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the "Name your strongest piece of evidence" thread

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Ok, this is a thread/experiment to see what kind of a case the researchers here would make if they were before a grand jury in trial or whatever method of another inquiry headed by them.

Not so much for debate as it is for finding out what kind of a case we'd have today if we were to be called upon to do another comission, or prosecute a trial against the guilty parties, or anything like that, so, name your strongest piece of evidence, the one that you think would "close the case" and establish a chain of evidence between the suspects and the crime.

Although I'm not nearly as informed as most of you, I'll start to give an example:

I think one of the best parts of the crime to highlight as proof of conspiracy might be the reports of two different rifles, with Oswald ordering one under alias, and it being by some reports very shoddy, whereas the other is an expert sniping weapon of that day, and the evidence that the prints on the gun may have been planted.

Why: it shows that someone is attempting to frame Oswald as the killer, as well as that the press and police were already "told" to go after Oswald before they should have had reason to suspect him as a primary conspirator.

*Edit* Also, please forgive me if my example is dead wrong, I never claimed to be any expert on any singular part of this case, and thus I usually avoid super specific posts like this, whereas this is intended as an example, not necessarily my "expert" opinion on it.

Edited by Ian Williams
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The bullet hole in JFK's coat, matching up exactly with the hole in his shirt, which is in the exact same location where Dr. Boswell "mistakenly" placed it on the original autopsy face sheet, and the exact same location where Dr. Burkley described it on the death certificate. Along with the pristine "magic" bullet, this alone disproves the single bullet theory, and demolishes the official story.

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Ok, this is a thread/experiment to see what kind of a case the researchers here would make if they were before a grand jury in trial or whatever method of another inquiry headed by them.

Not so much for debate as it is for finding out what kind of a case we'd have today if we were to be called upon to do another comission, or prosecute a trial against the guilty parties, or anything like that, so, name your strongest piece of evidence, the one that you think would "close the case" and establish a chain of evidence between the suspects and the crime.

Robert Kennedy believed it had something to do with Johnson.

Jack Ruby said it had something to do with Johnson being VP.

It was committed in Johnson's home state.

Johnson tried a last-minute move to get Connally out of the Kennedy limo.

Madeline Brown said it had something to do with Johnson.

Barr McClellan said it had something to do with Johnson.

Billie Sol Estes said it had something to do with Johnson.

Warnings came to Kenendy aides not to let the President come to Dallas or "they" were going to kill him.

Johnson shut down the DPD investigation as soon as someone was arrested.

Hoover covered up the crime to protect Johnson's ( and his ) pals in Texas.

Johnson, in turn, appointed a Commission to "rubber stamp" Hoover's investigation which protected Johnson and pals.



Witnesses were ignored.

Witnesses were intimidated.

Witnesses were threatened.

Affidavits were altered.

Evidence was substituted.

Evidence was destroyed.

The hearings were conducted in secret.

No legal representation was allowed during the hearings for the defense to repudiate the evidence or cross-examine the witnesses.

The sling mounts on the rifle in the backyard photo and the sling mounts on the depository Carcano are different.

There's no evidence that Oswald ever possessed any ammuntion.

There's no evidence that Oswald fired a rifle on 11/22/63.

There's no evidence that CE 399 was fired in Dealey Plaza.

There's no evidence that CE 399 ever passed through clothing or human bodies.

Not one single IDENTIFIABLE fingerprint of Oswald's was found on the weapon, on the ammo and clip, or on the bolt of the rifle by the FBI on the night of the assassination.

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Although most conspiracy theorists insist on describing it as such, the so-called "magic" bullet was not pristine.

What if it was smashed to smithereens? It would still be magical, considering the path it took after leaving the coat and shirt.

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Of all the evidence I have read about, the three bullets remains the strongest evidence for a conspiracy. Although it may be proved that he was skilled enough, or that scientifically it's possible for the third shot to have come from his rifle, it is my belief that Oswald was neither skilled enough or lucky enough for the killshot on that day in Dallas. Hence a second (or more) gunman.

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The first indication something was really wrong. When the Secret Service let the Kennedys sit in the limo at Love Field unprotected. Now, they had to know some camera from somewhere at Love Field was aimed at the Limo with the President and his wife. So they made a show of it. One Secret Service man called off John Kennedy's Agent and that Agent threw his arms in the air theatrically and never assisted Kennedy that day alive or dead.

This video tells the truth. The Secret Service did its best to allow Kennedy to be assassinated. They stood down. Johnson had more protection in his car than the passengers in the limo.

Kathy C

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