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JFK ACT Petition

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March 14-20 is Sunshine Week, dedicated to informing people about Open Government issues, including the release of secret government records, so we are using it to launch a major lobby campaign to try to convince the House Oversight Committee to hold oversight hearings on the JFK Act.

We have been trying to do this for over a decade but it now looks like we have sympathetic people in positions of power who just might do what they are supposed to do.

We will be attending as many Sunshine Week events in the DC area as well as some of the events in New York that will be honoring Peter Dale Scott with the intention of convincing others, especially Congressional staff, journalists and other activists, that the JFK assassination records are the most important records still being withheld by the government.

On Wednesday morning from 9am - 12 noon, March 17, we will be meeting in the Conference Room of the Stewart Mott house, behind the Supreme Court, and then attending a House Oversight subcommittee meeting where four members of the NARA subcommittee will be.

On Thursday, March 18, the relevant Subcommittee on Information Policy, NARA and Census will meet at 2 p.m. in the Rayburn Building to discuss FOIA policy. We will also be attending this meeting and hope to convince the committee members to allow us an opportunity to brief them on the JFK Act and the need for oversight.

You are welcome to join us there in person, or join us in the effort to get JFK Act oversight by writting your representatives and members of the House Oversight Committee and Subcommittee and tell them how important this issue really is.

And if you haven't done so yet, sign the petition. It really will make a difference.


A note from John Judge:


On Thursday, March 18, 2010, the House Information Policy, Census and

National Archives Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled:

"Administration of the Freedom of Information Act: Current Trends."

The hearing will take place at 2:00 p.m. in room 2154 Rayburn House Office

Building. The Rayburn Building is south of the Capitol on Independence

and 2nd Street, SW in Washington, DC.

This event falls within Sunshine Week activities in Washington, DC, held

from March 14-20 in DC this year. For more on their plans nationwide see


A group of researchers including Bill Kelly, Bill Simpich, Adele Edisen

and others will be visiting the members of this subcommittee to lobby

for both oversight hearings on the implementation of the JFK

Assassination Records Act as required by legislation, and for hearings

on and passage of a Martin Luther King. Jr. Records Act, as proposed but

not yet introduced by Senator John Kerry and Rep. John Lewis. The

members of the subcommittee are listed at



Please check to see if your representative is listed here and contact

them asking them to support these efforts by calling for hearings and

voting for the new bill when it comes to the floor.

Rep. Lucien Clay, Chairman of the subcommittee was a co-sponsor of the

MLK Records Act when it was introduced by Rep. Cynthia McKinney in 2005

and is sympathetic. If your representative is not listed, ask them to

contact Rep. Clay to urge him to move forward on hearings and to push

for introduction of the MLK bill. Once the bill has a number in the

Senate and House, we will be in touch for ask for further support. This

is an early lobbying effort. The hearings for the MLK Records Act may

combine with the oversight hearings on the JFK Act because they are

closely related.

Thanks for your support, and hope to see you in Dallas this year

November 19-22!

John Judge


John Judge

Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)

PO Box 772

Washington, DC 20044


Check out our new website:


Annual meeting in Dallas in November

Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations

Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and

authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major

political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and

implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin

Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major


We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of

last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

I hope you do not mind but I am posting this on Duncans JFK assasination research site .Ian

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March 14-20 is Sunshine Week, dedicated to informing people about Open Government issues, including the release of secret government records, so we are using it to launch a major lobby campaign to try to convince the House Oversight Committee to hold oversight hearings on the JFK Act.

We have been trying to do this for over a decade but it now looks like we have sympathetic people in positions of power who just might do what they are supposed to do.

We will be attending as many Sunshine Week events in the DC area as well as some of the events in New York that will be honoring Peter Dale Scott with the intention of convincing others, especially Congressional staff, journalists and other activists, that the JFK assassination records are the most important records still being withheld by the government.

On Wednesday morning from 9am - 12 noon, March 17, we will be meeting in the Conference Room of the Stewart Mott house, behind the Supreme Court, and then attending a House Oversight subcommittee meeting where four members of the NARA subcommittee will be.

On Thursday, March 18, the relevant Subcommittee on Information Policy, NARA and Census will meet at 2 p.m. in the Rayburn Building to discuss FOIA policy. We will also be attending this meeting and hope to convince the committee members to allow us an opportunity to brief them on the JFK Act and the need for oversight.

You are welcome to join us there in person, or join us in the effort to get JFK Act oversight by writting your representatives and members of the House Oversight Committee and Subcommittee and tell them how important this issue really is.

And if you haven't done so yet, sign the petition. It really will make a difference.


A note from John Judge:


On Thursday, March 18, 2010, the House Information Policy, Census and

National Archives Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled:

"Administration of the Freedom of Information Act: Current Trends."

The hearing will take place at 2:00 p.m. in room 2154 Rayburn House Office

Building. The Rayburn Building is south of the Capitol on Independence

and 2nd Street, SW in Washington, DC.

This event falls within Sunshine Week activities in Washington, DC, held

from March 14-20 in DC this year. For more on their plans nationwide see


A group of researchers including Bill Kelly, Bill Simpich, Adele Edisen

and others will be visiting the members of this subcommittee to lobby

for both oversight hearings on the implementation of the JFK

Assassination Records Act as required by legislation, and for hearings

on and passage of a Martin Luther King. Jr. Records Act, as proposed but

not yet introduced by Senator John Kerry and Rep. John Lewis. The

members of the subcommittee are listed at



Please check to see if your representative is listed here and contact

them asking them to support these efforts by calling for hearings and

voting for the new bill when it comes to the floor.

Rep. Lucien Clay, Chairman of the subcommittee was a co-sponsor of the

MLK Records Act when it was introduced by Rep. Cynthia McKinney in 2005

and is sympathetic. If your representative is not listed, ask them to

contact Rep. Clay to urge him to move forward on hearings and to push

for introduction of the MLK bill. Once the bill has a number in the

Senate and House, we will be in touch for ask for further support. This

is an early lobbying effort. The hearings for the MLK Records Act may

combine with the oversight hearings on the JFK Act because they are

closely related.

Thanks for your support, and hope to see you in Dallas this year

November 19-22!

John Judge


John Judge

Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)

PO Box 772

Washington, DC 20044


Check out our new website:


Annual meeting in Dallas in November

Hotel Lawrence - 214-761-9090 - discount room reservations

Speakers, films, books, resources, email for details

National organization of medical and ballistic experts, academics and

authors, researchers and interested individuals investigating major

political assassinations in America and abroad. Responsible for creation and

implementation of the JFK Assassination Records Act. Promoting a Martin

Luther King Records Act and a grand jury process to reopen all the major


We are not allergic to donations, donations NOT tax deductible. DVD set of

last year's COPA meeting in Dallas for any donation of $50 or more.

I hope you do not mind but I am posting this on Duncans JFK assasination research site .Ian

Post Away! Ian,

Spread the word.

The Spring Offensive is underway.

Free the JFK & MLK Files.

Congressional Oversight of JFK Act.


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Many thanks to Lamar, Gary, JG and everyone who has signed on to this petition.

We will be taking this petition and handing it directly to Rep. Towns and Rep. Clay later this week, and having over 300 serious signatures would be great, so if you didn't sign on yet, do it now.

You can help make a difference.



To read and sign petition, go to:




JFK ACT Oversight Hearings

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

To: U.S. Congress

Congressional Oversight of JFK Act

To: Rep. Edolphis Towns, Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee

and Rep. William Lacy Clay, Chairman of the Sub-committee on information policy, census and NARA and members of the relevant committee.

In order to regain the public's confidence in government, which has been in decline since November 1963, Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992, requiring the release of all government records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Since the last time Congress conducted a hearing on the JFK Act (June 4, 1997), neither the House Oversight Committee, nor the responsible subcommittee have held one hearing on this issue, despite the destruction of Secret Service documents, the loss of national security records and the continued withholding of records that have been ordered released to the public.

It is imperative that Congress take some action to ensure that the law is enforced and the work mandated by the JFK Assassination Records Act is completed. Therefore,

We, the undersigned citizens of the United States and the free world, do hereby request the House Oversight Committee do its duty and hold public oversight hearings on the JFK Act.


The Undersigned

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I took the liberty of copying your petition and posting a link here:


Hey Greg,


And it seems like a network of people are signing on, with a number of well known researchers and writers, thanks to Adele, who got the petition out to many.

I wanted to get over 200 signatures by the end of July but it looks like we will reach that point much earlier, and I'll be able to hand it in earlier.

I also worded it as signed by "citizens of the US and the 'free world'" just so you could sign it.

While I want most to be American citizens, it will be good to see how much widespread support the petition has, and the interest such hearings will have throughout the USA and the world.

It seems like when the foreign interest in Iran declined (with Michael Jackson's assassination), the Iranians got harsher on dissent, but while the world was watching they backed off.

Maybe it will take foreign interest to push this over the top?

I also like what Jeff Morley did by adding his job and location - and encourage others to do the same - in order to show the variety of jobs we have and our locations are all over the USA and globe.

Thanks to everyone who has signed on so far, as it shows how, despite all our differences, we all want the JFK Act to work.

Bill Kelly

Doing great Bill.......i noticed mois name not showing,from signing some time back, but then i says if you posted your email ad it does not show, but going to the petition, it does ask for your email ad...?? thanks b

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I took the liberty of copying your petition and posting a link here:


Hey Greg,


And it seems like a network of people are signing on, with a number of well known researchers and writers, thanks to Adele, who got the petition out to many.

I wanted to get over 200 signatures by the end of July but it looks like we will reach that point much earlier, and I'll be able to hand it in earlier.

I also worded it as signed by "citizens of the US and the 'free world'" just so you could sign it.

While I want most to be American citizens, it will be good to see how much widespread support the petition has, and the interest such hearings will have throughout the USA and the world.

It seems like when the foreign interest in Iran declined (with Michael Jackson's assassination), the Iranians got harsher on dissent, but while the world was watching they backed off.

Maybe it will take foreign interest to push this over the top?

I also like what Jeff Morley did by adding his job and location - and encourage others to do the same - in order to show the variety of jobs we have and our locations are all over the USA and globe.

Thanks to everyone who has signed on so far, as it shows how, despite all our differences, we all want the JFK Act to work.

Bill Kelly

Doing great Bill.......i noticed mois name not showing,from signing some time back, but then it says if you posted your email ad it does not show, but going to the petition, it does ask for your email ad...?? thanks b

Edited by Bernice Moore
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