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Introducing: The Deep Politics Forum

Charles Drago

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John and Andy, I really find the level of anger and odium inappropriate and makes the whole of the Forum less welcoming - to me and I'm sure others - whatever went on....Peace.

Why do you describe my response as angry? The fact that I allow Charles and his friends to promote his forum after leaving us because they did not like me giving people like Craig and Len, freedom of speech, suggests that I am not angry at all. In fact it has given me (and my moderators) a great deal of "peace" as we do not have to spend so much time trying to control their offensive behaviour.

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This thread is surreal.

Responses to this thread are amazingly nasty. I don't know the details [have heard the outline] of what went on when I was 'away' and in the USA (unable to stay in contact with the Forum) late summer - but....

Ashton, I don't see how you feel it needed to put up publicly, private emails.

LOL more hypocrisy on the “private e-mail” issue from the person who posted private e-mails from Eva Kor and others without their permission.

I don’t see why this thread should have caused anyone but Drago discomfort. He is the one preaching, but not practicing, free speech.

As for 'nasty' behavior and unreasonable anger that best applies to the folks who stacked off this forum to start the DPF. This is easily confired by a even a cursory glance at their posts from the period of their departure they acted like children.

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John and Andy, I really find the level of anger and odium inappropriate and makes the whole of the Forum less welcoming - to me and I'm sure others - whatever went on....Peace.

Why do you describe my response as angry? The fact that I allow Charles and his friends to promote his forum after leaving us because they did not like me giving people like Craig and Len, freedom of speech, suggests that I am not angry at all. In fact it has given me (and my moderators) a great deal of "peace" as we do not have to spend so much time trying to control their offensive behaviour.

I don't want to revive the melee, but see that some of those who were shown the door are now deprived of their 'freedom of speech' on the Forum. I find it quite odd (in the sense of statistical odds) that primarily progressive to radical veiwpoints have been silenced - whatever the jusification. John, I know you don't share the viewpoints of some you have defended and I do believe in allowing all viewpoints. That said, some felt that some have more of an agenda than another viewpoint - more in the vein of being a provocation to discredit the Forum and those in and mentioned in it. Also of note, is that a moderator was noted by several to have had a penchant for monitoring only those on the more progressive side and was quick to pounce. Moderators, while they save the Administration much grief, need to be non-partisan and even-handed. I think the Forum has bent over backwards to allow some voices/viewpoints that are not much heard here (and that is to be applauded and allowed), but some very high quality persons were shown the door for what I think were rather trivial abrogations of the 'rules' or selective prosecution, as others have been allowed to remain for similar rule violations, at other times. The difference seems (to me) to be how vociferously they criticized the Admin. and mods in the act of defending themselves. Human, human, all too human. I've said my piece, and am sad and disapointed that what happened happened. I wonder had I been here then if I'd still be here......a good chance not. Again, can't we all just get along? I hope those 'shown the door' would be considered for re-admission, should they want (some might; some I'm sure wouldnt ever step foot here again). I've never been in favor of 'death sentences'. I find merit with the new DP Forum and yet with this one, though I don't find it as 'warm and fuzzy' - nor as active - as it once felt. Some who weren't shown the door have stopped posting here, or now post much less - and IMO many good people were lost in the battle. I belong to other Forums, as well. I wish all the Forums well, and only wish more out in cyberland and the realworld would participate more in such - rather than just accepting unchallenged the mainstream 'history' and 'news' they are fed [like geese being prepaired for fois gras]. Nameste. Peace. I'm willing to let this 'drop' here. Sorry to put salt in old wounds, but it was not me to start that - look at who cast the first stones above.....!

It is not true that I have booted anybody off the forum. Some members of the Deep Politics Forum asked me to delete their membership. In fact, Jan asked me to remove all evidence that he had never been a member of this forum. No doubt, some are now having second thoughts and want to come back and publicize the forum. Charles Drago said he would not post anymore but changed his mind when he realised he could use his membership to promote his forum on our forum.

It is not true what you say about the moderators. I have full confidence in the way they deal with difficult members.

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It gives me no pleasure to note that you have echoed the sentiments of the likes of "Colby," Burton, and "Gray."

I feel honoured to be rejected by the likes of Mr Drago, and chuffed to be in the company of Len and Ashton.

"No CIA types allowed" = If you disagree, you're not wanted here.

It's not the Deep Politics Forum, it's the Deep S**t Forum.

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In closing, I might note that as a matter of policy the Deep Politics Forum will not publish pseudonymous posts. On this basis alone, "Ashton Gray" is disqualified from membership.

And they don't even know their own rules:

7. You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We strongly discourage the use of pseudonyms, aliases, and other names chosen to hide your identity. Use of a pseudonym or alias must be approved by forum owners.


So you have the ability to choose a username, an alias is discouraged and must be approved, and as a matter of policy will not be approved. What hypocrites.

"You will be given a fair trial and then shot"

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A correction to your post: I have never applied to join the Deep Politics forum. Even as a mere member, subject to the whims and judgments of their own moderators, they fear open debate and thus I believe they would not allow me to join there - even though they have ability to censor me at will. I believe it would too openly display their hypocrisy.

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A correction to your post: I have never applied to join the Deep Politics forum. Even as a mere member, subject to the whims and judgments of their own moderators, they fear open debate and thus I believe they would not allow me to join there - even though they have ability to censor me at will. I believe it would too openly display their hypocrisy.

Perhaps I was unclear, I didn't apply either but since the Deep BS Forum was set up specifically to exclude us obviously we would not have been accepted if he had. I doubt Craig applied but obviously he wouldn't have been accepted either. Supposedly they offered David Greer membership but I assume that was to be the "token heretic" because he is ever the gentleman and never seems to reply in kind to insults. I wonder however if he really would have been admitted or how long he'd last if he challenged the prevailing POV.

I have nothing against closed forums. What I object to are ones that claim to stand for free speech but only believe in free speech for people who agree with them.

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Okay Len, it's just that I did not read it that way.

By the way, it should be noted that - as far as myself and the company I keep is concerned - the Deep Politics forum commenced the sniping.

The Colby faction just drove people away. For me the last straw, of many, was the insult by Andy Walker. He took a notice all of a sudden and began monitering and responding to posts. This on top of Evan Burton ....who made bad calls on a regular basis.


Have you noticed that Burton has abandoned ship on the Simkin boat? Has originated no messages in more than a month. I guess his employers considered his mission complete. Same with all the others except Brazil and Miller.


If Paraguay wasn't landlocked, I'd be wondering if Commander Burton was preparing to sail the Bush family to their 100,000-acre South American bolthole.

For the record, I'm very sad that the likes of Burton and "Colby/Brazil" were allowed to destroy important threads on the Education Forum: it didn't have to be that way.


This was all said before I even knew the existence of their forum. That's all I have to say of their forum. Their hypocrisy has been well noted.

Edited by Evan Burton
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  • 3 months later...

Just amazing how fast and how much this thread was hijacked.

Many of those who left this forum did so because they were BANNED.

Len, have you considered the tobacco industry? I hear there are fortunes to be made.

Justa thought.

In solidarity,


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Just amazing how fast and how much this thread was hijacked.

Many of those who left this forum did so because they were BANNED.

AFAIK none of the founders of the DPF were banned, but left of their own volition. Like the rest of them you have difficulty getting your facts straight

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Just amazing how fast and how much this thread was hijacked.

Many of those who left this forum did so because they were BANNED.


Arrant nonsense - none of you, despite your best efforts, were banned.

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