the Daniel Ellsberg endorsement in the headline. This works for that NYT ish reading person who might otherwise be dismissive but who recognizes Daniel Ellsberg as a player within the legitimated political narrative.

Anyways, with three or four people pushing here and there I bet this book could take off in a way nobody could have thought possible. Right now it is at a critical stage of its (possible) trajectory.

Edited by Nathaniel Heidenheimer
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Many have commented on the role of the Movie JFK in getting a critical mass of citizens more interested in the case, which in turn created pressure on Congress to create the new Committee to supervise the documents release.

Nate, I agree with your post, especially with the idea that James Douglas' book can be brought into the mainstream pop lists, but I also think that Dick Russell's On the Trail of the JFK Assassins has that same potential. David Talbot's Brothers could also have a revival if it is ever brought to the screen as a movie or documentary film.

Everyone who seeks truth and justice for JFK should promote these books and buy them as gifts for influencial friends over the holidays, and maybe if any of them could break into the best seller lists they could bring the subject back to the mainstream and make a difference.

Thanks for your efforts,


It is unlikely that we will ever see such a media event again.

Yet in my opinion it is crucial to contemporary history that we make such a large critical mass of citizens aware of the case and its implications for today: just how much lattitude does a new president have in forumlating foreign policy when confronting a permanent intelligence and military bureaucracy that may have an institutionalized will of its own?

That is why I think its importatant to note the growing success of JFK and the Unspeakable. James Douglas' excellent book is now at 1,792 on Amazon, and has been mostly ossilating betwen the 2,000 and 4,000 range for some nine months now. Lately it seems to be picking up sales, as it is the kind of book that is hard not to talk about, ...ONCE THAT IS WE GET NEW READERS TO OPEN IT!

It is doing especially well considering it is being banished from most book shops, and has no add budget whatsoever.

It seems to be picking up steam so I was wondering it people might be willing to post about it on big newspaper web sites. This can be done with local links strategically: for example, look how I tailored this for Noam Chomsky's home town, and I put it on a site that gets thousands of views per day:


One of the thing that makes it difficult to hold a discussion about the Kennedy assassination and its importance for today, is that the conversations is not mediated by the national media. The only books that recieve real mass coverage are bad lone nut books. Yet, it is not simply important that a lot of new and younger people read ANY of the many great books on JFKs policies and how they relate to his assassination. Rather, it is important that people TO SOME EXTENT HAVE A COMMON DENOMINATOR that facilitates discussion and can have a true multiplier effect on the degree of public awareness, especially for younger folk.

That is why I think it WOULD BE GREAT IF PEOPLE COULD GIVE THIS BOOK A PUSH IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS. It has moved all the way back up into the top 2,000 and this is no small accomplishment given the more than,5,000,000 books on amazon and the books circumstances.

On other sites I have really pushed the Daniel Ellsberg endorsement in the headline. This works for that NYT ish reading person who might otherwise be dismissive but who recognizes Daniel Ellsberg as a player within the legitimated political narrative.

Anyways, with three or four people pushing here and there I bet this book could take off in a way nobody could have thought possible. Right now it is at a critical stage of its (possible) trajectory.

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This book is now inside the Amazon top 1,000 at 868. This is REALLY high for ANY JFK conspiracy book, since around 1992.

Consider how neglected these books are by the corporate media. Keep on pushing by posting about it on sites with a lot of viewers. I have been posting on big newspaper sites, and the these get some of the highest number of views.

This book is a huff and a puff away from going bestsellerish so it can take flight on its own. It is the type of book that new people will not be ably to stop talking about.

It is also perfect for a new younger generation, because it mixes details of the conspiracy with excellent historical context in a way that few books do. Very few books put the policy implications back in the picture that way this wide angled whopper does.

Could be the wakeup call the Obama(Emanual?) youth need to show them, it takes more than pulling a lever in November.

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I started the above thread on the Chronicle for Higher Education. Many have commented on the shyness of historicans to tackle the assassination and even JFK's policies. Well maybe its time to introduce some cognitive dissonance into the monastary!

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QUOTE (Peter Lemkin @ May 14 2009, 08:11 AM)

QUOTE (Jack White @ May 14 2009, 12:02 AM)

QUOTE (Ron Ecker @ May 13 2009, 07:30 PM)

I understand that Douglass's book argues that the military industrial complex was behind the assassination. If it's true (and it probably is), how striking and sad that Eisenhower explicitly warned the nation, in his farewell address three days before JFK took office, of JFK's assassins. Half a century later, the warning continues to fall on deaf ears.

Not exactly true. He explores what was going on in the BACK CHANNELS of the Cold War,

things which most of us have never heard of, such as private correspondence between

JFK and Kruschev which helped end the Cold War. It is about two-thirds of things like

this, and about one-third on the event itself and aftermath. It is much like a P.D. Scott

book...but a much easier read. It helps understand JFK the man more than any book

I have seen, and why he had to die. It is NOT an assassination book, but a WHY book.

For a good review (Jim DiEugenio)... http://www.ctka.net/2008/jfk_unspeakable.html


I'll echo Jack in saying the Douglass book is really a great one....who shot what from where, etc. is important....BUT the WHY and generally the WHO is tackled in this book. An essential read!

My 2 cents:


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  • 1 month later...
WTF .. I wake up and this book is 37 on Amazon. Unbelievable ... this book has zero viz is boycotted everywhere....

Dawn Meredith tells me that Oliver Stone gave Bill Maher a copy on air last night and told him to read it. That must be the reason for the huge jump in sales.

It seems that Stone still has very much a keen interest in the assassination.

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WTF .. I wake up and this book is 37 on Amazon. Unbelievable ... this book has zero viz is boycotted everywhere....

Dawn Meredith tells me that Oliver Stone gave Bill Maher a copy on air last night and told him to read it. That must be the reason for the huge jump in sales.

It seems that Stone still has very much a keen interest in the assassination.


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WTF .. I wake up and this book is 37 on Amazon. Unbelievable ... this book has zero viz is boycotted everywhere....

Dawn Meredith tells me that Oliver Stone gave Bill Maher a copy on air last night and told him to read it. That must be the reason for the huge jump in sales.

It seems that Stone still has very much a keen interest in the assassination.

It's been a slow but steady build for the book from the beginning, but Oliver Stone's bringing it on the show and endorsing it, and Bill Maher's response--where he equated being a conspiracy theorist with being educated--clearly brought it to the tipping point. Still not carried by my local Borders, however. They'll special order it but won't carry it. They carry Bugliosi in both hardback and paperback, and carry Waldron, and have even carried Mellen and Fetzer. But not Douglass.

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WTF .. I wake up and this book is 37 on Amazon. Unbelievable ... this book has zero viz is boycotted everywhere....

Dawn Meredith tells me that Oliver Stone gave Bill Maher a copy on air last night and told him to read it. That must be the reason for the huge jump in sales.

It seems that Stone still has very much a keen interest in the assassination.

It's been a slow but steady build for the book from the beginning, but Oliver Stone's bringing it on the show and endorsing it, and Bill Maher's response--where he equated being a conspiracy theorist with being educated--clearly brought it to the tipping point. Still not carried by my local Borders, however. They'll special order it but won't carry it. They carry Bugliosi in both hardback and paperback, and carry Waldron, and have even carried Mellen and Fetzer. But not Douglass.


Pat, I have noticed the same thing about all the "carried" books you have mentioned, but NOT A SINGLE BOOKSTORE IN NYC will carry Unspeakable. It is a decision that runs directly counter to the market, as Douglass' has far outsold all of those mentioned,in spite of its invisibility. Makes one wonder if it might have something to do with content. Still, it is difficult to imagine NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND SUCH A POPULAR BOOK IN ONE SINGLE BOOKSTORE IN NYC! Why am I the only person who finds this noteworthy?

Edited by Nathaniel Heidenheimer
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