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Croft's sudden appearance...

Jack White

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This one makes it even more weird.


Jack ??

Whom is the half man seen in the last bottom frame in Nix of your post ,in a pink shirt....

but then perhaps those are his detached legs, below.him......??

I know rediculous, but so are these frames of the Nix....I do believe...

But then

someone will no doubt come upon us and say those are the worse copies of the Nix

frames taken from the worse copy, ever seen..yada...

And you know why, cause that can't be because that would mean, they do not jive with

the Zapruder film which as taken at the same time, in history,

oh well, tomorrow is another day.. :blink:

Chris where are you.....any thoughts....??

Thanks B.....

Bernice...that is a WOMAN in a pink shirt and a man in a blue shirt running toward the Franzens.

Otherwise, I do not understand your question.


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This one makes it even more weird.


Jack ??

Whom is the half man seen in the last bottom frame in Nix of your post ,in a pink shirt....

but then perhaps those are his detached legs, below.him......??

I know rediculous, but so are these frames of the Nix....I do believe...

But then

someone will no doubt come upon us and say those are the worse copies of the Nix

frames taken from the worse copy, ever seen..yada...

And you know why, cause that can't be because that would mean, they do not jive with

the Zapruder film which as taken at the same time, in history,

oh well, tomorrow is another day.. :blink:

Chris where are you.....any thoughts....??

Thanks B.....

Bernice...that is a WOMAN in a pink shirt and a man in a blue shirt running toward the Franzens.

Otherwise, I do not understand your question.


See below Jack, that is a woman and a man in the red box, bottom left.......??

Thanks B.....

Edited by Bernice Moore
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But Wim :

The Nix film and the Zapruder film were taken at the exact same moment in time.......

Therefore they should show exactly, the same identical situation....., but they do not.....???


Yes, the Nix film and the Zapruder film were taken at the exact same moment in time, or better said DURING the same seconds in time. But the frames that Jack posted of the two films do not correspond with the exact same moment in time. The Nix frame is a little later (as you can see from the progress of the limousine). In that time (between the two frames )Mrs. Franzen has taken a step backwards, and she is the same woman as Jack's "mysterious" gin-and-tonic woman. Which is also why their clothes and hair color match.

If Jack would post the preceeding frames also, there doesn't need to be a debate even. It's just unfortunate that these observations, or better said interpretations, lead to the false concunclusion that the Zapruder film was altered.


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This one makes it even more weird.


No Jack, this does not make it more weird, it only reinforces the point. The man with the white shirt is there in the first frame, but he is obstructed from view BY MRS FRANZEN. As she is still in the process of backing away (in a reaction to seeing the horrific wound), the man appears in the next frame, because he is now only half obscured by Mrs Franzen.


Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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This one makes it even more weird.


Jack ??

Whom is the half man seen in the last bottom frame in Nix of your post ,in a pink shirt....

but then perhaps those are his detached legs, below.him......??

I know rediculous, but so are these frames of the Nix....I do believe...

But then

someone will no doubt come upon us and say those are the worse copies of the Nix

frames taken from the worse copy, ever seen..yada...

And you know why, cause that can't be because that would mean, they do not jive with

the Zapruder film which as taken at the same time, in history,

oh well, tomorrow is another day.. :lol:

Chris where are you.....any thoughts....??

Thanks B.....

Bernice...that is a WOMAN in a pink shirt and a man in a blue shirt running toward the Franzens.

Otherwise, I do not understand your question.


See below Jack, that is a woman and a man in the red box, bottom left.......??

Thanks B.....

I thought you were referring to the man and woman running toward the Franzens.

You are talking about the pair at the extreme left.


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This one makes it even more weird.


Jack ??

Whom is the half man seen in the last bottom frame in Nix of your post ,in a pink shirt....

but then perhaps those are his detached legs, below.him......??

I know rediculous, but so are these frames of the Nix....I do believe...

But then

someone will no doubt come upon us and say those are the worse copies of the Nix

frames taken from the worse copy, ever seen..yada...

And you know why, cause that can't be because that would mean, they do not jive with

the Zapruder film which as taken at the same time, in history,

oh well, tomorrow is another day.. :lol:

Chris where are you.....any thoughts....??

Thanks B.....

Hi Bernice,

I'm doing fine.

Here is that part of Nix stabilized.



I think what is more interesting is the reaction of the couple in purple and white, at that point in time. When was the last shot supposed to have been fired?

Edited by Chris Davidson
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Excellent, Chris! You see Mrs Franzen actually stepping back here, freeing up the view of the white shirt man. In fact that whole group is backing away in horror, except Mr Franzen and son.

Jack, Do you concede now? Can you accept you interpreted things erroneously regarding this issue?

Thank in advance,


Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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I have been studying Croft and his photo for about an hour, and

noticed for the first time that in Z he SUDDENLY appears from

nowhere for the first time.


Jim, do you know how long Zapruder had turned off his camera before starting it again or do you feel that this little detail is not worth consideration before claiming new peeof that the Zapruder film is altered???

Bill Miller

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What stupid responses! Of course it goes without saying that every researcher knows of

the "stop in filming" at frame 132. Do you take me for a fool?

When it comes to using common sense when looking at your alteration claims ... I most certainly believe you to be a fool.

So how long was the "stop in filming"? Two, five, nine seconds, or how long? How long

did it take for Croft to come from wherever he was, and for the man in the sweater to

totally disappear?

Willis and Brehm made it from the corner near Main and Houston in the time it took the limo to travel to its turn on Elm Street. You assume things that allow you to think that things are altered. Have you ever wondered why it is only you that comes up with this crap.

The longer the elapsed time the less likely that the curb people stood rooted to the

same spot. If the elapsed time was ten seconds, for instance, would the curb people

still be in the same locations?

The curb people stood in their place all along the motorcade route ... do you not look at all the films? Other than Rosemary Willis, the adults along Elm Street merely stood along the curb and watched the parade pass by. Hardly a big mystery, unless one wishes it to be.

Bill Miller

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Excellent, Chris! You see Mrs Franzen actually stepping back here, freeing up the view of the white shirt man. In fact that whole group is backing away in horror, except Mr Franzen and son.

Jack, Do you concede now? Can you accept you interpreted things erroneously regarding this issue?

Thank in advance,


Jack has been shown this stuff before, but with guys like Fetzer applauding his mistakes ... it only confuses Jack into thinking he had something going on. Here is an old clip showing otherwise ....

I can understand how intelligent people can miss these things, but I cannot understand why they continue to push something they have already been shown to be an erred observation.

Bill Miller

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I can understand how intelligent people can miss these things, but I cannot understand why they continue to push something they have already been shown to be an erred observation.

Bill Miller[/b]

Agreed! I note that Jack asked me to explain how he was in error, but he has not yet responded to my question if he accepts it now. Does that mean that Jack will push it again at some point in the future? Or can we say goodbye to debating whether Mrs Franzen was replaced in Nix by another woman?


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Chris does wonderful animation, but it is too small and too dark to see anything conclusive.

I would like it better using frames that are sharper, larger and brighter.



This should lend more support to what you have provided.

The Nix film shows Clint lifting his leg off the ground for the final time.(Animation)

Clint still has his leg on the ground at frame 369 in Z.

If you compare the two movies provided, and pay attention to the last 2 people(closest to the limo) that are filmed, the gentleman spreads his legs apart at a specific moment in time. Z frame 378+379

This occurs in both stabilized films, but they do not sync if you take into account when Clint's leg leaves the ground in both films.


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