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Question for John Simkin

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Here's 3 pages that came into my possession 5 years ago. Who's the author?





Wim; Post the "1963 'Flight Plan found in the weckage of the Cessna 172 ( the flight plan of which was tampered with and which you received from your friend in CA some years ago; as well as the FBI documents and interview with Mc Cord at the Mc Cord Ranch near Grants NM (as well as the info from the Grace Ranch and the Thunderbird INN in Vegas and Santa Barbara CA concerning "Curtin Studios) compare the typewriter with those writtings and letters and you have your answer.

1. Flight plan Grace Ranch to Mc Cord Ranch.... Col J Rawlston

2. "Yellow Flower" Training Base Arizona... Old Patton Bombing Range

3. D-18 Twin Beach and DC-3 (C-47) note D-18 was the aircraft used to bring Galandiz to the United States via KLester Murphy pilot.. (Plumlee's aircraft 1963.






Edited by William Plumlee
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