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Who Is Oswald Speaking To In This Video?

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At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

Edited by Thomas Graves
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The title of the thread is fixed.

It does look like Billy Lovelady is in that office. I don't know whose office that is though. Is not Decker's, don't know?

I would guess that the older man, Oswald is saying something to, is a reporter. It may be the reporter who asked Oswald: " Why did you shoot the President?" - or something to that effect.

From Mae Brussel:


Did you kill the President?" Oswald replied, "No. I have not been charged with that. In fact, nobody has said that to me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question. . . . I did not do it. I did not do it. . . . I did not shoot anyone."

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At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

As far as your first question, Oswald is only wearing a t-shirt in the video, so I think that footage was shot on Saturday. As late as the midnight press conference on Friday night, Oswald still had his shirt on. For some reason, on Saturday they took it away from him - maybe to test it for fibers, but by the time of the Saturday lineup at 2:15 PM, Oswald was complaining bitterly to everyone who would listen that he was dressed differently than the other people in the lineup. Perhaps that is what he was saying as he was taken into a room.

As far as Lovelady, if you look at the sequence of Oswald being led past Lovelady, there is a clock on the wall to the right of the screen that shows 2:00 PM. Oswald is still wearing his shirt.

I believe this sequence was shot Friday afternoon right after Oswald's arrest at the Texas Theater. On Friday afternoon, various employees of the TSBD were taken in and they gave affidavits. (William Shelly, Danny Arce, Lovelady, etc.)

Steve Thomas

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At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

Hi Thomas.

I don't know the whole sequence of events for Mr. Lovelady - however his nephew indicated to me that he was indeed 'detained' at some point - whether or not this was 11/22 or afterwards is unclear. I may go back to my old emails and see what I can find. Will take some digging....

Thirty minutes later...found one. Hang on.

Dick Whatley is not familiar to me. At that time she was divorced from a G.L. Whatley, who was my step-father. She had worked for several publishers who collectively officed at Texas School Book Depository. At the time she was working for Lyons & Carnahan. In Texas, schools were allowed to select their textbooks from an approved list, and then purchase them from Texas School Book, who filled the orders and shipped them to the schools. They would then remit to the publishers their portion of the sell. I'm sure some congressman thought up this scheme so he could get his cut. But this procedure was and is still used.

I worked at TSB during the summers when I was in High School. I knew all the managers because they knew my Mother, but I worked hard and eventually earned some standing.

My sister also worked for one of the publishers and happened to be married to Billy Lovelady, he has since passed away, as has my sister. The Warren Commission, as well as the DPD were not too kind to him. Long after the assassination he was hounded by various groups until they eventually moved to Colorado.


My sister and husband (Billy Lovelady) were however, on the steps. Billy was a typical, redneck country boy, who hunted every chance he got. He maintained until his dying day that he heard rifle shots from the grassy knoll in addition to shots from over his head. He worked with Oswald within the Depository and considered him just an ordinary guy. Before the assassination no one recognized the similarity between Oswald and Billy. They could have been twins. I don't think it was any coincidence that Oswald was working there. But he was not capable of pulling the job off on his own. I think it was pretty clear that he was placed there as a patsy to take the blame, while the professionals (at the grassy knoll) made sure the job was done.

I know I have more - must have missed it somehow - ref for self - 245. Will have another go another day...

- lee

Edited by Lee Forman
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  • 3 months later...
At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

Hi Thomas.

I don't know the whole sequence of events for Mr. Lovelady - however his nephew indicated to me that he was indeed 'detained' at some point - whether or not this was 11/22 or afterwards is unclear. I may go back to my old emails and see what I can find. Will take some digging....

Thirty minutes later...found one. Hang on.

Dick Whatley is not familiar to me. At that time she was divorced from a G.L. Whatley, who was my step-father. She had worked for several publishers who collectively officed at Texas School Book Depository. At the time she was working for Lyons & Carnahan. In Texas, schools were allowed to select their textbooks from an approved list, and then purchase them from Texas School Book, who filled the orders and shipped them to the schools. They would then remit to the publishers their portion of the sell. I'm sure some congressman thought up this scheme so he could get his cut. But this procedure was and is still used.

I worked at TSB during the summers when I was in High School. I knew all the managers because they knew my Mother, but I worked hard and eventually earned some standing.

My sister also worked for one of the publishers and happened to be married to Billy Lovelady, he has since passed away, as has my sister. The Warren Commission, as well as the DPD were not too kind to him. Long after the assassination he was hounded by various groups until they eventually moved to Colorado.


My sister and husband (Billy Lovelady) were however, on the steps. Billy was a typical, redneck country boy, who hunted every chance he got. He maintained until his dying day that he heard rifle shots from the grassy knoll in addition to shots from over his head. He worked with Oswald within the Depository and considered him just an ordinary guy. Before the assassination no one recognized the similarity between Oswald and Billy. They could have been twins. I don't think it was any coincidence that Oswald was working there. But he was not capable of pulling the job off on his own. I think it was pretty clear that he was placed there as a patsy to take the blame, while the professionals (at the grassy knoll) made sure the job was done.

I know I have more - must have missed it somehow - ref for self - 245. Will have another go another day...

- lee


Hi Lee,

Interesting stuff, indeed. Particularly interesting to me is that Lovelady, an avid hunter (and therefore probably very familiar with the sounds of rifle "reports") said that he heard RIFLE shotS coming from the GRASSY KNOLL in addition to shots OVER HIS HEAD. I take him as a most credible witness as to where the shots came from.

For what it's worth,


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At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

At 1:55, I see the ABC/WFAA footage of LHO being led down the corridor toward the camera, then quickly through a doorway, camera right. If that's the scene you mean, the audio is: I don't know what dispatches you people have been given, but I emphatically deny these charges.

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At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

At 1:55, I see the ABC/WFAA footage of LHO being led down the corridor toward the camera, then quickly through a doorway, camera right. If that's the scene you mean, the audio is: I don't know what dispatches you people have been given, but I emphatically deny these charges.


Thank's for that, Stephen. You da man!

--Thomas :lol:

Edited by Thomas Graves
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At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

At 1:55, I see the ABC/WFAA footage of LHO being led down the corridor toward the camera, then quickly through a doorway, camera right. If that's the scene you mean, the audio is: I don't know what dispatches you people have been given, but I emphatically deny these charges.


Thank's for that, Stephen. You da man!

--Thomas :lol:


Bummer! Gary Mack just jent me a PM in which he says that you're misinformed regarding the clip I posted. Evidently we're talkin' about two different days here, Stephen. :lol:

Edited by Thomas Graves
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At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks.

Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?"

(Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL

At 1:55, I see the ABC/WFAA footage of LHO being led down the corridor toward the camera, then quickly through a doorway, camera right. If that's the scene you mean, the audio is: I don't know what dispatches you people have been given, but I emphatically deny these charges.


Thank's for that, Stephen. You da man!

--Thomas :lol:


Bummer! Gary Mack just jent me a PM in which he says that you're misinformed regarding the clip I posted. Evidently we're talkin' about two different days here, Stephen. :lol:

Oh nuts. That's what I get for posting in a hurry, without carefully looking. I defer to Gary. Damn, I liked being "da man" for a while...

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These films, I believe were all taken Fri Nov 22/63..according to what I have found .....

As LHO is taken in on arrest, as he passes Lovelady, one can see LHO's shirt hanging on his right shoulder...

.....Lovelady had not been arrested, he was asked to go down to the station,

and give a statement which he did as well as others.....

LHO's shirt was taken from him...Friday, as per the studies.....and by his appearance he had been cleaned up some, hair combed etc...

for the cameras, when brought out only in the T-Shirt later on Friday evening...as the film clip shows...

ERROR XXXX....By the 23rd as shown he had, had his shirt returned.....and donned....ERRORXXXX

I have just followed up on this, and the evidence, shirt and all was taken by the FBI to Washington around midnight on Fri....

So the below photo showing him tidied up, with it on, had to have been earlier that evening......

Here are some photos and frames....


Edited by Bernice Moore
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