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Jada's Ex Husband Looking For Information

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Guest Duncan MacRae

Jada's ex husband Al Washington will be writing a book about Jada. He has joined my forum, and is looking for any information about Jada which he is not aware of for inclusion in a new book which he is writing. Any information which you may have and can supply would be appreciated.

You can reply to Al at the link below.

Click Here To View The Al Washington JFK Assassination Forum Post

"Jada aka Jada Conforto

I was married to Jada from 1972-1976. Jada worked as a stripper at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club in Ft. Worth before the assassination.

I'm beginning (again) to write my version of the life of Jada. I have collected books and information about her. I've done internet searches and found the same info over and over.

Jada had no involvement in the assassination nor any prior knowledge of it.

Jada died in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 9, 1980 enroute to see me and her youngest son. He and I were living there. We divorced in 1976 but were best friends until her death.

I'm seeking information about Jada that I will use in the book."

Al Washington


Duncan MacRae

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Jada's ex husband Al Washington will be writing a book about Jada. He has joined my forum, and is looking for any information about Jada which he is not aware of for inclusion in a new book which he is writing. Any information which you may have and can supply would be appreciated.

You can reply to Al at the link below.

Click Here To View The Al Washington JFK Assassination Forum Post

"Jada aka Jada Conforto

I was married to Jada from 1972-1976. Jada worked as a stripper at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club in Ft. Worth before the assassination.

I'm beginning (again) to write my version of the life of Jada. I have collected books and information about her. I've done internet searches and found the same info over and over.

Jada had no involvement in the assassination nor any prior knowledge of it.

Jada died in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 9, 1980 enroute to see me and her youngest son. He and I were living there. We divorced in 1976 but were best friends until her death.

I'm seeking information about Jada that I will use in the book."

Al Washington


Duncan MacRae


Hi Duncan,

First time I've heard of Ruby's having a Carousel Club in Fort Worth. I wonder if Al meant to say Dallas. I realize that I might be wrong on this.



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Jada's ex husband Al Washington will be writing a book about Jada. He has joined my forum, and is looking for any information about Jada which he is not aware of for inclusion in a new book which he is writing. Any information which you may have and can supply would be appreciated.

You can reply to Al at the link below.

Click Here To View The Al Washington JFK Assassination Forum Post

"Jada aka Jada Conforto

I was married to Jada from 1972-1976. Jada worked as a stripper at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club in Ft. Worth before the assassination.

I'm beginning (again) to write my version of the life of Jada. I have collected books and information about her. I've done internet searches and found the same info over and over.

Jada had no involvement in the assassination nor any prior knowledge of it.

Jada died in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 9, 1980 enroute to see me and her youngest son. He and I were living there. We divorced in 1976 but were best friends until her death.

I'm seeking information about Jada that I will use in the book."

Al Washington


Duncan MacRae


Hi Duncan,

First time I've heard of Ruby's having a Carousel Club in Fort Worth. I wonder if Al meant to say Dallas. I realize that I might be wrong on this.



Hi Thomas, firstly I would like to pass on my sincere condolances to you, and hope that things get better for you as time goes bye.

It's great to see you back here, i've really missed those annoying self bumped posts of yours B)

Anyway, I think Al probably meant to type Dallas/Fort Worth

Cheers, and take it easy :up


I am DEFINITELY not recommending the following book as a "information source," as the book has credibility issues as far as I am concerned, but still it is probably a book he would want to be aware of, simply because it contains more than a segment, if memory serves on Jada......

Jack Ruby's Girls -Diana Hunter Alice Anderson


It is a weird read, omits any big analytical material, and is written in a manner that makes Jack a pseudo-folk hero, but still...My only other suggestion is declassified documents....and newspaper articles from the pertinent time period.

And maybe another book

Gamblers and Gangsters......By Ann Arnold


The latter strictly for research purposes, it doesen't mention Jada by name.

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Jada's ex husband Al Washington will be writing a book about Jada. He has joined my forum, and is looking for any information about Jada which he is not aware of for inclusion in a new book which he is writing. Any information which you may have and can supply would be appreciated.

You can reply to Al at the link below.

Click Here To View The Al Washington JFK Assassination Forum Post

"Jada aka Jada Conforto

I was married to Jada from 1972-1976. Jada worked as a stripper at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club in Ft. Worth before the assassination.

I'm beginning (again) to write my version of the life of Jada. I have collected books and information about her. I've done internet searches and found the same info over and over.

Jada had no involvement in the assassination nor any prior knowledge of it.

Jada died in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 9, 1980 enroute to see me and her youngest son. He and I were living there. We divorced in 1976 but were best friends until her death.

I'm seeking information about Jada that I will use in the book."

Al Washington


Duncan MacRae


Hi Duncan,

First time I've heard of Ruby's having a Carousel Club in Fort Worth. I wonder if Al meant to say Dallas. I realize that I might be wrong on this.



Wow, my first post and I've already lost all credibility. Sorry, I haven't thought about the subject for a long time until this week, a friend encouraged me to write the book.


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Jada's ex husband Al Washington will be writing a book about Jada. He has joined my forum, and is looking for any information about Jada which he is not aware of for inclusion in a new book which he is writing. Any information which you may have and can supply would be appreciated.

You can reply to Al at the link below.

Click Here To View The Al Washington JFK Assassination Forum Post

"Jada aka Jada Conforto

I was married to Jada from 1972-1976. Jada worked as a stripper at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club in Ft. Worth before the assassination.

I'm beginning (again) to write my version of the life of Jada. I have collected books and information about her. I've done internet searches and found the same info over and over.

Jada had no involvement in the assassination nor any prior knowledge of it.

Jada died in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 9, 1980 enroute to see me and her youngest son. He and I were living there. We divorced in 1976 but were best friends until her death.

I'm seeking information about Jada that I will use in the book."

Al Washington


Duncan MacRae

Some Jada info here (post on my blog): http://coverthistory.blogspot.com/2006/05/...-online-at.html

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